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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Stitching Along and Other Tidbits, too!

Good evening, friends!

     Today is the day!  
This is the day that Marilyn, Faye and I are supposed to post our SAL progress.
Be sure to check their beautiful blogs to see their progress!  
As you can see, my progress is somewhat minimal.   
Honestly, I have frogged more than I've gotten acceptably stitched.  
I'm not kidding.  
First, I stitched the darker green part of the border going across.:

 I got almost to the end and, "Uh-oh!", not enough fabric.  So, rather than frog (rippit-rippit), I flipped the fabric end to end and started over, but not until I had done a grid line to make sure I had it right this time (pics are clickable).  
Then, I stitched about 2 of the strawberries with the light pink color I had converted.  Blech!  It didn't show up AT ALL.  
So, I frogged those and began again with another color which I thought looked okay and then decided it also looked BLECH, so I frogged EVERY SINGLE STRAWBERRY you see stitched.  
Okay, it was only the lightest pink color I had to frog, but still... GRRRR!  
THEN, I re-stitched all the strawberry tops in the pale pink color you see now.  
It's staying. 
We are not even going to discuss the over one verse!  Seriously, I've frogged every stitch that you see, at least once.  
Basically, I have stitched every part that is now complete at least twice, in some cases three times.  
What is wrong with me?
Don't answer that!
Anyway, this is my progress to date:
I hope that progress will pick up now that I finished the SB Eve's Garden Sampler (one project at a time, for the most part)!
I'm also really hoping that the frogs, which way overstayed their welcome, have moved on.  I hope they don't come to your house but that they go out in the yard and eat some bugs and flies. 

I picked up Mary Gibson from Jo-Ann's today.
This is one big sampler and I'm not sure where I'm going to hang her yet, 
but I'll find a spot.
I was worried after I had picked out the frame that I wouldn't like it but I think it works.  The sampler is BIG so I wanted the moulding to be big, as well.  
The black and red in the frame work well with the sampler.  
I think.  I hope.

Finally, I was looking out into the backyard the other day and I spotted a baby (I think) cardinal and a baby robin, both splashing around in the bird bath together!
Unfortunately, by the time I found my camera, the cardinal had flown away.  
The robin hung out for a while though so I did get some shots of him 
splishin' and a splashin'!

  A few minutes after the robin finished his little bath the cardinal came back.  
I guess they must have decided they didn't like bathing together.

 I'm sure it's my glittery and sparkly wind chime that drew them in!

Thank you all so much for the supportive and sweet comments on my SB finish and my bitch session!
It would appear that I am not alone in my opinions.

Thank you so much for visiting and for being so generous in your comments!  

Welcome to my new friends.  I'm glad you're here and hope you'll come back, soon!

Have a wonderful week, dear friends!
Life has been a roller coaster lately but then, it always is...

Be well,


Margaret said...

Well, your progress is beautiful, even if you had to deal with lots of frogs. I hope it's smoother sailing from now on. It's such a pretty A&E sampler. Your Mary Gibson is wonderful! I love that frame. Just gorgeous! And the robin and cardinal -- so cute! Nice that they enjoyed the bird bath -- and your chimes!

Anonymous said...

Sorry the frogs came a calling, but your progress is fabulous on your piece! Oh my goodness, Mary looks stunning in her framed form!

Love the birdies in the bath!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had a visit from the frogs! Love those birdies in the bird bath, how sweet.

Vickie said...

Have a better week. :)

Keeper of the Crowes said...

Oh my goodness,Teri, that frame could not be more perfect!!!! This is such a beautiful piece.
I love seeing pictures of your "back yard" friends. Hang in there with your other piece. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the frogs have left the building!!!

Carolyn said...

First of all, your frame is PERFECT!! Just PERFECT!! Oh wow, what a lovely piece to grace your walls. :0) I think the frog must have cousins, because I've done the same thing on Marianne this weekend. grrr....Last night I frogged every stitch I took (cussed a little bit, too LOL). But, I'm back on track so all is good, and your start looks wonderful. :0)

Those are some fat birdies! You must feed them well. I love watching the birds. Thanks for sharing!

