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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Savannah, Georgia

Hello Dear Friends!

    I got back from Savannah last Saturday night and my mom and I had an absolute ball!  We stayed right in the heart of downtown and got to do and see a lot.  A big part of that was due to Beverly, who is a reader of my blog.  She contacted  me and said she'd love to meet me and my mom in Savannah.  What fun that was.  Beverly couldn't have been sweeter and we all clicked and had a great time together.  Thanks so much for all you did Bev!  You could not have been a better ambassador for your great state!  My mom and I are so happy to have met you.

I was hoping to get to meet Mel of Woolwoman fame while I was there as well, but that just didn't work out.... may be next time!
     Here are some of the hundreds of pictures I took while in Savannah:

Bonaventure Cemetery Angels:
(click to enlarge any of the pics to see more clearly)

Loved the epitaph on this one!

Click to enlarge....
"She did what she could."  Love it!

And this; an angel, not yet the winged kind:
Little Gracie died at 6 years of age and this life sized sculpture was done shortly after her death in 1889.

I LOVE cemeteries.  The other cemetery I visited was this one:
Colonial Cemetery:

During the civil war, Yankee soldiers camped here.  While here, they desecrated many of the tombstones, knocked many more over and were, as Scarlet O'Hara might say:
"Yankees!  Dirty, rotten Yankees."
These stones, because they didn't know where they belonged, were put on this wall:

And, kind of samplery:

Okay, enough death... how 'bout somethin' pretty?

 A dress and handbag in a shoppe window I really wanted to try on buy.  Unfortunately, the shoppe was closed and I couldn't find it again... pardon my reflection.

A pineapple light fixture in a yarn shop (The French Needle) in Savannah that Melanie recommended.  The shop was adorable and I love this light.
Must find one.

Now, back to the historic portion of this post!

 A dentist's cabinet on display at the Visitor's museum.  
I would love to have one of these in my home or craft room (I need a bigger room!).

The casting mold for the bird girl statue.  The statue has been removed from Bonaventure cemetery due to so many tourists taking chips from her (shameful). 
I really wanted a sterling charm of this statue for my charm bracelet but the only one I found was so tiny you could hardly tell what it was.  Seriously, I think they'd sell a lot of these.... why not make one you don't need a magnifying glass in order to tell what it is?

 Remember the famous Mercer House in the book, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?  This is the christening gown made for Johnny Mercer (one of the most prolific song writers in U.S. history) in 1909.  
It was so delicate and beautiful!  Probably a tad feminine for a boys christening gown today but the workmanship is splendid!

St. John the Baptist Cathedral.  
One of the most stunning churches (in the U.S.) that I have ever seen!
The interior colors of the cathedral are just breathtaking.
Do not miss this if you go to Savannah!

One of my must visit sites was the Juliet Gordon Lowe house. 
She was the founder of the Girl Scouts and, having been one myself, this was a must do tour. 
This doll house was in the lobby and they let me snap a picture of it but pictures upstairs were completely off limits.  

The pic on the right is my mom and me, after the tour, on the balcony of Juliet's house.
And of course, what would Savannah be without beautiful, secret gardens 
and wrought iron.
Lots and lots of wrought iron!


We do not grow ferns like this in Michigan!
Doesn't that bird house remind 
you of a certain PS pattern?

And the houses... the spectacular houses.  There were, of course, some huge mansions but one of my favorite houses was this white cottage with a red, tin roof (which I absolutely LOVE).  It was amongst some huge homes, around one of the squares, and I thought it was so quaint and cute.  Wouldn't you love to sit on the porch and watch the world go by?

We peeked through a lot of garden gates:
Loved watching the birds play in
this garden fountain.                                

And this bird working on her nest:

We also ate a lot... and really enjoyed the Wilke's Boarding House 
Don't get me started on Paula Deen's 
The Lady and Son's restaurant - BLECH!  
Okay, I've gotten myself started...
Do NOT waste your time or money.  
SO not worth it.  
If you want more info, send me an email.

Anyway, we really enjoyed the Wilke's Boarding House 
This is me, Beverly and my mom after lunch.
There was an obscene amount of food and I ate like I would never see another meal. 
(I know, I know.  It looks it, too!).  

I thought this was a really nice shot of my mom and Beverly at the park:

Gosh, we had such a good time!

Thanks, Mom for going on this trip with me!  I needed to get away so badly and I can't think of anyone I'd rather go on a fun journey with, than you!

When we got back to Virginia, I took some pictures of my dad's zinnias.  
Aren't they gorgeous?

His flower bed is FULL and they're all so pretty!  The colors are spectacular and each blossom, like a snowflake, looks just a bit different.  Don't forget to bring me some seeds for my garden for next year, Dad!  

There are so many more pics I could share but I think this is sufficient, for now.  Don't you?

I'm worn out.
Peace and Love,


Maggie said...

Sound like you had a fantastic time!

