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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Have You Thanked a Veteran Today?

Today is Veteran's Day in the U.S. It's a day we celebrate, thank and remember all the men and women who have served our country in the Armed Forces. My dad of course, is my favorite veteran! He served more than 20 years in the Army and had a wonderful career. He was commissioned into the Army as a Lieutenant in 1958. He had some tough tours of duty - the worst being Viet Nam. He did more than one tour there and although we don't really talk about it a whole lot, I'm sure it was life changing for him and every other man and woman that served. My family was lucky, my dad came home to us and is living the good life. He's an awesome man,courageous, kind and in as good or better shape now than he was when he joined the Army in 1958. I have some great pics of my dad in uniform but I can't figure out how to scan them. But trust me, he was one good looking officer and gentleman! Thanks Dad! You are my favorite veteran!

My dad reads my blog. He thinks it quite amusing that we all have our crafting space ~ be it a room, a corner of a room or whatever. I think he's been feeling a little jealous lately because he decided if I had a craft room and my mom has a craft room, he needs a craft room, too. Before I share his special space with you I must first tell you - my dad is a man of simple means. It doesn't take a lot to make him happy. A warm summer day, a book and a quiet place to talk to God make him about as happy as anything I know. But, I do believe his new craft room may run a close second! The shell of his craft room is the garage to my parent's home. My dad has never believed a car actually had to be parked in the garage. No Sir! Far better uses for a garage than that. Mostly, the garage is used by my dad for watching the world go by. If he had a very comfortable (not) folding lawn chair (which has now been updgraded), a fridge full of beer and he would count himself a lucky and happy man! Now though, since my mom and I both have craft rooms, that is no longer good enough. Here's his story - remember, we are Southerners by birth so we (and by that I mean, He) are allowed to use the term redneck!


A few years ago my daughter, Terri, designed and had built a wonderful craft room in their newly remodeled basement. It is beautiful and cleverly designed. When Thada saw it she immediately decided that she wanted one also. She developed a beautiful craft room of her own in one of our bedrooms. She and Terri do wonderful crafts in their craft rooms. So…needless to say old Jimmy decided he would like to have one too. Thada and I decided that since I am pretty much a redneck, and keep my beer in the garage, that perhaps the garage could be slightly modified as my craft room. I immediately went to work on/in it. It is still a work of love in progress but I want to share its evolvement with you.

One nice spring day a light rain was falling and I was sitting in the garage reading. I went to my garage refrigerator and got myself a Bud Lime to enjoy as I read. Much to my consternation I realized that I had no place to sit my Bud after a soothing sip…so I went to the back of the garage and found this lovely end table just sitting there gathering dust. I pulled it out and placed it beside my comfortable garage chair and voila, my Redneck Craft Room had its Genesis. Also in the garage, I found the cute seashell photograph of me and several of my family enjoying a day at Virginia Beach. I placed it on the table to give my room the proper atmosphere. To further enhance the “beach atmosphere I added a can of bug spray.
In the rear corner of my craft room I set up this cleverly designed home improvement area, complete with an early American cobbler’s bench with vise. Peg board to the rear is replete with various crafting implements that can be used in home repairs…I think! I'm not really sure as I've never been a home repair kind of guy. No matter ~ those shelves behind me contain various items including a variety of paints and stains (just in case I ever really want to paint something). As you can see, I am busily attempting to drive a nail into a small part of a boat I am building.
I hope you enjoyed this tour of my Redneck craft room. It's my special space and like Terri and Thada, I'm sure I'll be creating all kinds of crafty things.... right after I finish my book and my beer!

Thanks for sending me the story about your craft room, Dad! It's a fabulous space and you should be quite proud. Really, you should!

For all my friends reading this post - I have some awesome pics to show you about our Guild Gathering last Saturday to celebrate our love of Blackbird designs. But, you'll have to wait. Today is about my favorite veteran! Tell me about your favorite veteran!

Thanks for stopping by!



Catherine said...

Your Dad is too cute! Thanks for sharing - and to your Dad - thanks for serving.

Edgar said...

What a super craft room - and am I green with envy - a place for crafting, sitting AND have a cold bruski!!! ahhhh heaven!!!

Pam said...

That is a great space for your dad to have. Please thank him for his service for me. I come from a line of military people, too (my grandfather and father) so I know how you feel.

Anna van Schurman said...

I love your dad's craft room (draft room?). Up here in PA, a lot of guys have this type of room. Just watch out though because theirs have filled up with crap. (He might think about a tv, though. I've seen those a lot.)

woolwoman said...

Such a cute post Terri - Yes we should all take pause and give our military and their families the utmost praise for their sacrifices for our freedom. hope you got my email - congratulations! you won the BBD halloween stocking book on my Veterans Day Giveaway - how nice for you ! Mel

Ann said...

Terri, Please thank your Dad for his service to our country from me! Love his story of the craft room for him, especially the BL Lime! That's the only kind of beer that this crafter will drink. ~Ann

Deb said...