Hugs, my friend!

Barb said...

All my frogs must have visited you! sorry! Mary Gibson is just beautiful! I think the frame is a good match. As far as the new start, it looks great. I like the colors you finally settled on.

Catherine said...

Oh yuck on the frogs!!! Hope they have hopped off to other parts (just not in my direction ;) )
I love the frame you chose for Mary ~ compliments it wonderfully.
Great shots of the baby birds and your sweet windchime.

Ann said...

I'm really liking the new frame - thanks for including the close up so we can see the subtle red in it. Do not tell those Frogs where I live! They are not welcome at this stitchin' house! ~Ann

Sharon said...

Your framed piece is simply gorgeous! That frame works great on it!

Sherry :o) said...

OMG Mary Gibson is beautiful and I may just have to add that to my list. Girl, you are dangerous to me with seeing what you do and how beautiful they are!! That frame is absolutely perfect - she is stunning! Funny about the frogs...were you distracted? Hopefully they will have moved on.

Love the birdies bathing away...I am sure they enjoyed some soft music while in the tub - oh, I mean bath - so I am sure that did draw them in!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I think your progress is going great!! Even with all that froggin. lol Love the Frame. It does go really well with the sampler. Your pictures of the birds are so pretty! Makes me want to go move my birdbath, so I can see it from the front porch!!! Will do that tomorrow!!! lol

valerie said...

Oooo, I hope those pesky frogs stay away and you stay happy with your conversion! Mary Gibson looks amazing in her frame! I think it's just perfect! And how cute the birdies are enjoying your bath!

Kalu V said...

oh my! lots of frogs visits I hate it when that happens
hopefully they wont come back!
and OMG ive never since a cardinal in my life! aside from cross stitch ones lol ...theyre so pretty!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Oh very beautiful, I love your stitching, I love the beautiful birds ... Your country very beautiful in the world !!
have a good day my little friend

bisous bisous de FRANCE

Mouse said...

oooooouccchhh re the frogging ... and the mis count of the fabric ...we were talking about this on my group and tips were to mark the fabric with a cross/ arrow ? to say which is the top of the piece before you start :)
looks lovely framed up and gorgeous shots of the wee birdies bathing :)
hope you have a frog free week :) love mouse xxxxx

Giovanna said...

I'm sorry about the frogging woes... but it looks wonderful now. Great framing too, congrats!

Kathy A. said...

OH how frustrating it is when a piece just doesn't come together the way you envision it. Glad that you stuck with it. It is a beautiful piece.
Mary is perfect in her frame. I am sure you will find the perfect spot to hang her.
Love the birdies having their baths. So cute.

Chris said...

Beautiful start Terri! Sorry to hear you had to do some frogging.
I think the frame that you picked for Ann is perfect.
I love the birdbath pics.

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Great progress! Love the birds in the bath...
Take care,

Katrina said...

Gorgeous piece in spite of the frogs :-). Love the frame you chose for Mary Gibson too!!!! Sweet birdies, I need a bird bath.

Carol said...

I'm sure you appreciated the visits from the birds much more than those from the frogs, Terri! Anyway, it looks like your finally on the right track with your new piece!

Mary Gibson is gorgeous--I think the frame fits it perfectly :)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I'm sorry about your problems with the frog pond :( I feel you on that at times myself....
Mary Gibson, stunning! I love her so much and you are just making me feel like a loser! LOL! :) I've got nothing to show for stitching these days.....

Anonymous said...


Your new start is lovely, what a shame you had to frog so much.

The frame is just perfect with your stitching!

I love your bird photos.

Dona said...

Terri, the framing for Mary Gibson turned out great! I love the little bit of red in it.

I hope the frogs have left your area, but are not on their way back here. I've had a time with them this year.

