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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Self Imposed Hiatus

Dear friends,

     It has been a crazy summer 'round here.  So much has been going on that I've barely been able to keep my head above water.  Hence, no blogging, no stitching (to speak of), not much of anything, really. 

Well, except for retail therapy.  
I've done a bit lot of that.  

The retail therapy has mostly involved estate sales and the sale rack at our local department store.  I bought a lot of great things at bargain basement prices.  

I bought quite a few dresses and have enjoyed wearing them this summer, which is a kind of a new thing for me.  

You see, I've always had really skinny legs.  I mean, seriously, SKINNY and was always very embarrassed to wear a dress or shorts or anything that exposed them.  People used to make fun of me; call me chicken legs, ask how those skinny sticks could possibly hold me up, even called me Annie Rexia.  How I managed to cheer in high school is beyond me.  It almost killed me sometimes  - the embarrassment of having everyone see my skinny legs was torture.  Oh, did I mention that I was a little bow legged too.  Do you know how hard it is to stand in cheer formation and try to squeeze your legs together so they wouldn't look so bowed AND skinny.
Things like that made me the self conscious person I am today.

I remember that I had to wear a dress (mandatory) for a speech class I took in my freshman year of high school.  I was more terrified of having to wear a dress in front of all the beautiful girls and their gorgeous legs (not to mention the cute boys) than I was to give my speech.  My mom took me to get a dress and a pair of great shoes that I remember to this day.  They were a tan sandal styled wedge (pretty high heel) and I loved them.  They almost made wearing the dress bearable.  


 Everyone still laughed at me and teased me that day.  I'll never forget it.  It was devastating and the effects have lasted into adulthood.  I am still very self-conscious and am sure people are pointing and laughing at me, still.

But.... my son Tyler, at the beginning of the summer said to me, "Wow, Mom!  You've really gotten some trunks from all the running you've been doing."  It may be the greatest compliment I have ever received.  At 51 years old, my son gave me the confidence to buy and wear dresses this summer.  Lots of dresses!  
It has been fun.  Thanks, Ty!

Which is why these little treasures made their way home with me.  Aren't they fabulous!?  I just love how well they're made and of course, being red; they're perfect.

BTW, the pictures are not very good - I've lost my camera and these were all taken with my phone.  I think they're going to be clickable but sorry they're not better.

But that's not all the retail therapy I did.  Here, are some of the other things I've found this summer at estate sales:

I got this perfect KitchenAid mixer with original cover and book and attachments for $30.  I thought it was a great buy.  I've always wanted one (not sure why, I don't bake) and was tickled to find it at such a great price and in such pristine condition.  I got this early in the summer and have yet to make anything with it other than mashed potatoes.  I know... But, the mashed potatoes were AWESOME!

How about this beauty?  It was also $30 on the last day of the sale.
It included the machine, a ton of attachments, instruction book and the cabinet and stool.  Turns out this is a really good machine.  A Singer 403 Slant-o-matic and it's in perfect condition.  I know, I don't sew either.  But it was $30!!!  
I couldn't just leave it there.  
 I don't bake and I don't sew.  What do I do????  Good question.

Here's a close up;

Yes!  That is Elvis.  He is in Michigan and lives in my basement.  
God, he was a gorgeous man!  Uh sorry, I was distracted (happens often).  The machine isn't bad either, is it?  These were the two most expensive things I bought at estate sales this summer.  The rest of the things I'm going to show you were very inexpensive.

I found these cute scales (not at the same place) and there was no question but that they had to come home with me.

In case you can't tell, I put my silver thimbles in the egg scale.

I found the three big, red, bread tins at a local antique mall.  They were all about $8 - $10 each and I think they look great stacked up.  I've cleaned out my cabinets in the craft room and put things I don't use very often in the tins.  I have done a lot of craft room cleaning and got rid of a lot of stuff I no longer want or use to make room for my new, old stuff!

Are you bored yet????   I'm going to show you some more!

I didn't buy this but I thought it was a beautiful machine.  
Do you think the maker thought that calling it Cinderella and putting pretty graphics on it that the labor of sewing might make you feel better about the work you were doing?  Maybe whatever you were making would turn you into a wondrous creature, just like Cinderella at the ball  I don't, know but it sure is pretty!

