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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feminine and Flirty and Fabulous!

Stitching pics later but first.....

If I  were to have another wedding, this is what I'd wear.  A vintage, embroidered wedding dress with pink sash and flowers.  I saw this at a boutique/antique shoppe today and it nearly brought me to tears it was so beautiful!
I love it.  
It's pretty.
It's Feminine.
It's delicate and Flirty
and totally Fabulous!!!
I really wanted to buy it.  
I didn't.  But, I wanted to.  

Here are a few more shots of this beauty:

Bustled in the back, ready to dance with Prince Charming:
 Look at the delicate neckline and the pretty, covered buttons.
 More pink flowers on the train.... I'm still weak in the knees....

I'm in love.....

This would be a totally impractical purchase but I hated to leave such a thing of beauty in the store.   
It was under $200.
I should have sprung for it.
I wonder if they'd come down?
I should have asked.
Where would I put it?
Impractical.....  I must keep reminding myself.....  Impractical.
But, oh, so beautiful!!!
If you buy it, don't tell me.

While we were in the store, I met the nicest man named Marvin.  He and I were yucking it up a little bit and he tried this cool top hat on and I asked him if I could take his picture.  
Isn't he cute?  
Remember, if you're not having fun, it's nobody's fault but your own.
Marvin was having some fun and so was I.

The other vintage clothing item I found intriguing was this nightie.  

I can't say it did anything for me (the color was YUCK) but it's the first one I've ever seen with a mink neckline.  

Doesn't everyone need a little fur around their neck at night?  

These goodies were all at a store called Vera Grace Emporium in Marine City, MI.

We hit another fun shop today too and the proprietors, Janice and Robert were there today so we got to chat with them.  I met them a couple of years ago at another antique mall in Marine City and now they own their own place called 
Back Porch Antiques.  It's a really cute store, also in Marine City and they are super nice people!

Pay them a visit if you're in the area (tell 'em I sent you)!
Here are a few snaps from inside their shoppe:

Finally..... some stitching.
Here is my progress so far on Marianne Wenn.  I am really enjoying working on it now that I've fixed my mistake.  
Because I had to frog so much, I commemorated it with a poem (sort of):

I frogged the border on the left.
I frogged the border on the right.
I fudged it at the top and then I called it a night!

The blue is photographing really royal but it's a bit more navy than that IRL.

I will be stitching Isabella Johnstone along with YUKO but I had to order some fabric, first.  It came today and I just love it.  I asked JAN at Only One Ewe Needlework's to pick something for me in 35 count.  She sent WDW linen in "Linen".  Now I just have to email Yuko and let her know I'm ready to go.

Here is my fabric and floss along with the little project card I made:
 Don't worry - the linen is on a piece of cloth, not directly on the patio.

Oh, yeah!
I got the super cute Singer Sewing Machine at Janice's shop today.  
Thanks, Janice and Robert!

I hope you're all having a great weekend.  It's windy and cold here but at least the sun is shining, so I won't complain.

Thank you so very much for stopping by and for leaving a comment, when you can.  I am doing well and thank you all for your care and concern.  
My lifestyle is going to have to change a bit (running, according to my doc) is out of the question.  He didn't say I couldn't jog at a reasonable pace, though.... did he???

So... not sure yet about the Monument Ave Run in Richmond in April but I will definitely be there to cheer on my dad, even if I'm not running.

I'm alive.   
Life is good.
I wish you,



LiahonaGirl said...

Terri: I'm glad you are doing well after the stint procedure. At least it hasn't slowed down your great treasure hunting! I love the little sewing machine, and would have probably given in to buying some of the wooden bowls. Happy stitching!
PS: I loved your "frogging" poem.

Catherine said...

Oh my! That dress is beautiful! I think you should buy it and just put it on a dress form to ogle!!

Carolyn said...

I agree with Catherine. Get thee back to the store and buy that baby! It's the most beautiful, romantic dress I've ever seen in my life. It would be so gorgeous in a corner on a dress form.(my frou frou personality is speaking at the moment)

I'm loving that litle sewing machine, too. Now that is adorable! Great progress coming along on your stitching. I just love the colors, and love watching this one come alive. HUGS

Bhooma said...


I love reading your blog. It is so lively. Just like the others I love the little sewing machine. And, of course, the dress too.

Lisa V said...

