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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ann Sandles 1846 Sampler

I picked up not one, but two pieces from the framer yesterday!

Let me show you my "Ann Sandles 1846 Sampler" by With Thy Needle and Thread.  I really love how it turned out.  The frame is not normally what I would choose to frame a reproduction sampler but I loved how the frame matched the linen and the fillet complimented the colors on the sampler.  What do you think?  The frame is from Larson Juhl and the framing was done at my local JoAnn's.  
The colors in this one are so pretty!!!

The second one is "Her Sampler" by Carriage House Samplings.  I also like how this one turned out.  I was able to find a frame that kind of complimented the birds in the sampler and a fillet that picked up the mossy greens.  

When I picked these up at JoAnn's, Rob (one of the guys in the frame department, not my DH) said, 
"We were talking about your work and wondered what you did with them all.  Do you give them away?  You must have had 40 or more framed here over the last few years."

 I told him that I have samplers all over my home and that I do give some away (mostly to my mom) but not many.  It is far too expensive a proposition to give them away to someone that doesn't understand the expense and time involved.  Just the cost of the pattern, linen and floss (especially if you use silk) are quite hefty, not to mention framing costs. 


Do YOU give away many framed pieces?  

I told you I'd also show you my progress on Mary Gibson which you can order HERE, if you'd like.

She's coming along nicely.  But... do you see the mistake?

Look at the border on the right hand side.  Now do you see it?

The base of the strawberries only have one row of stitches leading to the base, 
not two!  So... all the green below the last strawberry on the right, must come out.
That's what I get for trying to watch "Downton Abbey".  
I got season one and two so I could get caught up (it comes on too late for me to watch) and rather than watch what I was stitching, I was watching the characters.
GREAT Show - if you're not already hooked, give it a go.  
So, I'm all caught up on Downton Abbey but I have a bit of frogging to do.


BTW, I still owe a couple of you an email with my conversion which I will try to write up this week.  I'm stalling because I haven't completely decided on a couple of the colors (the blue-gray for the houses) and I lost one of the NPI tags so don't know the color.

I will also post my conversion (not that it's all that great) here when I make a final decision on a couple of the colors.

Finally today, I'd like to show you some of the great quilts I found at estate sales recently.
The first three were found at the same place:

Sunbonnet Sue;

This one, with it's really soft colors is so pretty and the note attached to it said it was stitched in 1936.  I can't remember what this pattern is called but   
I love the cut out border.

And finally this doll or baby quilt which someone told me was called a cathedral window pattern but I'm not sure about that.

(that's my momma's baby doll in the wagon)

I think they gave me all three for $75!  Quite a bargain, if you ask me.
The white one was stitched in 1926 (see the note below).

This note was/is attached to this little quilt:
Isn't that great?  
I think this is one piece of white fabric all hand stitched with the added ruffle.

Here's a close up of the pretty stitching:

And finally, I found this one at another estate sale this last summer.  
I had seen it at the end of the  first day of the sale for $50.
But, I was too cheap frugal to buy it.  Yeah, that's it, I'm frugal!
Since it was still there late in the day, I thought I'd go back first thing the next day and try to get it for half price.
I was successful and it only cost me $25.
~ frugality paid off ~

I have no idea when this one was made but I love it and it's soft and worn and beautiful.

One more thing I must share with you.  My beautiful niece Brynne (sounds like Lynn) was Annie in her HS musical.  Please have a look and a listen:

This is not the best video in the world but she's amazing and I'm so proud of her.
Way to go, Brynne!  I love you tons!

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead and thanks so much for dropping by and leaving me a note. 

BTW, I think all of our disgruntled posts regarding the new blogger two word format paid off. 
The two words are now MUCH easier to read therefore, I'm leaving it turned on.
I have a hard time trying to moderate my comments as they come in (and in responding right away to your lovely notes) because of working full time.  
Working really gets in the way of the things I'd really like to do all day long!!!   
 So, I hope you don't mind the verification thingy.  I KNOW you're not a robot!

Be well.


Melissa said...

Terri, I love your framed pieces but I love-love-love your Ann Sandles piece! You're right. It's just a perfect complement! Well done!

You are making good progress on Mary Gibson. Sorry you have to frog though!

ps The word verification is better but it's taking me a few tries sometimes!

Unknown said...

Really like your framed pieces, the frames set them off wonderfully.
Good progress on Mary Gibson and don't you just hate when the frog comes to visit, hope its quick and painless.

Krista said...