This little vintage treasure was a gift from Julie.
Have you ever seen anything like them before?
The clothespins are so small and dainty.
I can't wait to go to Paris someday and take these with me to hang my beautiful lingerie on the line in my hotel room.  Which will, by the way, be overlooking the Eiffel Tower 
( a girl can dream).

I found this little, tin, hoosier cabinet at an estate sale and just had to have it. 
I have it on the countertop in my craft room and think it's just the perfect, little thing to place some of my other treasures.

The Santos doll to the right of the cabinet was a gift from Rob.  Isn't she beautiful!?

The other thing I found this summer was a lot of Desert Rose dishes.  I can now say that I have a fairly large collection.  I love them and use them everyday.  Here are some of the not so everyday pieces I've gotten:

I've found a couple of fun flower frogs recently in addition to all the other crap treasures I've brought home.

These are all crystal or glass and are so pretty, I think.  I especially like the tall one that looks like a tulip:

Oh, I also wanted to show you my collection of pincushion dolls.  The latest addition to the collection is the baby doll in the gold, velvet cushion.  
Isn't she sweet?  She was a gift from Rob.

Her dress, on the bottom, looks like the green velvet that Scarlet O'Hara used to make her dress when she went to visit Rhett in prison.   
The baby has aged well, her frock, not so much!

In case you're wondering where I store some of my treasures:

This is a little curio cabinet in the foyer of my home.  I rotate things in and out of here but this is what it looked like today.  I have four little sewing machines - the smallest is a timex clock (in front of the teal machine).  Other treasures are from friends and finds at estate sales/antique stores.  The little doll on the right was from my mom and the adorable schnauzer bank is a gift from Sheila.

Where do you keep all your treasures???

Finally, some stitching.
Here is my Mystery Sampler.  
I just sort of stalled on it and just picked it back up the other night.  
I don't like the color of the letters.  
I didn't like how they looked on my fabric when I started but for some reason, I kept plugging away.   
The color has not grown on me.  
So... I will do something.  What, I'm not sure.
I may change my initials to red and see if that'll be enough to help the other letters pop, which I doubt..  Or, I may just frog all the letters and pick another color to stitch them (but gosh, I HATE frogging and re-stitching).  They looked great on the original Brenda did, but my floss and fabric are just too close together.  
They don't stand out enough.  
They're very blah.

I'm so mad at myself for not changing them from the get-go.

And, believe it or not, that's all I've got.  
2 months of not blogging and this is it.
Sorry it's not a better post.

I will be going to Savannah, GA in September, with my mom.  I needed a few days away and she agreed to accompany me.  Any suggestions about must see things to do besides the standard sites?  I can't wait to get away and see this historic, beautiful city.

Thank you so much for all the emails asking about me, I appreciate them more than you know.

I do have some wonderful gifts that I received recently I'm going to show you but that'll have to wait for another day.

Thanks so much for stopping by!!!!

Have a wonderful week.



Siobhán said...

You're going to Savannah?? I'm insanely jealous. I can't wait to see the pics!

I love all of your treasures! I think blogging and stitching is harder, somehow, in the summer. So many things to do and the weather is better, etc. Take time and enjoy life and blog when you can. That's my philosophy, anyway.

Good for you on having the confidence to wear dresses! I was reading about how awkward you felt about your legs thinking that I remember being called thunder thighs in HS gym (mortifying)... I guess we're all the same after all--different sets of issues we all feel awkward and that's affected us more than I think the outside world realizes. Big hugs and you go girl!

Love the stitching! Every stitch made is a stitch in the right direction.

BrendaS said...

Good to see a post from you.

LOVE all your treasures you found. Lots of great things. I especially like your collection of Desert Rose dishes. Very very nice:))

Take care and have a great time in Savannah. I've never been but it's on my wish list for someday!

Mindi said...

A Kitchen Aid mixer, with attachments for #30?!? That's a great bargain! I love the glass vases and flower frogs you picked up, I've been looking for some,, and obviously not looking hard enough or in the right places, since I haven't found any.

