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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blackbird Designs - A Celebration!!!

A week ago Saturday, the stitching Guild that I belong to (Kindred Spirits) hosted a special event to celebrate all that we love about Blackbird Designs. Everyone brought their finished pieces - from framing, to needlebooks to quilts. I thought you might like to see some of the beautiful things that were there.

This is Tina and some of her gorgeous quilts. All of the quilts in the picture were stitched by her. WoW!!! These were so beyond gorgeous - I've never seen a BBD quilt up close and personal and Julie and I were just in awe! Deb was in awe too but she'll go home and make one. Not me. Only way I'll ever get something like this is to buy it and who would want to part with such a beauty?

All pics are clickable so you can super-size and really get a good look!

This is Pat and her lovely work! I love how this is framed in that fabulous tray - gorgeous, isn't it? I really admire Pat's work - she does beautiful stitching and finishing and she's just as sweet and funny as can be.

The finishes on this table are by Edwina and Pat - fabulous, aren't they?

Julie and I brought some of our finishes, too. Julie stitched the piece in the gold frame and the pincushion and biscournu scissor fob. I did the other two.

More of our work:

These quilts were made by the mother of one of our members and they were so beautiful!

This quilt was made by Judy and isn't it a beauty? Reminds me of something you'd have seen on a rope bed in the civil war. It's gorgeous!

As you can see, these quilts are no small project!

These beauties were made by Sue - some of you may know her as "needlworkerSue" on some of the cross stitch boards. Sue was feeling shy that day and preferred to have a pic only of her fabulous work!

These were made by various members and each and every one is exquisite!

Check out the little red stitch in the upper left hand corner - that one is done over one thread sitting right next to one just like it, done over two threads. Same count fabric. Just a great shot to show the difference over one stitching can make on a piece. Of course, too much of that and you want to poke your eyes out with the needle!

Our guild president, Sharon designed these sweet needlebooks to commemorate our gathering together. Aren't they cute? They'll be so pretty tucked into our sewing baskets!

Barb and Alma were kind enough to donate several items for a raffle draw but dang it, I forgot to take a picture. I also forgot to take a picture of the food that was there as well. Talk about eye candy! Maaaan! There was some good eats there. As I've said, these are a great bunch of women - all super talented, nice as can be and so much fun to be around.

I am making progress on my Ann (A&E) sampler but those eyelets are really starting to bore me so I've moved on to Jenny Bean's Christmas Sampler. I also finished the November block on my Prairie Schooler Year but will not post that again till it's all done in December. I have to say though that I love it and doing it one block at a time is the way to go with over one!

Thanks for all the sweet comments about my dad in my last post. He's a great guy and I'm really proud of him and his service. Thanks for all the stories you shared with me about your favorite veteran! Where might we be if we didn't have these men and women?

Have a wonderful week! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed this post about all things BBD! Thanks Barb and Alma for all you do to give us such wonderful things to create. Our stitching and quilting world would not be the same were you not here! You can visit their blog for some really gorgeous and inspiring photos: Blackbird Designs Blog



Joanie said...

What a beautiful exhibit of BBDs!! I am in awe of your Guild's talent. Your pieces are wonderful and make me want to pull all my Blackbird patterns and start every one!

Nancy said...

Thank you for sharing photos of all these wonderful stitched pieces and quilts! So many talented people not to mention the talent of the Blackbird Designs ladies! Everything is very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here drooling over the "All things Blackbird" showing! Wow! I would love to own that patriotic quilt and like you, Terri; I would have to buy one! Hmmm...wonder if she is willing to sell! Bet not!

Thanks for sharing "All Things Blackbird"!


Julie M said...

Such a beautiful exhibit Terri! The quilts were all gorgeous. I just can't imagine doing one of those! The stitched pieces were also beautiful.

Thanks so much for sharing them with us! You have a wonderful and talented guild.

Jody said...

Wow!! Everything is just stunning! Incredible talent!

Catherine said...

Wow! Wish I could have been there in person to see all these goodies! I love BBD Cross-stitch patterns and quilts as well (although I am not a quilter - they certainly inspire me to try!)

Thank you for sharing and making me drool all over my keyboard!

JOLENE said...

Thanks for sharing your photos with us. I love BBD and I would have to say they are my favorite designers. Barb and Alma are such talented women. I am jealous I don't have one of those beautiful needlebooks. It is absolutely to die for! Love the black.

Katrina said...

