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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I love the ugly ones, too!

I got Marianne Wenn back from the framer yesterday and really like the way she turned out.  What do you think?

you can click the pic to enlarge, if you'd like:

I get my framing done at Joann's and I have to say that I think they do a really great job.  There is one gal there that always does my pinning but of course, we never get to see that.  The truth is, I've always wondered how well they did.  On Friday, I stopped by Joann's to pick up some DMC floss and stopped by the framing counter just to see if MW was done.  She wasn't, but the gal at the counter asked if I'd like to see what it will look like in the frame.  Uh, yeah!  Now's my chance to check out their mounting techniques!  She brought it out, without the glass, and popped it into the frame for me to see.  Then I asked her if I could see the pinning and she said, "Of course."  I'm happy to know they do a nice job.  The sampler was tight, without being pulled and it was perfectly straight.  Thanks, Cathy!

Another thing I do quite often on samplers, but have never shown you, is to sign it below the area that will be visible when framed.  This is a shot of the back of the frame board that not one soul will ever see, unless they decide to pop it out of the frame.

As you can see, it's not very neat and on this one I changed the size of my letters 1/2 way through.  I wasn't liking the letters I started with, changed midstream and meant to go back and fix the first 1/2 but, I didn't care that much, so I didn't bother.  No matter - it doesn't show once framed.  Sometimes I will stitch some narrative about what's going on at the time I stitched a piece or sometimes, like this one, it's just my name.  It's probably silly, but I sort of feel like it's my way of not misrepresenting what this piece actually is - not that anyone would mistake it for a true antique, necessarily.  It's also my way of adding a bit of family history, or a document of world events that were happening, or important to me when I stitched this.  The devastation in Japan hadn't yet happened when I finished MW or I would have stitched in something about that.
I've had a lot of emails asking for my thread conversion for MW so here it is - it's a bit disjointed so if you have any questions, let me know.

For the Dark Green in the verse; Collards (WDW)
For the lighter Green letters, I used SS GAST Chives.
For the vine above the verse, I used Cucumber (Also GAST, I think)
For the red, in the big flowers I used Schoolhouse Red (GAST)
but for the houses and the ladies cloaks, I used one strand of Schoolhouse Red and one strand of the called for DMC.  It gave the houses and cloaks a very subtle color variation (and a little less of a red-pink cast).  
For the edge border I used CC Blackbird
For the Blue letters and heart vine, I used GAST Midnight
For the light blue in the ladies aprons and the other blues, I used CC Shamrock
But for the light blue basket at the bottom I used SS GAST, Mountain Mist
For the bright yellow flowers, I used CC Ohio Lemon Pie and for the more golden colored flowers I used WDW Whiskey
For the faces, I used CC Country Lane
For the Green, outside border, I used GAST, Blue Spruce (also used for the ladies dress and basket fill in and the tree with the bird in it on the next to last band. 
For the dark brown in the baskets at the bottom, the birds, etc, I uset GAST Dark Chocolate
For the golden brown colored baskets, I use WDW Pecan
For the darker pink in the flowers (by Marianne's name) I used CC Ladybug and the lighter pink is WDW Hibiscus
For the first row of fruit baskets, I used a DMC but don't remember the color but should have used Chives - it would have looked better, I think although they are very close in color.

I think that's it.... I should have been better about writing down the symbols/colors.  

I was thinking the other day about frogs.  While we're stitching, when those pesky frogs come to visit, we can't stand them.  For you non-stitchers, frogging is when we have to rip out stitches that we've done incorrectly.  We "rippit, rippit, rippit".  Clever, huh?  I wonder who first came up with that?  Anyway, when they come to visit, we're not happy but when pretty frogs, like these come to live with us, we love it!

The green frog on the left I found a couple of weeks ago while antiquing with my BF Sheila and her daughter, Meghan.  We found the top at one booth and a little while later, I spotted the green, base (looks kind of like a green, milk glass).  I asked Meg to run back and get the green top and what do you know?  A perfect marriage.  Both pieces are in perfect shape and I just love it - the color is fun and funky!  Because they weren't already together, each piece was inexpensive.  The pink one on the right was a birthday gift from Deb (the queen of frog hunting) - so now I have two pink frogs!  Thank you, Deb!  The one in the back is white milk glass with a black frog top.  I don't think they were meant to go together but they fit perfectly and I love the height of that one. 