Very nice progress on you mystery sampler.

Annie said...

Too funny! I'm the original chicken-legged, bow-legged woman. I danced for years and it didn't seem to make any difference. I know what you mean about the space between the legs. You know, Miss America contestants must have straight legs. It's the main reason I never entered that contest. ;-) Glad to know you've overcome the disability!

Check out Junkyard Saints' "Chicken-leg Girl", one of my favorite songs!

Your vintage treasures are marvelous and such bargains! I love seeing those old sewing machines.

And those dolls are just too sweet.

Love your Elvis. He brightens up every room he enters!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! I think white is my fav too.

Love your goodies. The mixer and sewing machine are definitely great buys and I enjoyed seeing the other things you got. No guilt for not posting. Total guilt free zone.

i always felt like my legs were too big in high school. Little did I know then that I'd LOVE to have those legs now!

Julie M said...

It's good to see you again Terry! Several of my favorite bloggers disappeared long about the same time I had my surgery and I was wondering and praying that everything was okay.

Congrats on overcoming your fear of dresses. I fear them for the opposite reason. Short stubby legs, now short stubby fat legs with 2 scars on the one! Don't think I will wear a dress any time soon!

Loved all your treasures. I think that is one of the things I have missed the most this summer, going out to sales and thrift stores. I keep thinking of all those treasures that someone else has found because I wasn't there to find it first.

Enjoy your trip to Savannah! Don't stay away so long next time!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post, my friend! I hope you and your Mom have an awesome time in Savannah!

Loved seeing your new treasures and that curio filled with your treasures is fabulous!

Robin in Virginia

Margaret said...

I feel so sad for your younger self being teased about your legs. Kids can be so cruel, and it hasn't changed, has it? I'm glad you're enjoying wearing dresses now -- how great for Tyler to give you the courage!

I love all your new stuff! Wow! You always find the greatest stuff! That hoosier cabinet is definitely my favorite though -- how cute is that? Love the stitching too!

Have a great time in Savannah. I've never been so I can't help you plan, but I know you'll have a great time and get lots of good suggestions.

Maggie said...

So that's where Elvis has been hiding!

I'm Glad to meet another convert to dresses! I am so self conscious about my legs too (a bit knock kneed to your bow legged, omg, what a sight we would be stood stood side by side, lol)anyway i got over my fear of 'the dress' this summer and went on a spending spree and have been dressing up for work ever since!

You've picked up some wonderful treasures this summer, especially the mixer, what a bargain!

I hope you and your mother have a fantastic trip to Savannah :-)

mdgtjulie said...

OMW, what an entry. You've found so many wonderful things this summer, Terri. Grats on all the great acquisitions. You've got some cool stuff. I agree with you about the BoaF MS. You do need to change the color of the alphabet. I can only see it cause I know where it is. Good luck getting it all frogged and restitched. Here's hoping it goes very fast for you. And I hope you really enjoy your vacation, and take lots of pics while you're in Savannah. I've never been, so I can't give you any travel tips...

Anna van Schurman said...

The mixer was a great buy. My cousin sells her cakes (she decorates them beautifully) but she makes the cake from a box! And everyone raves. We figure the secret is the mixer. Seriously, that thing will make a box cake taste fantastic. (Just use homemade frosting.) Glad you're back. Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

Joy said...

Every once and awhile you have to take a hiatus. I took one last summer because, it was just too hard with Zoé and working 40 hours a week opposite my husband's schedule.

Susan said...

Terri, glad to see you back! Thanks for sharing all your great finds.

I think you were brave to share the story about your legs. It's awful how remarks made during our more youthful days can form our opinions about ourselves for a long time. It's great that you're more confident in dresses these days.

Tins and Treasures said...

Good evening, Terri,
I loved reading your post. I'm just going to say that skinny legs are better than fat legs, right?! I'm sure you look fabulous.

I love your purchases...the mixer and sewing machine. Those are lucky finds.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend. ~Natalie

Melissa said...

Good to see your post, Terri!

Gosh, look at all those goodies. You have a nose to hunt down these bargains!

