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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fun Finishes, Fabulous Finds and Fantastic Friends!

I finished Isabella Johnstone last Thursday night!  I was a little late coming to the Isabella party; I think my invite got lost in the mail.  But, I am all for crashing a party every now and again and thought I should crash Isabella's, for sure!  
Since doing a crash is always easier with a partner, Yuko and I decided to do it together.
Truth is, Isabella didn't seem to mind a couple of late comers to her party.  Next time, I hope I get invited earlier.  Really, I'm pretty fun at a party ~
lampshades notwithstanding!

you may click to inspect :-)
Ignore the date - the camera got all screwed up.....

Isabella Johnstone
Stitching and Antique Needlework Quarterly
Vol 59
Summer 2010 
36 count fabric, DMC floss

I stitched her on 36 count fabric using one thread which created a bit of a dilemma.... it's hard to blend threads when you only use one.  I tried using one color for the bottom of the X and the other color for the top stitch but I didn't love how that looked so I just picked the dominate color and went for it.  I love how it turned out and I've already dropped her off to be framed.  Picked a fun frame and can't WAIT to get it back.  I hope it looks as good as I envision.    Here's another shot, just because...

Check out my newest collection:
Shoe Pincushions!!!

I found the boy's shoe at the Ann Arbor Antique Market last fall when Sheila and I hiked out there one day.  The little one in the middle I found at a little antique store, again, shopping with Sheila.  The "buckle" on the front says "U.S. Capital". 
 The other woman's shoe on the left, Sheila found at an estate sale last weekend.  The shoe is textured, and the buckle says "Statue of Liberty" and of course has the statue on it.  I just love these and now that I have three - I have a collection!

Aren't those heels cute?  High heels and pointed toe shoes - what's not to love?

                                                              Last weekend I visited Janice and Bob at their cute store in Marine City.  
They own a wonderful antique/prim shop AND she has a great blog!
She has great merchandise and tells great stories; top by and visit, sign up to follow her, too - she'll have a giveaway when she reaches 50 followers!!

Anyway, while I was there, I found two things I couldn't leave without.
The first is another flower frog.  This is a big one!   Here it is on my table being used in a most unusual way - it's holding flowers!  Flower frogs actually make a lovely flower arrangement and not just a place to hold your treasured scissors! 

I took this pic, with some of the flowers removed so you could see the inside of the vase with the frog. 

The other thing I found, that I didn't even know I was looking for, was this awesome lamb cake mold.  Thanks Bob!

It's made of cast iron, it's heavy and I think it's so cute.  Now my cast iron bunny bank (she was featured in my pic of Marianne Wenn a few posts back) has a friend.  So CUTE!
No - I won't be using it to make a cake.  I can barely handle a cake in a normal cake pan, much less something like this.  This little lamb is purely decorative!

My last pic of the day is this little piece I stitched but have yet to "finish" (a terrifying thought for me).  This is a pattern by Shakespeare's Peddler called 
"Count Your Blessings"
It is a traveling pattern and one which called to me.  

It's stitched on a scrap piece of 36 count (I think) mottled fabric (a story for another day....) with threads from stash.

This has been a trying year and this is a sweet way to remember that no matter how
difficult a time we may be having, there are still blessings to be found.  
Granted, sometimes you have to look really hard to find them, and sometimes they're hiding under a gigantic boulder, but they are there.

If you would like the opportunity to stitch this, please just let me know in a comment.    If you don't say anything about wanting to stitch it, I'll assume you're not interested.  All that's asked is that once you receive it, you stitch it in a reasonable amount of time, sign your name to the chart and then send the pattern on to the next person.

I'll pick a name next Friday.  Who knows, maybe I'll have something fun to show you after the first antique market of the season by then!

Thanks so much for stopping by and for all the comments you so graciously leave for me.  You are the best and I so appreciate your time!
Ooooh, and thanks and welcome to my new followers!  I can't believe I've got more than 400 chocolate loving, Fantastic Friends!  I think this calls for a follower giveaway, don't you?  I'll have to think about that a little bit (let's just hope the thinking doesn't hurt too much) but rest assured, the giveaway will involve chocolate from our local chocolatier.  



JillMN said...

Count me in on the travelling pattern. Love it!

krayolakris said...

Terri, your latest finish is gorgeous! Better late to the party than to miss it entirely. Guess that means I'm coming to the after-party, because I just received the pattern and fabric to stitch that red cow!! Thanks for your inspiring blog!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Hi Terri, I can't wait to go see Janice and Bob's shop one of these days. I'm a follower on her blog too. Don't forget, this Friday night is Ladies Nite Out in Holly! Hope to see you soon, Dawn

Loretta said...

