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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I finally got something back from the framer. I have been such a slow stitcher of late that I've been having "pick up from the framer" withdrawls. For a while it seemed, I was finishing and framing constantly but not lately. Fortunately, I didn't have to take any drugs to get over the withdrawals because Sue came through - I finally got back BBD's Petites Lettres Rouges which I stitched in honor of my maternal grandmother. I love the way it turned out and it is now hanging happily in my home with some other small samplers. You know this, I'm sure, but if you want to really examine my stitching you can click on the picture to get a larger than life version. On second thought - don't do that - nothing ever looks as pretty up close as it does from a bit of a distance!

I am also happy to report that I have been stitching - albeit not very quickly. I started the Birds of a Feather Friendship Sampler on Monday night and boy, are the colors fun to work with. Here's my progress so far - I don't know where I'll put this because the colors do not really reflect those in my home but who cares??? It's gorgeous!

The other WIP I have going is the other BBD freebie, Souvenir de Paris. I got stalled on this one because I ran out of floss. I remedied that with my trip to the NSLLNS last week but haven't picked it back up yet. No, I've never been to Paris except in my dreams which had something to do with a very sexy frenchman under the Eifell Tower but that' s best kept to myself! I have some pretty pink velvet ric-rac that I'll put to good use on this when I finally finish it.

Not much else going on, my friends! I hope you all are well and livin' the good life! We have graduation parties to attend this weekend so not sure how much stitching will get done but I will be putting at least a little time in on something. Have a great weekend - do something FUN!



Patricia Lessell said...

Terri I love every frame you chose and all of your new samplers too. But by far my favorite is the BBD one. I was so glad to see this stitched over two instead of over one. Lots of Love Patti xxx P.S. You can't possibly be the slowest stitcher on earth because I am.

Nancy said...

Everything is so pretty! I love the frame you chose for your Petites Lettres Rouge! The colors in Friendship Sampler are really fun.

Margaret said...

I love your WIPs! And the frame for Petites Lettres is perfect -- as usual!

From the Attic said...

I love the colours you have used on your Petites Lettres Rouges and also those colours for BOAF. Your collection of small samplers hanging up looks lovely too.

mainely stitching said...

Everything looks so lovely, Terri! And I hope you enjoy a great weekend! :D

Cari said...

Terri - I love your Petite Lettres Rouge!! Beautiful and a wonderful tribute. And your friendship sampler is coming along nicely. It's a beautiful piece. Can't wait to see more of it! Enjoy your parties..graduations are always so much fun!! Hugs and Happy Stitching...

Andrea said...

Oh, it's just gorgeous Terri, the frame you picked for it is perfect!
Enjoy your Friendship Sampler, it's already lookin' good! I loved stitching that :-)

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Boy Terri, you sure do beautiful work. I used to love to cross-stitch, but these old eyes can't do it anymore. Hope to see you soon, Dawn

Melissa said...

Very lovely framed pieces. They look great together!

Glad to see your start on Friendship. My stuff still haven't arrived!

Have fun with the festivities!

Deb said...

Terri, I'm glad that Sue came through with your framing! It looks great and especially on your wall (didn't I just see that very recently) with your other samplers. And you're right about the colors in the Friendship Sampler, they are so pretty and such a change from other samplers. And love your Eiffel tower piece too. The color is very pretty!

Love to Stitch said...

Wow Terri! That frame you chose is gorgeous!!! Love the grouping you have on the wall. LOVE the Friendship sampler..I often think about samplers that we are drawn to, even though it is 'out of the box' for us and our homes; BUT we have to have them!! Get start!! Cant wait to see more, I have a feeling you will be done with this one in no time!!

Loraine said...

You BBD finish is wonderful! I love the frame that you chose. About your "framing withdrawls", I am in the same boat and can certainly sympathize! Things are not getting done as fast as I would like! (Do they ever?)

The colors on your Friendship sampler are Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. I also love the Paris freebie chart, (I've got that in my "want to do someday" pile.) Maybe we should plan a stitcher's retreat in Paris, because I've never been there, and I do consider it a place I would like to visit one day.

About the Shepherd's Bush Sail away kit. When would you like to start it? I will post on my blog to see if anyone else is interested in a SAL. I could start it within the month I think, but I'm in no huge hurry.

You are a doll. As always I love reading your blog! Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love your WIPs Terri, particularly Friendship Sampler, such fun colours!

