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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Have you all seen THIS?

Pics may be clickable - may not be ~ no clue....

Anyway, isn’t this GORGEOUS?! I was absolutely gobsmacked when I saw it. Had to have it immediately and couldn’t look up my paypal info fast enough. Absolutely couldn’t wait to send my money to the UK! You know how it is when you see something you absolutely MUST HAVE (this is not a want, this is a must HAVE); waiting is not an option. Ever. So, I ordered, and when I got home today, there it was, all 13 pages of sampler pattern just waiting for me. It is not nearly as big as it appears. The stitch count is only 237 x 232 and it measures 8.46 “ by 8.29” when stitched on 28 count fabric, which they recommend. I’ll be stitching Marianne on 32 count something, just as soon as I finish my little Farmhouse.

Marianne is brought to you by the lovely folks at Needleprint (click on Needleprint). For a mere $15 US, you can own the pattern to this beauty! The great part is that the proceeds from the sale will go to Carrow House Museum, Norwich where this is housed. Yeah! How great is that!? If you've not been to their beautiful blog, head on over - it's full of beautiful eye candy and loads of information, too!

There have only been two other samplers that when I saw them I thought “I HAVE to have that”. The first was "And They Sinnned", which Deb (click on Deb) introduced me to. The minute I laid eyes on it I knew I had to have it. I began stitching this in Feb 2006 and finished it in September of the same year. Although it was fraught with all kinds of frustrations, I enjoyed stitching it and was thrilled when I actually completed it. I stitched it on 32 count fabric so it’s a tall piece. Including the frame it measures 16 ¾” wide by 57 ½” tall.

The other one that really hit me like a ton of bricks was Mary Allen, The Village Square Sampler. I fell in love with this one immediately and ordered it about as fast as I did Marianne! This is also a biggie (again, done on 32 count) and measures (with the frame) 26 ½ “ long by 26” wide.

I can’t wait to get started on beautiful Miss Marianne and will be ordering fabric ASAP but in the meantime, I will finish my Farmhouse Sampler. Here’s the progress so far:

Truth be told, I’ve frogged more than I’ve stitched, I think and you know I don’t frog if I don’t have to! I did the left border at the KSSG Guild meeting yesterday and apparently I can’t count and chat at the same time. Like that’s news??? Had to frog the left side and start over. Then, if that weren’t bad enough, I stitched the border around the alphabet (in the middle of the sampler) across the top and down the side in the wrong color. That had to be frogged ‘cause the color was ick. I swear, I thought it was icky when I was working on it but do you think I double checked? Nope. D’uh! Oh well, I love this piece and can’t wait to start on the over one. I had thought about doing this on a higher count fabric (for me) but only had 32 count in my stash that was large enough. This happens to be 32 count Vintage Light Exemplar by Lakeside Linens. I love this fabric and think the colors will be beautiful on it when it’s all done. Of course, if I have to keep frogging…..

What caught your eye that you absolutely hyperventilated over couldn’t wait to order and start!?

Tell me!

Tell all of us!

Perhaps it'll set someone else's heart aflutter, too!




Pumpkin said...

Ohhhhh....n-i-c-e! No wonder you rushed to purchase it ;o) That is a great price too, btw.

Your work is so lovely Terri. I'm going to enjoy watching you stitch this.

Sorry the frog came to visit :o( He was here too. Maybe he's making his rounds?

lynda said...

Well I think you take the queen enabler crown for today! That is a beautiful sampler and you have sorely tempted me. Do I dare?

Margaret said...

Oh gosh, here I am trying my hardest to resist this sampler and there you go showing it to me again! lol! It really is gorgeous. I feel myself slowing breaking down. Sigh. I love the two other pieces that you just had to have -- gorgeous, both and I want to stitch both too! Off the top of my head, the ones that I just had to have were the Richmond Sampler that I just finished not long ago (I was the one who suggested an online class for it, that's how desperate I was!), Charlotte Clayton (the piece that was in my header for so long), and Jane Atkinson. I could probably think of others too. lol! Ok, I'm off to think about whether to click that Paypal button. :D

Tricia said...

Oh, Terri, your post made me giggle! What a wonderful project! I can't wait to see it finished. It will be GORGEOUS! And I can't stitch and chat either. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Robin in Virginia said...

I really enjoyed revisiting the pictures of your ATS and your Mary Allen!

Sorry the frog has come a calling!

Deb said...

This sampler is definitely a beauty and I can see why you rushed to click that "Pay Now" button!! I seem to remember the first time you saw ATS. If I had a "Pay Now" Button in my house you would have been all over it. I'm so happy that you saw it because I think that you're now on the long road to stitching happiness (and probably cursing me every step of the way)! LOL
I can't wait to see your start on this beauty.