Ooo, that wedding dress is just gorgeous, it would be my choice to wear (if it fit me that is). Even to place it on a mannequin shape in the corner of your stitching room and drool over each day, that would be nice.
Good luck on the temptation of not going back and buying it, hehe

Littlebit said...

Oh, that dress! If I had a big enough sewing room, that would be amazing to have on a form in there..not MY form..but a form nonetheless. lol!
Glad you are doing very well, glad.

Robin in Virginia said...

Super post, Terri! Love the dress and I think you should go back and haggle for it!

Very happy to hear you are doing better -- maybe you could walk instead of run during the race!

Marianne looks good!

Margaret said...

Fantastic! I love that dress too! Wow! Do you have a dress form you could put it on? You need it. :D Love the top hat on Marvin! What fun that you met him! Loved all the shots of the antique stores! And that little sewing machine -- how cool is that! I was looking at such things on ebay. I'd love to get one someday. Marianne looks really great!! Sorry about the frogging, but at least it's over with now, right? Hope you're feeling all back to normal.

Natalia said...

Terri, sounds like you had a fun day !!! I love Marianne and maybe I should ask you if I can borrow your poem because I had to frog the right border, the left border and the top of my I Sigh Not For Beauty too !!!! Not a fun thing to do. Yikes !

Pumpkin said...

Oh my! I can see why you want that dress! So romantic. I'd just wear it around the house when no one was home ;o) LOL!

Your stitching is beautiful as always. Can't wait to see your new start. Btw, that little sewing machine is just darling!

Nancy said...

Your antique store outing looks like so much fun! You could always buy that BEAUTIFUL dress and put it in your craft room as a decoration. The mink neckline on the nightie is so elegant isn't it? The closet I've come to that is a kitten sleeping around my neck!

Your sampler is looking beautiful, and it's good to hear you're doing well!

Beth said...

Sounds like a perfectly fabulous day!

Sylvia said...

Marianne is looking so beautiful - I love how she is developing.

The dress is a dream, its as feminine as they come. That shop looked like a lot of fun.

Sheila said...

Wow - what a beautiful dress and love the little sewing machine. And so pleased to hear that you are doing well :)

marylin said...

de magnifiques trésors que voilà !
j'aime beaucoup la petite machine à coudre, le début de ton Sampler est des plus magnifiques
bonne journée

KarenV said...

That is such a beautiful dress! I nearly went with a pink wedding dress, but the shop only had one size, which was bigger than I needed and I couldn't get it altered to fit. It was a beautiful dress though... I agree that you should buy it and display it on a dress form - I have my christening dress hanging in my bedroom and it's lovely to look at.

Glad you're doing OK after the procedure too.

Mouse said...

OOO go back and get that dress .. it is gorgeous :) and love the box with the buttons in can you get that for me??? ..... glad you've sorted out the stitching and ooooo the little sewing machine is tres cute and I think it was for doing small items in the tailors shop :) love mouse xxxx

Jane said...

I love what you can find at antique stores. Those vintage clothes are amazing, and fur on a nightie - who would have thought:)

Keep up the good health my friend.

Roberta said...

Good to see and hear from you - so glad you are feeling better, hmmm jogging, how about walking fast!!!

Now as for the dress, a friend found a dress she loved from a vintage shop, many years ago, and she finally went back and bought it plus some button up shoes. She bought a mannequin and dressed it and put it in her guest room. She need a hat to sit on top of the form, so we made a hat to match. It looks so great and she ended up redesigning a bit of the room to work with the look. This is the room I sleep in when I visit without husband. Will try to get a picture sometime.

Carol said...

What a fun shop, Terri! Thanks for showing us those vintage beauties. And your little sewing machine is darling--nice to have a tangible memory of your day :)

Beautiful stitching--so sorry the frog has been visiting, but hopefully he's visiting someone else by now!

Take care of yourself now :)

Siobhán said...

That dress is so neat! It reminds me of Spring--of a person running through a field of daisies or something.

GREAT progress on your WIP! I can't wait to see your progress on Isabella, too. I want to start that one as well but need to finish a few things first.

Loraine said...