Absolutely gorgeous. All the women in your guild are so talented. I had so much fun looking at all the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

What a beautiful display of BBD's. and what time involved in each and every piece. There's something about quilts that makes you just want to reach out and feal every little square and all the seams that bind them together.
Be always in stitches.

Barbi said...

My Gosh! What an amazing collection of work! Thank you so much for sharing your photos. What a great idea for a group to get together and do this.

Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing all the beautiful Blackbird designs work! What a group of wonderfully talented ladies!

Looking forward to seeing pics of your own stitching in progress!

Siobhán said...

Wow, Terri!! What an amazing collection of photos... total eye candy. I can't imagine what it must have been like to be there at that meeting--total overload of stitchy goodness. The quilts, the samplers.... oh my gosh. Wow. Thanks so much for sharing the pics!

Anonymous said...

I just love Blackbird Designs. I have some of their patterns, but have not made any of them yet. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful eye candy!!

Patricia Lessell said...

This is the best BBD exhibit I have ever seen in my whole life - gorgeous.
Patti xxx

Margaret said...

Oh wow! What fun that day must have been! I'm so envious -- wish I could have been there! Is this your same guild that you always attend? Talented women! Including you! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures -- I really enjoyed it! Barb and Alma are the best!

Angela said...

Wow, looks like a fun day :) Love all the BBD finishes quilts and stitching. Makes me want to start a BBD! LOL.

Andrea said...

How fabulous Terri!! OMG, If I'd have been there, I'd have to have worn a bib to catch the drool, lol!
BBD is my all time favorite designer, loved their stuff since the beginning! Thank you SO much for all of the wonderful pics you posted!! OMG, what talented women! Those quilts are to die for! You know else who makes gorgeous BBD quilts? Laurie (Corgi Cottage blog).....totally drool worthy, hee!!

Your posts always brighten my day, I keep coming back to read them several times over and make sure I don't miss anything!


Laurie in Iowa said...

Wow... what gorgeous needlework and quilts. Thanks so much for sharing all these wonderful BD snaps with us.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh golly...I don't quilt, but I sure would like to learn only because the BBD ladies have designed some SPECTACULAR stuff. I've sat and looked and looked at their books in quilt stores, but I've never bought one....YET!

Glenna said...

What incredibly beautiful stuff! And lucky you, to belong to such an active and talented guild. I'd love to quilt a BBD quilt, but I don't think my meager skills are up to it. And forget putting one of those quilts on a bed--wall-hanging only! Thanks for sharing them with us--droolable!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing your photos Terri!

WoolenSails said...

Enjoyed the quilt show, such beautiful pieces.
I was going through some old magazines today and found one with a blackbird penny rug in it, will have to make that one.


Karen said...

what a treat to see all these blackbird designs ... they are my favorite designers ... love all their cross stitch designs and their fabric. the quilts are exquisite. i really enjoyed seeing all the finished projects ... what an inspiration. thank you. karen ca

Sandra said...

What an amazing display at your Guild meeting, I wish I had been there. It's so inspirational seeing what others have been making.

Annie said...

That looks like so much fun. The photos are fabulous so I can only imagine how much more beautiful everything looked in person. What a inspiration!

Vinniey said...

Wow!! All those works are super beautiful! Thanks for sharing Terri. :)

Unknown said...

Oh Terri, so many, many beautiful pieces - I don't even know where to begin.

I just love BBD and after Deb's recent post and yours, I am yearning to learn how to quilt - just exquisite pieces.

What a great gathering - thanks so much for sharing the pics with all of us!

Debbie said...

Wow! All of those projects are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

mainely stitching said...

What an utterly gorgeous post! Lots of talented people out there!

Karen said...

OMG....those quilts are to die for! Boy...I wished I could quilt. Love all of the stitching. Thanks so much for sharing. That was better than a trunk show!

Michelle said...

Blackbird heaven! What a fun event ~ I enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful works of art!

Shelley said...

Hi,Terri: I haved been following and enjoying your blog for about 3 months now and wanted to write snd let you know how enjoyable it is! Your needlework projects are beautiful. The BBD celebration is outstanding. Thanks for sharing the pics. Question: What is the chart that was used for the needlebook in the pic of Edwina and Pat's projects? Thanks.

Lisa said...

What a treat your wonderful pics were this morning! So much incredible work and those BBD gals are just beyond talented!

Giovanna said...

Oh my goodness, what a wonderful show of BBD work!! Thank you so much for sharing, and now I want to get back stitching straightaway!

Love to Stitch said...