Pretty start to your SAL piece!

BrendaS said...

Mary Gibson looks marvelous in the frame you picked for her! If you can't find a spot for her I have a perfect location at MY house:))

Nice progress on your SAL -- beautiful colors

BeckySC said...

Hello dear Terri :) Trying to comment from my laptop versus my desktop...let's see if this works :)
I ADORE (and I use that word strongly) your framed sampler-everything about it is perfect :) Just gorgeous :)
Sorry about the challeges you faced BUT your progress looks amazing :)
Have a great week :)

Natasha said...

UGH! The dreaded frog he is a nasty little fellow but your current progress is beautiful. As are your birds that came to visit you :)

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Rita said...

Don't you hate that frog?

Your progress thus far looks great.

I love your sampler that you just framed. If you can't find a spot on your wall, I'll bet I can find one on mine for it. (Worth a try!)

I love the bird pics! I surpised a mama bird who (unbeknownst to me)) built a nest in my hanging geranium plant. I guess she didn't appreciate the "bath" I gave her. Her nest is very well hidden.

Loraine said...

Oh I love Mary! Wonderful frame choice for her. She is gorgeous!
Love the new start too. I'm so sorry that you had to redo the whole thing several times. That really kills the sewing mojo for me! Thanks goodness you are doing a SAL, so that you won't totally give up on her. It will wonderful when it's finished.
Darling little bird picture...I'm sure he loved your chime as well! It's wonderful.
I hear you on the roller coaster of a week. Mine has completely fried me. I start this week with dread!
Hugs to you dear friend!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Mary G. looks wonderful in her frame. Sorry you've had to stitch things twice or more on your new SAL sampler. What you've stitched looks great.

Melissa said...

Oh I'm so sorry you had such a painful experience starting your A+E! I would've hated that too but your persevered and it's looking great! Hopefully, smooth sailing from now on!

Mary Gibson - very nice! *sigh* must try and get back to mine...sometime this year! So hard to get back to anything once I put it aside!

Love the bird photos. We don't get red cardinals here so I always love seeing photos of them!

Karen said...

Your sampler is going to be pretty... hope your have all of the frogging out of the way! Love your framed piece too.. the molding is perfect with the piece.

Happy stitching...

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Don't you jut hate when a project starts out that way? One thing - it has to get better; right? Love the framing you chose - perfect! Surely the sparkles drew the birdies in... and that cool, clear water made them happy they came.

Anonymous said...

stunning pieces you stitch, love your blog,
greetings Judith

doris said...

Do you ever wanna just rip something to pieces? I can count the times I've felt that way on one hand, but I've definitely wanted to commit violence to one or two pieces. As if it's the fabric's and thread's fault!

Love your framed Mary and those birdies.

woolwoman said...

oh gosh how aggravating - i always think it is a bad sign when things start off all wrong - I probably would have buried that linen somewhere in the UFO pile. OMGOSH your Mary Gibson is just exquisite - LOVE the frame choice - hope you have a good week ! Mel

sand said...

Hi I think the Mary Gibson frame is a winner it's perfect the small amount of red does the trick in my opinion. The sampler is beautiful. And I'm glad I'm not the only one that has stitchin problems with the frogsLOL!!! Debbie for Delaware

Laura said...

I LOVE the pictures of the birdies! They are so sweet!

Your sampler is one of the most gorgeous I have ever seen!!!

Have a great week!

Prims By The Water said...

I felt like a little frog working on my mini sampler. Then I got into the swing again. Love your samplers as always. I'm trying to find a sampler like those you do to add to my bedroom...just not sure how to find one. Take care, Janice

Penny said...

Not the frogs again! :) Still, you have made some lovely progress. Love Mary Gibson and the frame is absolutely perfect for her! I guess the robin and the cardinal realized they just weren't birds of a feather. :)

mdgtjulie said...