Oh, the body issues we all have! Too thin, too fat, too this too that. I know. I would like to wear more dresses too. I have a different issue but I won't mention it here!

I hope you find a solution to your alphabet issue on the mystery sampler. Maybe you should paint a coffee/walnut stain on them!

Have fun in Savannah. That's one place I'd like to visit one day!

Lynn said...

Wow, lots of treasures! I can't believe you got that sewing machine and the mixer for only $30 each!
I'm the opposite, I don't wear dresses because of my rather solid legs (plus all the spidy veins on them!). If I wear a skirt or dress I make sure it's a longer length to hide things. I thought my legs were bad in high school but I'd kill to have those legs now!! I'm glad you're feeling more confident about yourself.

barbara said...

I'm wrestling with my jealousy over a few of your finds - but all in a good way, of course - not to mention having Elvis himself in your basement! :) As for teasing incidents from long-ago that still reverberate well into adulthood, when we first moved here, the most popular two girls in high school (they were years older than me, I can't think why they singled me out) laughed at me all the way across the parking lot of the only supermarket in town. I seriously thought I'd die. I still ask people who are laughing in vicinity if they're laughing at me! But good for you, wearing dresses and shorts and enjoying them! And good for your son, drawing your attention to your beauty. :D

doris said...

Woo, baby, you've been collecting! It doesn't matter what you've been doing as long as you find a way to enjoy yourself.

Myra said...

I think this is a fabulous post Terri. I too got teased in school about various and assorted things and still remember them to this day. I am glad you overcame it this summer and wore your pretty dresses. Love all your new things and your mystery sampler looks great. I wondered about the letters on mine not standing out enough too but in the end I left them.

Gabi said...

So glad that you found the confidence to wear dresses - and enjoy it. And how so very special that your own son made the compliment that made you confident. That's so lovely
Great haul of things all over. Wow on the kitchen aid mixer. That's a bargain!!! LOVE your frogs and dishes.
The writing on your Mystery sampler is not visible indeed. Shows you what dye lots do. I'm lucky enough that my thread shows well enough on the fabric.
Wishing you and your mum lots of fun in Savannah. And waiting for pics of course :)

Deb said...

Great post Terri with all your incredible finds. I don't know how you find all those things!! And about the sewing machine, you know we're going to make a sewer out of you yet, don't you?

I think you looked great in a dress the last time I saw you, so I hope you wear more of them, although that it's getting cooler, pants are probably in order

Love those dishes :o), and I hope you have a great time in Savannah, but I'll probably see you before then.

And know what you mean about the stitching - it's harder to stitch and blog in the summer - there are just so many other things to do.

Cari said...

Oh my gosh Terri...I love your update. I can't even pick out a personal favorite...I love everything !! Your stories are so much fun to read. I love you gal. Have a great vacation in Savannah! Hugs dear friend.

Sweet Sue said...

Hi Terri, nice to see you posting:) Great score on your mixer~ if you make deviled eggs, the yolks will mix up really well in it. I load it up, turn to medium and walk away, easy and no lumps. Enjoy Savannah.

Sherry :o) said...

Your treasures are always fun to see...someday I will have the luck you have in finding such good stuff...

I have never noticed that you have unusually skinny legs...too busy worrying about my tummy, my hair, my blah, blah, blah...don't you just hate thinking that way - I don't know many women who don't about something. But I think you have looked spectacular any time I see you - and after all, I photoed your hair to take to my salon to mimick - too bad I have such thin hair and it didn't work. Glad I did though, so we could become friends (with Deb & Julie too).

Is that the strawberry from KSSG on your sampler? I finished mine too - see my blog banner. I am changing the letter color on my mystery sampler too. I don't know to what yet, but I am doing some other stitching around them and then I will pick out something.

Have fun in GA - looking forward to hearing about it when you return. Hope all is going well! I think about you often...hoping all is well!

Kathy said...

Welcome back! This was a great post and kudos to you for wearing those skirts - yay!! One thing I noticed when I turned 50 was I suddenly felt sort of "liberated", like I had come of age and earned the right be my authentic self. It is a wonderful gift of middle age!

Anna Zont said...