Thanks for sharing all of your lovely photos, i really enjoyed looking at them :-)

Kim said...

Definitely a place I want to visit soon! Thanks for sharing! And really? Don't go to The Lady & Sons?

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed Savannah! It's a beautiful city full of tremendous history. I get goosebumps there when I think of standing in the same place that George Washington stood. The wrought iron, personal little gardens, and the homes (DId you see the house made of cast iron?) are my favorite things to see. Sorry you didn't get to meet, Mel, she is a doll and very knowledgeable about the historic bits.

Christine said...

Sounds like a great trip, Savannah looks beautiful

Hazel said...

Lovely trip. Pictures are freat! x

Mouse said...

oh wow great photos of a fab time :) there wasn't one I didn't like .. best one at the end hehehe .... and what no stitching update love mouse xxxx

Pumpkin said...

I absolutely LOVE Savannah!!!! I was there back in the mid 90s. Sigh! Would love to go back. Thanks for all the great pictures. They bring back wonderful memories. I'm glad you enjoyed it too :o)

Anonymous said...

Love your pictoral tour of Savannah! Glad you and your Mom had a fabulous time! Your Dad's flowers are lovely!


Giovanna said...

THANK YOU!!! for the graveyard pictures!! I always love a good cemetery show :-) Glad you had such a good time.

Susan said...

I am insanely jealous of your trip! I have always wanted to go to Savannah and haven't made it yet. So glad you and your mom made some good memories together.

Cari said...

Well my very own personal travel agent!! all the pics. I could roam in a cemetery for hours upon end. The old headstones are so beautiful. I couldn't have the sculpture one of my child though...I'd be there EVERY day sobbing......

Now on to the other fun things. Don't you wish you could find that dress?? I love it. I've heard similar comments about Paula Deen's so it's no surprise to me at all. I'm so glad you had fun with your Mom and Bev too. Hugs dear friend....I think I'm about ready for a retreat!!!

krayolakris said...

Oh Terri, you did a great job capturing the essence of Savannah! So many wonderful sights to see! Come back in the spring - the azaleas grow in all of the town squares & must be seen to be believed!

Catherine said...

What a great time! Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

What a fun trip, thanks for sharing Terri. Glad you had a good time.

Lynn said...

Gorgeous pics, thank you for sharing them! My DH and I love cemetaries too and I just found an older one last week in our area that I knew nothing about. We're hoping to pay a visit there next week. And of course since my DH is an organist, we're always checking out churches on our travels.
That pineapple light is awesome!!

Penny said...

Savannah is a dream destination for me. Thank you for sharing your pictures ~ a lot of pretty scenery and interesting sights! It's nice that you and your mom could go together. Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers and your father's are absolutely beautiful!

Karen said...

Having lived most of my life in the lowcountry of SC, I just love Savannah! Agree with you on the food places...definitely for the tourists! Glad you enjoyed your trip.

Kaisievic said...

Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous photos with us. Savannah looks amazing and I have read "Midnight in the garden of good and evil" so I found it all very interesting.

Hugs, Kaye


Margaret said...

Oh my gosh, what a lovely tour! Thanks so much for sharing pics of your trip with us! I don't know if I'll ever get to Savannah, so it was really nice to see. That church is spectacular, you're so right about that! And everything looks so beautiful and Savannah-ish. I'm glad you had a great time, nice you got to go with your mom and meet Beverly too!

Littlebit said...

Oh my gosh, Terri, what absolutely wonderful pictures!! I loved them all!! Your dad's zinnias are so beautiful. Boy, would I love to have browsed those head stones. And that church is beyond words. Thank you so much for the tour!

woolwoman said...

Terri I'm so glad you had such an awesome time in Savannah - it is a great southern city bursting with charm. I'm glad you made it to Mrs Wilkes boarding house and the French Knot. I am going there for a class next month. Fortunately I get to go there often on business - I'm very sorry I could not work out coming to meet you and your Mom. I tried to give you a hint about PD's not being worth the trouble. Hope you tried Soho Cafe or the Pink House - Circa 1875 maybe? Oh glad you made it to St Johns - it is a stunning cathedral.
Next place you need to visit is charleson - it is equally charming I think and I love it just as much as savannah - I think you are a southern girl at heart - Hugs Mel

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear of your trip to Savannah. I always wanted to go there and really regret not being able to due so back when I lived in Atlanta. Thanks for sharing your trip with your blogging friends.
Maybe someday I'll get there for myself.

Andrea said...

Such a great post Terri!!! Loved every single picture you shared,but esp. the tombstones and the gown (that's one of my most favorite books and movie), and pics of you! You're so pretty, I love your hair longer. You and your Mom are living dolls! That dress would've been perfect for you.
We've always wanted to visit Savannah and also, Lady & Sons, so I'd be interested in why you didn't care for it. Too much butter?! LOL! Guess that's one to scratch off the bucket list!

