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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Adam and Eve and others, too

Dear friends!

     It is a beautiful, blustery day here in SE Michigan!  We've had quite the rainy, cool weekend with a short, but turbulent storm last night.  The Detroit Grand Prix is running today on Detroit's beautiful Belle Isle.  I had the day off on Friday, and Rob took the day off as well so we could go down there and check out the practice session.  I myself am not a big race fan, of any type, but Rob loves Formula 1 first and Indy cars so I trekked down there with him.   It was rainy and a little cool but we had a fun day, in spite of the weather.  Heck, I even got interviewed for the Detroit News (got a one line quote in the paper) but thankfully no picture 'cause trust me, I looked like a drowned rat.  Anyway, if you're a race fan, here are a couple of pics.  If not, scroll on down.

Here are a couple of shots of driver James Hinchcliffe - he's a cutie!  You can see the rain coming down and in the second picture, he had just finished giving me a thumbs up; but being the poor photographer that I am, I missed it.

This is Marco Andretti - we saw both him and Mario but my shot of Mario is blurry blurrier.  Marco wasn't as friendly as James....
Finally, this sign at the track says it all:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog material.  You may know that I'm working on a SAL with Marilyn and Faye.
It is coming along but I have to tell you - those gals are fast stitchers!  I have accomplished quite a bit, I think, but they are also working on other projects at the same time!  I don't know how they get so much done!  Not me.  One project at a time, for the most part, is all I can handle.  Please go check out their blogs to see not only their progress, but their other beautiful works as well.

Here's my progress as of this morning:
Pics are clickable.
This is from Cross Stitch and Needlework Magazine, May 2009.
Worked on 36 Ct, Magnolia by Lakeside Linens.

I think all the color variations, lack of punctuation, and split words, in the over one verse make it hard to read.

It says this:
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.
Gen III 6

I am really enjoying working on this sampler.

To close out this boring blog post, I thought I'd show you another vintage find.
I found these at a lovely antique store and, because one of them had a spot on it (I was able to get it out), I got the pair for $7.  Aren't they great!?  The little doll belonged to my Mom and I begged her to let me keep her for a little while (wink, wink).

Beautiful redwork embroidery pillow covers.

"I slept and dreamed that life was beauty"
"I woke and learned that life was duty"

I hope your life is more beautiful than dutiful and I thank you for visiting and leaving me such wonderful notes - you certainly help to make my life beautiful!
Have a wonderful week ahead.

Be well,


Holly Hills Primitives said...

You always show such beautiful work! I'll bet Belle Isle was a blast. Have a great week, Dawn

Annette-California said...

How nice you got to get away with your husband. Lovely photos. Your Adam and Eve is coming along BEAUTIFULLY! Oh the colors are gorgeous. Love your update:)

Anonymous said...

beautiful progress, love it

Terry S. said...

Your Adam & Eve is progressing beautifully - Love the Redwork Pillow Shams. It's so much fun when you find special pieces.

Anonymous said...

Your A & E is looking mighty fine, Terri! Glad you were able to get away for the day!

Robin in Virginia

Mary said...

Terri. I'm in love with how the colors play across the verse of your A&E. It.s going to be wonderful!

You always find the most interesting vintage treasures!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Beautiful sampler.

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you enjoyed your day out and your photos are great!
Your stitching is beautiful and your pillow cases are lovely!

Giovanna said...

Your A&E is progressing very nicely - it's beautiful!

Sherry :o) said...

I don't think boring post at all...never are! Your SAL is coming along quite nicely - you are much farther than when I saw it the first of May at KSSG...and pretty! Did you see Patrick Demsey Friday - saw him on the news, didn't know he raced. Glad you haven't blown away in our gusty wins the last couple days.

Annie said...

Love how the A&E is working up.

Great redwork finds and I'd beg to keep that dolly too if I were you!

Carolyn said...

LOVE how your A & E is coming along. The colors are so pretty. All that over one!! Oh girl, I'm impressed! :0)

Love your vintage redwork pillowcases. You really got a find there.

Your posts are NEVER boring! I always look forward to them!

Hugs, friend,
Carolyn :0)

mdgtjulie said...

You've gotten quite a lot done, Terri. Keep up the good work. I love the colors in this piece as well. Great job!! And nice find, on the pillow cases. I used to have some that my grandma embroidered, but I don't know where they've gone now... I need to go through the sheets and find them, I think. Glad you had a great weekend, and thanks for sharing some pics with us. I'm not a racing fan either, but I understand why you would go and enjoy!!

Littlebit said...

Your work is beautiful, Terri!

Faye said...

Love your progress Ms Terri~~~ I need to get busy with part of the over 1....putting it off, which isn't a good thing! Love your photo...Your colors are showing up better than mine....Nice job~~~

Judy said...

Your Adam and Eve is coming along..will be beautiful. Great find of the red work pillow the verses!! Thanks for photos of the cute drivers!

Judy-heartland stitcher

Barb said...

Your SAL is so pretty!Your antique treasures are also great. I love the redwork!

Tins and Treasures said...

Good evening, Terri,
What a fun little trip with your hubby. Do you stitch in the car? That's when I get most of my hand work done...I'm held captive when I am riding somewhere!

Have a marvelous Monday. ~Natalie

Melissa said...

Beautiful progress on your A+E, Terri!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Oh j'adore ! et vous avez fait toutes les écritures !!!! en 1 fil 1 fil ! super ! bisous mon amie du bout du monde !

marylin from FRANCE

Margaret said...