I have been following the traveling pattern since the beginning and would love a chance to stitch it.

Congratulations on finishing the Isabella Johnstone. It is gorgeous. And I am absolutely envious of your shoe pincushion collection. They are so adorable.

lynda said...

I'd love a chance to stitch this traveling piece. Thanks...and Isabella looks great...can't wait to see the frame you chose.
I love those little pincushions too...what a cute collection!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

I could Count Your Blessings too. and lampshades???? lol I was out looking in an oddball store in a town not far from home this morning and saw a pin cushion exactly like the boys shoe. What a coinqudink. I actually picked it up and admired it all while thinking to myself "SELF YOU HAVE TO MUCH ALREADY" and I put it down only to pick up a flower frog and purchase that...
Be always in stitches my friend
and your finish is wonderful.
Asl always

Tammy said...

What a fun post! I loved everything; Isabella, your new treasures especially the shoe pin cushion and your very unique new frog. I also loved "Count your Blessings" and the sentiment behind it. Of course you have over 400 followers, your blog is wonderful.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh golly Moses, Isabella looks FANTASTIC!!! And I love those little shoes :) How darlingly sweet are those?! And the lamb cake mold, I actually have one of those because when one of us in our family celebrates their first communion I make a cake for them, just as my granny made them for all her kids and grandkids....a tradition!

Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations on Isabella's completion! Looking forward to seeing her all framed up! Your "Count Your Blessings" piece is precious; I'll pass on the traveling pattern since it is in my stash already! Guess I should get it stitched up!

Neat new collection, Terri! And love your flower arrangement!

Margaret said...

Love your Isabella! Love those shoe pincushions too! The flowers look so nice in the flower frog -- that's what flower frogs are really for after all. lol! Nice finish of the Shakespeare's piece too! And the lamb mold -- wonderful! You always manage such great finds!

Glenna said...

Oh, I love all of it, but particularly Isabella, the shoes and the lamb mold!

Chris said...

Isabella is gorgeous! I love that cow!
Count your blessings looks great too.
Congratulations on all your new treasures.

Myra said...

I would love to be chosen for the travelling pattern. :o)

Isabella looks fabulous and so does your new collection. Those shoes are just too cute.

Now, I would love to encounter you when you are in lampshade wearing mode. LOL

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I love the Isabella!! I love this chart. I keep seeing it stitched. So pretty !! Love the shoe pincushions and your table was to pretty for Easter!! If you send the Isabella on a traveling trip please think of me !! lol

Nancy said...

Beautiful finish on Isabella, can't wait to see it framed!

Love your other finds too! Going to go click on the link you suggested, I love visiting blogs!

Joanie said...

Love Isabelle! And I'm all for party crashing.

The Count Your Blessings piece is lovely and I'd like to stitch it. So count me in.

Melissa said...

Congratulations on finishing Isabella! She is just lovely. Now I will look forward to seeing her framed. I know you pick some really lovely frames too.

I love those shoe pincushions! You are so lucky you have these great antique stores to visit!

Loraine said...

Oh Terri! Love your sampler. It turned out perfect, and I can't wait to see how you frame it.
All or your antique treasures are fabulous too. I love the lamb, and the shoes...really awesome. I will be on the hunt for shoes now! :)
Congrats on over 400 followers! I love reading your blog, and I can see why you have so many adoring fans!
Hugs to you dear friend! Hope all is well.

Laurie in Iowa said...

Congrats on finishing Isabella, she looks fabulous. Love your shoe pincushion collection and that lovely lamb mold.

Deborah said...

Isabella is just beautiful! You have had some wonderful finds lately. The shoes are fab and th flower frog is great. For flowers or for scissors.

JOLENE said...

First off, a funny question....does Isabella give strawberry and cream milk? lol Just kidding! Congrats on a fun finish. And those shoes, well, I have a collection of those too, only in brass/gold tones. Shoes are definitely high on the list of fashionable collections of women. Love 'em!

Andrea said...

Wow, your Isabella is gorgeous, just gorgeous!! I love it!!
What wonderful little pincushions!
Love your other finish too, and the flower frog! You and some other gals are so lucky in finding those!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Let me try this again, Terri, what a gorgeous finish! And as always, a fun post. Take care, Lancy

♥marylin♥ said...