We missed you :)
I'm glad that you came back.
Summer is not gone in vain! :)))Congratulations!!!

♥marylin♥ said...

absolument merveilleux quelles collections !!!!!
bisous bisous

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I think self-confidence no matter where it comes from and at what age is wonderful - your son is a sweetie for reminding you that you are feminine and gorgeous and pretty! I bet you look smashing in your dresses :) as you are a beautiful young lady!
All your treasures are just the cat's meow! I love that little hoosier cabinet...being I'm a hoosier and all :)
Have a safe, fun adventure in Savannah!

Prims By The Water said...

Welcome back blogging sister! Your finds are wonderful to say the least. Love them all!!!. Plus your newest piece is looking good too. Take care, Janice

Katrina said...

Wow that's a lot of information ;-). Love all your finds and your display. I keep a few things in a small cabinet my mom gave me. I also have a sewing room, benefit of kids leaving home LOL, with bookshelves on one wall so I keep thing there too.

I've seen a couple BOAF pieces where the alphabet was changed and it looked nice. I hate unpicking too but if you aren't going to be happy otherwise bite the bullet and do it :-)!!!

Yea on you for wearing dresses this summer!!! And have fun in Savannah with your mom, I am very jealous.

Sheila said...

What great finds you have made over the summer - lucky you :)

I would have loved skinny legs, mine were (and still are) like an elephants... they very rarely see the sun these days :).

Savannah sounds so romantic - have a great time.

Bertie said...

Wow you have been busy, your estate stash looks pretty serious but fabulous:))

You look fabulous in a dress Terri, tall and beautiful. Such a shame your peer's were so cruel, and I know now )having grown up lol), it was to hide their own insecurities! It does happen to us all and am glad you got over it too:))

BOF looks lovely, you have done more than me!! I must pick it up again.

Have a great time in Savannah!

Sally said...

Wow what a fantastic lot of treasures! You have some great finds there!

Have a great time at Savannah!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back!

Bet all those kids that teased you about your legs wish they had your legs now!

Loved all you treasures....please, please, please take me shopping with you! I never see anything as wonderful as you manage to find!

Have a great time in Savannah!

Cathy Lloyd said...

I can't believe ANYONE made fun of you! Stupid kids! Growing up is tough isn't it? Always happy to see you blogging at any time. I've been a blogging slacker as well...nothing to say I guess. You've sure had fun at the estate sales! So on your mystery sampler, did you use Brenda's called-for threads and linen? I haven't started mine yet! Enjoy what's left of your summer and your trip to Savannah!

Rachel S-H said...

This was a great post. You found some wonderful homes for your treasures!

Kathy Ellen said...

What a fun post, seeing all of the wonderful treasures that you have collected over the summer. The hiatus from stitching and blogging seems to have been well worth!

I agree with you about the Mystery Sampler alphabet...the thread colour just seems to blend in with the fabric a bit too much, but I didn't select anything different either. Have a wonderful time in is a treasure trough of history...perhaps you will find more treasures there too!

woolwoman said...

Terri - when will you be in Savannah? I would love to arrange to meet you and your mom for lunch but I have a pretty busy Sept. Email me and we'll see if there is any time in your schedule and in mine. There is 2 great yarn shops and 2 great needlepoint shops (no cross stitch) in Savannah - I can tell you about great restaurants and also recommend places to stay. I know Savannah pretty well since I am up there so much on business. Gotta run - email me - mel

Pumpkin said...

Aren't kids cruel? That was very sweet of your son :o) What people need to realize is that we're all different and should embrace that. I'm happy to hear that you're starting to ;o)

WOW! You have been collecting treasures this summer :o) You got some great ones in there too.

I think your sampler looks just fine! Maybe you're being to hard on yourself?

Loraine said...

What a wonderful catch up post! Love the treasures you have found! Wow, you are one lucky girl. I always go to the antique stores, but the prices are sky high around here, so I rarely buy anything.
Your sampler is looking lovely. So sorry you aren't happier with the colors. That is such a frustration.
Your skinny leg story cracks me up, because who wouldn't want skinny legs? I didn't know you could have legs that were too skinny. LOL. I'm sure you look fabulous in your dresses. I love wearing dresses. I think it hides my not so skinny legs.
Hope all is going well for you. I think about you often! Big hugs to you!

