Blog description

A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Anyone still out there?

Dear friends,

After a long, much needed break; I am back. Maybe not at full tilt but back, none-the-less.

It was a long summer and a pretty excruciating fall, and while I won't bore you with the details, suffice it to say that I have never felt more personally challenged, overwhelmed or exhausted. Yes, it's finally getting better, so here I am. I got so many notes from friends wondering about me that I am a bit overwhelmed by it all. Yet, I am so grateful. If I didn't respond to you individually, please forgive me. Like I said, I've been very overwhelmed. But... enough of that.
On to more fun things!

I seriously had not stitched in months - nothing appealed to me, so I decided to get a couple of things framed instead. I mean, what's more fun than that? Although I do miss my old framer and all her vast selection of frames, I do think I got a couple of pretty ones picked out.
In fact, I'm happy to say that Jo-Ann's now carries a few Larshon Juhl mouldings, which are my all time favorite!


BTW, pics used to be clickable to enlarge but no longer appear to be - I've been away too long to know how to fix that.... sorry!

On the left is the Sally Spencer Sampler from Birds of a Feather and here she is a little more up close and personal!


Be Kind and Be True Sampler (googly eyes and all), from With Thy Needle and Thread, which is on the right and here is her close up!

I love how both of them turned out and can't wait to get them hung.

You may notice that all the Christmas packages are wrapped in white paper. In my meager attempt at frugality, I vowed that I would wrap all presents in the paper I got to go in my large paper cutter which you can see below and read about here:


I found some ribbon I thought was really pretty and have just gone to town. I think the black & white and red & black ribbons are pretty, festive and elegant. I've been doing very well with wrapping as I buy so I won't have a bazillion presents to wrap the night or two before Christmas. My other attempt at going green this holiday season is the way in which I'm wrapping all the "stocking stuffers" (in quotes 'cause most don't fit into the stockings)! These are the grocery bags from our local produce store, Nino Salvaggio's. I just love the graphics on the paper. Whenever Rob goes to the market for me, I remind him to get my wrapping paper - plastic just won't do! I did have to use a couple of the strawberry bags from their summer bags but that's okay, they're red and I like that pattern as well.

What do you think?

About a week or so ago, I did finally decide to start stitching and what I eventually picked up to work on is the BBD Maude Eloise 1891 sampler. The KSSG is stitching any one of the BBD Remember Me series patterns as the focus project this year. I had been working on a GH Adam and Eve Sampler but the colors were just blech! I love the muted colors of those type samplers when they're done but they are not the most uplifting to work on. So - in the UFO pile that went and I've started on Maude.

Now these are the colors I love! Bright, cheerful and just what a girl needs to help pull her out of a funk. I am going to stitch this with Rob's mother's name in it as I've yet to do one for his side of the family - it has pretty much been me-me-me and my family! Time to do one for his family. I will do this in honor of his mother who passed away too soon and is greatly missed.
As you can see, if you click on the picture, I had started stitching her maiden name into the roof but got it off center so had to re-do it. Man! Take a few months break from stitching and look what happens - I forgot how to count and/or center something.

We got our first "big" snow of the season yesterday. Unfortunately, it was also the day of our big KSSG brunch and Christmas party. I got there a tad bit late because the drive was nasty going but it was even worse coming home. Anyway, the idea this year was to bring a vintage sewing item for which you would only spend about $15 and then we'd do a round robin swap. Those who participated were thrilled, I think. I took one of those pin cushion dolls that Deb ended up getting - she'll have to show you a picture - I never took one.
But.... look what I got from Nadine!
I LOVE it!
Don't be jealous.....

A victorian Owl Pincushion and Scissor holder! How CUTE is he??? I could not be more thrilled and I don't know how Nadine could stand to give it up but trust me, it has a very good home! Unfortunately, the weather was getting bad so the party broke up kind of early. Here are a few shots I took out of the car window while I was driving home - it was foggy, icy and yuck. Don't worry, there was nobody around me when I took these pictures, really! Okay, a few cars in front of me, maybe but not too many..... honest!

