See the cars and the ice shanty's way out there? I might have ventured out there had it not been so bloody cold. I think with the wind chill it was something like 2 degrees. Brrrrr……
The only thing I can think of that might be fun about this kind of an outing, is sitting in the shanty with a fire and lots of alcohol to drink. You guess the guys out there are trying to escape? From what????? What could be so bad that you’d actually go out and sit in a wood shanty, on the ice, in absolutely frigid weather? Granted, most of the shanty’s are heated but still. Okay, I think most of the guys out there are drinking (a LOT), too. That MIGHT make it tolerable, for a little while. Then again, nah. Yeah, I did try ice fishing once. Never again. My feet froze, I didn’t catch anything and the spiked hot chocolate just wasn’t enough to keep me interested.
Just for fun - 'Yeah, I know this post isn't all that fun but let's pretend - just for fun, here's another shot Rob took of me looking back toward the dock (which got cut off) and the natural grass line of the lake:

Uh, yeah. I ate it all.
God help me.
While we were enjoying our meal, looking across the water at our Canadian neighbors, the U.S. Coast Guard ice cutter came by. The ice was impressive but the cutter, even more so. Check it out:
And here, is a shot, looking across the water, at our Canadian friends. See the Maple Leaf flag, or L’Unifole’ blowing proudly in the wind? Pretty, eh?
I do have some stitching to show you!
I am making decent (for me) progress on my Farm Sampler. The alphabet is almost done - two more lines of big, rice stitch letters, then the border on the right and finally, down to all the over one at the bottom. I am really enjoying this piece although I'm a bit sick of the black letters.
Ooops, a few berries still need to be filled in, I see.
I have Marianne (see previous post) all ready to go. Almost. I don't have scroll rods long enough so had to order some from Kay's Creations. I can't stitch with that much fabric without rods. I have converted the DMC colors to a combination of WDW, GAST and CC's and think the varigation in the threads will be pretty. I will be stitching her on Lakeside Linen's Navy Bean. The colors by themselves, look kind of funky but the overall effect is going to be awesome (I hope).
Here are the DMC called for colors and the substitutions I made. I think they match up pretty well and will give the piece a little more interest.
Called for DMC:
My conversions from what I had in my stash plus 3 of the DMC's for which I didn't have a suitable match. I'll find something next time I go to the NSLLNS.
I Can't wait to get started but now I have to wait for scroll rods and truth be told, I'd rather finish my Farm Sampler before getting started on this. I don't like too many projects going at once. I will, I'm sure, have to throw something small in just to get the satisfaction of a completion every now and again while working on this. A few of you eagle eyed gals noticed my size calculations had to be wrong in the previous post. You are correct! I took the measurements right off the paper and I guess they did measure this on 28 count fabric over one. I'll not be stitching it over one. Mine will be over two on 34 count fabric so it's going to be another big one when finished. Yeah!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for all of your sweet comments and emails. I love hearing from you and I read and appreciate each and every one. It's a good thing knowing that you're out there and reading.
I hope I haven't bored you too much with all the outdoor and food pics but like the header says, this isn't just a blog about stitching!
I'm shivering just looking at those photos. Driving on ice? Not for me!
Nice to hear you can walk on water though!
I suggest you stay inside and stitch!
My uncle is a fisherman and he gets out there on the ice (less so now that slipping on the ice is more of a danger). He has lots of funny stories about slipping on the ice which you can imagine when you know just how much those guys drink "to stay warm." I used to ice fish with my dad but we didn't have any shanties to keep us "warm."
Great photos! You deserve that lunch after being out in those temps!
Love your stitches!
Um..did you have to eat the fried stuff by yourself? I mean, I COULD have helped you! LOL! Oh man, did that stuff look SO YUMMY!! Your stitching is absolutely beautiful. LOVE the colors. We are at a steamy 35 today, after a high of 9 yesterday. Shoot..we drove on ice right in our very own driveway! :) Stay safe and warm!
I love your blog and you too!! I have been in Florida way too long to go out on the ice. The pics of you are fab. You look like you're having so much fun. And the lunch...move over gal...all that grease is right up my alley! LOL I think it looks delicious and sounds like it was. Have fun stitching...I know you will. I love following your progress on all your wonderful pieces. Hugs and stay WARM.