But, I don't just love the pretty frogs - I love the ugly (Oh, that probably hurt their feelings) ones, too.  Calling them ugly wasn't nice so lets call them utilitarian!  This is my utilitarian frog collection:

These are a bit easier to find  than the super model versions and the basic ones, like these, are inexpensive.  What I like about them is their industrial look, chippy paint and that they allow for a bigger pair of scissors to be displayed (note the full size Ginghers in the top frog).  The spikey frogs are great to leave a note:

There are some really interesting wire frogs out there too but they are a bit more pricey.
Gives a whole new meaning to the saying "You have to kiss a lot of frogs...."

Our Guild Auction was a week or so ago and there were some beautiful things (as there always are).  I only won one auction but I couldn't be happier with what I got:

BF Julie made this - I had no idea she was doing it.  It's a BBD pattern (not sure what) and I love the black/grey color of the floss.  The box and thread board are finished perfectly and she included the pretty scissors and floss.  Love it!

As you may recall, Yuko and I are doing an SAL for "Isabella Johnstone".  I have kept up pretty well till this week, and then, due to life just being extremely out of control, I haven't stitched too much.  Frankly, what I did stitch (left border), I had to frog - as you can likely see in this pic:

I really love this sampler and can't wait to get to that sweet cow.  I am going to have to do some serious stitching over the next day to get caught up!

I'm off to Richmond, VA next week to run in the Ukrops 10k with my dad.  He is a seeded runner so I'm not in his group (nor should I be - he'll kick my ass) but I will be in it!!   My doc finally said I can run as long as I stop and walk every mile or so and don't overly tax my heart.  So.... I won't finish in the top of the pack - I wasn't going to anyway -  but I will finish.  I'll get there on Friday, run on Saturday, and return home on Sunday.  This is about the quickest trip to VA I've ever made!

Hey!  VCU (VA Commonwealth University), also in Richmond and my alma mater, is playing Kansas today in the NCAA tourny.  Go RAMS!!!

That's it, friends.  Thank you so very much for all your comments on my last post! It was overwhelming and I appreciate them so much!  Welcome to my new followers - I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit and hope you'll come back often.



jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

I love your MW and the added touch of your name is perfect. When I frame my work I always put a pocket on the back with the backing paper and typically put a bit of my history working with the specific piece, who it is for and for what occasion. Everyone always loves that extra hiding spot too.
Your frogs are wonderful, glad you had fun finding them. Best wishes with your run and take care of yourself.
Be always in stitches.
As always.

Mama Joan said...

Love your MW. May have to stitch that one myself. I like your collection of frogs. I have quite a few myself. Really more than I need:)

Deb said...

I think that the frame you picked out for Marianne is absolutely perfect. Is that one of the new ones that Joanne's is getting in? It's just absolutely perfect.

And love that green flower frog too (of course, I like the pink one also LOL), but the green one is very unusual and you were so lucky to find both the top and bottom.

Isabel looks great and good luck next weekend!!! You're dad is going to be so happy that you're running with him!

Cole said...

Beautiful! It looks amazing in that frame, you must be so happy :)

marylin said...

oh coaching is really wonderful, the colors of the embroidery are also wonderful!
pay attention to race my friend take care of you, I kiss you and it's always a great joy to read ....
your friend from France mary

Bertie said...

Terri you have done the stitching on MW so quick!! I think your framers have done a fabulous job, must try those pins one day LOL.
Also stitching your name where it cannot be seen will be such a surprise in a Century when they take it out of the frame, a wonderful idea:))
Great scissors and do like the ugly frogs very much:)
Good luck with Isabella, will follow progress-)

Joanie said...