I want to show you a few other treasures I found this summer/fall when I was out and about. The first is a pair of mother of pearl opera glasses. Aren't they pretty? A good friend of my mother's, Judy, gave me the bird book a couple of years ago and I thought the opera glasses were just the thing to set on top of the book.

This now sits on a table by my back door so I can check out our feathered friends a little more closely and look them up if I need to.

The other two things I got this summer will go with my vintage sewing collection I seem to be amassing. The first is the red velvet, victorian sewing box - It is missing a few of the items that should be in it, but I love it! The other item is a wood, round, pyramid pin box I found when I was in VA this fall for a class and was out shopping with my mom.


One last thing to show you... I have been doing a bit of running lately and would like to eventually be able to run a 10k. I think I can do a 5k no problem but am still working on the 10k which I hope to be able to run with my dad (who will kick my butt) eventually ~ maybe this summer or next spring. Anyway, I have decided to grow my hair out a bit so I can pull it back when I'm running. Here's the progress so far....

I know, it's by no means long yet, but is longer hair too much for a 50+ year old? What say you?

Okay.... that's all for now. I will begin making the blog rounds shortly and am anxious to catch up with all of you. Thank you for your patience and for all of you that didn't drop me during my hiatus, I am most grateful. For those that actually began following me during my personal drought, I thank you as well and welcome you with a joyful heart! I will get around to visiting your blogs soon!

May God bestow many blessings on you and your families this holiday season and may you find





KarenV said...

It's nice to see a post from you Terri. I hope that next year is better for you :)

Your framing is lovely, very nice frame choices. Oh, and I think your hair looks great!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back were missed! Love your finished pieces..and the new one that you've just started. Your hair looks great! (:

Tammy said...

Hi Terri! So happy to see your post! I think growing your hair longer is a great plan, it looks wonderful so far. Your framing looks perfect. I hope 2011 is filled with peace and joy for you and your family.

Karen said...

Glad to see you back....

Love your finished pieces especially Sally Spencer. I think this one needs to be moved closer to the top of the list.

happy stitching...

Lisa V said...

Good to see you back!
Love the framed pieces, what treasures and your lovely finds.

pj said...

Terri, nice to see you back. What a cute pic of you with your "longer hair". Darling! Great finishes and frames and thanks for sharing! pj

Sweet Sue said...

So great to see you back and posting Terri. Love your framed finishes, each one a treasure, your BOAF Sally is the bees knees:) Wishing you Peace and Joy of the season.

Margaret said...

So good to hear from you, Terri! I hope things are getting better for you now and the worst is over. It seems to have been a tough year for many. I love all the news you've posted. Your framed pics are wonderful, the swap is fantastic! The weather looks awful -- you're much braver than me to be driving in that! Love your hair! Love your WIP too! Oh, and your antique sewing trinkets. I'm envious for sure!! May you have a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year!

Ann said...

Terri, Glad to see you back in blogland. I've missed reading your posts - you always make me smile! Wishing my grocery had cool bags that could double as wrapping paper. LOL. They look great. ~Ann

Alice said...

1.Your hair is cute.
2.Those new frames are great.
3.Love the packages tied up with string...

These are a few of my favorite things!
I'm glad things are less overwhelming for you.

Janice said...

I was so glad to see your post tonight. Would you believe that I was on your blog today to see if there was a new line from you. I saw that there was not and I said a little prayer, as I know you have been going through alot. I don't know what your trial has been, but I know that you will be stronger after going through it.

I am glad you are back. Your blog is always so entertaining, I am looking forward to more posts.

Catherine said...

So nice to see you back! Love all your stitchy things - framed and new!!

I would definitely wrap my things with my grocery bags if they looked like yours!!

I say if you are determined enough to do that run - then you can have your hair any length you desire - I love the look so far!

Melissa said...

Hi honey!

It's so nice to see your post and see that lovely photo of you. No, I don't think long hair is bad for over 50. I started growing my hair longer too and it looks better on me. I keep it at shoulder length. You look wonderful there.

Nice to see your framed pieces and your WIP. I have Maude in my stash and always liked the colours in the design.

