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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am sure that by now you are sick to death of hearing about my red floor and this will be the last post about that, I promise. But.... I do want to show you how the room looks with all my stuff back in the room. It really is amazing how much you can fit in a tiny space. I have never been of the "Less is more" school of thought and that is clearly reflected in this room. Best to show it to you now before it gets REALLY cluttered (and messy).

This is what you see when you first open the door. The rest of the pictures will take you around the room and back out the door. The chair is one I moved from my family room to my craft room because (1) It's comfortable and (2) How could I resist throwing a small check in against the big check pattern? My mom slip-covered this for me a few years ago and I still love it!

The two thrift store finds are finished and in the craft room. Can you spot them? Here's a close-up of the little cabinet thingy:

I forgot to take a pic of the note pad holder but it's above the light switch as you go into my craft room. What do you think?
Anyway, I am heading down there now as it looks like it might start to rain.... I can feel my stitching spirit returning! First up - my April block on the PS stitch-a-long with Julie and then it's on to the ABC Hornbook. Elizabeth is being put away for a while - she's tired and needs a rest!

Finally, before I go for the day, I'd like to show you this sweet picture of a nesting family of sparrows we have in our back yard. The birdhouse has never before been occupied and we are all enjoying watching the mom and dad protect their nest. Not the clearest picture but can you see Momma heading into the house?
Have a great week, thanks for stopping by and for all your comments ~ I really appreciate them!


Patricia Lessell said...

I don't mean to, well, sort of complain or anything but WHERE IS THE DARN PHOTO of the room please? No pictures at all and I wanna see it. Lots of Love Patti the disamappointed xxx

Patricia Lessell said...

I now see the photos and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your room. I just need the hoover out of there that's all and then it would be totally perfect. Can I please come over for a playdate? Now all I need to do is convince my dh to take the bed out of our spare room and then I could have a stitching room all of my own. Hmmmm wonder if he would fall for it? Lots of Love and sorry I looked too early. Patti the satisfied one xxxxxxxxx

Maggie said...

I really loved taking the tour of your craft room, it's great!!
It looks really homely and the checked chair looks right at home.
I did notice your note pad holder right away, what a great find that was!
thanks for sharing :-)

Lisa said...

WOW - Your room looks GREAT! I actually really love the matches with the walls and the cabinets and it really sets things off. As for your TS find - REALLY LOVE IT!! I definitely found it in your craft room...too cute and what a great job painting it and primming it up : )

Jan said...

Terri, the red checked floor adds so much personality and dimension to your special getaway room! I love it, and it was worth every minute it took to create, I am sure!! Lovely pics, and I love what you did with your special finds, they are super!

JulieJ said...

The room looks great!! I can't wait to see it in person - I think a stitching night is in our future. I love your thrift store creations.

Loraine said...

The floor is so stinkin' cute! I think it really adds to your room, which is a joy to look at. I'm glad your mojo is back and your room is ready to handle all the stitching your going to be doing!

Love the little birds. So fun to watch them, isn't it?

Have a good day!

Melissa said...

Ahh, it's looking great! I can see you Queen of all your kingdom! I have a smaller room to call my own but it doesn't fit a comfy seat like the one you have.Yum.

I agree re Elizabeth.I started her last year but needed to take a break. Trouble is there are so many great things I haven't gotten back to her yet! Have fun stitching up a storm!

Glenna said...

I love the red floor--well, really, the red-and-white floor. So much character and looks so perfect with the cabinets and furniture and all your little touches. My own sad craft room? Drab. Carpeted. Messy. Unloved.

Bine said...

I absolutely love your cozy stitching room. Thank you for posting the pictures. It looks so cozy...I would love to do some little crosses in the checkered chair :)
And your thrift store buys are looking great!

~Judy~ said...

Terri, I agree with everyone else. Your floor looks amazing and so do your thrift store finds. You got everything done so quickly and still had time to stitch. Have a great week!

Hugs, Judy

Anonymous said...

Love your craft room!! Hope mine turns out as great as yours. Everything looks great!!

Sandra said...

I loved the photos of your room and had to click on each one to have a better look. I like how you have your spools of ribbons on a length of dowel and how you have framed a chart - now why didn't I think of that!!

Christine said...

Your craft room is beautiful !!!
It will be great to stitch there !

Diane (di) said...

Terri, it's beautiful. That chair looks sooo comfy and your floor is just wonderful. Yay! It sounds like your mojo is back. Let the stitching begin. :)

From the Attic said...

Thanks for the tour of your room Terri, it is just lovely. I love how you have it all set out.
How cute that the birds have found the birdhouse in your garden to make their nest.


Holly Hills Primitives said...

WOW, WOW, WOW!!! What a wonderful craft room! You are one lucky girly! Seriously, everything looks great - and organized! (I should be so lucky to be that organized!) The floor looks beautiful along with everything else. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures! I'm so looking forward to seeing you again - only a couple weeks now! Dawn

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your floor, you've done such a great job on it! Your craft room is lovely. Your little BBD sampler is gorgeous too, well done!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

O.k. my friends, one of these days we'll plan an afternoon to "porch set"! See you soon, Dawn

Tanya said...

Love your room. It is so bright & cheery. Your floor lamp- I need one of those. Everything looks so organized.

SiobhĂ¡n said...

Terri, if I had a room like that, I'd be hard pressed to make myself leave it! It looks WONDERFUL! YGG!

woolwoman said...