Terri, I just love those frames that your chose and of course, the stitching pieces are gorgeous! I don't give away many pieces either, this craft is such a labor of love that I make some as gifts for family or friends for special life events.

Your Mary Gibson is looking beautiful. I have been frogging a bit myself this weekend!
Enjoy your day!

Catherine said...

Wow! Your framed pieces look amazing, as is your wip!
I had heard so much about Downton Abby, so I finally took the time to watch both season 1 and 2. I am absolutely hooked! The costumes, the scenery, etc.
Your niece has an amazing voice!

Karen said...

Love your framed pieces. So pretty!

happy frogging...and stitching hopefully....

valerie said...

Your framed pieces are gorgeous! I love Her Sampler and Ann looks wonderful in the red/white combo. Mary Gibson is really coming along! So sorry you have to frog though. Boo!

I have no idea how you find such fantastic stuff at your sales. When I go out, I find nothing!

Beth said...

Terri - Wonderful framed pieces - the frames and fillets are perfect - as is, of course, the stitching!

Giovanna said...

Love your stitching and your framed pieces - too bad about the frogging, but being a great fan of Downton myself I completely relate! Lovely quilt finds too, well done.

Sherry said...

The framed pieces are stunning! Wonderful progress on Mary. Don't worry about a little mistake. It adds character and makes it one of a kind! That's my lazy thinking when I don't feel like frogging! lol.

Love the quilts too. I am with you and not sure if that a cathredal window design. I have one of those but mine is in various colors.

I turned my verification back on too.

Cari said...

Oh I so love your blog. Your framing choices are amazing. The quilts are so much fun too!! Good for your selections !! Hugs dear friend....

Anonymous said...

Awesome frame selections for your pieces! Mary is looking good.


Siobhán said...

Beautiful frame choices, Terri! I don't give away my stitching, for the most part. My mom has a few pieces but that's it. Like you said--too expensive & time consuming for what is being given away.

I can't get over the quilts that you've picked up. Amazing!! How nice that they're getting a new home where they will be loved.

Maggie said...

Wow, your niece has an amazing voice!!

Love your new framed pieces, (and, no, i don't give my work away either, i don't know anyone who would appreciate the time, effort and love that goes into each piece. I'm the only stitcher in my family, and i swear they think i'm strange/sad!!)

Your quilts are all lovely, i'm always amazed at what you manage to find when your out and about :-)

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Oh j'adore c'est tellement magnifique !!

beautiful Samplers my friend,
bisous de France

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your framing choices are divine and really complement the pieces really well. You're making great progress on MG too. My needle is very slow these days....

Vickie said...

The second quilt is called grandmother's flower garden. And boy did you luck out on your quilt prices. Wow! Hooray for you.

Prims By The Water said...

Terri, Love your new masterpieces and also love those quilts...but alas I am not as frugal as you...I would have paid the $50 dollars for fear it would have been gone the next day, so you did good!! Take care, Janice

Deb said...

I think that the frame is just perfect for Ann Sandles. I know we get stuck on the darker frames, but this one looks like it was just made for her. Your other framing looks wonderful as well.

Love all those quilts - you do find some great ones. I have a pattern like that last one that I want to do someday, but I'm thinking that it would be easier just to find one! LOL

You're making great progress on Mary too. You'll be done before you know it!

Love to Stitch said...

Wow-- 2 fabulous pieces framed and added to the collection. Love the Ann Sandles frame, what a great idea to go with the white, very shabby chic!!!! The CHS piece the frame is perfect, simple and very classy :) You are making serious progess on Mary, and no, I had to look real good and hard to find your mistake, and I still havent sound it!!! Great haul at the estate sales, do you display them on walls and perhaps different bedrooms in your home? Shame all the work that goes into these things and people want to sell them-- good thing there are folks like you to scoop them up!!!

As for giving my pieces away?!!!! I have given 2 away, 1 to my mother for a Christmas gift and 1 to my sister for her wedding. Both gorgeous, both time consuming and expensive. Otherwise I am too selfish!!!! LOL

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Love the framed pieces Teri and your talking to the give away a framed piece here. And, I still have to many for the walls of Henley's Landing. Many years ago, when I was a little girl, I had a Sunbonnet Sue Quilt. I had forgotten all about it until I saw this or your post. Thanks for memory and maybe some more come May.
Be always in stitches.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Lovely framed pieces, it's so satisfying to see a work complete.
I do give away most of my framed pieces, for some reason I get more pleasure from them by doing this - but I do know what you mean about people not realising the cost or the time and effort that goes into the finished result.

