Blog description

A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Won't you come on over?

You see, the fire's going, the candles are lit, it's cold outside and I think it'd be fun to gather all around and have a fire-side chat! See, I told you all that red around the fireplace wasn't nearly as garish in person as it looks in the photos I've posted!

Anyway, I'm so glad you all decided to come by! I just gotta tell you how much your comments on my last post meant to me! I swear, it really does feel like old friends wishing you well when you get a note from someone, doesn't it? I've been surprised how many of you also had the radioactive iodine for your thyroid - or know someone who had it. Andrea, you just made me laugh out loud about growing an extra arm from somewhere because of your husband. And, oh, I'm so glad you're here, Bertie! I have to tell you, those stretchy things - no idea if they're an American thing or not but I love them. They really help keep the tension of the fabric tight. I'd guess you could order them from Cross Stitch and Crafts but if you can't get a hold of them, send me a note and I'll get a hold of some for you. Yeah, I know - switching topics in mid thought, almost. Yep, that's how I roll. Speaking of changing topics, Christine, I think you had asked me about that CHS pattern. My picture wasn't too good, was it? I'll bet Kathy Barrick-Dieter wouldn't be overly thrilled with that photographic effort. Anyway, the pattern is called "Her Sampler" and here it is, in all it's glory. I just love it and had never seen it before. I got this one at the Cross Stitch and Crafts store in Johnson City, Tennessee at Thanksgiving. Should any of you want to call Sandra; her number is toll free 1-877-319-3290.

Isn't it a beauty?
I had such fun at that shop but you know what, Mel? I've never visited the Double Cross in Knoxville or the Dixie Darlin. I did order a sampler from the Dixie Darlin and just had a blast talkin' to the owner.

Did I mention how peaceful and quiet it was this morning when I left for work? No? Check it out:

It's rarely peaceful or quiet in our house - there is always a flurry of activity! I really do like getting up early though. I leave for work and the world is still, the house is quiet and for a little while, it's total peace.

Thanks goodness Matt did all the shoveling that was needed today. When I got home the driveway and walks were done and he was doing the back patio for Sophie and Gracie to be able to run around. I know you've met him before but here he is again ~ Say hi, Matt! Awww... he's such a nice boy!

Oh, yeah, I have done a bit of stitching. You want to see it? We'll have to go down to the craft room - doubt we'll all fit but we'll give it a go. Okay, don't get overly excited, there is not a lot done, but I really like it a lot. I'm doing a conversion of sorts - if I have an over-dyed floss close at hand that I like, I'm using that (tree trunk, branches and leaves and the shirt and houses. If not, I am using DMC. We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out. So far, so good, I think. I loved doing those rose stitches and they look so pretty. Not all of them look pretty but enough of them do that it'll be okay.

What? Oh, duh! This is Marriage of the Minds by Drawn Thread. The fabric is something - no idea what. Remember my NSLLNS (not so local, local needlework store) that I sort of have a love/hate relationship with? Well, they have very little fabric to choose from but this was okay, so I bought it. But daggum it, they didn't label it. I have no idea what it is but I think it's a 35 count something or other.

That? I picked that up while I was in Virginia. I know, isn't it cute - I just love wire baskets and this long skinny one was perfect for ribbons (see Julie, I can fit more in my room)! When I'm sitting in my stitching chair, this is what I see.

It only took me, I don't know how long, to realize that the area under my desk should have been painted red, like the wall above the desk. The contractor did the painting and I never paid much attention to it until not too long ago. Rob, my knight in shining armor, is going to do that for me, one of these days. Anyway, I digress.... I hung the basket with those sticky hook things that you can safely remove to see if I liked the location before putting more holes in my walls. The little basket to the right of it is from a child's bicycle and it holds some extra ribbon. What do you think?

The little bowl on the shelf holds more ribbon and twine that I just love for finishing projects (well, in my dreams I finish things), and wrapping presents.

What? You want to leave already? Awww.... I thought you'd stay a while. I hope you'll come back soon 'cause I really do love having you come by to visit, chat and share a little bit of your life with me. Have a great weekend, stay warm and



Tanya Marie said...

Lovely post - enjoyed seeing your treasures.
Tanya :)

lynda said...

what a wonderful post! thanks for letting us visit.

Kellie said...

What a fun visit! You have the most beautiful stitch/craft room I have ever seen. It's gorgeous! and I love both of the wire baskets.
Have a great weekend!

Julie M said...

That is an obscene amount of scissors!!! LOL!!

Great post, I enjoyed the pics of your crafty spot and love the red walls!