I hope you & yours will have a very Merry Christmas. I didn't email you as I figured you probably have enough on the go! Take care!

Cathy B said...

Welcome back Terri! I have missed your posts and updates on your antique/thrift store finds!

Robin in Virginia said...

Woohoo, Terri is back! Glad you are feeling less overwhelmed! You have been missed!

Love your tree, your wrap, your newly framed pieces, your newest sewing trinkets, and your hair!

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season, my friend!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Hooray - you're back!! Been worried about you and glad to see you're with us again. Hope your holidays are filled with love and happiness, Dawn

Myra said...

Welcome back Terri! I have missed your posts and do hope the months ahead are much better for you. Gorgeous finishes and frames.

Anna van Schurman said...

Glad you're back!

Jennifer said...

So glad you're back!!! Have missed reading your blog as yours was one of the first I found that I bookmarked and always wanted to read. So sorry to hear that you have been going through a rough patch . Really hope 2011 is better for you . Your hair looks beautiful.
all the best for a wonderful Christmas!

Vinniey said...

I just thought about you yesterday and wanted to send an email to you but so glad to see you back today and happy to hear that you are feeling less overwhelmed now, Terri. I'm so missed reading your blog in these few months. Nice to see your photo and your hair looks great, Terri. All those gifts wrapped with strawberry bags looks so vintage and beautiful! Nice framing for Sally Spencer Sampler and "Be Kind and Be True Sampler". Sally Spencer Sampler is beautiful and I will stitch it one day. :)

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Your tree looks pretty!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

ok Terri, so nice to see you back and getting in the groove...
1st up. You look great.
2nd up.Larshon Juhl have my favorite mouldings also but have taken a few out of their line lately. They always have new one to replace the old and turn out just as nice when framed.
3rd up, your stitching looks wonderful and yes, it is always nice to get it hung for all to enjoy
4th up. I have used white freezer paper, shiny side out with tartan bows for years, and it never gets boring,
Again, it is so nice to see you back in our lives Welcome back kiddo.
As always
Be always in stitches.

Tricia said...

Beautiful stitching and packages, and I *love* your hair. Good for you to be running!!

Patty C. said...

I'm glad you are back - The photos of your tree & the finished work are just lovely
I think as good as you look at 50+ years - you can do whatever you want to your hair- your gorgeous

Enjoy your Christmas ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you back, like everybody else, Terri. We met at the SB Retreat and you look great! I never would've guessed your age! Your tree and framed pieces look so pretty.
I'm sending you sincere best wishes for a wonderful new year!

Anonymous said...

Oops, I forgot to sign my name, when my son is home he puts on his own google account and I don't know how to make it mine.

Mary said...

Lovely to 'hear' from you again Terri. I hope you have a good Christmas and that 2011 is a happy and healthy year for you.
I love your parcels - they look very sophisticated.

Siobhán said...

It's so good to see a post from you, Terri! 2010 has been a sucky year for us, too--I hope 2011 is much better for all of us!

Your framing looks fantastic. Love the hair! YGG!!

Lois said...

It's good to see a post from you Terri. I hope that 2011 is a much better year for you.

Love the frames you picked and what a nice WIP.

Longer hair? I say go for it!

Giovanna said...

Good to read you again! Gorgeous framed pieces, and wonderful tree!

Bertie said...

Great to see you back Terri. Love your framed samplers.
Such a bummer when you do not feel well and am glad it is all on the mend.
Love your post and your hair is gorgeous, you look very very good:))
Happy Christmas

Carin said...

Terri, you're looking beautiful!!!! Great to see you again.

Wish you all the luck and happiness for the new year. And ofcourse a very Merry Christmas.

Cari said...

Oh Terri I am so happy, happy, happy to hear from you. Hugs and wishing you a wonderful Christmas. And your hair is adorable....just like you !!!

Michele B. said...

How very nice to see you back and to hear things are better - I hope 2011 holds good things for you. Your wrapping paper idea is so clever - note to self - remember this! Your hair looks terrific, as does your stitching. You always frame things so nicely.