Terri - your stitching room is just perfect - love your cabinets and everything is so well organized - the floor came out beautiful - so perky and fun. I'm sure you will be very happy in your new nest. Thanks for sharing and inspiring - Melody

Pam said...

Your room looks GREAT!!! You will definately be getting your stitching mojo back back after a little bit of time in there! Great job of fixingit up, and I love the floor!

doris said...

TA DA! So fabulous to see your room so pretty and comfy. Looks like a great place to hang out.

Dona said...

Your craft room is so great, Terri! I know you will spend many very content hours there. It's so cute and seems to really fit your personality. And it looks very organized.

Tammy said...

How have I missed your great blog?? Boy, that craft room is to die for, seriously. What a fantastic job, and the floor is so fun and perfect! Thx for coming to my blog, sister cougar ;) I'm adding you to my roll today-have a great one!

Love to Stitch said...

Wow! What a great transformation in your craft room! The floor is terrific!! It is so organized in there! I love it!! I have enjoyed the progress pics, and also some of the finishes you have in the house, especially And they Sinned. I hope to get to that one soon. Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing more!!

Sheila said...

Oh Wow Terri...your room is stunning! I love it and could happily spend a week just nosing around at everything you have hidden away in there - and a bit of time stitching in your comfy chair too. Thanks for sharing - I love it!!!
I have visions of the inside of the birdhouse being a smaller version of your craft room :)

lena-lou said...

I love your room !

Jackie in UK said...


Your stitching room is just *gorgeous*! All your hard work was worth it because the floor is just stunning (as is the rest of the room)! I clicked every photo so I could see it all in detail. Enjoy your room and thanks *so very much* for visiting and commenting on my blog so often; I love to hear from you! :-)

I love the little family in the birdhouse too - so cute! I love to watch and feed all the birds in my garden too.....

Jackie x

Cari said...

Terri your room is WONDERFUL. I just love it!! I'm getting ready to do some HOUSE work, new paint and new floors. It's inspiring to see your finish. And, I love the BIRDS. Way too much fun!!

The Scarlett House said...

Your room is to die for! I've enjoyed your progress on it, and the end result is amazing. Enjoy it.

Natasha said...

Wow what a great little space. I could myself sitting in there all day LOL....The room is very well planned out.

Tanya Marie said...

WOW! That floor is awesome - how cheerful and fun. It reminds me of Mary Englebriet.


Karoline said...

Your stitching room is gorgeous, congratulations on getting the floor finished

Jody said...

I have really enjoyed your blog! Your craft room is a dream, and that chair, well I would never come out.
Love your Trash to Treasure items too...great job on those!

Constance said...

I love the room and the floor. I do a lot of decorating with red, it has a comfort to it I think. Your decorating is beautiful.

grace said...

Your craft room look wonderful! The red and white floor looks great! I can imagine creativity just flowing in that room! :)
Can't wait to see the many great things that will be created in that room!

Ruth said...

Wow-- I'm moving into your craft room! Congrats on a wonderful accomplishment. Are you ever willing to leave it? lol

Annemarie said...

Ohhhhhh, my goodness, that is a seriously fabulous looking room, Terri!!!! Truly an inspiration :o) I can't wait to get my own stuff and start some decorating of my own!

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Hi Terri,
Love your floor, girl!! :)
Thanks for visiting me and for your prayers.
No news yet!!

I will be visiting often...Love your blog!

Have a happy weekend.

Michelle said...

Love your room! It is so fantabulous!!! And your new little prim oiece you painted looks marvelous in there too. Love it!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Hi Terri! Wait until you see those cards, they really are fabulous. I bought one for Ashley's baby shower and one for Mother's Day! We are getting quite a few new things in since you were there last, so I hope you are pleased when you come for LNO. Our little town should be all dressed up in pink for that evening! Can't wait to see you again, Dawn

basketsnprims said...

Wow, that craft room is awesome & I love the floor. I've run myself right out of my craft room with basketweaving reed all over ~ I've resorted to weaving in other parts of the house, LOL. You wanna come over and do my room?

Carin said...

WOW, Terri, your room is so wonderful. How can you leave it again every day? I wish I had one like that. Great pictures, I want to come over to play also!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Okay girl, how long do I have to hold them off??? Enjoy the pre-prom time, it's such a special time in your child's life. I remember those days, sigh... Now we're going to start over with grandchildren one of these days! Have a great weekend! Dawn

Nancy said...

I love your red and white floor! What a fun room. It looks like a wonderful place to get lost in some stitches!

Thanks for sharing the photo of the bird. One of my favorite things about the weather turning warmer is the beautiful songs they greet us with each day.

Von said...

Terri, I'm so happy for you!! This small room is so happy and bright, perfect for dreaming and creating! May you spend many many many happy hours there. :)

Brigitte said...

Your room is such a fun place. Fantastic! It must be wonderful to sit and stitch there.

Deb said...

Well, I don't know how I missed this post but all I have to say is that your room came out perfect. The floor especially - well, really the whole thing is wonderful. I can see why you lost your stitching mojo not being able to be down there to stitch! It looks really great Terry. Now you just have to find more time to spend down there (I know, it's hard with the weather getting nicer) and probably wanting to paint all your finds instead of stitching! Beautiful room!

Jane said...

Hi Terri! Just looking over your blog and have to comment about your craft room and how terrific it looks! Wish mine was that organized. That floor of course looks gorgeous. You must feel so inspired to stitch with a room like that?

I love the little shelf with drawers you got from a thrift store. Has that primitive look which I love!