Your WIP is looking great! I don't know what you mean by some of the roses don't look so pretty. I think they look loverly!

Have a great weekend:)

Jane said...

Your craft room looks so neat, tidy, and well organized! I wish mine was half as organized as yours. :) Love the wire basket hanging with the ribbons.

That CHS chart looks interesting too.

Stay warm - here it's quite hot, with Monday being even hotter! Ejoy your weekend.

Jan said...

Such a lovely and entertaining post, Terri!! You never fail to deliver, love reading your blog and looking at the pics that you share, and you certainly have done yourself proud with these!

Now, if you would ever, EVER come across a wire basket such as that, I mean I know you probably wouldn't part with it, but I would propably pay DEAR for one like that! Now the hold blogging world knows how I COVET! Grief! It is perfect, really it is!! And I love your MotM start, it is going to be magnificent for sure!

I enjoyed the visit, now when can I come back, pretty please? (^-^)

Kathy A. said...

What a wonderful chatty post. I loved reading it. Thanks for sharing a bit of everything. It was fun.

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Sure glad to see you blogging again! This was a really inviting post. Sure wish we all could sit around and have a fireside chat. Keep warm and enjoy the fire, Dawn

Cynimin said...

I love your stitching area. And so organized!

Márti said...

I love the craft room, the embroidery on the wall is amazing!
Nice weekend!

Sandra said...

I love your new basket for your ribbons, such a great idea and the little one from a child's bicycle too - now why didn't I think of that? The CHS 'Her Sampler' chart looks scrummy - my favourite colours by the look of it. Enjoy stitching it.

Anonymous said...

I would love to come & visit with you Terri....for real! Your house looks so gorgeous. What state are you in? I'll be there in 15 hours or so!

Mylene said...

Enjoyed reading your post Terri. Thanks for sharing all the pictures.

Have a nice weekend.

stitchersanon said...

What a lovely the desk and your new sampler is just beautiful. I am getting one heck of a shopping list ready for next January thanks to my challenge..which seemed such a good idea at the time!

KarenV said...

Your stitching area looks wonderful Terri! Love the ribbon baskets, what a great idea :)

Marriage of the Minds is looking beautiful so far, looking forward to seeing your progress!

Isabelle said...

Hi Terry, your post is really nice and how beautiful is your craftroom !! you give me nice ideas for mine ...:-))
Many snow you have there , here, just a little but it the winter, isn'it ??
I hope you a great day ,

Nancy said...

Good Morning Terri! I felt like I was paying you a visit while having morning coffee. I love the picture of the snow in the early morning. Don't you just love the feeling that early morning gives you - total peace. Your craft room is so fun and beautiful. I love your little rose stitches, and I think all of them are beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a fun visit that was! Thanks for sharing your peaceful corner! Next time, I'll bring the treats!

Great start to Marriage of the Minds! You go!

Matt is such a handsome fellow!

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


anna s. said...

Oh your stitching room, Terri... how can we move it accross the Atlantic and install it here? LOL A wonderful place to cozy in... Thanks for sharing!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Enjoyed reading your post and touring your home. Love your work area with that lovely red wall.

Margaret said...

Thanks for the lovely visit, Terri! Hope the thyroid stuff is going well. Just remember -- if you feel like the food is just sitting there in your stomach and not going anywhere, then it's time for synthroid (or more synthroid)! I love your Marriage of Minds! I really have to stitch that -- maybe for our 30th anniversary! :D And your wire baskets and stuff on that little tiny cabinet -- so pretty! I love how the ribbons fit so well! You definitely have that interior decorator sensibility!

Bertie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherry said...

I just love all the pictures, Terri! All those baskets and bowls with ribbons and threads just made me drool.

Bertie said...

Great post, and would love to come over LOL, thanks for the info on stretchers and, I will have a look around before I bother you with that.
Your sewing room is spectacular and what a lovely idea to put the ribbons in the wire basket, looks fab.I can imagine you sitting there and looking at it all, I would!! Your Matt is wonderful to shovel all that snow,we have the same problem but I do not have a Matt LOL, great shovel:-)))
Must have a look out for the CHS sampler, love the acorns on that.
Keep warm.

Catherine said...

What a lovely post! Thanks for giving us a peek of your things! Love the baskets and the red!

Unknown said...

What a great craft room - love the red and I agree with you about painting underneath the desk red too. And I love your frog holding all your wonderful scissors.

Your son is a handsome young man - and to do all that shoveling, what hard work.

Your new WIP is so pretty - I look forward to watching your progress on this.

