Dear friends,
Happy day! I am so glad you've stopped by.
I am happy to report that construction on the big, beautiful, yellow house has begun.
I'm sorry to report that it hasn't been without its complications.
Do construction projects ever go smoothly?
It has taken days for the roofer to complete her work but I'm happy to say that the roof is ON!
The window installers were the next to show up. Awesome, isn't it, how a roof and windows can be installed without any supporting structure? Sadly, the window installer didn't pay attention and hung the double paned windows too far to the right so they had to be removed and replaced.
The installer was pretty upset but what can you do? I asked if she counted.
She insists she did.
Said she counted twice.
Said she was sure she counted correctly.
How do you build your homes? Do you start at the bottom, layering brick upon brick to build a solid supporting structure?
Maybe you put the roof on first and work from top to bottom, like I do.
Or maybe you start in the middle and work over to one side and then do the other side?
Clearly, there are many ways to build a home and no one way is better than another.
The important thing is to do as I say, not as I do.
(pretty sure I learned that from my momma)
(pretty sure I learned that from my momma)
I love houses on samplers, I just don't love the construction process. Do you?
Same thing goes for grass. I love grassy fields and yards. I love the way they look, I don't like how long it takes for them to grow! The grass hasn't quite taken root yet but the Christmas vine is growing and the berries are blooming. Love it!

I would love a house that looks just like this. I can imagine the light filled rooms, the gorgeous, Georgian furniture and the carriage house that is surely in the back. I'm sure there are spectacular gardens and beautiful hills and views to set your heart aflutter. sigh……
Oh, yes. I could be happy in my beautiful, yellow, Christmas house.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving a note for me, when you have a second or two. For me, and all bloggers, they are greatly appreciated. If you're a new visitor, and especially if you're a new visitor with a blog, please leave me a note so that I may also visit you.
A short blog post. At least by my standards.
Be well.
I always start my houses from the roof down as well, and I usually end up misplacing the least some of them!Every time. You'd think I'd learn, but no...guess I wasn't cut out for construction! This is a beautiful sampler...I'll enjoy watching your progress.
This is so pretty.
I love the pot of carnations on the roof.
Hi, Terri,
I really love that house. I have the chart and always wanted to do it. It is such a pretty sampler. My latest reproduction that I just released has a Scottish House. Have you seen it?
Yep i start at the roof too! I love stitching houses and grass, i know some find it a tad mindless but im good at day dreaming while getting on with it :-)
Yep i start at the roof too! I love stitching houses and grass, i know some find it a tad mindless but im good at day dreaming while getting on with it :-)
Yes, I'm a build down from roof type also. So sorry your window installer had issues (lol). The house is lovely - houses on samplers are always so very pretty!
Your house looks great! I tend to build mine from the bottom up but it also depends on how far they are from the middle since I usually am a "middle-starter". The greenery on the house looks pretty!
What a fun clever way to describe your work. I think(not sure) I usually build from the bottom up. I am so with you! I love houses on samplers but the construction can be tedious- the grass too!!! That is going to be so pretty!
Hello Terri,
I am new to your blog. I have visited a few times but haven't left a comment as of yet. I was once a blogger and got lost and found my way back. I love your post about the house. It made me laugh. I for one always start in the middle and work my way up and down. It depends on my mood so to speak. I love your house and the story behind the builders is excellent. Have a wonderful stitchy day!
Great post, Terri! I chuckled about the house's construction. I usually "frame" the roof and the house, add any windows and doors and then do the brick or siding laying. That way if I am out some place stitching all I have to do is the mindless filling in.
Bummer about the construction issues, but it's looking great! I actually love stitching houses, and grass too. lol! I like boring stitching, I guess. I tend to do the outline of the house first, before anything else. Then put in the windows and roof, depending on the colors. fill in last, obviously!
I really dislike doing those large color blocks that most houses and grass share. It's more fun with hand dyed fibers though. Looks like you have tamed the contractors. This scene is well on it's way to being a finished beauty!
Oh yes, the house construction by stitches is definitely something that needs counting, a lot of it. And although I know it there are always spaces on the walls or windows that I have to reconstruct, lol. Seems to be a common thing. Starting in the middle (if the house is in the center of the design) I work my way to both sides and the bottom and then up. When the walls are done I insert the windows and then add the roof. I love designs with houses and could stitch them all the time.
Wow it's so beautiful xx
Gorgeous thus far. I love a yellow house.
Beautiful! Funny how we all do things differently. I always do the walls and then add the windows and roof. Love a house in a sampler. I am especially drawn to those with a red house. I have tried to convince my husband to paint our house red but no luck yet. Happy stitching!
Beautiful! I know the frustration of thinking I've counted correctly and finding out I haven't. It looks great!
Hi Terri - your blog post was amusing! I love houses and grassy lawns on samplers. I do like to have periods of mindless stitching for guild meetings and so forth so I think we all find ways to get thru it. I think I mostly like to outline the exterior of the walls and then outline the windows and then start the filling. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Mel
I'm a roof down girl myself :)
It's looking positively wonderful!!
It is coming along splendidly! I love all your beautiful sampler work!
Kristina in FL
A very neat sampler, it's good to see it grow. I like the photos in your last post showing the lovely mix of colours.
Geez. Is there a foolproof way to stitch a house? I think regardless of method, I can guarantee myself a misalignment! I am nothing if not consistent. Your house looks superb.
Working on a house myself right now for Autumn with pumpkins. Your house looks awesome. Happy weekend. Janice
Like you, I love houses on samplers but am not crazy about stitching them. Your PSS sampler is coming right along. You are giving me the itchies to start on mine!! I usually start on the roof and work my way down.
Very pretty, Terri! Construction is always a tedious process. I try to start mine at whatever poiñt is easiest to count from, though roof to ground floor is preferred.
Such a nice piece, Terri! I always stitch from top to bottom no matter what I'm stitching. Just can't seem to do borders first or jump around like some stitchers can. I'm sorry about that window installer--I'm sure she'll get it right next time around :)
I always like getting the roof on first and then stitching the details like windows. I find then I can actually have a bunch of mindless stitching filling in the rest. It goes much faster for me! I never thought to blame the mistakes on the installer! Very clever!
I stitch houses about the same way as you do, but I fill in the siding first. On occasion it's easier to start at the bottom if there is less counting that way. I'm loving the progress.
Hello Carpenter Terri,
Your stitching is perfection.
Continued Happy Stitching from Ottawa, Canada.
Love your current project! But then again, I love all your projects. Enjoy the journey!
It's looking gorgeous, great progress.
Gorgeous progress :)
A beautiful sampler and you did a very good start!
Happy weekend!!
I think I'm probably a windows and doors first kind of person then the walls and finally the roof.
But I don't often build houses because the bricks bore me!
The same with grass. I have some cute Lizzie*Kates where I used a fabric pen to colour the grass instead of stitching it!
You've thrown a house building craving on me. : ) Yours is looking lovely!
Magnifique future maison... Bonne continuation...
This is such a gorgeous piece. I love stitching houses and find I usually outline the house and roof, put in the windows and doors and try to save the roof and siding for nights when I'm too tired to be counting. I love your description and you are so right that sometimes the installers cause us problems!
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