Honestly! I haven't stitched much lately and when I do stitch, I don't do it correctly. On Saturday, we were at my BIL's house and rather than play cards, I stitched. As I was stitching the flowers in the basket I just kept thinking, "Why in the world would Lizzy have stitched these petals in a cream color?" Even a young girl should know better - these look like they've died on the vine or been soaked in bleached and drained of all color. But, I rechecked the symbol and was certain I had it right so I kept going. Because I really can't count very well (I know - why in the world do counted thread embroidery if you can't count, right? It is a mystery, for sure!) but, because I can't count, by the time I finished the first flower I was off somewhere and wouldn't you know it, I was off waaaaay back at the beginning. So - a froggin' I did go. Of course, NOW would have been the time to re- question the awful flower colors, but did I? NO! So, I re-stitched the first one again, did the next two, finally started on the basket last night and THEN, looked at the cover pic! Lizzy wasn't dumb, I AM!!!! Of course she wouldn't have done beige flower petals - WHO would DO THAT??? They're UGLY!!!!! So, I'm about to go froggin' again. The petals are red! I know, I hear you; of course they are!!! I swear, I've lost my mojo and apparently, it isn't coming back - if you find it, please send it back because this is getting really distressing....

The good news is, my floor is almost done. I am going to go down and put one more coat of red on the last set of squares, then do some white touch up where the paint pulled up, then varnish the whole thing in the next couple of days and hopefully be done soon. How do people finish projects so quickly? Do they do them well? Do they have all the time in the world? I obviously do not use my time wisely or this would have been done. Unfortunately for me, each process was a long one but I am thrilled with how it's looking. Hopefully the full unveiling will be soon.

What do you think the odds are that the squares are going to match up corner to corner when I pull up the tape????
I can totally relate Terri. I feel like I have a degree in "screw it up...and unpick." I've been unpicking a mistake I made last week on a project. Such a pain! It was funny to read about, if that's any consolation to you!
Love the floor! It is going to look great when you are done. I'm so excited to see the finished product.
Oh poor you! I do that kind of thing with alarming regularity too, so I feel your pain. Your floor is looking great though - I'm sure when it's completely finished your mojo will return. Fingers crossed!
Wonderful job, on both, sweet Terri! Quit being so hard on yourself, I have been there more times then I care to count. Dumb? No, just preoccupied and frenzied! But whatever work that you do, is heartfelt and gorgeous in the end! Love how that floor is coming together, such fun!
Your floor looks great, and of course the squares will match up just right.
I'm a very slow worker! I think some of these girls have found a way to stitch in their sleep. I'm working on one or two of them to see if I can get them to teach me to do that. Shhhh ... we'll keep it quiet, and I'll tell you when I learn the secret.
Terri, if you've read my blog lately you would know that my mojo must with somewhere on a LONG vacation with your mojo. Where ever they are, I hope they are having fun and I hope they come home soon!!
Oh Terri, you make me laugh. I can sympathize completely! I think we've all done that in the past (& present). Don't me too hard on yourself (it's always easier to tell other people that, isn't it?).
The floor is looking good! Elizabeth is looking lovely too.
Hi Terri, can't wait to see the finished result of your floor!!! It is going to be great. Hope to see you soon, Dawn
Here's the deal Terri ... if the squares don't match up....cover with a fantastic rag rug!! Yep -- that will get your stitching mojo back!! Sorry for all the frogging but we've all 'been there, done that'. Hang in there girl -- your work is wonderful for the eyes!!! Happy Stitching !!!!!
Well Terri - I didn't see anything wrong with the picture, but I don't have the chart in front of me so what do I know? LOL Sorry you had to frog all of that out. That can be so frustrating. But I have to say that Lizzie is looking really nice and it's going to be a beautiful sampler when finished. And your floor is looking great. Fingers crossed the corners match up, but I'm sure you did a great matching job, so I'm sure they will!
Oh Terri, I'm so sorry about your whole frogging incident! Argh! I think we all have gone through such things. So painful! Your floor looks great though. I bet it'll line up perfectly when the tape is up. And then you'll have your room back! Yay!
The floor is looking great, Terri! I can't wait to see it!! Sorry about all your stitching issues. However, you would think that I would use this time to catch up with you on stitching somehow (as if that were remotely possible), but, alas, I'm not making much progress myself.
