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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I've been holding out

I'm warning you up front, this is a picture laden post! I have been holding out on all of you. I wanted to surprise you with a grand finish but I just can't wait any longer. This is Dutch Beauty, almost complete. It is stitched on 36 count Edinborough Cream with the called for fibers. How long do you think it'll be till it's finished?

You can see from the cover of the pattern that this has been well used!

Isn't this a beautiful stitch and I just love the fabric! But, I have to tell you the truth - oh, I wish it were April Fool's Day - this is not mine (like you had any doubt whatsoever!) but it belongs to a lovely woman from our guild named Paula Wolfe. Here's a picture of Paula with HER sampler:

Isn't this the most beautiful thing? I swear, when she held it up, and I got close enough to really look at at, I got chills. I never thought I would want to stitch this but I'm telling you, Paula's work was flawless and it could not have been prettier. I asked her if I could post a little joke about it here and she was gracious enough to say yes. I just had to show this to you all - it really is amazing. Paula, if you're reading this post, please bring it to the next KSSG because I knowDEBis going to want to see it. Do you think I feel intimidated by women that create things like this when what I had there to work on was BoaF Patience? You bet your sweet bippy I do!!!!
Here's a pic of Julie working on Wayward Garden (Drawn Thread) with some of the church stained glass behind her.

Julie, Carol and I all ended up on a cozy couch 'cause all the tables were taken when we got there. Here's a pic of Carol -

Some of you may know her from Legacy (Carol in Toledo) or something like that. She's just the sweetest thing and the three of us had quite a good time stitching and talking and laughing.

This was today's project at Guild - a pinkeep made out of a clam. Our Guild president, Sharon designed it and I just love it.
This is the front of the needlebook - a stitched mermaid! Don't worry Deb, I got your kit and picked a very pretty shell for you!

Here's the back - a real clam shell! And just look at those tiny little shells that go on the end of the ties. Gorgeous!!!!

And this is the inside - pretty, isn't it?

There's a small needlebook that goes with it:

Isn't this the cutest set ever?! Sharon sold us the kit with everything we needed in the package to complete ours (except the skills) for $25. I'll show you mine when and if I ever get it completed.

I'm going to go work on this little angel doll I found at Marshall's HomeGoods. She was all of $9.99 and I think she's so cute. I'm going to paint her wings to get rid of the writing and I think she'll look like a million! She already looks old - I just loved her face and for $10 how can you go wrong?

We also have a drawing at each meeting and today I won! It was certainly worth the price of a ticket or five. Funny thing is.... when the called the numbers, I looked at mine and thought in my head the numbers were ahead of my starting number but they were not. Julie looked at my ticket and said, "You Won" that's the cleaned up version!!! ;-) Yeah, I haven't been diagnosed with dyslexia but I'm beginning to wonder........

Okay, that's it for today! I hope you all have a wonderful week and that the weather is beautiful wherever you are. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - it's nice to know you're out there!



Jan said...

Terri you are a most special NUT!!:)

Oh dear, that thing is HUGE, I had no idea the beast, as Paulette calls it was so huge!!! No wonder she calls it that, but what glorious work!!!!!!

Loved the pics of your shared time together and that project, sure is precious!!!! Oh I LOVE your angel, if you don't like how she looks after you get her wings painted, you can send it to moi!:):)

Tanya Marie said...

Fantastic pictures and wow, that clam needlebook is gorgeous!


Andrea said...

You silly girl you, you definitely had me going! It's a gorgeous sampler, very inspiring!

Love that angel, I'd never think to redo those wings to make her just perfect, you're very clever! Gosh, you give me some great ideas!

Congrats on your win!

Deb said...

Wow, wow, wow, Terri. That Dutch Beauty is something isn't it? Dang my DD's recital - I wish I had been there. I have that pattern for DB, but I can't even imagine doing that thing - it looks like a tablecloth, but I hope that she really brings it next month so I can see it! Thanks for picking up my kit for me. Don't know why I was so anal - like I'm going to stitch the darned thing right away, but it is really a cool piece isn't it. And your angel is adorable. Hope you don't mind if I sneak over to Marshalls and see if they have another one. It would look good in the guest room. And congrats on winning the drawing today. Looks like some great stuff - especially the fabric - never can have enough fabric!!