Annie said...

Great to see a post from you. Your new hairdo looks fabulous!

Your tree and the framing look beautiful. I love your homespun wrapping!

Nice set of new treasures too. The owl is just too special!

Cath said...

Good to see you back . Glad things ar4e soting out for you. The hair looks great , and I would never have guessed that you were that age. XXX

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

It's so good to see you again :) I've been thinking about you...hoping that you were ok and just running around frazzled like me ... (lol)
I love all your framed pieces. Gorgeous! And your vintage sewing items. Wonderful! And look at pretty little you! You hair is great! I think longer hair on older women look fine. My Mom says no when I want to grow mine out....but I say yes! I'd just do it and see what you think - never know until you try ;o)

Sherry said...

It's wonderful to see you post again, Terri. I hope you have better times ahead.

Your hair looks great and I love all your framing. Sarah Spencer is beautiful. Super job on the wrapping.

BrendaS said...

Glad to see you back! Your framing looks lovely and your WIP is looking good too.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hopefully 2011 will be a better year:)))

KAREN said...

Loving the hair and all the finished projects. Here's hoping for a great new year -2011. It is goo to have you back in action girl. Can't believe your weather. We have no snow in Denver and it will be 68 here today. Keep bundled up. XOXO

Marylin /Poussy said...

Hi Terri have a new article and already 39 comments, you see I told you we were expecting you all, I am pleased to read .... you have a healthy glow on your last picture! and you keep your best smile, thank you! is a joy to read, you are a source of joy and happiness ..... I kiss you hard my friend and thank you for being there for us all,
peace be in your home forever

Anonymous said...

So glad to have you back with us Terri!! Don't feel bad; everyone needs a break now and then...we still love ya'!

And what delicious little goodies you have been gathering for yourself! The framed pieces are gorgeous, and I love your present wrapping ideas.

The hair is perfection...

Happy Stitchin'

woolwoman said...

Yes Terri you've been missed but sometimes life throws things at you and you just have to cut down - cut back and regroup. Don't worry you haven't missed anything much on my blog - except that I've been doing a lot of needlepoint this fall - stop by and say hi when you get a chance and hope you are enjoying the season ! Mel

Hazel said...

Well what to say??? You look fantastic. I just hope I can look half as good as you when I get to 50. Your two framed pieces look wonderful as does your new start. So much inspiration. xx

Maggie said...

Welcome back Terri :-)

First of all thank you for the lovely comment you made about my photos, i really appriciate it x

Your framed peices are really lovely and i just love the idea of wrapping gifts in white paper with ribbon, i have just spent the last couple of hours looking for suitable wrapping paper and gift bags and came home with nothing, i'm not as organised as you seem to be i will most likely spend the final 2 days before the big day covered in selotape with bits of paper everywhere, lol.

Good luck with the running, your hair looks good BTW although i sort of know what you mean about long hair after a certain age ;-)i would love mine a bit longer but hate the bother of washing and drying it and the grey tends to show through more, lol.

Berit said...

Everything looks beautiful, but especially you! I think your hair looks great, too.

Lovely stitching and great treasures. :)

Carol said...

Welcome back, Terri--as you can see by everyone's comments, you've definitely been missed! You look great, your stitching looks great, your tree looks great--hopefully this is the start of a great new chapter in your life :)

Glenna said...

Oh, sweetie pie. Of COURSE we have not dropped you. For heaven's sake--what are we--fair weather friends? Re: the hair. The NYTimes or the Wash. Post--can't remember which--did an article on Hilary's new 'do which is longer than the bob she used to wear, and they have declared that there no longer is any reason for us 50-somethings to chop off our hair! And good for you for running--that is on my to-do list for my soon to be unemployment. The stitching is lovely, as are the pictures of everything other than the snow. Ick! Snow! Best wishes for a peaceful and happy new year.

Gayle said...

Terri - I was so thrilled when you left a comment on my blog today - WELCOME BACK! I've missed you! I'm loving your brown paper packages (and the white ones too) - I think they look really classy! I'll be turning 57 soon, and my hair is just below my shoulders, so your's is definitely not too long IMHO! What a great goal to run a 10K

Dona said...