C'est magnifique ! quel beau travail

La collection de petites chaussures est adorable !

la nouvelle broderie promet d'être sublime comme toutes les autres !

amitiés de France
votre amie Marylin

KarenV said...

Isabella looks great, congratulations on getting her finished! Love the little SP piece too.

Annemarie said...

Ooooh, look at Isabella! Congratulations, you! She looks super.

Love your shoe collection. Can't imagine having to walk around in anything like those shoes, though. Do you think they sell Birkenstock pincushions somewhere?

Christine said...

Isabella is gorgeous and your antique finds are such fun, though I can't imagine actually baking in that lamb cake mould.
Please throw my name in the hat for the travelling pattern.

Siobhán said...

Woohoo!! I love your finishes! Your Isabella is gorgeous. I still plan to stitch her. I know your frame will be amazing--I can't wait to see it. Love the antique finds!

Mouse said...

ohhhh your isabella is gorgeous :) can you count me in on the travelling pattern , been following around and would love the chance :)
those shoes are really cute too and well done on the other finds too :) off to go and look at your links :) take care and happy stitching:) love mouse xxxx


WOW, a lovely needlework! How do you do? Manuela

Cath said...

Fab stitching ,and I love the shoes .
Please put me in for the travelling pattern .

Lisa V said...

Love those shoes!
Pls throw my name in the hat for the travelling pattern.
Many thanks

Lili said...

Your Isabella Johnstone is so beautiful! Love your fabric.
So nice shoe collection.
Count Your Blessings is very pretty!

Annie said...

Isabella looks fabulous! Feels so good to finish a larger piece.

I use to have a little shoe knick-knack collection. Long gone now, hopefully to someone else who appreciates it. But your little pin cushions are much cooler than anything I had.

I'd love a chance to be part of the stitcher-hood for this traveling pattern.

Nancy said...

Beautiful stitches! Isabella is a gorgeous sampler. It will be fun to see what kind of frame you chose. Count Your Blessings is so pretty too. I have a similar chart so I'll pass on that one. Love your antiquey finds! I want estate sales to start so bad!

Giovanna said...

Congrats on Isabella, she's stunning! And I love your flowery table...

Alice said...

Isabella is beautiful! I love that cow looking so very placid in the middle of nowhere!

Great shopping finds this time too.

Sandra said...

What a beautiful finish! Your shoe pincushions are wonderful (I have one too).

Sally said...

Isabella looks gorgeous!

Count Your Blessings is a lovely finish. I would love to be in with a chance of stitching it as counting my blessings is something I definitely need to do!

Shari said...

your finish is wonderful & yes, your invite probably got lost in the mail somewhere!!!!!
Neat pincushion shoes...I never saw anything like that!
I would love to enter the traveling pattern giveaway drawing........yes, we do need to count our blessings everyday, because despite any circumstances, we are truly blessed...

Bonnie said...

Isabella came out beautifully...I knew it would! And those little shoes, to die for!! What a find! Do you have more than 24 hrs in a day there......there is no way I can keep up with you!!

staci said...

Isabella is stunning!!! And those vintage shoe pincushion finds are awesome!

I'll pass on the drawing since I haven't been stitching ;)

Julie M said...

So much stuff to talk about in one post! Not sure I will be able to remember it all! First, I love your finish and can't wait to see what frame you chose to enhance your beautiful piece.

The shoes are just too cute! I don't think I have ever seen one before! And just what you needed too, another collection!

The frog is awesome and how unique to be using it for flowers!

Have a great day!

Marion said...

I am in awe of your beautiful stitched pieces!!!
Your latest is gorgeous!!
I'd love to try for the pattern!
Thanks for the offer!

LiahonaGirl said...

You are the queen of "fun finishes and fabulous finds". Isabella will be another wonderful addition to your lovely stitchery. Love the idea of the traveling pattern -- but will improve the odds for everyone else by not joining in. (My piles of WIPS and to-dos are too big to add another one!)

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Isabella Johnson looks fabulous and I love those shoe pincushions. They are wonderful. Have a great week.


Marjorie said...

Love that cow! I'd love to be in on the travelling pattern too.

Erin said...

Lovely finishes!! I'd like a chance at the traveling pattern, too.

Isa said...

Hi Terri!
Your Isabella is gorgeous, I can´t wait to see the frame you picked for her. Your shoes and the flower frog are very pretty too... and what can I say about your post?, it is always fun to read :D!

Mylene said...

A great post, Terri! Congrats on a beautiful finish and wow! such lovely finds.

Cari said...