Love your new sampler! I think it's gorgeous and I am glad that you showed how it was pinned. Yesterday, I took 2 pieces to Michaels to be framed. Normally, I pin the pieces myself but the price was right so I decided to let the gals do it for me until...I watched the framer hack off the excess fabric with a dull pair of scissors. The edge as less than straight. Seeing my horror, she calmly told me that no one would see it anyway. Now, I am worried. I hope that my pieces come back stretched straight. Otherwise, I'll be reframing them myself! And I'm jealous of your green frog! I LOVE IT!!!

Babs in Alabama said...

I love the "ugly" ones too...they're so cute! Your sampler is beautifully finished and framed. How do you do it so fast? and they are so perfect!
Good luck in the race and thanks for sharing your little secret signing. We should all do that.

Anonymous said...

The frame that you picked out for MW is perfect. I dropped 2 pieces to be framed at Joanns last weekend. It is my first time using them, and it is nice to know that use them, and are so happy with the results.
Have a Stitch Filled Sunday!

Melissa said...

Terri, your MW is beautifully framed! You must be so pleased! And Isabella is lovely too!

It's nice that you have the 'kind' frogs to balance out when the nasty 'rippit' ones come to visit! That is a super frog collection!

Have fun on your run!

Robin in Virginia said...

Love the frame molding for Marianne! What a great choice! Super progress on Isabella!

Good luck to you and your Dad next weekend!

Nancy said...

Your MW is beautiful! Signing a piece is such a good idea, I do that also on most pieces to be framed. You have quite the frog collection, both pretty and ugly.

Good luck on the 10K run!

Siobhán said...

GULP. I shouldn't have looked. Marianne looks FANTASTIC, and I just love the frame that you chose for her. Great choice! I love what you've done on Isabella, too--even with the frogging!

Best of luck in the race to you and your father!

Tins and Treasures said...

Good afternoon, Terri,
So many pretty things to look at here on your blog...and as I see it, your team is going to WIN! Wow!!

Enjoy what's left of your weekend ~Natalie

Catherine said...

Oh my!! I am drooling all over!! Marianne is stunning!! What a great auction win as well!! And those frogs!! What are you trying to do to me!!??!!

So glad to hear that you are going to be able to run - even if you have to take it easy! Good luck!

Anna van Schurman said...

Here's a question about using the wire frogs: are you resting your scissors on their tips? I have a couple of wire frogs but I didn't want to use them for this. (I'm still looking for pieces to hold my green glass and my green "milk" glass frogs.) Good luck with your 10K.

Rita said...

I LOVE the framing of MW!

Thanks for posting the colors too. Since your picture of it "enabled" me to need it enough to buy it the same day, I'm thankful you're sharing your changes. :-)

Your new wip looks great too. I look forward to watching your progress. Meanwhile I'll be working on my Village Square Sampler (and maybe starting MW too).

Have fun at the run!

Happy sitching!

Rita said...

Forgot to say...I signed a piece of mine similar to the way you signed MW. It's one of my DS's birth samplers. I haven't told hime and have fun imagining someone in the future discovering it.

Margaret said...

Ok, I'm totally drooling over your Marianne. She is sooooo gorgeous! And the frame is gorgeous too! It's nice that your Joann's does a good job with the framing. Your frog collection is so much fun! Love your Isabella too! And your auction win -- very very pretty! I would be thrilled if I were you! :D Hope the run goes well. Have fun!

Angela said...

I absolutely love your frame choice for MW, it really does look stunning! Great idea to stitch something to remember it by too.

Love all the flower frogs, I still have never found one here but I do keep my eyes open.

Love your new project :)

Littlebit said...

Oh, Terri, everything is absolutely beautiful, especially your MW piece!! Congrats on a superb finish. I like the way you photographed it, too. I might start putting my name in the the excess fabric of my "better" pieces, too. I read a long time ago that the more you know about a piece, the more its value in time.
Oh my goodness..I drooled over that pink flower frog!
Nice to see ya! Oh! And I stitched that BBD piece in it.

barbara said...

I've only had one thing framed professionally in the US and was disappointed by the result (not to mention needing medical assistance to recover from the sticker shock!) but seeing what a good job Joanne's does, maybe I'll make the long trip to try them out.