Wow, where to start, lol. The birds are darling. I love Robins and Cardinals. I have a few birds here, but my cat usually sits on the balcony with me, so I can't have a feeder on it. She would LOVE to catch a bird, lol. Predatory little thing!!! You've made good progress considering all the frogging you've had to do. My goodness, that's a lot of it. I've had them here over the weekend too. I've frogged the same section so many times, I finally gave up and worked on another part of the design. It's been awful!! Hope your frogs stay gone. (And mine too!!)

Siobhán said...

Oh my gosh. I'm hyperventilating while reading your posts. Jiminy crickets!! Your samplers are amazing, Terri. As always, I LOOOOOVE the moulding you picked out for Mary--it is fabulous! Just perfect for it. Love your SB finish and your new start. Great bird pictures, too. Thanks for the picture of the cardinal--I miss them so much and love to see pics of them.

Nicole said...

I'm so sorry about the frogging!! What a PITA! Your A&E is looking great now that you're on track! Mary is just gorgeous in that frame!! Congrats!!

Krista said...

Your sampler is looking lovely so far, sorry you had to work backwards a bit. It will be fun watching your progress on this one, along with Faye and Marilyn. Your frame on Mary Gibson is just perfect. Love all the bird pics, I know they are so hard to capture, they never sit still! LOL
Have a great day!

Ellen said...

Yikes, poor Terri, on the frogging! Glad you're on a roll now.

Love Mary Gibson. I bought her recently and maybe I need to move her up higher on my "to-do" list after seeing your beautiful finish. And the frame is perfect!

Edgar said...

The MG is just gorgeous!!! Love the frame - it fits it perfectly!! Sorry about the froglettes... but the WIP is lovely!!

Patty C. said...

Sorry about those pesky frogs! It will all be worth it in the end. Cute little bird ;)

Mylene said...

Sorry about the frogs visits, hope they will stay away from now on.
Lovely pics of the birdies!

Anne said...

Hmm, you seem to be having that naughty frog visit you too often! I hope he's gone for good now!! I love your new sampler and I think the colours are so sweet! Mary is STUNNING in that frame!!! Love that sampler a lot!!! What sweet little birdies that came for a bath! Never seen a cardinal before! I think they are so beautiful!!

Maggee said...

Go away Frog!! There! That should do it! ha! I am intrigued by Mary Gibson, and have a question that I cannot seem to find the answer. IF you would email me sometime, I would appreciate it! Been following your blog--you do great works! Hugs!

Karoline said...

Mary Gibson is gorgeous, great framing

Sorry to hear about your problems with the frogs. I hope that they leave you alone from here on in.

Congratulations on finishing Eve's Garden, it's lovely

Ranae said...

Lovely progress on the rework, lol
Beautiful framed sampler. Have you found a spot to hang it?, if not I have the perfect spot at my house, lol

Myra said...

Mary is just stunning! I love the frame you chose. I hope your SAL goes a little more smoothly now that those frogs have left.

TinaTx said...

Looking good! I've had my share of 'stitched more than once' samplers! LOL
Your framed piece looks wonderful! Can't wait to see where you hang it.

Janice Boucher said...

Hi Terri.. I just love how your Carriage House Sampler - Her Sampler came out. That's in my to-stich basket. Would you share the fabric, the count, and threads you used? I love your blog! Such an inspiration.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Sorry to hear you've had such a frustrating time with your SAL piece, I hope its smooth sailing from here on out!

Brigitte said...

Oh my, your Mary Gibson looks gorgeous in her frame. She seems to be very popular as I saw her twice this morning when browsing blogs. But I can easily see why - it's such a great sampler with beautifully fresh colours.
It's a shame that the frogs were visiting you so often on your new project. And frogging over one stitches can be such a pain (as can be over one stitching, lol) Let's hope that the frogs now will stay away.
I'm a sucker for bird pictures. And particularly cardinal pictures as these birds don't exist over here.

Lois said...

And somehow I missed this post! Your Mary is gorgeous in this frame. Great choice!