Your blog header looks great! Mmmmm...that catfish makes my mouth water!
I can't beleive that river! how brave of you to walk on it!! I think you earned that lunch, lol (looked yummy btw)
I am sure you burnt off all those calories just in trying to keep warm. Lovely photos - I find it hard to imagine that a whole lake or river can freeze over.
Your farm scene is stitching up quite quickly.
It has been that cold here, in western NY as well. Today a high of 14F. I love catfish but have never had it fried.
When it is cold outside, just party on the ice!
I love potato pancakes!!! Great stitching progress.
What a winter wonderland you have! Great outdoor pics, Terri! What a yummy lunch and your stitching on the farm is moving right along!
I loved your pics of the lake and the ice! There's no way I would have gone out though. lol! We've been cold here too. Hate it. Brrr! Love your WIP! So pretty! Love your food! lol! Looks so yummy! And Marianne -- over one! Ugh! I don't think I'll do over one either. lol! Nice conversion! So did you do your own handwriting for your blog post? I read somewhere that you can do that somewhere. Don't remember the details though. So cool! Stay warm! Oh, and I'll send Mia right over. :D
Looks like a fun outing with your hubby eh? and all that beautiful deep fried goodness warms me up inside! Would love to know what part of my lovely country you were looking across at . Doesn't look like Windsor. Love your conversion . The colours look beautiful.
Stay warm, we are in the same boat here in Ontario. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I love reading yous as you know!
It should have read . I love reading yours as you know . Not 'yous'LOL
No thanks on the cold weather!! You are brave girl :) Great job on your conversion, and I too, will be stitching mine over 2 thank you very much. I am not a fan of over 1. I am looking forward to seeing progress on both, and you are stronger willed then I, only working on a couple at a time. It isnt easy to stick to one for me :) LOL
PS, good for you eating something naughty once in a while, you only live once!!!!!!
Wow that's some cold you have going on girl! Should I mention it is sunny and 50F here in Oregon? I love, love, love your "Farm Sampler" - can't wait to see it completed.
I loved the Lake Pictures Terri !! Your colors look great !!!
Those pics made me colder than I already was! Lunch looked good though!
What fun pictures! Seeing frozen lakes isn't so unusual here, but it was fun seeing you guys have such a ball on it. :) Love your stitching progress!!
Hey Terri, Have you drank alot of hot chocolate since getting off all that ice???OMG>...I am cuddling my coffee cup just to stay warm while I scroll through those chilly photos!!
Now, about Farmhouse Sampler...can I just say it is absolutley stunning!! Yes, I definitely think you should prioritize this piece!! It is beautiful....Beautiful enough that I am going to go searching for it as soon as I finish this comment!!
Good job my friend and do be safe on that ice!!!! brrrrr.,,, Faye
Wonderful snow photos. You look as if you had a wonderful time. Your lunch looks good as well.
Looking forward to seeing your Marianne. BTW I love your angel. The one that you had a few posts ago. It is really lovely. - Sandra.
Walking on water - I think that is plenty - No cars please -
Great progress on the stitched piece
That looks mighty cold but glad you had the yummies to fill your tummies!
The Farm Sampler looks really nice. I think this is a new-to-me one. And because of YOU, I did buy Marianne too! Looking forward to seeing your start on Marianne.
Yum - I think it looks great and it's okay if you don't do it too often! But then, who am I to know that LOL (you know me)!
Love the pictures of out-of-doors. It was really cold, but the sun was so inviting! Now for ice and rain tonight and tomorrow - yuk!
So for your darker green dmc, try cc spinach. It may be too dark, but it is a nice one.
Can't wait to see your progress!!
I'm one of those Canadian neighbours and let me tell you it's darn cold here too! Brrr, is an understatement. We are in for some sort of storm tomorrow though, snow, freezing rain and more cold weather. I've had enough and it's only January. Lunch looks delicious although I haven't eaten fried foods for quite some time, I'm hungry just looking at it ;) Great progress on Farm Sampler.