Terri, I'm so glad you are back and hope all good things come your way in 2011.

Seeing your Elizabeth Saville again makes me want to pull out mine out of the WIP basket. And Sally Spencer is so pretty, too.

Wear your hair in whatever way you enjoy! And it's wonderful that you are working toward your 10K!

Pumpkin said...

Your tree is just gorgeous Terri! I love the packages underneath. It looks very vintage to me :o)

Your pieces turned out wonderful! I can see why you are so happy with them :o) Have you found a place to hang them yet?

Oh my! THAT IS gorgeous! Where in the world did she find that?

Surprisingly we have no snow. We've had lots of rain. I'm not complaining but a white Christmas would be nice ;o)

Your hair is lovely! Glad to see you posting again. I know it's been quite a year for you. Hopefully 2011 will be much better! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season :o)

Roberta said...

Have missed you, glad all is better. And yes, long hair is great no matter what age you are!! got to love the 'tail'.

Love your little 'owl' that you received at your gathering.

Enjoy the Season

Natalia said...

Welcome back Terri !! Last time I saw you was at the Shepherd's Bush Retreat. Glad to hear things are better and that you are stitching again.
As for the length of the hair, I think it is okay to have shoulder length hair for a woman 50+, but I wouldn't grow it longer than that. I hear longer hair at our age makes us look older. But girl, you don't look 50 at all, so maybe you can get away with it :-)

Katrina said...

Its so nice to see a post from you!!! Hope things are going much better for you. Cute haircut too :-).

Framing and tree are gorgeous. I love BOAF.

Michelle said...

So glad to see you back! I've missed you!!! Your framed pieces look amazing, and I love your new start too - the colors are great! Love the longer hair and congrats on getting into running...that's fantastic!

Robn~Samplerbird said...

Missed you! Glad you are back to stitching and blogging again. Love your wrapping theme, it's lovely and elegant. The frames that are perfect for each piece...have you decided where to hang them yet? Oh, that owl pinkeep/scissor holder is so unusual...what a treasure! Your hair is looking good and will look so cute tied back for the 10K.

Rachel S-H said...

It's great to see you posting! Your hair looks great--love it. I understand about wanting to pull it back while exercising, I was so happy the day I could pull the sides up on top like Pebbles. I love the wrapping paper ideas you have. They look perfect! Merry Christmas!

Julie M said...

Terri! So nice to see a post from you! I haven't been very regular with my posts lately either but it looks to me like your followers are all pleased as punch to see you again!

Love the framing! I too like Larson Juhl mouldings and use them quite often.

Jan said...

Almost missed your post, Terri...but glad that I didn't! I too have been wondering how you are and where you have been. Hope all is well, and that your 2011 is everything you hope for and more!! And your hair will be perfecto, so no worries about age or anything!

Merry, Merry Christmas Blessings to you!

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Welcome back, it is so good to see you posting again. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that 2011 is a fantastic year for you.


Nicole said...

Great to see you posting again Terri! Love your framed pieces and your wips and all your great finds!! Your hair looks great too! :)

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

So glad to see you posting again. When you need a break, you should take one. We can all understand that.
Glad to hear things are getting better.
Your framed pieces are just beautiful. Keep stitching and have a have a festive and Merry Christmas.

Mylene said...

Hi Terri, so nice to see your post. Your tree looks gorgeous as well as your framed pieces.
A beautiful picture of you and your hair looks great.
Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

sylvie said...

oh what a so beautiful christmas tree. And a nice blog, I'll come again to visit you.
Snow at home too this morning

Loraine said...

Oh my goodness Terri! I haven't checked blogs this whole month. So much going on! You look adorable, and I love all your wonderful pictures. That owl you got at the swap is incredible! I was thinking of Jolene when I saw it. LOL.
I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't think of you, and how you are doing. Please forgive me for not keeping in touch. I've really avoided the computer lately.
I hope all is going better for you. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday. Hugs to you my dear friend.