Siobhán said...

Oh my gosh. I am insane with envy but soooo glad that you shared all of the pictures! I would LOVE to go to Savannah one day! I love to read books set there and just finished one by Mary Kay Andrews called "Savannah Breeze" (or "S... Blues"--forget which!). Your dad's flowers are gorgeous, too!

Jennifer said...

Wow Terri I want to go there too! I enjoyed seeing all your pics .Beautiful place.Guess i will have to settle for NY city this coming weekend. Bet you were inspired by all the garden pics.

Katrina said...

Wow what a fun vacation!!!! Glad you had such a nice time with your mom :-).

BrendaS said...

Wow, it looks like you had a fantastic time! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful pictures:)

Anna van Schurman said...

Fun trip! Thanks for sharing. Love your new (to me?) hairdo!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

adorables ces photos !

je vous embrasse mon amie, et pense bien à vous.

amitiés, mary

pj said...

What a great trip for you and your mom. Enjoy every moment with her! I loved your pics and glad you had such a fun time exploring. You and your mom look very much alike - both beauties! pj

Carol said...

What a special trip for you and your mom, Terri! I have always wanted to go to Savannah and your photos make me even more tempted :)

Charlene ♥ NC said...

I'm so glad y'all had a good time in Savannah. It is a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for sharing your views!

doris said...

I've always wanted to go to Savannah. I love all of your pics, but I'm especially fond of the cemetery group. What a great trip!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Thank you so much for sharing for pictures Terri. Hubby and I made a trip to Savannah about 5 years ago. Drove down, had a great afternoon on the Riverfront with the shops. Planned on doing the tourist thing... During the night Hubby got sick. Had Anxiety bad. I drove us back home the day.. I wanted to see those great tombstones! Those pictures of our dad flowers are great! I have also heard things about Lady & Sons.. My mom told me about her visit.. Thanks for sharing other great locations to visit. Maybe next time I can styy longer than 24 hours... lol .. And it is a 8 hour drive for

valerie said...

It looks like you had a fantastic time Terri. Love the photos including the tombie shots. It looks like your mom is having a good time and she looks so young!

I abolutely, hands down love that last photo! I'd be worn out too!

Patty C. said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your time ;)

Sherry :o) said...

YOu look/sound like you had an awesome visit. I love all your pics, including your flower pics in pretty.

Hope you are doing well and autumn is treating you good! Hope to see you soon :)

Dona said...

Terri, so glad you enjoyed your Savannah trip! It's a beautiful city! I lived there when I was younger and it's so easy to take it for granted, so it's nice to see it through someone else's camera lens. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Thanks for sharing your trip with all of us Teri. Lovely pictures.
Be always in stitches.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you and your mum had a fantastic trip. Wonderful pictures...especially love those secret gardens.

Sally said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing photos Terri. It sounds like you and your Mum had a brilliant time :)

Rachel S-H said...

Gorgeous pictures! I really really want to visit Savannah!

Melissa said...

What a fun trip and oh yeah, I'd love to hear more about Paula Deen's restaurant! Savannah is on my short list of places I want to visit one day and her restaurant was on the top of my to do list when I got there.

That's so sad about the destruction of the cemetary while Savannah was occupied by Yankee soldiers.

I saw a tombstone in Tennessee and it simply said, "She hath done all she could". I wondered why her family chose that or if she did and what she might have left unfinished.

Michelle said...

SO glad you had such a good time! What a fun trip. And I just loved getting to see your photos. I desperately need to get to Savannah!

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

I've always wanted to visit Savannah! Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures.

You made a comment about not being able to find a charm of the Bird Girl statue. The reason may be that the owner of the copyright (the daughter of the sculptor) vigorously defends the copyright, and doesn't allow many images/copies of the sculpture to be made. When the movie came out, she sued Warner Bros. for using pictures of the statue in the movie posters. She won :) - anyway, I agree with you - what's the point of making a charm if you can't tell what it is!

Paulette said...

Okay, that's it. I'm moving to Savannah. Lovely post!!


Brigitte said...

It was such fun to take a walk with your through Savannah. Thanks for sharing all the lovely pictures and comments.

Bonnie said...

Fabulous pictures! I've always wanted to go to Savannah. Now even more. Thanks for sharing!!

Janice said...

Great Pictures of a wonderful southern city. Thanks for sharing. I loved the wrought iron photos and the statues.


Linda said...

Oh, Terrie,
i haven't been on in so long!! And as I'm seeing you are going to Savannah, I was wishing I had known prior and told you about Mrs. Wilke's and warned you away from Lady and Sons. My DH is from Savannah, and we always go to Mrs. Wilkes. The food they serve is truly just like his Memaw made. Delicious and plenty, as you now know. I'm so glad you got to go there.
We had the same bad experience at L and S.
We love the charm of Savannah, so glad you found it so too,

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

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merry christmas!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

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