Your framed piece is beautiful too :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Bertie said...

Your wall looks wonderful, love the one with the houses, is that an old design? The linen looks fabulous.

Dona said...

I love your framed BBD, Terri! The frame is perfect for it. And I love the samplers on your wall!

I can't wait to see your BBD PLR finished and the pink velvet trim sounds gorgeous.

I adore Friendship Sampler and it's so pretty I know you will find a spot for it!

Anonymous said...

Nice new starts, and lovely framing on the sampler - you rock!

Pam said...

Your sampler looks great in the frame that you picked out, and Birds of a Feather is coming along great. I like those colors. Bright and cheery. Not much stitching going on here this week. I've been side lined with a stomach virus, courtesy of my older son, and I'm having a very hard time getting back on my feet. Hopefully, next week will be better.

Tanya said...

I love how you BOAF is looking. And your stitching wall is so pretty. Those frames are marvelous!

Tammy said...

Your finish is beautiful and your WIPS are great--love the colors in that sampler!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Terri, you always leave such kind comments. Yes, the store is FULL with more to come! I've got to get ahold of Deb and let her know I got that tea cart - it's a beauty! I am going to fun 20% off all patriotic starting tomorrow. Got to get moving on more dolls, just haven't had much time lately! Have a really great weekend, Dawn

Siobhán said...

Beautiful framing, as always, Terri! I like the grouping, too.

The new BOAF and BBD--gorgeous! Fabulous colors. :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Karoline said...

Great framing, I love that grouping of samplers. Your new starts are lovely

Carin said...

Terri, you've been to hard for yourself. Your stitching is beautiful!!!!!

I really like that little Paris WIP! So lovely.

And the slowest stitcher? I haven't been stitching for about 3 weeks now. Terrible isn't it.

Joy said...

This is just lovely, Terri. Very nicely framed ~ just perfect for that design. And I love the grouping on the wall. It's always so much fun to see your WIP ~ can't wait to see more!

Jan said...

Well, you know moi, I had to click on it! LOL I think it looks fabulouso, wonderful stitching and framing! Love the lil wall of some of your stitched pieces, it all looks great.

Also love your new start, what a sweet sweet sampler!

Brigitte said...

A beautifully framed piece and two very pretty WIPs. I love your choices.

JOLENE said...

I am so excited to see the progress you've made on the Friendship Sampler, I must say I am jealous! Your stitches look beautiful. Have a lovely day!

woolwoman said...

Love your new start on the BOAF - those colors are SO fun! Your framed little BBD sampler is darling - you do beautiful work - you get lots done - maybe you've been in a little lull for "you" but for some of us - that is a way of life LOL

Alma Allen said...

Hi Terri,

Love how you framed Petites Lettres Rouges. It looks wonderful. Love your wall of samplers too. You make me want to stitch the Birds of a Feather piece! Wish they were still designing cross stitch.
Love your blog!

Lelia said...

Lovely stitching Terri!

Von said...

I'm catching up on a few blogs this evening and had a chance to visit with you. :) Looks like you've done quite a bit of stitching even with all the big events happening with your family lately! Congrats to your son on his graduation and Eagle Scout. I haven't been stitching much lately, but one of these days a heat wave will come through and I'll feel like sitting indoors instead of putzing around outside. :D

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Hi Terri, thanks for the wonderful comments about our little girlies. Lucy came home yesterday and Abbey just holds her by the hour - she'll be a big help. It's sure been a BUSY time around here for the last month, but hopefully it will even off a little. Have a great day!!! Dawn

Loraine said...

Hi Terri,

Thanks for the post on my blog! I would love to start this on your birthday! Aug. 5th would be great for me. I've posted that on my blog, and wondered if you would do the same. You know so many more blogger's than I do.

I want to do something for the sitcher's that join us. I'm not sure what yet, but do live right by Shepherd's Bush, so maybe something signed by Teri...have any ideas?

Have a great day! Don't stress about turning 50. I think it's great, and we should have a "spring chick" party to celebrate! Hey, having a discount on things, means more money for stash! LOL!

Have a great day.

doris said...

Wow, Terri, you've been having too much fun. Love your new starts and your framed Petites Lettres.

What fabulous goodies you girls provided! If I had an ounce of willpower, I'd make those brownies right now.

I love catching up with what you've been doing.