Love to Stitch said...

Gosh, where do I begin?! I am so glad you showed us DB!!!! You are doing and amazing job on it, and I bet you can get it done very soon, you are on the last sheet right? I am crazy over that piece, have started it I am still within 4 inches on the top right corner, and there are some many stitchers working on this BAP, I want to get back to work on it!! Thank you, thank you for sharing it! I cant wait to see it done! Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!

Margaret said...

You had me going there with your little joke! lol! Beautiful DB! I love the little kit you got at the guild meeting. And the prize you won -- how wonderful! Congrats on that! It's fun to see what you were up to -- love your little angel too!

Missy Ann said...

That shell kit is To Die For. Love all the pictures, great post.

Loraine said...

Oh Wow, that sampler is amazing. I don't know if I would have the discipline to finish anything like that, but I love it!

I want that clam needlebook. Such a darling piece. Is she interested in selling it to other guilds? It should be a fun finish.

The angle is darling. You always find the best deals!
I really enjoy reading your blog. You are hilarious!

Cari said...

Terri you are way too much fun. Just love reading your blog and consider you a good friend!! Boy is that Dutch Beauty a BEAUTY!! I'm impressed. Your guild sounds like so much fun. What a great project!! Have a great week!! Hugs and Happy Stitching!!

Love to Stitch said...

No way!!! LOL!!! I guess I was so excited to see the piece, I obviously didnt read it correctly!! Sorry-- maybe you too can start the piece? Either way, it is Gorgeous!!!! I will take some pics of mine in a few weeks, let me get some more going on it!

Sharon said...

Terri, Dutch Beauty is OMG so beautiful and HUGE. LOVE IT!
I love your little mermaid shell, needlebook, I want one!! it so nice. Your angel is beautiful too, they have such cute things in that store.

Sandra said...

The clam shell project looks lovely, what a clever idea. Great prize you won too.

Sheila said...

That clam/mermaid project is absolutely wonderful - I LOVE it. I want one. I need one. I wish it was available to all :(
As for your joke with Dutch Beauty - you had me fooled (I´m so gullible!)
And your little angel is so cute - and such a clever idea about painting the wings.
Great post (as ever) - thank you :)

Diane (di) said...

Terri you are so bad. You got me! The way you were smiling I really believed DB was yours. :) I love BAPs but whew!! That baby is huge (one just can't say that enough about DB). It is absolutely stunning and the shell/pinkeep is just beautiful. (Love that angel, too!)

Anonymous said...

That is an incredible project. How nice it is to stitch with friends

Jody said...

What beautiful projects! You are so inspiring!

Pam said...

Wow!!! That sampler looks great! That little needle book in the clam shell is so cute. That is something that I never would have thought to do.

Tanya said...

You had me going there. The Dutch Beauty is huge. Wow! but beautiful.
Paula has done a beautiful job stitching her. Congratulations on winning at your guild. I love Marshalls/Home Goods stores.

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Hi Terri! You do such beautiful work - you must have LOTS of patience! I used to do a LITTLE counted cross-stitch until my eyes finally gave out on me. I love that clam pinkeep - how unique. Keep up the great work! Dawn

Annie Beez said...

Wow! That clam shell is to die for!! I want! I want!!! And yes, PLEEZE rid that cute angel of those tacky wings! She will bless you forever!LOL!
Isn't Dutch Beauty unbelievable! A lady in my guild stitched it and I couldn't believe how gorgeous it is.

woolwoman said...

I have a friend who has DB framed and hanging and it is simply magnificient - just to stand and stare at it. I thought you were keeping the ultimate secret is having *THAT* much stitching done and not telling us about it - LOL - you did good to fool us with that one and your friend is a sport for letting you use her beautiful piece to to EVE-IL - The guild project is wonderful - darling and clever. Enjoy! Melody

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that Dutch Beauty is just awesome! And very cute mermaid project!

samplerlover said...