Oh hurry and pull the tape!!! LOL I can't wait to see the floor!!!!!!!! I hear ya on the 'inability to read symbols and count' thing! :o)
I bet your mojo returns as soon as you pull that tape up and see how 'beautifully' your corners match up. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you (sooo not easy to stitch that way)! ;) Elizabeth looks wonderful Terri!!
Aaah, shame! I hope you find enthusiasm again for this sampler. Your floor looks great!
Hi Terri. It was great to close the shop and go with Ashley and Abbey. I hardly ever have done that though. I don't like to post hours and not be there, but yesterday was SO dreary and there wasn't a soul around town. I'll let you know if I come across the right rug, this one is an oldie and just in great shape. Hope to see you again soon, Dawn
Oh Terri, so sorry that you had to frog. Several times. But where is the stitcher that has never experienced that? Lol. I hope you'll soon rediscover the fun of Elizabeth. It's a wonderful project!
Gosh Terri this isn't like the Terri we all know and love and who stitches stupendously and finishes amazingly. Don't be so hard on yourself I, for one, love the colors you have done and just think it will be unique! A one off! Love the floor too! Love from Patti the slowest stitcher on earth xxx
Oh no!!! You, frogs belong in the garden eating the bugs NOT in our stitchy bubble of happiness. Gr.. Sorry about that, Terri! I can't wait to see the floor all done! It'll look great. And, if the corners don't match up, you can just use it as an excuse to buy another cool lil cabinet to cover up the "error". :)
I hate the frog, frogs are banned from this house.lol! I don't like to think of the times I missed counted. BTW, if I see your mojo, I will tell her she is being missed by you. I hate when the mojo goes AWOL. I do like seeing pictures of Miss Lizzy, it is a beautiful design.
I can relate!! I spent an hour yesterday ripping out all the stitching I'd done the day before on my Stories to Live By: Eve. AGH. I hate it, especially when it's an obvious mistake when you pick the sampler back up again!
The floor is coming along great! YGG!
Sorry that the frogs came calling. Your floor looks lovely
Terri - I can't wait to see how you display your treasures from the prim shop - you need to learn to hook friend so you can put a beautiful hand hooked rug on your awesome floor. It's easy and there are tons of awesome hookers in Michigan - can I hook (no pun intended LOL) you up ???
hoping your magic mojo returns soon
See Terri, you took a very frustrating experience and turned it into a great blog post! That's what blogging is for. :D
Now about your floor. If it were mine and I were doing the painting, I know for sure that the corners would be a mess. But I'm wishing and hoping for better for you!
I'd love it if you all could come out for Ladies Night Out, it should be lots of fun. The whole town is done up in pink lights and pink balloons, lots of giveaways, specials and treats. I'm TRYING to get live dulcimer music in the shop. Isn't that bag holder adorable? I've never seen anything like it before. Looking forward to another fun day, Dawn
I love how the squares of your floor look can't wait to see it without the tape.
Too bad you didn't listen to your feelings concerning the colors of the flowers. I experienced that these feelings are usually right....
Terri, thanks for visiting my "home tour". Wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in this old house or not! I am going to measure that first aid cabinet this week and see if it will fit in the bathroom. I've had my eye on it for weeks. Have a great day! Looking forward to your next visit, Dawn
I hate having to pick stuff out...especially when I'm thinking the whole time it doesn't look right, but I do it anyway! Can't wait to see your finished floor - it is going to be fabulous!
Terri, I spend 2/3 of my time unstitching rather than stitching! My E Saville has a color mistake on it, too, but I'm probably not going to change it!
Your floor does look fabulous! And no one will notice if they match up in the end!
Thanks for the kind words about our house. It's really just a bunch of old stuff, but I love it anyway. Julie already e-mailed me about the bag sorter and I'm saving it for her. Looking so forward to seeing you both again, Dawn
Those darned frogs! But I just love Lizzie. And I'd be willing to bet those corners on the squares all match up perfectly. It's going to be amazing!
Pink jello shots sound great, maybe we'll have to have a private stash! (The village might frown on it for the public!) I hope to have lots of things you haven't seen yet for LNO. Looking forward to it all, Dawn
Okay Miss Terri, I'm trying to get the noodle board at the shop before Ladies Night. What color did you want and did you still want one? They will be the size of a standard stove top and in the fifty-some dollar range. The other ones I was trying to get would be close to $90! AND, I'm trying to talk my son-in-law into making a private stash of pink jello shots! (Don't tell!) We are getting some good stuff in, just hope some of it is still there by then! I worked on dolls until midnight last night, they are sure some PRIM ones! (Big old crows too) See you soon, Dawn
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