I so love reading your blog!! Isabelle is BEAUTIFUL. I love samplers with animals on them and this is one of my favorites. You go girl...your work is lovely. Those shoe pincushions are the BOMB!! The man shoe is really a fun one isn't it? You hang in there and stitch every second you can. Hugs, hugs and more hugs....

mdgtjulie said...

Wow, you sure have a lot of followers!!! Grats on your finishes, and your finds!

samplerlover said...

Terri, Isabella looks lovely. I always enjoy looking at mine. Love your new shoe collection. They are really lovely and what can I say about the sheep. Love him. - Sandra.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I want to come shopping with you! You always seem to find incredible things. I absoluetly adore the shoe pincushions....will you be adding to this collection?

Catherine said...

Congratulations on a beautiful finish! And those shoes - how fantastic are those! Great props for your photo shoot! Love the flower frog too! Thanks for sharing all your goodies!

Prims By The Water said...

Hi Terri, Oh how I just love your latest Isabella! This piece would look awesome in my new bedroom redo...I will have to look for the pattern...use to cross stitch many, many years ago...and this latest one has inspired me to go back to it. Thanks for the kudos about our store and my blog. Bob will be retiring from his job next Friday to work full time at the store. This has been our dream...Wish us luck. Sorry I missed you, but your lamb looks great! Also love thos fun shoe picushions!! Take care. Janice

Yuko said...

Wow, Congratulations, dear Terri!!
I wrote our schedule on my diary and found the last Sunday was our finish day!!!
Sorry, that I couldn't finish Isabella with you...
But from tonight, I will start Isabella again to finish!!
How beautiful your Isabella!!
I'm so excited to see your finished piece to imagine my finished piece!!
Thanks for doing this with me, it was so fun to stitch together!!!
I will e-mail you to ask if I can't find the nice way of floss blending!


Melissa said...

Love your Isabella! I have her started but keep getting distracted by other projects! She's a beauty! Awesome shoe pincushions! Using a flower frog for flowers, you rebel you! LOL

BrendaS said...

Beautiful finish. Better late than never:))

I would love to stitch the traveling pattern. Thanks for I including me in your drawing.

Marsha said...

What a wonderful bunch of finds! Love the shoes and the frog does a fantastic job holding up those flowers. Isabelle Johnson is looking so nice. It's in my stash to stitch also. I used to collect cows so it's a definite. I'll be in the after party too.

Anonymous said...

Lovely finishes Terri :)

I'd love to stitch the travelling pattern, been following it it started :)

Lynn said...

Congrats on your Isabella finish. It looks fantastic!
Wonderful finds too!! Those shoe pincushions are awesome.
I love the lamb cake mould. I don't think I've ever seen one quite like that.
Please add my name to your draw for the travelling pattern. I would love to stitch this little sentiment.

Sue said...

I love Isabella, she came out gorgeous. And I love those shoe pincushions ;)

Nancy M said...

Love those vintage shoes. Are you a stitcher who gets together with Deb in Rochester? I live in Coldwater MI and wonder if any MI stitchers would like to get together. I'm close to Allen MI, which claims to be the Antique Capital! LOL I bet you could find some more shoes!

Karoline said...

Isabella is gorgeous, congratulations

Carolyn said...

OMGosh, Terri, Isabella is just gorgeous! I can't WAIT to see what frame you picked out for her. You always pick out just the right one to compliment your stitching. I'm loving your shoe pincushions. I have ONE that belonged to someone in my family a LONG time ago, but no clue who. I wouldn't part with it for the world. I just love old things like that. Your collection is awesome! One of these days I'm going to have a flower frog. I guess nobody in Texas likes to get rid of theirs. I never see them here.

Miss you,friend. Hope all is going okay. :) HUGS

woolwoman said...

Terri great post and lovely finish in Isabella and the little "count your blessings would be a darling pin pillow. Enjoy your MD - I know you will - Mel

rosek1870 said...

I guess I am too late to get in on stitching "Count your blessings" although I just love it so if time please add me to the list. I love your table - I have the same dishes which i inherited from my mom (who passed away last June) - Love your blog!

Ruth said...

Love Isabella! The pincushions are great. You blog is fun to read. Would love a chance to stitch the "traveling chart".

Pumpkin said...

Congrats Terri! I can't wait to see her framed either :o)

LOVE your new pin cushion collection! How awesome is that!

You have really found some great deals :o) What a gorgeous flower frog and the lamb is just too cute.

Chocolate? Did someone say chocolate??????