Terri, I can so see you in that gorgeous dress! Perfect wedding gown for sure.
I love your little sewing machine too. I always fall in love with those little things, but I have yet to find one in my price range!
Your stitching is looking wonderful. Love the "frogging" poem. I'll have to sing that to myself next time the frog is visiting.
Can't wait to see your progress with Yuko. What pretty colors.
Hugs to you sweet friend. We need to do a SAL in the Spring, don't you think?

Katrina said...

Glad you are doing well! Hope you can figure out an exercise routine that works for you and is doctor approved ;-).

Love Marianne! And the shopping pics were gorgeous, loved that vintage dress, it's beautiful.

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Oh Terri, yup - you should go back and make an offer on that dress. Wouldn't it be beautiful on a manaquin in the corner of a bedroom? Fabulous!!!! Dawn

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Hey there Terri, I could see that top hat on Rob and then you in that pretty pretty dress for a re-I-do but you would have to stay away from any beverages while in this dress..............
Love all of the pictures and that little Singer is a sister to one of the ones that I have here...
As always

Prims By The Water said...

Hi Terri, The pics are all lovely! One of the ladies from your guild stopped by after you left inquiring about the little sewing machine as she could not find it. It seems it was meant to be yours. Bob and I enjoyed your visit to our shoppe and I cannot wait to see your sampler completed. Keep up the great work! Janice

Kathy A. said...

Glad to hear you are recovering well. Remember to take care of yourself.

Bertie said...

Gorgeous "wedding" pictures, yes if we could choose again:))
Love the buttons, they are lovely.
Marianne Wren is beautiful too, you have done quite a bit now:))

Alice said...

Terri I couldn't agree with you more that if you aren't having fun it's your own fault. You seem to be having a ball! I love that dress too, so pretty. I had one very much like it for my confirmation when I was 11. Pretty and pink... perfect!

Your stitching is fab!

Glad you are doing well.

Vinniey said...

The dress is so gorgeous, Terri. I would pick this dress too if I see it 6 years ago. :) Sorry about the frogging, but your WIP looks fantastic! Such a beautiful piece of work. Can't wait to see your progress with Yuko. Glad to hear you recovered but do remember to take great care of yourself. :) Cheers!

Annie said...

You have so many fun places to shop. That dress is gorgeous and I bet that shop is filled with temptations. And your new little machine is just the cutest.

Nice stitching as always. Sounds like life is perking up for you.

Melissa said...

Terri, that dress is very pretty! But I have to say I love that little sewing machine more! You're lucky to have a shop like that where you can find those goodies.

Marianne is looking great! Your frogging poem was very funny. But you're right. Sometimes we just have to call it a night!

Sue said...

I love that Vintage dress. Mariane Wenn looks great, I love the colors. Have fun starting your new project.

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

I love that dress! It's gorgeous!

I agree with the suggestion to buy it and just display it on a dress form!

BrendaS said...

The dress is beautiful. I agree with other comments -- go guy the dress. Put it on a dress form and you will be able to enjoy it every day:)))

Nice progress on Marianne. The colors are just beautiful.

Take care

Susan said...

Glad to hear that you are doing better.

The DRESS is beautiful and I can see it on the lovely Sabrina so you should clue Paulette in on the shop!

Happy Stitching!

Sherry said...

Terri, I am so glad you are doing well. I love that dress and the sewing machine is so cute but I really love the bowls and rolling pins!

Marianne is looking wonderful! You are really making progress on her.

Julie M said...

Terri that wedding dress is to die for! Beautiful! Sorry about all the frogging but it was worth it to have you write that poem! LOL!! It's a beautiful piece.

I did a bit of antique shopping while in Nashville this weekend. Didn't find much I could afford but sure had fun looking!!

Giovanna said...

What fun places you visit! I'd be in serious trouble if I even found stores like those. Great going on the sampler!

Brigitte said...

You seem to have a couple of great antique stores nearby. And you definitely have an eye for the special things. That little Singer machine is so cute, I'd love to have one as well.
Marianne is looking so great.
Good to know that you are doing fine.

woolwoman said...

you are flying on Marianne - WOW - sounds like you got some pretty linen from Jan - she has the best taste - I also got a pretty package from Theresa - she converted the Olde Willow colors in Elizabeth Savilles for me to silks using your punched up colors and they are GOREGOUS ! So now I'm stressing about starting Eliz. I hope to show in a blog post soon. The vintage clothes were very neat - you should have gotten the dress - maybe you and your husband would renew your vows one day and you could have worn it. just a thought - Mel

Shelleen said...