Sue said...

Well, I'm glad you're back even though I'm new at blogging. I'm sorry things have been overwhelming for you, I've had a bit of a time with similar things over the past year. I stitched Maude Eloise a couple of years ago and I too love the colors in it. I love you wrapping paper too, great idea!!

Susan said...

It's nice to have you back.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Stitching!

Susimac said...

Nice that you are back and feel much better.

Love your tree its beautiful - your samplers are magnificent.

That gorgeous owl pincushion is just so sweet - lucky you what a really nice gift to have received.

As for longer hair - I think its great idea, I'm growing mine too and I'm 50+ as well and have had some great comments about it, so go for it girl!!

Jane said...

Hi Terri, I know how life gets and it's hard to keep up with the blogging sometimes. It's lovely to read an update by you and to see your interesting photos.

You should be so pleased with your framing. I especially like the one you picked out for BK&BT! Suits it so well. Good choice!!!

I was just admiring the picture you have of yourself on your sidebar, thinking what a gorgeous hairstyle you have. Then realising if I did the same style on mine, it wouldn't look as good because my hair is thin. Don't think I could get the volume. Still, you have a good reason to grow it a little longer and I wish you well with your running.

You know, I just love muted colours when stitching. It's the brighter ones that don't rest so well with me. It just goes down to what appeals to your eye. I'm glad you're enjoying working on something a bit brighter. Colours can change your whole enjoyment on a piece.

The weather looks terribly cold and snowy where you are. I think a lot of the northern hemisphere seems to be copping a heavy covering of snow this season. Certainly makes it a white Christmas. Even our Summer here in Australia isn't very warm so far. We've been getting a lot of rain and flooding in some areas also.

Neat little gift exchanges too! You did well out of yours. :)

Brigitte said...

Oh Terri, so nice to see you post again and to know that you've left the not so good times behind you. I wish for you a much better year to come.
Your framed samplers are wonderful. And yes, you need bright colours to get you back into stitching. So the project you chose is just perfect. I think I'd choose a BBD piece as well. Or maybe a Prairie Schooler spring piece just to get my mind off all this snow which has been piling up here as well since November.
Have a wonderful Christmas time with your family!

Karoline said...

Lovely to see a post from you, I hope 2011 is better for you.

Your framing is gorgeous and you have a lovely new start

Deb said...

Gosh Terri, you're buried so far down the blog reader that I couldn't find it that way. Sorry it took me so long to reading this.

Love the framing! Why is it that we can have the patterns and then some one does them, frames them and then we have to have them? Both of them look wonderful.

Love your idea for the gift wrapping too. I didn't buy any paper this year - just using up the old stuff. Next year Nino's for me (or whatever else looks good). I think those bags make wonderful wrapping paper.

And time for a change. I hope you don't get frustrated growing out your hair, but it will be fun to see what it looks like as you go along!!

Merry Christmas!!

Sue said...

Glad to see you're back!

Your hair looks wonderful, what a great photo.


Sherry :o) said...

Great to see you back here (even tho I saw you last week) and yes, the roads were quite bad on the way home - but wasn't it so pretty looking out the windows at bruch with the snow, festive with Santa walking around - and yum, the food was fantastic!

Your BBD is coming along very well - I haven't worked on mine lately and hope to get some x's in it over the long weekend while relaxing Christmas day.

I thought your hair was longer - it looked great curled last week! Glad you are doing better and hope that your holidays are just what you hope for and need.

Peace and blessings to you and your family for this holiday season and for 2011 to come. See you soon!

JOLENE said...

Hi Little Miss Full of Sunshine!!! How have you been, I haven't heard much from anyone since our Park City get together. Life has a way of putting us in a funk and I have been there quite a bit myself this past year. Your hair will be beautiful any length you choose to wear it. I still love your sweet Texie sampler and how sweet is that doll?! Your home looks so festive and I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season.

PS: I have a collection of opera glasses, too. Love them!!!

Susan said...

I'm really late leaving a comment--too much to do before Christmas!--but I'm glad to see you back. I LOVE your BBD. What great colors!