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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Farm Livin' is the Life for Me!

Farm livin' might be the life for me if I didn't have to work so dang hard! I swear, who would have thought building and planting a farm was so much bloody work?
Yes, of course, I know that running a REAL farm is TONS of work and that our farmers should be given saint hood for all the back breaking work they do!

But, this is the sampler farm I'm speaking of. Anyway, I managed to get the main house up and built, the first grove of trees planted (it's hard to plant full grown trees, you know), a split rail fence built, the lower crops planted and by then I was EXHAUSTED. I thought when I began building the big, red barn that my Amish neighbors would be over to assist and that sucker would be up in a day. But, NO! They didn't show - not one single man did I see coming over the hill with tools in hand, ready for a hard days work. So, it's just me. Who knows when that barn'll get built now? Now, for all you sampler reproduction purists, don't cringe but, I am either going to finish the alphabet that is vacant in the last section or, I will add a verse about farm living, reaping and sowing or something like that in that blank section. I am also going to add some numbers after the & symbol in the second set of alphabets. I wonder why our young stitcher never finished? I'm always changing things up to make them mine and I don't know why this should be any different.

I HOPE to have The Farm Sampler completed in the next week.

I LOVE how small the house and farm lands are in comparison to the rest of the sampler!
But, here's where I have a confession to make. The house, the trees and the barn are all stitched in a full cross stitch (over one). But.... the crops and the fence are done in a half cross (also over one). Or, if you prefer the hoity-toity term for a half cross, I did the fence and fields in a tent stitch.
I don't think it makes one bit of difference, do you?

I just couldn't bear to do all that grass (I'm not even near the 1/2 way point) in a full cross stitch over one, so I cheated. There, I said it. I'm a farm cheater.
Don't hate me. ;-)

This weekend is Rob's birthday. He'll be 48 (yep, I'm the older woman!) and I know he'll just be thrilled to receive this:
I stitched this in honor of his mother and her family since most of the samplers around our house have my family info on them. I added the year of his mom's birth and death and then put Rob's Dad's initials in all caps followed by the children they had in birth order at the bottom. The buttons are placed on the glass to protect the innocent (his mom's maiden name). I think it turned out really great and I hope he'll like it. Don't worry - I did get him a gift card to a hockey store so he could buy new hockey skates, which he desperately needs (I know he'll like THAT)! This is Maude Eloise on 36 count something or other stitched with the called for threads. This was the SAL project for our Guild (The KSSG) this year and I'm so glad I've finished!

Finally, I am ready to go on Marianne Wenn. I sent the Navy Bean back to Lois at the Elegant Stitch (I just couldn't take the chance of ruining it by dunking it in coffee) and I received the Vintage Exempler today. LOVE it! I've also gotten quite a few emails asking for my color conversion so I'm going to list it here. If you post it anywhere else, it'd be nice if you let people know I gave it to you (send 'em to my blog - I love new readers!).

This is not to say that I may not change/add/delete as I begin working on this sampler but to me, these looked more like the colors in the picture of the sampler I saw on my computer screen (which is what drew me to it in the first place). I have gotten a lot of emails from folks saying they've ordered and plan to stitch this beauty, in addition to asking for my conversion. It will be fun to see everyone's interpretation of this because I haven't heard from one person that liked the DMC list that was provided. It was really bad, if you ask me. So, without further ado, Terri's Marianne Wenn Conversion:

Called for DMC Revised
906 GAST Chives 7074
725 WDW Curry 2220
312 GAST Midnight 0240
3818 GAST Baby Spinach 7050
433 GAST Dark Chocolate 1170
844 CC Blackbird
744 GAST Ohio Lemon Pie 7010
304 GAST Schoolhouse Red 7052
890 GAST Blue Spruce 0140
3761 CC Shamrock (you'd think it'd be green, but it's a light blue!)
3863 CC Country Lane
3713 WDW Hibiscus 2278
3706 CC Ladybug
842 WDW Pecan 1228

Please keep in mind that GAST threads (especially) tend to have extremely different colored dye lots so colors could be quite a bit different from lot to lot.
Hope this helps!

So, as soon as the farm is done, I will start on Marianne. I best not get waylaid from all the backbreaking farm work I have yet to do or I may never go back to it once sweet Marianne starts keeping me company!

By the way, anyone know why my pics are no longer clickable? I can't for the life of me, figure it out. For a while, I was posting by writing in word (that's where I got the cute font, Margaret) and then copying to blogger. Deb thought maybe that was why but today, I've don't my post the same old way I always have and still, pics won't blow up. I'm sorry, I know you really wanted to examine the over one full and half cross stitching!! Bummerr.....

Have a great weekend, everyone! Thanks for stopping by, for all your comments (I do so love getting them!) and for your friendship, too!
Blessings to all of you!



barbara said...

I really like the softer look of the tent stitch where you've used it! Good call!

The sampler for Rob is fabulous. What a great idea!

Faye said...

Love your "farm"!!! And, CANNOT wait to see Marianne unfold...That one really really has my eye!!!

Good job on the finish...such a tribute to your DH family... Take care, Faye

Pumpkin said...

LOL! Those mean Amish! I can't believe they didn't come to help you. Did you offer them some food? ;o)

Your sampler is looking lovely though and I like the difference between the alphabet and the farm below.

Gorgeous sampler and I bet hubby will love it too :o) Hope he has a Happy Birthday.

Debs said...

Your farm work is gorgeous, and I'll just bet you have a tan to prove it. I think the tent stitch worked out great! Happy Birthday to your DH Rob, and hope he finds his family Sampler the honor to him and his family. He is quite the lucky man to have you.

Christine said...

I love the trees near the house moving with wind on your sampler : )

Melissa said...