Bonnie said...

I'm glad you posted again......I was worried about you. Everybody has to take a break every now & then from stitching. I haven't done much this summer either. My mother collected Desert Rose dishes also.

I would love to find casual summer dresses that would look decent on me too. I think they would be fun to wear. I can always find winter clothes that I love, but summer is more difficult. Welcome back!

Kathy A. said...

Terri - you find the most amazing treasures. I think you must have an eye for such things. I just never see them. I loved the wonderful gifts you sent me and they make a wonderful display on my antique sewing machine! Thank you again.

Pam said...

when you go to Savannah see if you can get into Paula Deen's restaurant, The Lady and Sons. I have heard that if it fabulous!!

Good for you that you started wearing dresses, and how awesome was it of Ty to give you the confidence to do so? It's good to hear that you are enjoying the new dresses that you bought.

I see what you mean about the lettering on your stitching. They do not pop at all. I know you hate to do it, but I would frog out the lettering and pick a darker color. I hate doing it, but in the end you will be happier with it.

Marsha said...

You got some great treasures! Baking is actually easier with a kitchen aid because you can let it mix and walk away. I'm so glad you're wearing dresses. I think they're cooler in the summer than shorts. I found some frogs this summer too but none that have a vase to 'go with'.

Michelle said...

Wow - lots of eye candy in this post!! You've been very busy! I think it's fabulous that you've been wearing dresses this summer and enjoying them. YGG! I'm looking forward to seeing what you figure out on your mystery sampler - I'm not that far along!

Bevstitches said...

Terri - Love your post - everything is beautiful- your stitching and framing are exquisite!!! I live in Savannah and would love to meet with you and your Mom - email me at - let me know when you will be here and we can work something out!!

Simone said...

Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I love all the treasures you found!

Atelier Soed Idee

Karen said...

You HAVE to go to Paula Deens restaurant "Lady & Sons".
And see the wonderful historic sites. Clint Eastwood filmed a movie in savanah, some at the square.
Hope you have too much fun while traveling..K

grace said...

Hi Terri! It's been so long! I hope you have a wonderful time in Savannah! :D You found some lovely goodies over the summer!!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Good for you! Enjoy your dresses while it's warm - and maybe you'll get your skirt 'blown up' by some more wonderful finds! Girl, you do find some amazing treasures! Love it. I just read about an Antique Mall in Braselton, Ga. Don't know how you'll get to Savannah, but if you go near Atlanta, it may be worth the detour. There's lots to see in Savannah - I highly suggest the trolley tour! Glad you're back - and look forward to your next post.

Bine said...

You got so many wonderful treasures there...stunning!
I used to feel the same about my legs when I was a teen and a little later... I always felt embarrassed about the big gasp between my thighs and my calves the only things that touched each other when I stould straight were my knees and ankles...Today I wish I had this problem again. LOL
By the way, did I ever tell you how much I love your hair style??? Looks so beautiful on you!

Valerie said...

You are one of the best treasure hunters! I am always in awe of your finds! I am especially jealous of your pincushion dolls...they are delightful! My grandmother has a vintage Singer that is very similar to the one you found. It is the best sewing machine...the stitches are perfect!

Hope you have had a great summer! Have a great week!

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

Have a fun trip to Savannah - that's a place I've always to visit!

It looks like you picked up some major bargains - those little dresses are cute. I'm sorry that you got picked on for having skinny legs when you were in school - I have the opposite problem - I have legs like tree trunks - I would kill for shapely ankles. That hasn't really stopped me from wearing dresses, though - I love a good dress, especially a red one - when I'm wearing red dresses I don't think people notice my ankles as much :)

Anonymous said...

I say finish the whole thing and then decide. Subtle might be very beatiful when its all done.


cprmomma said...

Hello my new friend!! Hope you and your mom have fun this week...we are heading home. Any ghosts visit last night? Ha! So I did it!! cprmomma blog is up!! Follow me and it should be fun!! Talk soon!!