KAREN said...

Love the piece and color changes you did--way to go VCU They had it all the way. Glad the doc gave the go ahead-listen to him and don't push it :)

samplerlover said...

Hi Terri, MW looks lovely in her beautiful frame. They did a wonderful job framing her and the frame is perfect.
Love your frog collection. They are all lovely. I just thought that I have a Stuart crystal rose bowl with the silver wire insert. I shall have to get off my butt and go and investigate. Hmmmmmm. Good idea. - Sandra.

Cari said...

You have more energy than the energizer bunny my friend!! Love the framing on MW. Excellent choice. And of course all the frogs are too much fun! Tell Julie I said 'HELLO' and I love the pieces she worked up. I love the colors too! Have fun with your dad and be safe! Hugs

BronnyB said...

Congratulations on your finish - it is going to be splendid in that frame, and so nice to know that the framer is looking after your creation with diligent care.
I have always had a frog collection, but until blogging, never realised they could also be used for scissors - not that I have enough of a collection. One day, when I have space for a display, I might have to drag a few out from storage to show them off. Thank you for showing off yours. - although I do have a soft spot for the 'Old Colony' Anchor Hocking pink one (I have 2), I think the green one was a great find. I love the open wire ones too - I only have one similar. I've always loved the leaden spike ones.

Unknown said...

Your MW sampler is just gorgeous!!!! I love the colors you used! What a great idea to sign your pieces too!! I'm so glad a friend referred me to your blog!!! What beautiful stitching!!!

Love to Stitch said...

Outstanding finish and what a great frame for MW!!! Great conversion too-- much better then the other :). I think it is great to add your name and some history onto the bottom/back of your samplers. Why not give some clues to the future owners of our 'antique' samplers!!! Keep it up for sure. You have a great scissor collection and I am jealous of your 'black' frog. Everytime I find one, it is WAY to much and I say, maybe next time!!! Patience. I am thrilled you found the pattern for Isabella, great progress on her too!!!!

Loraine said...

Love your wonderful MW! The frame is perfect. I love the idea of signing your linen where no one will see it. Imagine what fun it would be for someone to open the frame in 100 years and find out more about you. A fabulous idea that I need to incorporate into my stitching and framing.
I'm so glad you are able to run with your dad in the race. That will mean so much to both of you! I'll be cheering you on. I do want you not to push yourself too much...Please remember I don't want anything to happen to you!
Love all the frogs you are collecting, and the sewing accessories from Julie...Fabulous! Give her a big hug from me, and tell her she did a wonderful job.
Hugs to you. Hope all is well.

Cathy B said...

Terri -- Please tell me, what is the name of that gorgeous sampler in your header? I have visited your blog twice to drool over it!

Marianne Wenn is really gorgeous too!

Sue said...

MW is oh sooooo gorgeous. I love the frame you chose. And I love the fact that you stitch your name into the piece but you don't let it show.

Just Me and My Shadow said...

MW is wonderful. Congratulations. Lovely idea how you sign and stitch those little extra bits in. What a great selection of 'frogs' How wonderful to be running with your Dad. That is special.

Andrea said...

Wow, MW is gorgeous in that frame! I envy your Joann's being so skilled at needlework framing. I wish I had one around here I could trust!
Love all of those froggies too. I don't have any yet, but admire them. Especially the wire ones, it's neat how you can put a photo or card in them. Very cool.
Such a great post, as always, yours are the best!
Love ya,

Ann said...

Terri, I love the idea of signing your work. I never do that and have been stitching over 20 years. I do sign quilts, but not my stitching - at least not like you do - sometimes I'll put in my initials and '09, I will start to incorporate your idea. I liked seeing your collection of frogs - thanks for sharing. Good luck in the marathon. and go VCU! I love the underdogs. I have Big East blood so I chose UConn to win it all, but would LOVE to see VCU win it. ~Ann

Glenna said...

Wonderful post as always! I love Marianne, and the framing is gorgeous--you're lucky to have a great framer. I think it's great that you put information out of sight that someone popping it out of the frame (I'm thinking of future generations) will see. I've taken old things out of frames to re-frame or examine and I'd LOVE to see a message like that. Go, VCU!!!