How fun is this?!! Wow, what a great idea to have this exhibit, to share each others love for these great designs. Thank you so much for taking these great pics to share with us! Blackbird designs are some of my favorites!!!

Mylene said...

WOW! Thanks so much for sharing all these gorgeous pieces. I really enjoyed and inspired looking at all the pieces. Seen a few designs i haven't seen before.

Sheila said...

Oh. My. Word. What a wonderful day you had. Those photos have me drooling over my keyboard... and itching to pull out one of my many BBD designs and get started. Thanks for sharing - FABULOUS!

Solstitches said...

Wow! A celebration is right. What a wonderful display of quilts and stitched pieces. So lovely to see them all together like this.
There are some very talented stitchers and quilters in your guild.

Alma Allen said...


Your exhibit took my breath away. Amazing pictures and work. Barb and I are honored by your guild and their stitching. We never cease to be impressed by stitchers as they take our patterns and rework them into artistic expressions of their own. Thank you for sharing this show with us! I will send your blog site to Barb too....I know she will want to see this!

Linda said...

What a wonderful day. I loved the pictures...the quilts were awesome and all the beautiful stitching...delightful. hugs, Linda

Pat / Silver Thimble Quilt Co. said...

Thanks for the wonderful BBD eye candy..and I love your blog. I just became a follower!


corinna said...

now that is awe inspiring

Jane said...

What wonderful quilts and stitcheries. How lovely for you to let us see these treasures. Thanks for showing.

Carrie P. said...

Wow, some BBD fans in this group. Everything is fabulous.

Ruth said...

Oh crud! I just shorted out my computer by drooling on the keyboard -- it's all your fault, you know!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much for sharing these stunning pics..... and for dropping by to wish me a happy blogiversary. :)

doris said...

Oh, my goodness! The pictures of all the incredible projects make me want to run upstairs and stitch every BBD thing I own ... by tomorrow. I'm overwhelmed by the thought. Thanks so much for sharing.

Brigitte said...

Oh my! These projects are stunning. When you look at all of them you know why BBD has so many fans. You must have spent a wonderful day there. Thanks for sharing all these pictures.

Blyn said...

Well my comment will be just like the here! I am so jealous. I would love to belong to a group like this..awe inspiring. I love all of the samplers and the quilts. Just motivated me to get moving on some of my BBD wips..Thanks for the pictures..AWESOME!

Loraine said...

I was able to read your last posts while on vacation, but couldn't comment for some reason.
So amazing, all of these projects! I love them. What a great idea for a guild meeting.
Thanks so much for sharing! Hope all is well.
Many hugs!

Michele B. said...

What a talented bunch of women, and it looks like you have so much fun together. Those quilts are amazing! The needlebook is such a sweet souvenir. Thanks so much for letting me vicariously be at your meeting.

MyLifesAStitch said...

Oh I am jealous!! What atreat to get to wander around and view each others' finished projet d'art!! Those quilts are just fabulous, and oh the finished stitchy pieces. Lovely! I especially love the one on blue linen... do you know what pattern that one is?

Wendy said...

Wow - what a feast of Blackbird goodies. Those quilts are awesome as were all the stitchings. You all definitely did justice to the BB designs - I'm sure those ladies love to see how their creations are appreciated.

Carin said...

Oh, wow. What a great pictures. Thank you for sharing all this beautiful pieces.

Kim said...

Gorgeous quilts AND samplers! What a fantastic group!! TFS!! :o)

Von said...

Wow, oh WOW! Your guild is awesome!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow! Lots of amazing work there!

Michelle said...

How fun that your group did this!! Everything is so beautiful. I love the little needle rolls that were made to commemorate the occasion.

shortontime said...

Oh, my gosh, what a positively beautiful blog! I was on the Blackbird ladies and you were mentioned. What a wonderful thing to behold. And the quilts. Wonder if the first was in wool - I love making the wool ones as it goes so fast. I have a couple of the patterns in my stash somewhere. And I am just trying to start stitching on the small linen (I have always done cross stitch but not on 32 ct. - ugh) Where does the time go. Anyway, Love your blog.
Judy B

Sherry said...

Wow! You must have been in heaven being surrounded by all these lovely items!

Lynn B said...

Terri you must have had a lovely time looking at all of this beautiful work, what a talented group of people they are!

grace said...

Hi Terri! Thank you for the sweet message on my blog post! I can't believe the year is already coming to an end! I hope the very best for your and your family in the new year! Happy New Year! :)

Wow! How beautiful~ Thanks for sharing these photos! Amazing, AMAZING talent!