You know there have only been two pieces that ever just smacked me down in the middle of the street - an old Lavendar & Lace pattern of two children in a garden (can't remember the name of it), and ATS. ATS stopped me dead in my tracks.

But I have to say that your Mary Allen is really growing on me and I think I need to do that one - every time I look at it I sigh!

Littlebit said...

Oh my goodness..that's a beautiful sampler!! When you said 23 pages, my first thought was Dutch Beauty-which I have nicknamed "Dutch Blanket!" I will have to watch your progress..but I might have to double check that one out. lol! Just to look, mind you. :)

Sue said...

Maybe I shouldnt be following your blog because I think you're bad for me. I have "And They Sinned" in my stash (yours is beautiful) and I HAVE to have both of the other samplers you've shown. I'm looking them up right now :)

Melissa said...

Oh, that is cute! Love the little chubby peeps! Should I, shouldn't I?

Sherry :o) said...

Beautiful! I really like Elizabeth S. in your header and it makes my heart flutter!

There are so many other that makes my heart flutter and my breath come in waves, way too many to list!

Jane said...

All of those samplers are just gorgeous! You do beautiful work. I don't know if I would have the patience (or the eyes) to do that intricate work.
Glad you found a piece that you loved.

KsMaryLou said...

Terri, I'm so glad you have your smile and enthusiasm back it's so nice to have you blogging again. Now the downside to all this lead us down the path of temptation! This sampler is fantastic and I don't think I can resist. If I ever get The Plantation Sampler finished, I'm doing the mind-numbingly boring fill in at the bottom, I may have to start Miss Marianne right away.

Kathy A. said...

Lol that's some serious oohing and ahhing goin on there.
That is a beautiful piece and I am sure it will be a delight to stitch.
There aren't too many of us who can carry on an enthusiastic conversation and stitch. The frogs just wait in the corner for such a chance. LOl

Glenna said...

Gobsmacked: if you get the Attic newsletter, there is a sampler featured there--Mary Ann Gollins. I ordered it from my LNS--it's a must have. And about half the samplers I'm working on at one time were huge needs. For instance, I'm forgetting the name of the sampler in your header--I bought it because of you. Not finished, because other things came up and I don't love the floss, but the design still calls to me. Funny that working on them tames that a bit. Wow, you did ATS really fast! I'm looking forward to seeing you work on

Faye said...

Oh yes Terri!!! That piece simply takes my breathe away...I would have NEVER guessed it would be that small though......still just stunning...Just like the other 2 you whipped right on up....YGG... Are you trying to be an enabler??hahaha...

Take care, Faye

Myra said...

Those are all gorgeous and I can see why you just had to have them. BBD Where My Heart Blooms was like that for me only it was OOP by the time I discovered it. It took me about 6 months but I managed to get it without breaking the bank and the rest is history.

Patty C. said...

Don't talk to anyone until it's finished - lol

I agree it is beautiful !!!!

Cari said...

Oh my gosh Terri, that sampler is to die for!! I love it. All of your stitching is LOVELY... You are such a dear enabler. Love and Hugs all along way !!

Sandra said...

Marianne must be stitched over one to be that small as there is quite a lot to it, so maybe over two on 36 count might be a better option.

Hazel said...

Yes I saw it and am very tempted to press click! But I haven't done. Yet. Lovely wips. xx

Siobhán said...

Yep!! I can relate. I LOVE that sampler!! ATS & Mary Allen were also 'stopped dead in my tracks' samplers, same with Le Marquoir de Justine and Houses of Hawk Run Hollow. I LOVE it when that happens!

Nice progress on your sampler, even with the frogging!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

what a beautiful piece. Funny how sometimes when you are stitching you have a deep dark feeling that something just isn't the right colour, icky or not it has to be corrected.
I would say that my "gotta haves regardless's" are some of the HAED's. I need'em, I gett'em, I gaga over'em and I haven't started some of'em. or anything with a Loon on 'em like my Northern Tranquillity...
Oh, and another thing I gotta have.... a big ole sippy cup. Happy New Year my friend.
Be always in stitches.

Linda said...

Hi Terrie
I have loved samplers since I was a young girl, even had one I attempted back in the day.
A few years back, I came across the magazine, Fine Lines. Are you familiar with it? I don't think they're printing any longer, but there was a sampler in there. Had to have it. I had to find back issues to get the whole thing, but it's tucked away in my now clean cupboard to do ASAP.
I've had the same reaction to gorgeous yarns and fabrics,and also when I saw the trunk show for Elly Sinkiewicz's Applique group. Some things just take my breath away.
Oh yean, going to check out those patterns. And, where do you usually get your sampler patterns? Always looking for a good resource.

Michelle said...

Such a beautiful piece! I know you're not the only one who had to have one immediately! ATS was like that for me too, only I'm just now getting around to stitching it (even though I bought it when it first came out).