Carol said...

We were all cheering for VCU here today, Terri--so happy that they won!! Once Richmond lost, VCU became the team we're rooting for :)

Your Marianne Wenn is gorgeous and what an amazing collection of flower frogs... Have fun in the Monument Run--hope the weather is perfect for running. It will be great to be with your dad!

Kim said...

Love, Love MW and your color changes, it is so sweet!! You have a great start on IJ, I am working on that sampler myself, such a fun stitch!! The flower frogs are too cute, I have only ever seen the metal ones!! You have alot of scissors, lol, so do I!!!! Thanks for all your sharing, so fun visiting your blog!! Best Wishes on your run~~~Kim

Deborah said...

I love your MW. Gorgeous. As a collector of flower frogs, I fell instantly with the green one. What a great find. Good luck on the run.

Christine said...

Your MW is just stunning, and I really like your idea of signing the back.
You've got quite a frog collection there!

Anna Zont said...

It's really beautiful!!!

Lois said...

Oh my, how lovely is your framed MW! I love your idea of adding your name somewhere that can be found. Lovely to think that someday, dear only knows how many years ahead, this will be discovered and the person finding it will get such a thrill!

Giovanna said...

Congrats on Marianne, she's absolutely gorgeous - fantastic framing too! Love her!

Unknown said...

I love your MW piece and it looks brilliant framed up. What a clever idea about the secret stitching if you will of your name, a lovely idea.

Annie said...

The MW is just gorgeous. And that's a great idea to stitch in personal details on the border. When I first looked at it after seeing the title of the post, I wondered how you could think it was ugly! ;-) You certainly do have an amazing collection of frogs.

Alice said...

MW turned out so beautifully! I love that you leave a record that you stitched a piece... someday it will be an antique on its own and someone will be thrilled to be able to pinpoint its origin.

Prims By The Water said...

Terri, MW turned out fantastic as usual. What a great idea to repurpose flower frogs..I will surely have to tell our customers this..and they look wonderful together! Good luck at your run. Be safe and have fun!!! Janice

Dona said...

Terri, MW is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your conversion, it's very pretty. I have this to stitch someday soon.

Great progress, even with the frogging, on IJ, too! Another in my hope to stitch soon pile!

Sherry said...

I love the frame for Marianne! She is going to be beautiful hanging in your home. How special the way you had your own special touch to the bottom. That is something I may have to think about starting.

Edgar said...

Just beautiful!!! Congrats!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Your Sampler framed perfectly is just honest to heavens gorgeous! I love it!
Good, good luck on your run!

Melody said...

What a wonderful post. Love your newly framed finish, that's a beautiful sampler. Also, you have a great collection of frogs for your scissors, I'm impressed.

And, the pieces you won at your guild auction are beautiful.


Ellen said...

Marianne looks wonderful!! The frame is perfect.

I too sign my pieces in the linen margin with my name, the year, and also where I live.

Love your "frogs"--keep looking to find one--maybe it's time to take a day off and go searching again.

Michelle said...

Your Marianne is beautiful! Congrats on framing her. Love that you sign your pieces under the frame and add a little something about what's going on. Great idea. Love the green milk glass frog too - how fun. And I feel your pain on Isabella, I've been ripping out the border on Dorothy lately!

Pumpkin said...

Wow! They DID do a great job! You must have a really good girl at that location. Btw, I REALLY want to grab that bunny ;o)

Your SAL is beautiful! The colors are lovely.

That green fob is awesome! What a find. It's so hard to find them around here. I've never seen a wire one. You've got a very nice collection :o)

Good luck with your run. Take care of yourself!

Katrina said...

Love, love, love your MW and the frame is perfect. I was happy to see the pinning on your sampler. I wonder how my JoAnn would be. I am a bit afraid it's more hit or miss???

Pretty frogs and auction win too. And good luck on your run!!!!

Bonnie said...