Hi Terri,
Yes DutchBeauty is such a beautiful sampler. I have done it and mine is over 1 on 32ct. It fits onto a fat quarter that way. I wake every morning looking at it.
What a lovely class project. It clam shell makes it quite unique. My goodness there are some talented ladies out there.
BTW I love the name of your blog. My sister, before she found Weight Watchers used to say that Breakfast was the best time to eat chocolate. It brings your mouth alive lol. - Sandra.

MyLifesAStitch said...

I'm seriously jelly (jealous) of your guild time! I'd love to find one near me... That was a good one. I totally fell for it. :) And that thing is a beauty indeed!

Debs said...

Terri, you had all of us going. I agree, that smile made me quite believe that the piece was yours and that you were not only a grand patient stitcher but a great keeper of secrets. And that clam shell needle book-I want one too. Its gorgeous! BTW, thanks for the prayers, the lovely comments and I LOVE YOUR CRAFT ROOM!!! You did a fabulous job on that floor!

Von said...

I was falling for it, Terri! :D That is really a BAP! The biggest of them all. It must be mesmerizing in real life.

Cool shell needlecase!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Thanks for the nice comments about Ashley's baby shower. I think Ashley and Kim will be helping me on LNO, so you will get to meet both of them. I am truly blessed with such a great daughter and daughter-in-law! Today is work day at the shop - mopping floors! See you on Friday! Dawn

Patricia Lessell said...

I am NOT surprised I am your 28th comment! Loved all the pics of your shared time together and especially the ones Dutch Beauty but no more BAPs for me that's for sure but I really love that clam and want to know where mine is please? Lots and lots of Love Patti xxx

SiobhĂ¡n said...

What a gorgeous sampler!! Carol does beautiful work--I wish I could say it was mine, too! ;) That clam piece is just too cute! It sounds like you have a great guild; I'm jealous! Congrats on winning the giveaway!

Ruth said...

lol Congrats on all "your" stitching.

I just love that shell idea. Wonder how I can adapt it to fit shells I already have.... hmmmm

Tammy said...

Ooooh, I love all the pics! The seashell piece is gorgeous--love love love!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Good morning! No, those are white lights in my window, but the pink lights are already up on the lamp posts in the street! Whew! What a busy week around the shop, but I hope all of you like what we are doing. Lots of new goodies since you were there last. Can't wait to see you Friday! Dawn

Dona said...

Terri, I was having heart palpitations looking at DB! Stunning, absolutely stunning! It makes me want to stitch it, too! Too funny that it was stitched by someone else!

Looks like you had a great time. The mermaid needle case is so pretty and I love the shell shape.

Your angel is precious, too.

Michelle said...

That DB is gorgeous! That clam needlebook is so cool! What a fun time you had!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Okay, we're almost ready! I'm sewing my fingers to the bone tonight. I have doll parts in the oven drying right now!!! Can't wait to see you either, it should be lots of fun! There is going to be food all through the town, so don't eat before you come. Also, the 10:30 show at the comedy club is free - don't know if that would be too late for you - but it's SO cute in there. See you tomorrow! Dawn

Bine said...

LOL!!! I really thought it was your Dutch Beauty...and that after all your talking about loosing your stitching mojo because you didn't have your stitching room to stitch in. You are a big storyteller..... ;)
Congratulations on your win ... looks like very nice stuff!!!

Kim said...

Aaah you're lucky! I was going to send you a virtual slap upside the head for keeping such a secret!!!!!!!! So when are you starting DB? ;o) And oh my...what a find with that angel! Can't wait to see it transformed!!!! :o))

Stitching Cat said...

DB is gorgeous! It's in my stash as a great find on eBay! Also love the clamshell needlebook. Do you think she would be willing to sell a few more kits? Thanks for sharing. Deb

Brigitte said...

LOL, you really got me with Dutch Beauty. I thought it was yours. It's a wonderful piece, so very beautiful. But I think I wouldn't be able to finish it in a lifetime, lol.
This little shell case is such a creative idea, very special indeed.
Thanks for sharing all the pictures of your get-together.

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