Margaret said...

Leaving word verification on is perfectly reasonable, especially now that they made it easier to read. lol! If I didn't have time to moderate by email, I probably would have left mine on too.

Loooove your framed pieces!!! Gorgeous! I love how your Ann Sandles is so different from mine but equally gorgeous! (If I do say so myself. lol!) And Her Sampler is just exquisite! Love the green in the filet (?). Those quilts -- wow! What finds! You always have such luck! And Mary Gibson looks so great! No hurry on the conversion. Don't know when I'll get to it myself. After you pointed out where to look for the mistake, I saw it. Such a bummer. But it's worth it for Downton Abbey, isn't it? I love that show. lol!

Lisa V said...

Love your framed pieces, absolutely beautiful!

Anne said...

Both samplers are gorgeous, especially Ann Sandles!! Really love all those beautiful quilts too! Can't see the mistake! I'm the same as you when it comes to Downton Abbey....trying to stitch doesn't always work!!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love your two framed pieces, they look great.
I've stitched loads for other people over the years, at least one larger piece a year and often a few smalls.
The smalls I frame myself, I always stitch my son's year group teacher a 5x7 sampler and frame it with a chain store frame for less then £3.
The larger projects I will give unframed unless it's a wedding present in which case I'll frame it myself and spend upto £5 on a frame!! I'm not extravagant, am I? LOL
Funnily enough I still have a box or three of stuff for my own house, I rotate my displays when I get bored of the same thing.

Rita said...

Wow! You posted so much eye candy this time. I love the samplers, love the quilts, and your neice did a wonderful job on Tomorrow. (Beautiful voice!)

Yes, the word verification is a bit easier to see now, thank goodness.

Carol said...

I adore both of your framed pieces, Terri--you certainly have a very talented framer in Rob!! I'm very impressed with the job JoAnn's did on both :)

Loraine said...

Oh Terri, what a fun post! I love both of your framed pieces! The white frame is very striking. Your progress on Mary looks great too.
You are so lucky to find those quilts for such a bargain. They are all worth it! The second quilt is called a Grandmother's Flower Garden, and it's most likely hand pieced. I would love to make one of those sometime. The white quilt is a Cathedral Window pattern, but a true Cathedral window is pieced by hand also, and the center is usually a different fabric. Another quilt on my "to do" list.
I have been working an e-mail for a month now. Good grief, I need life to slow down! LOL.
Have a great week. Big hugs to you!

Glenna said...

Terri, I would not have thought to choose that Ann Sandles frame, but now that I see them together, it's absolutely perfect, as is the CHS (more traditional but also perfect). As for giving away my framed stuff, no sir, no way, nowhow! No one I love (and I love them dearly) could begin to appreciate how much time and money went into them. My sister once asked me why I didn't stitch and frame something for her, and I said truthfully, "because I didn't think you'd be interested." She'd rather have jewelry.

Faye said...

Well,I knew there was talent in your family judging by all the needlework accomplishments you have and all the wonderful finds you seem to land (Awesome quilts by the way~~)...Listened to your neice....And, yes!! I was right.. BOTH of you are very talented!!

Thanks for sharing that with us~ Thanks for all your nice pictures...Gorgeous framing!

Take care, Faye

Anna van Schurman said...

Great frames! And what luck with the quilts!

Barb said...

You just inspired me to order Mary Gibson. I will be interested in any changes you make. I agree with you, only very special people get my framed work. Some time ago I hand quilted and gave away some of my work, not the best results. I realized that most people don't realize the time spent on handwork.

Ann said...


Work really does get in the way doesn't it? Oh, to be independently wealthy! LOL. Love your finishes - interesting comment from the framers! I donI't give away many of my finished pieces. I stitched a table cloth for a wedding gift/it was a Christmas theme and took a long time to complete. When we got married they gave us $20.00. WOW did I learn my lesson on that one. You found some great quilts - lucky you. ~Ann

merumo said...

Gorgeous frame works! Lucky you having "good" J store near by. There are three in my area, but haven't heard any good word about their framing job. Love Ann!!

Jenny said...

Wow, your framed pieces turned out just beautiful! Can't wait to see how your strawberry border turns out - I think that it looks great the way it does, but I would probably pick it out and restitch it as well. It is a pain to be detail-oriented sometimes. I am too cheap to get my samplers framed. Maybe one day! (When DH gets his sweet behind down to the woodworking shop in the basement.)
I pretty much only frame pieces that I give away, but I am like you, I don't give much away.
I love Downtown Abbey too - that death in the first season, I literally gasped and put my hand over my mouth! LOL - I was all alone too... must have looked pretty funny.