The dress is beautiful and so delicate looking.

krayolakris said...

The dress belongs with you! Love the pink & the covered buttons. Pass on the mink-trimmed nightie though.

Rachel S-H said...

That dress is so pretty. Everything you'd want for a wedding dress. Thank you for sharing so we can drool vicariously.

Lainey said...

That is such a fairytale dress it's beautiful!
Marianne is looking fab, love the little sewing machine.
Glad to hear you are doing well.

Mylene said...

Such a beautiful wedding dress!
Your WIP is coming along great!

Cathy Lloyd said...

Oh Terri! That dress is so YOU! It is just so sweet! Maybe the hubs could take you to a dinner dance in it this spring?? Love your antique shops! That little sewing machine is just the cat's meow! Hope you are feeling great! So glad all your arteries are open now! Hugs!

Michelle said...

What a beautiful dress. It's really fairy tale worthy, isn't it? Love how Marianne is coming along as well, sorry about all the frogging though! Love the fabric for Isabella. I'm itching to stitch that one soon!

Linda said...

Oh what a dreamy wedding dress....a Cinderella dress, love it and the darling little sewing machine too....hugs, Linda

Linda said...

You are surely a lot farther along on Marianne than I am. Going to work on her tonight. Yours is looking really good.
I love the dress. When I was younger, I had no appreciation for frilly things, now I love them, at least to look at. Especially vintage.
I don't think I've seen a picture of Isabella. Can't wait to see her.

Isa said...

Hello Terri!
Thanks to your comment on my blog I found yours. The dress it´s gorgeous, the little sewing machine is lovely & your Marianne Wenn looks great!

Brenda said...

Wow, the dress is just gorgeous! I can see why you wanted it and it would look so nice in your craft room. Love your little sewing machine and your progress on your sampler is beautiful, I love your colors!

Bonnie said...

Oh my!! I just found your blog. So beautiful in every way. The dress is gorgeous!! I'm a cross stitcher and your sampler caught my eye. Can't wait to have time to look further. --Bonnie

Kellie said...

Gorgeous dress! Like others have said, that would be beautiful on a dress form in a corrner somewhere. Marianne looks great and you found some really neat antiques. I just love little shops like the one in your photos.

Sue said...

I agree, totally gorgeous wedding dress! Sooo beautiful! I must admit, I would have been very tempted to buy it too - even just to look at, and touch it, or hang it up high on the outside of my wardrobe. Still by you leaving it there, maybe someone who cant afford much for their wedding dress will be able to buy it, and be thrilled. I love your little antique Sewing Machine, I collect them, and have 4 different ones. Once I have my sewing room done in my new house I want to have them on show on a shelf or something. I am glad you are feeling okay after your surgery. Hugs n Blessings from Sue in Oz xx

Marsha said...

Love the touch of pink dress. Too romantical for me but I appreciate the prettiness of it. You should get a dress form for it and get it.

Peggy Lee said...

You MUST go back and buy that dress! It's just beautiful.

Carol R said...

I'm with everyone else - go buy the dress. If you are married you could renew your vows; if you are not married you could display it on a dress form! It's absolutely gorgeous.

Karoline said...

Gorgeous dress and Marianne is looking lovely despite the frogs

Anonymous said...

I can see why you fell in love with the dress, it's so romantic!
As for the little sewing machine - totally adorable!

Bonnie said...

I'll try again to leave a comment. Just started blogging....shocking, right!! Just haven't figured out how all this works. Your pictures are inspiring me to get busy!! So many charts, so little time.

Lili said...

Hello! nice to meet you. so pretty blog.
The dress is gorgeous!

Happy stitching!

Solstitches said...

that dress is divine although I'm not feeling the love for the fur trimmed nightie!
Your sampler is beautiful and oh, those cute scottie dog tape measures in the previous post. They are just too cute.


Just Me and My Shadow said...

Gorgeous dress and that little sewing machine is just gorgeous. Would love one of those.
Love your little project card as well.


Valerie said...

Terri~ I am so glad that you are feeling better and I hope that you will be back to your 100% self soon!

I love the dress you found and I enjoyed going along with you on your treasure hunting adventure!

Marianne is coming along lovely and as for the mistake, I say, "What mistake?"

Looking forward to your start on Isabella Johnstone!