Thanks so much for sharing your color choices on MW...I copied,pasted & printed to put with my pattern. You do such a good job w/colors. Who is the designer on the Isabelle you are working on now? I just can't believe how fast you work. I just finished LaDDa's "Bird in the Hand" and it took me longer than the big ones you do. Amazing!!...Bonnie

BrendaS said...

Beautiful framing! Your stitching is so nice.

Love your collection of frogs. What a group of them you have:)))

Good luck on your run. Be safe.

Bhooma said...

Your MW looks gorgeous. Of course I have the chart but haven't put in even one stitch and there you are on to your next project ! You are inspiring me to start mine.

pj said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the colors in this sampler and your work is beautiful....I agree the frame is great too. Thanks for sharing your colors as it does stand out and I want to stitch it now. pj

Nicole said...

Marianne Wenn turned out gorgeous Terri! Joann's did a good job framing!

I love all the frogs too - even the wire ones (I don't think they're ugly, I think they're cool). Did you see the article in Country living all about frogs??

I love your Isabella Johnstone wip too - another one on my must stitch list! :)

Von said...

Your Joann's does an amazing framing job, Terri! I love how you stitch your name in unseen margin; someone will be appreciative of that detail some day. :)

Patty C. said...

So many frogs - you need more scissors ;)

Your work looks lovely - Enjoyed the visit !!!!

Elia said...

and beautiful blog!!!
hugs from Spain


Barb said...

Beautiful! And such a great idea to stitch in your name on the edge. Definitely something to keep in mind especially for such a big piece. It must have been comforting to know that the pinning was well done. Makes me want to dismantle some of my things just to check!

LiahonaGirl said...

Fabulous finish! The framing is perfect. Your color changes definitely enhance the design. (Thanks for sharing your floss conversions!) And I love the way you sign the projects. I need to be better about that. Congratulations on another wonderful stitched heirloom!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful finish, the framing is excellent, really compliments your piece.

Mylene said...

The frame is perfect for the sampler, looks gorgeous!!
wow! what lovely collections!!

woolwoman said...

Terri your MW is beautifully stitched and framed - I'm astounded that your Joann's does such a wonderful job - it's just too bad that not all of them have the same level of quality - same with Michaels - I 've seen beautiful things on the blogs but here - I YAH YAH - I would NEVER take my piece to either place. enjoy your whirlwind trip to VA - Mel

Yvonne..... said...

Your sampler is GORGEOUS!! Beautiful colors that it just pops!! I know you will be happy to have this one on the wall soon!

Karoline said...

Marianne is grgeous, great framing and lovely progress on Isabella

merumo said...

Wow, that's such a nice surprise about the framing job at J store! I've been told not to take any needlework project to them for the framing work, but after seeing how nicely yours has been done, I may have to try our local ones. (There are a couple of them in town.) Thank you for good info! And your Isabella is looking very nice :)

Gladys Creativa said...

Simple amazing, I don't have words!!!
Hugs and regards!

Jackie said...

Hello Terri.
Thanks you so very kindly for your gracious comment on my blog. I hope you had a fun time in VA with your Dad and your run. That is truly special. You sampler is beautiful and glad to see those mounting pins too. TFS the way you sign your samplers, I suppose I should adopt that:-)
The frogs are a beauty.
Thanks again for stopping by and I have clinged on to follow.
Take Care.

Bea de Caracas said...

Your frame is wonderfull!
Best regards...

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of adding your name , date and a bit of history in with your stitching. That's something I'm going to do from now on.....well on the big projects anyway!

Isa said...

The frame of your Marianne is beautiful, worthy of the embroidery that it carries!... your frogs are pretty too (even the ugly ones).
Thanks to you now I know why they are call frogs and what frogging means ;).

Bergamote de Nancy said...

It's very beautiful!!!

Have a good-week-end


Denise said...

Lovely stitching, as usual! I love
your frogs and especially, the 'ughly' ones, I have a few of those myself. You probably know this, but the 'sticky' ones are called 'needlepoints' (my mother is a flower show judge, so that's how I know!)....
I never see in my area all the lovely frogs that everyone on the blogs seem to find.