Jenny said...

Wow, your framed pieces turned out just beautiful! Can't wait to see how your strawberry border turns out - I think that it looks great the way it does, but I would probably pick it out and restitch it as well. It is a pain to be detail-oriented sometimes. I am too cheap to get my samplers framed. Maybe one day! (When DH gets his sweet behind down to the woodworking shop in the basement.)
I pretty much only frame pieces that I give away, but I am like you, I don't give much away.
I love Downtown Abbey too - that death in the first season, I literally gasped and put my hand over my mouth! LOL - I was all alone too... must have looked pretty funny.

Christine said...

Your two framed pieces are stunning, and Mary is looking good too, shame about the frogging.
The quilts you bought are wonderful

Debby said...

Ohhh, Wow! i love your framed pieces!! And i only give a framed piece to my mother who knows the cost and the work of it. Frogging is not fun, but if you have to frog silk i'ts easier than to frog DMC!

Greetings from Debby

Annie said...

Your framed samplers are just exquisite. I hate to count up all the $$$ that I've spent on x-stitch. But I do give most of it away these days. Ran out of room long ago and even friends and relatives cringe when they see me coming since they have a lot of finishes too!

Nicole said...

The frame for Ann Sandles is perfect! I love the white! It's so pretty.

Mary Gibson is looking so pretty too - I definitely want to start her now after seeing your progress!!

Denise said...

Your Framing is gorgous, You do such awesome work and I understand about not giving your hard work away Thankfully I have two grown daughters that I can share my work with.
Have a great Week
Happy Stitching

Nicola said...

I have really enjoyed your post. Your frame choices are perfect. I always find choosing difficult, it is after all the finishing touch to all those hours of work.

I used to give most of my stitching away but it has all become so expensive now. I think that over the years as our skills develop we ramp up the type of work we do from Aida to linen then up the counts, from cotton to silk, bigger or more difficult projects that they become harder to part with.

Sorry about the frogging, Downton is a brilliant series.

Anonymous said...

Hey Terri - lovely finishes and great bargains you got. Your work though is beautiful. Voting for you on the BeckySC giveaway. Jannie

Candi said...

Your framed pieces are amazing, the fist one, the frame matches perfectly. The second one is gorgeous as well. I don't have a Joannes anywhere near me but I must find one. I go to a local framer that has a lot of frames but I haven't seen one like the fist one. Amazing!

Katrina said...

Terri, love all your framing!!!! Gorgeous and Mary Gibson is so pretty too. And I don't give away a lot of stitching either. I use to, but I've had two people 'lose' the piece I stitched for them so now I only stitch for my mom and my close stitching friends :-).

Personally I don't mind the word verification, especially since they removed that weird box they had on the back.

Sally said...

Your framed pieces are absolutely gorgeous. I have given away framed pieces in the past but only to family and only to those who appreciate it. I once gave one to my sister and have never seen it up on her walls or anywhere on display. I swore never again!

Mary Gibson looks beautiful.

Patty C. said...

Your framed work is just gorgeous - Love it !!!

Dona said...

Terri, your Mary Gibson is beautiful! Love your color changes. I have taken quite a few stitches in MG as well!

Great framing, too!

Karoline said...

Your framed samplers are gorgeous, congratulations

Great progress on Mary Gibson, congratulations

Littlebit said...

Oh, Terri, your framed pieces are stunning! I am going to have to add Her Sampler to my list, I beautiful..

Lois said...

What great frames for your pieces - just perfect! Mary Gibson is coming along so well. I hope that frog stays away from now on! I've only ever given a couple of larger framed pieces as gifts and those were to close family.

Anonymous said...

Your framed pieces are wonderful. Some of the more inticate designs would be too much (time, effort and cost) to give away. But it is nice to be able to do some smaller pieces as gifts, you know that there certainly won't be duplicates of your gift!

doris said...

Your framed pieces are truly beautiful. When are all of us going to finally run out of wall space? I need more walls!

Miss Mary is wonderful. I may need to order her, darn it. You're a very bad influence, Terri.

Jeanne said...

Love your framed pieces, the quilts you found and your niece singing "Tomorrow". I haven't found a mistake in the Mary Gibson piece, though.

Jeanne said...