What a hoot Terri! Of course, he needs a craft room like the rest of us. Although I don't think those kinds of craft rooms are only for Rednecks. My FIL, also a veteran, has a place just like that. And so did my dad, God rest his soul (also a veteran). But what a great story and what an adorable man. Many hugs for his service to our country.

Cathy B said...

Terri - I love the story about your Dad's redneck craft room - too cute!

There are three special veterans in my life -- three of my brothers served, two in the army and one in the navy.

Margaret said...

I love it, Terri! He has a great craft room of his own now. :D It's only fair! Neither I nor my DH have craft rooms -- I guess we'll battle it out when the time comes and we have extra rooms. lol! Wish your dad happy Veteran's Day -- and thank him for us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your Dad, his craft room and his Veteran status! Please tell him thanks from your pal in VA!


Unknown said...

Oh, that is just hysterical! Your dad is just too funny - gotta love a Virginian. And what a 'craft room' - it's a room any redneck, err man would envy :-)

Please thank him, for me, for his service to our country.

My great-grandfather, grandfather (WWII), father (Vietnam), and brother have all served in the military. I am proud and grateful to each of them!

Thanks for leaving us with a cliff-hanger - can't wait to see your goodies.

Glenna said...

Awwww--how neat! Your dad is so cute--what a guy!

Marion said...

Love it!!
I enjoyed reading all about your dad's "craft room"!
Take care

doris said...

Truly priceless! I've been known to occasionally hang out with men in garages and have a beer or two.

MyLifesAStitch said...

Terri, I love your blog, you know I do adore it... but this may be the best post yet... because of your tribute to your dad (happy Veteran's Day Terri's dad!!) and because of his stellar contribution. :) I love love love it!! :)

Carol said...

Oh, Terri, I love it! My dad had his own craft room too! You know the little free-standing sheds you can buy? Well, I don't know where Daddy found his shed but it was more like a little tiny house, had a window on all 4 sides and even had a porch with a roof over it! It was probably all of 8' square but I'd give my eye teeth to have such a little shed to stitch in out in my backyard on a nice summer day!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Great post Terri! My dad and hubby are my two favorite veterans. Are you coming to Ladies Nite Out this Friday? Dawn

Vinniey said...

Your dad is cute, Terri. Thanks for sharing your dad's story. Always enjoyed reading your post! :)

mainely stitching said...

Oh, Terri! I just want to hug your dad!!!! :)

Julie M said...

Great story Terri! Your dad sounds like a real sweetheart. For him to even appreciate your craft room makes him special. My dad, as much as I love him just doesn't get it. Tell your dad I enjoyed the tour and the story!

Kathy A. said...

Oh that is just too cute. I am NOT showing it to my DH cause he might decide he needs a room!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Terri's Dad,

THANK YOU, SIR...your dedicated service to God, country, and family is very much appreciated!! I come from an extended military family that touches every branch of, I am very aware of your selfless sacrifice, as well as that of your wonderful family! You, sir, deserve a "craft room" of your very own...and it is awesome! I hope you enjoy many beers (uhmm, I meant years!)to come!!

Terri--thank you for sharing your sweet, adorable Daddy with us! A girl does love her Daddy most of all! LOL! I know I do! And yes...even as grown women, us southern ladies call him Daddy! LOL! Until later,


Karin said...

How fun Terri! Your dad and his craft room LOL. I think he is right he needed one too!! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

How cute is your dad?!?! I love his craft room. His room reminds me of my late father's work area in the basement. Way cute.

Katrina said...

Your dad is a hoot! Love the man's craft room, my dh has the basement and we call it the man cave, LOL.

Happy Veteran's day! My dad and FIL both served in Vietnam, and my DH in the Middle East so we definitely celebrate it too.

JOLENE said...

Terri, your cute dad is an adorable "redneck". I love rednecks, they are so down to earth. What a nice tribute you posted about and for your dad. He looks at home in his craft room. Men actually make pretty great craft buddies, I have had quite a few of them in the past. I hope you have many oportunites to spend some crafty time with your dad in his wonderful "redneck room". Thank you to all the men and women who have served our country past and present!

Cathy Lloyd said...

Oh my heck!!! I am ROFL! Gotta love your dad! Now I see why you are who you are! My favorite Veteran is my hubby who served in the NG in the 70s. Back then, your choices were to join or be drafted...he joined the ranks.

Rachel S-H said...

Love your dad's craft room.

Dona said...

Terri, what a great post about your dad and such a nice way to honor him!
He sounds like a wonderful dad.

My dad served in Viet Nam,too, as well as Korea and a couple of other places. Like you, I was always thankful he made it home!

Have a weekend.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

What a nice story to share with all of us Terri, Thanks,,,all your Dad needs is a Redneck Hot tub in the far corner of the yard and he'll be set...You know the kind,,,the old bath tub with feet raised above a
Be always in stitches

SiobhĂ¡n said...

What a great craft room! Your dad is wonderful. My father, brother, uncles, all served. Thank your father for his service for me.

Linda said...

What a sweet tribute to your dad. I loved seeing his craft room and hearing his story...