The farm sampler is lovely, Terri! With all that over one, I would agree farming is hard work!

I love Maude E framed. It is just perfect with that frame.

Looking forward to seeing your start on Marianne!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

As always, your stitching is exquisite, and the buttons on the roof fit perfectly a cover-up.
I don't think I got an answer about Brentwood?????lol
Be always in stitches.

Margaret said...

Oh Oh Oh!!!!! Your farm sampler is soooo wonderful! I think the half cross is perfectly understandable. I might have just snuck in half cross all the way. lol! Gosh, I do love how small the scene is compared to the words! It's wonderful! And Oh oh oh - thanks! Thanks for the conversion so I don't have to ask for it. lol! I'm going to my LNS tomorrow, so I'm going to print this off and buy what I need. I'm so excited! I love your BBD finish for your hubby too. It's wonderful how you personalized it for him -- so sweet! Can't wait to see Marianne!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Your Farm Sampler looks like Green Acres to me :) I think it is perfect, no one is going to know....

And your sampler that you stitched for your DH...that's special and sweet and simply wonderful...I need to remember that for my husbands family too...good thinkin' ! :)

Myra said...

Terri, this post cracked me up! Love the farm and I like the half crosses - looks softer to me. Wonderful sampler for your husband and I will be watching for progress on Marianne. Have a great weekend!

Linda said...

Hey Terrie
Love your sense of humor. And frankly, I thought you were much younger than 48!
I am envious of your stitching. I want to get so much more done more quickly. Can't wait to get to another sampler.
How long do you stitch a day?
Looking foward to seeing Maude unfold.

Roberta said...

Finally able to get some catching up with blog reading.

Love the sampler for Rob and the Farm looks pretty nice. Really looking forward to seeing Marianne.

Yes, it is hard to believe that our children do grow up - 18!!! mine are 27 and 29. Where does time go!!??

Robin in Virginia said...

Terrific post, Terri! You had me humming the Green Acres theme song as I was reading your post!

Your farm looks great! What about adding the year at the end of the row that is empty?

Your Maude Eloise looks great and know Rob will be thrilled! Sending happy birthday wishes his way!

Katrina said...

Love the farm sampler, I am singing the Green Acres theme song in my head now, LOL.

Thanks for sharing your conversion, it's gorgeous!!!!

Sue said...

I LOVE the Farm Sampler and love the colors you chose for Mariane Wenn.

Sylvia said...

I love the colors you picked for Marianne!! Can't wait to see her come to life as you stitch her. Your farm is gorgeous as well.

The sampler for Rob is beautiful - what a wonderful gift.


Nice work ! I like that !
Bon courage pour le terminer.
Even life is in the country

Brigitte said...

The sampler you stitched for DH and his family looks wonderful. And I love the farm sampler. I can easily imagine it with a verse instead of the remaining letters of the alphabet.
Looking forward to seeing your start on Marianne.

Siobhán said...

Nice progress! I say go for the easy way whenever you can--the tent stitch looks great.

Happy bday to your husband! He'll love the family sampler. :)

Anonymous said...

oh very beautiful !
have a good day my friend

small kisses for you

marylin said...

oh very beautiful !
have a good day my friend

small kisses for you

Carol said...

Your teeny-tiny farm looks fabulous, Terri--I just love looking at pieces stitched "over one." I'm sure however you decide to finish it, it will be special...

And what a memorable birthday gift for Rob--hope he has a great day :)

Annie Beez said...

Love your farm sampler-its awesome! I love the way the tent stitch looks-very pretty. Can't wait to see Marianne unfold-I love GAST and the soft look they give.I would convert everything to GAST if I could. I'm really anxious to see how your conversion turns out.

BrendaS said...

Your sampler looks great and I don't think it makes a bit of difference that you did a half cross. You have to enjoy it as you stitch it:))

Very nice sampler for your husband and a nice tribute to his family.

Can't wait to see you start Marianne. The colors are so pretty.

Have a great weekend

Cathy Lloyd said...

You are on FIRE girlfriend! Glad you are back to stitching and enjoying life! Using tent stitch is go girl! I got your note about Morning Has heart is broken...heehee...J/K. Lots of interest from the gals in Michigan! Enjoy Marianne...can't wait to see it come to life! Hugs!

Annie said...

1/2 cross is a great alternative on those large background type areas. Not cheating at all!

And that's such a thoughtful, loving gift for Rob!

Giovanna said...

Your farm is just lovely - despite the cheating, lol! And what a great gift for your DH, he'll love it!

Jan said...

I love your farm, Terri! Really neat...and your framed sampler for Rob is going to be so appreciated! Younger man, huh? How cool!!

I think your conversion looks good, and I can't wait to see your progress on it!

Kathy A. said...

Such a fun, funny post. I love the farm sampler!

Sherry said...

Loving the farm! I like the idea of stitching a verse in the space. Of course I am a sucker for samplers with verses.

Rob will love his gift! Happy Birthday to him. I have my threads ready to go on Marianne and am hoping to start soon.

Karen said...

I roared at your description of your farming experience. Had to tell my quilting friends of your blog site. They may not be stitchers, but we all have experienced complicated projects that we would be relieved to be nearing the end rather than being closer to the 1/3 point. Pace yourself and remember the lovely result you will have once the darned thing is complete...K

Susan said...

"Cheating" or not, the farm sampler looks great! I can't blame you for using a tent stitch on the grass and fence--that's a lot of over one.

Hope Rob had a great birthday!

Michelle said...

Oh your Farm Sampler is lovely! And I love the changes you intend to make as well as using tent stitch - if you're going to stitch it, you might as well do it the way you want to! The piece for your husband to honor his family is wonderful, I know he will appreciate it!

Alice said...

What a nice gift for your dh. Beautiful stitching!