Alice said...

Goodness what beautiful samplers! As soon as I laid eyes on Prairie Schooler's ABC's done as one piece I ordered up the charts right away. I am normally a very restrained shopper and so was very surprised at myself.

Nicole said...

It's gorgeous! I bought it right away too! :) Love all your samplers Terri! :)

Cathy Lloyd said...

I ♥ you Terri! Not to worry about the frogging...Sometimes my mouth is flapping so much I don't even stitch at all! At least you are getting 'experience.'

Have fun with your new acquisitions!

Terri said...

Yep, my clicky finger had to have it too!

Jo Ann said...

Terri, I did the same thing you did. The moment I saw this beauty I knew I had to have it. My first 2011 project will be the Richmond Sampler-the on line class from The Examplaire. Then on to this beauty. Might be all I get done for 2011.

carolm said...

Terri, I am not the best at math; but I think you forgot to mulitply by 2. Unless you plan to x over one, the measurements are about 17x 17 without the extra for framing. I too am in love with that sampler and plan to stitch it soon. Sincerely Carol M

Jan said...

Oh my GOSH I love that! If it is any indication, the two you mentioned ATS and Mary Allen got the same reaction from me, so without a doubt OF COURSE I love this one!! Thank you for adding to my stash madness, Terri!! LOL

And of course like ATS and Mary Allen, of which you have both of them stitched and I do not, you will definitely leave me in the rafters on this one...but I sure will love seeing you stitch it. I will just dream about it...and yes, I will own a copy of the pattern!

marylin said...

Terri hi oh my god what a beautiful future embroidery I pressed to see the beginnings of this wonder your other achievements are very wonderful!
Congratulations to you very soon my friend

Loraine said...

Oh boy Terri! What a fabulous piece. I can't wait to see your progress on it. I really like all of your samplers, and they are all still in my stash pile waiting to get some face time.
Sorry the little froggy came to visit. I really hate that little guy. It's too bad we can't fudge the borders huh.
So great to back into blogging a bit. I'm so glad to see all of your lovely things too.
We need to catch up real soon. Until then, hugs to you!

Rachel S-H said...

What a pretty sampler! have fun stitching it.

I loved all the Hawks Run Hollow pieces. They would probably be my "don't worry about the price, must have" stitches. But I get that way about lots of things, LOL.

The darn frog must be coming in from the cold. I hope he leaves before Spring.

Shari said...

that is gorgeous & I can't wait to watch your progress on it!!!

Natalia said...

Beautiful samplers !! Thanks for passing the info along... I am going straight to the Needleprint website :-)

Tammy said...

Hi Teri!! Your fun enthusiasm is so contagious. Loved hearing about (and seeing finished!) your "must haves". Your work is beautiful. Take care.

Sherry said...

Oh beautiful! I said I would try not to order much but this may be a must! I think I will have to look into this for an upcoming order!

Love to Stitch said...

Yes, I too had to have this, you know if you dont get it right away....:). (The dimensions given on 28 ct was something like 8 x 8, is it over one? I havent downloaded it yet to see for myself, but on 40ct it is 10ish x 10 ish? I am mistaken?!! LOL, with all the excitement of another newbie in the pile)

I can think of Rosina Payne being a have to have, and I am sure there are a few others, but there are so many!!!! I LOVE ATS, it is a gorgeous finish!!!! Stay tuned!!!!!

Giovanna said...

Excellent taste! I'll look forward to seeing you stitch this, it is indeed beautiful!

woolwoman said...

I had not seen that one Terri - GEE THANKS GF !!!!!! There have been so many samplers that struck me as "must have right now" - that is why I have a room full of unfinished projects. It was great seeing your ATS and Mary Allen - Have fun with putting the new one together - it's a beauty! Melody

Annemarie said...

Ah, glad I'm not the only one who caved at first sight :o)

Please, please don't tell me that you started AND FINISHED ATS in seven months? It's on my 'I-wish-I-knew-I-could-finish-that-one-in-this-lifetime, because-then-I-would-certainly-buy-it' list. You always pick the loveliest designs to stitch!

Lois said...

Oh I'm not surprised you hit the 'pay now' button - what a beauty! Enjoy stitching on this one, I look forward to following your progress. I've just had the loveliest time reading your blog post and drooling over all your gorgeous pics!

Anonymous said...

We need some frog away spray I think. Love your header picture its gorgeous as is those new patterns!

Unknown said...

I just love that sampler...
and I am completely speechless over And They Sinned... that's one piece I'd love to do!

Karoline said...

It's a gorgeous sampler I'm not surprised you bought it straight away

marylin said...

De gros bisous, et un bon dimanche,

stefanie said...

its must have lots of patience, it looks hard, have lots of fun!!