Congratulations on your newly framed pieces Terri - love them. "Her Sampler" is definitely on my list after seeing it stitched by several people last year.

You got some great quilts too - I love seeing them rescued by someone who appreciates them. Like you, I don't give away many framed pieces due to the cost and most people do not realize the cost and effort that goes into them. We'll just hoard our own for now!

Susan said...

My husband and I were addicted to Downton Abbey and we're so sorry that Season 2 has ended. You're right, though--it was hard to stitch and watch the show at the same time! Love your Mary Gibson. I'm sure you'll have that border frogged in no time and will be showing us a finished piece soon.

Lynn said...

Your framed pieces are gorgeous!
I just had a friend ask what I do with all my finishes. I don't give most of mine away either. I have lots of wall space and I rotate them every once in awhile.
Mary Gibson is so lovely. It's just a shame the frogs had to ruin things. Hope it doesn't take you long to rid yourself of them!

Cathy Lloyd said...

I really, really love your Ann Sandles! Oh my goodness the frame is perfect! Your progress on Mary is stunning! Where do you find all your time...between working and "antiquing" I'd be exhausted! Your quilt finds are amazing!

Cathy Lloyd said...

PS: I agree...the words are much easier to read!

Brigitte said...

These frames look wonderful and are so perfect with the samplers. Good choice! And wonderful progress on Mary Gibson.
I particularly love the last quilt you show. What a great pattern it has.

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Your framed pieces are beautiful and great choices in the frames. I loved the quilts too especially that last one, may have paid $50 it I'd seen it, good catch. Sorry about the frogging but did notice that I had all the verification words right on the first try tonight, so they must be clearer. CJ in OK ;-)

Kellie said...

Your framed pieces are so lovely! And so is Mary Gibson. I am soooo hooked on Downton Abbey. I just wish the seasons were a little longer. I am already having withdrawals. Season 3 won't be on in the states until January! The quilts are gorgeous.

I don't give much of my stitching away. I used to try to stitch a baby blanket for each close friend that had a baby. After three or four of those, I abandoned that idea. I have given stitching to my parents, but that is about it. I find that most people have no idea of the time, cost, or effort involved... especially if they do not do some type of handwork themselves. My goal is to get more of my stitching framed and hanging in my home.

woolwoman said...

Terri - somehow i missed this post - love your framed pieces - and isn't it just like a man to ask "what do you do with all that stuff"? I have given a few stitched and knitted things to special friends and I have even done a hooked piece for a friend who made me a gorgeous knitted jacket. Typically NOT - because like you said they have no idea of the time and money involved. The quilt done in hexies you found is awesome - it is grandmothers flower garden - someone probably already told you that - it's so nice that someone who loves and appreciates all the work that went into them has care of them now. Cheers Mel

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

Congratulations on getting both pieces framed - they are both lovely!

I don't generally give framed pieces away; I will stitch a sampler or some other large piece for a friend for a special occasion, and will give them tips on getting it framed, but I can't afford to spring for the expense of the frame in addition to the other materials.

The framing department at Hobby Lobby know me very well now; I've been taking a piece to be framed there about once every three or four weeks since the beginning of the year; when I go to pick up a piece, I drop the next one off. I've got so much stuff ready to be framed that I think I can keep up this pace (provided my budget allows!) for at least the next 2 years; now I just need to find space to hang them!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Patricia Lessell said...

I have been so dumb and missed you so much. But I'm back now. I love everything you do but then again I always have. Mary Gibson is coming along beautifully and those quilts you got at the estate sales are magnificent. I know you'll love them but shame there was nobody to inherit them.

Lots of Love
Patti xxx

Zhenya and Nika Aksutin said...

Dear Terri! I like your crosstitch very much! Beautiful! From Russia, Nika

Michelle said...

Gorgeous framing! I think they set off the stitched pieces beautifully. And I'm loving your progress on Mary. Sorry about the frogging - isn't Downton fantastic though?

Le rat des fils said...

Your blog is absolutely wonderful.

Matilde said...

Me encanta tu blog ,y esos tesoros que encuentras.
Te pondré en favoritos para poder ver esas maravillas, un saludo....

Janice Boucher said...

Your samplers are just beautiful!
And you are right about Downton Abbey!! I was able to watch Season 1 through Netflix's livestream. But when I couldn't get Season 2 in livestream, then I decided to go through Amazon and buy it. I have just started watching a couple of the episodes. I am seriously thinking of buying Season 1 also so that I will always have it on hand to watch again! I am a FAN!

Debbie said...