Hope all is going well with your thyroid.

Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Just a note to thank you for the lovely visit with you. I am so glad that you are blogging again, you have been missed.
Hope your health improves every day, so you can enjoy your gorgeous craft room and get MOTM well under way - its a biggie!

Melissa said...

Such a lovely fun post Terri! Your crafts room looks wonderful and the wire baskets and such are great. Love that white cabinet.

The marriage of the minds look very nice and you're doing a great job with conversion!

Have a lovely cozy weekend. (and Awww, Matt is such a nice lad!)

Solstitches said...

What do I think? I think everything you have shown is just gorgeous.
Thanks so much for letting me peek into your sewing/craft area.


JOLENE said...

Good Morning, Good Morning Terri!!! Marriage of the Minds is a wonderful design and it will be awesome to see it finished in all of it's glory. I have to say your red room "rocks". It looks so organized and clean. Want to come help me with mine? Kathy is such a sweet lady, and so very helpful. I contacted her last week about a pattern called "Pennsylvania Redware" that I haven't been able to locate so I was beginning to wonder if it was OOP. Fortunately it is/was still available and she sent me one right out. Thanks for the fireside chat, as always, I had a splendid visit. Happy Day!!

Joanie said...

I want to thank you for letting me visit your incredible craft room. When I grow up, I want one just like yours!!!

Your stitching looks wonderful! I love the CHS pattern.

woolwoman said...

Thanks for the invite over for a vist Terri - it was so cozy and wonderful- I loved your craft room - so organized and perfect and whoa - that scissor collection in the frog - MAR-velous darling !
You MoTM is coming right along and the new CHS chart I had never seen either - so that is always a treasure. Do visit Dixie Darlin next time in ET - it is a very nice shop. Enjoy your cold quiet monrnings - almost thought we were going to get some flurries this morning wouldn't that be a hoot - Mel

Stephanie Hughes said...

Terri, I love your post. I love your work area. I want a work area like that! Mine is mainly a sewing table that can sink into the table if I need more room. It is wonderful. I love how you decorated it too. Do you collect scissors? I love how you have decorated them with lots of different beads and things! What kind of scissors do you collect? I would love for you to describe your table more, there are so many cute things on it. Steph

WoolenSails said...

Love how you have your craft room set up.
I love wire baskets too, great for storing things and something nice to look at.


From the Attic said...

Hi Terri, thanks for the invitation to come and sit at your fire. It would sure make a change from summer in sub-tropical Queensland where I have sat in the air conditioning for most of the day. Just love your stitching room and seeing all your treasures. Thanks for dropping by my blog too and keep well.


Patricia Lessell said...

A wonderful post - so happy to see you back and posting. I loved looking at all the scissor fobs and there was mine RIGHT IN FRONT! I knew I loved you for a reason.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx

Cathy B said...

Hey Terri, your little crafting corner looks so cozy! I love the contrast of red and white. But what I really love is the way you have everything organized in baskets and wire holders. Thank you for inviting us to visit!

Susimac said...

Loved visiting your craft room, you have it sew nice, I wish I could join you there. Loved seeing all your scissors - us stitchers always need loads of scissors don't we LOL!

Melissa said...

Love your wire baskets Terri! Your craft/stitching room is wonderful, particularly that red wall.

Karoline said...

Great start on Marriage of Minds. Love the wire baskets for your ribbons

Andrea said...

What a nice visit Terri, wish it could have lasted longer! Hmm, think I'll just pop in and bring some treats, we can just stitch and stitch and visit some more :-)
Love ya girl!

Siobhán said...

Great post! That basket is a great addition to your craft room!

Love the WIP, DTs are always such fun to stitch. I always get sick of the green and then another color is added in and the piece just sings... love Cynthia's color sense!

Dona said...

Your craft room is so cute. What a great storage idea for your ribbons!

I forgot about Her Sampler - it is really a charming design.

Hope you're staying warm and out of the snow! It would be fun to sit around the fire, chat and stitch!

MyLifesAStitch said...

Girrrl! I love the wire basket! It's fab!! And I think I need to get one of those lil shelves you've got on your table/ desk! It wuld sure help me organize al the crappola that's currently sitting on mine - not to mention look super purty!! :)

doris said...

You have the best craft room! I need one ... just as soon as a daughter I know comes to get all of her stuff. I like the thought of having a place to organize everything. It must be heavenly.

wisteriagirl said...

I just found your blog and love it! Your craft room is beautiful. I thought I was the only one with a lot of! Where do you find the beaded things you have on the end of the scissors? Cindy