Great photos but it sure looks cold! I think I'd be kind of scared to walk on a frozen lake let alone drive on it! The food looks yummy!
Driving on the ice would totally freak me out! It looks like a fun day, though. I'd love to see ice shanties in person. My girls were recently watching "Beautiful Girls", which was set in Philly, and they had snow constantly and had ice shanties. I had to laugh because there were no such things there in my 35 years of living in the area!!
Your stitching looks great! Love the conversion for your new sampler, too.
At least you look all rugged up to be out in that icy weather:) Thanks so much Terri, for dropping me a line to see if I was ok with all the floods. Victoria has taken a battering now but mainly in the north/western parts of the state. I'm so grateful not to be going through such devastation. Hugs:)
Brrrrrr... wow I can hardly believe that's a lake! Great pics and great stitching. Fantastic. Oh and the food.... yumm enjoy. x
yeah, there is something about that flag well Duh,,,, it is winter, lol...back atcha girl.
Awe, the sight of the flag that makes one admire the beauty of a country. And the first thing that comes to mind as you speak of your time ice fishing,,, If she didn't spill her Hot Chocolate she would still be warm. hmmm just a little lol for the day.
I love the pictures and watching those Icebreakers is amazing. I love the colours you have to work on your project and can't wait to see your progress.
Be always in stitches.
brrrrrrr those pictures make me shiver! Thank goodness our snow and ice is almost gone! I am ready to chant "snow is ok but no more ice"!
Love your thread choices. I think I am going to use a natural color fabric. I may have to change that light brown to a slightly deeper shade. We'll see when I start!
It's time to wish you a happy new year, dear Terry, with a lot of crosstitches!!!
Best regards...
Okay, I'm FREEZING just looking at you all bundled up! LOL! Did you see me waving from the Canadian side? ;o) JK!
OMG! You ate ALL that???? I'd have to pop the buttons on my pants if I even managed to consume that much. You're so tiny too girl! Where did it all go?
You've made wonderful progress! The boring part is almost done so keep going :o)
Oh my goodness, I hope your weather is not coming our way LOL, but looking at your pictures it must be such fun to walk on the ice, but not in a car.
How wonderful that you can see Canadian neighbours, perfect view,it seems always cold there too.
Sampler looks lovely so far.
Great shots! And great stitching too - I can imagine all the black letters would get tiresome, but you're almost done with them!
Fried beer battered catfish - I can just feel how my mouth starts watering just thinking of it, lol.
Awesome pictures!
hello, I'm just happy to see you smile on your face! "
much love
I agree with others that the cold justifies the lunch. Brrr! I love the colours for your new project; I'm sure it will be very pretty.
burr.....but I LOVE the outdoor pictures...I just told my husband today that I am so ready for weather that we can go outside in!!!!
Your lunch looks awesome! Hey, it is ok once in a while to indulge in something that we don't normally eat!!!!
Cant' wait to see your progress on your new piece..the colors are gorgeous!!!!
It's definitely been just too darned cold around here, but you're a braver woman than I. I can't imagine walking on that let alone driving a car on it.
The fish looks, oh so good. There is nothing greater than some greasy fresh fish is there?
And your piece looks great! You'll be done with it in no time (yeah, easy for me to say, right?) And I can't wait to see your start on your new sampler! That's going to be another stunner!!! It's such a pretty sampler. I couldn't imagine stitching it over one though.
Hi Terrie
My goodness, you look cold and all that ice. It's been decades since I've been in that weather, though I'd like to do it again.
Love watching as you work through your samplers. I keep drooling over new ones, but am disciplining myself to finish the ones I've started. That can be frustrating at times.
Have you seen the frame I posted on my blog? Have you ever used anything like it?
Stay warm.
Beautiful progress on your sampler. And I love the conversion on the new one!!
It's great seeing your pictures of the frozen lake (glad it's YOU out there and not me, though!).
Love the photographs, thanks for sharing.
Great progress on your pretty wip.
I am still going to stalk you because I love your blog and your stitching.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
Your pics are awesome!!! Love the snow! Your stitching is gorgeous too, and I love your header--beautiful! Thx for the comments, and I was afraid I've dropped off the radar alltogether, lol. Thx girl!
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