Your a&e is gorgeous! Thanks for telling us what the verse says. Love your red work finds too! Not a race car fan. Lol!

Chris said...

Beautiful progress on the A&E sampler. I love the parrot.
It sounds like you and your husband had a nice day out.
Have a great week!

Jonette said...

Love the sampler! My husband and I were watching TV this weekend and I said that I wish I was in Detroit so I could go see the race. We go to VIR here in Virginia and have met Marco Andretti there when he was 16. He and his cousin would come for races.

Katrina said...

Gorgeous!!!! And pretty find too. How come I think you don't want your mom's doll to go home ;-).

Sounds like a fun day with your DH too!!!!

Cari said...

Hot race car drivers!! That's a good weekend in my book!! Love your progress on your sampler and the redwork pillow cases are to die for!! Have a great week dear friend !!

Loraine said...

what a fabulous sampler! I love the colors, and the verse. I am going to have to search for this pattern to add to my stash! When you are finished, can you post your conversion, pretty please? You are wonderful!
Your race day looks fun, and you got really close to the action! I have yet to go to one of the Indy races, but maybe someday.
Have a great week! I don' think this was a boring post at all! So great to see what you are up too.

Deb said...

Your sampler looks great Terri! I love the colors of it a lot. Much better than the picture in the magazine.

I haven't been to the Grand Prix in years - well, since I left downtown. It was always a hassle during the years they raced around the Renaissance Center. The minute the engines started everyone was at the windows looking down and I don't think much work got done. And we used to have to race across the track during laps to get to the parking garage to get to our cars. I liked it better when it was on Belle Isle. Looks like it was a fun day though.

Nicole said...

Beautiful progress on your A&E!! I love the colors!!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Not boring. I don't care much for racing, but they are cuties!

Your SAL sampler is coming along great! I love the colors, too. And your embroidery finds are wonderful! Love that quote!

Have a great week.

Laura said...

I am a stitcher....but before that I was a race fan!!! I love your pics! My husband and I went to the Indy 500 this year and it was fabulous. We were rooting for James Hinchcliffe to do well. he is a very nice and smart young man! Marco probably takes after his father.....not very outgoing. Glad you got to go and hear those great cars!!!

Okay, back to everything on your blog entry!!!!

Mouse said...

ooooo nice hunks heheheh :) would brave the rain for a smile like that :)
well done on your progress ... and like those pillowcases too ... :)
love mouse xxxxxx

Prims By The Water said...

I heard they had to stop the race because the road was half the island it was raining and the other half sunny! Sampler lookin good! Take cae, Janice

Penny said...

Your making great progress on your A&E sampler! It's so pretty! Love the redwork pillow covers too. :)

Jenny said...

Oh , I LOVE red-work and you really found a couple of treaures - how wonderful! Many congrats!

Your Adam and Eve sampler looks even more fabulous than in your last post and I still love the color switched in the taxt (and what they say too).

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Beautiful work. Your Adam & Eve is just going to be perfect!

Carol said...

I think I could learn to like racing if all the drivers looked like these two, Terri :) And your sampler is so, so pretty--I think you're making great progress...

Glad you sweet-talked your mom into letting the little doll come stay "awhile!"

Kaisievic said...

Your sampler is beautiful and those redwork pillow cases are amazing! Love the sayings.

Catherine said...

Sounds like a funtime despite the rain!
Your stitches are so pretty and you always seem to find the best things!

Michele B. said...

Love your progress! Waiting patiently with my pattern in hand for your color conversion!!!!

Dansville, MI

Lois said...

Not boring in the slightest! The men in this family are very into the Formula 1. I can watch it but.....usually have stitching in hand so I only really give it half my attention!!! Nice progress on your sampler. It's such a nice one. What a pretty find those pillowcases were!

Diane (di) said...

Terri, your needlework is always so beautiful. Love the colors in this one.

Those redwork shams are so pretty and the dolly? Maybe, just maybe she'll forget she 'loaned' it to you. ;)

Boring post... not a chance! :)

Siobhán said...

I loved the race pics! I admit I totally do not see the point of NASCAR and so on, but grew up close enough to Dover Downs and had neighbors who were huge racing fans that I get others' enthusiasm for it.

Your A&E--Love Love Love Love Love it!

Great pillow shams--it's so nice that they are being appreciated by another needleworker!

Anne said...

Love how your A&E is turning out! The colours are so vibrant and lovely!! Nice that you got to get away with your hubby!! Ooh those redwork pillows are darling!!!

Karoline said...

Your A & E is looking gorgeous, great progress.

The pillow cases are beautiful

Anonymous said...

Your stitching is beautiful! Your pillow sham finds are gorgeous too.

Vinniey said...

Beautiful redwork pillow cases! your Adam and Eve is stunning! Lots of beautiful colors and I love each of the motif of this sampler. Your scissor's fob is gorgeous! :)

Michèle said...

Hi! I've just discovered your blog thanks to Marilyn. Your Adam and Eve is already gorgeous. Sal are not races, are they?
And no! your post is not boring at all! The red embroidery are so lovely! You're lucky to have found them. Good sunday !

Lynn said...

In all the years I lived in Windsor I never once made it to the Grand Prix. I know my BIL goes every year. It's been years since I've even been to Belle Isle. Looks like it was a great day!
Adam and Eve is gorgeous! Love the colours!!
Such pretty redwork pieces too.