I finally started The Primitive Needle's ABC Hornbook. I love this sampler and can't wait to finish it. I am missing a couple of skeins of floss but it's coming along. I stitched the first row of the verse in the wrong color so had to rip that out and do it over but it won't take too much longer to finish that row and move on.
I finished the last of the BoaF Virtues a couple of weeks ago and just got around to taking a picture. I ordered frames before my framer's store closed and she will frame them at her home for me. I think these are just the cutest little samplers and I love the colors in them. I used mine, Rob's, Matt's and Ty's initials in one sampler each.
My Question is this: Have any of you stitched this sampler?

Just kidding about the kids of course.... sort of! ;-)
That's all the news that is news for today. I hope you're all having a wonderful week! Thank you so much about the comments on my last post (and all my posts). I love hearing from you and I appreciate that you take the time.
I love the ABC Hornbrook, great start to it! I cant wait to start that one either...which fabric did you choose to stitch on? The BOaF littles are super cute, I cant wait to see them on your wall! Yes, I believe you are correct in the Friendship sampler, it is oop, and I LOL when I read about the trade of your kids :) Classic!!!! Good luck in finding it, it would be beautiful!
THe BoaF virtues are so adorable. I can't wait to see them framed up! And the ABC Hornbork is looking GREAT~ :) Hope you have a wonderful day~
Oh My....your work is just beautiful! Have a great day!
Lovely start, Terri...and you know how much I adore those boaf virtues, they are so sweet! Glad you were able to get your frames ordered for these.
Wish I could help on the Friendship Sampler, but no can do.:( Hope you track it down.
Wish I could help you on the Friendship chart, but don't have it! Hopefully, someone out there does. Love the virtues! That's great that you can still get them framed by the same person. And great start on the hornbook. Looks like you're really flying along on this (even with having to frog).
What a nice Mother's Day present! (And a day off to boot!) This garden is going to take a LOT longer than I planned, but it will be so worth it when it's done. I just want a big old batch of Sweet Annie out there! I'm trying these seeds to see if I can make it work. Have a great day, Dawn
The BoaF Virtues look great. What color frames did you orded to go with them? The sampler that you started it coming alonjg nicely, too. Ever since I started my personalized sampler they are something that I've come to enjoy more and more. It's amazing how our tastes change.
Oh, I love those virtues! I need to pull my charts out and get them stitched up.
I love the friendship sampler too, and have asked about getting it on Legacy, and called Emli's. No luck. If you find it, let me know, and I'll do the same for you. I think we could start a "round robin" chart hop for that one!
Nice start, wonderful finishes!! :D Sorry about the BoaF Friendship Sampler -- wish I had it to share but I don't. Good luck finding it! You should ask on Legacy too.
Love the Hornbook start!!! V. v. nice! AS far as the Birds of a Feather chart... I jsut found out their cross stitch part of the business is no longer operational, so this could be hard to find. I just checked eBay and Googled it and came up empty handed. Sorry! :( I'll keep an eye out! I'm considering a trip to my LNS this weekend, so I'll look there for you.
Oh Terri, you've caught the BOAF Friendship Sampler bug too! I have had no luck. I was telling Barbara as she loved it too that should I find it I would love to do a Friendship Sisterhood thing. Wouldn't that be fun?!!!
Your ABC Hornbook looks great! Wish I could start it but have too much to do, including 2 exchanges due this month! ("oh dear!" is my exact thought!)
PS Love the 4 Virtue samplers. Again, I have them and they're on my long list of to-stitch!!! Am I crazy?
I was watching a show when the band came out and they were rehearsing a song. I thought the song was great and the vocalist had such an amazing voice. A couple days later the music video played on tv, and that's when I became totally hooked on w&whale. Now they are on my playlist that I listen to daily. :)
Great job on the Virtues, and on the Hornbook start! I'll be following that avidly, I love it too.
Love the ABC Hornbook, I do have a start on it. I have been on the lookout for the Friendship sampler but haven't come across it yet.
Can't wait to see your virtues all framed.
BOAF has such cute designs. It is such a shame they quit doing cross stitch. I love the ABC Hornbook, can't wait to see more progress.
When you find the BOAF let me know I would be willing to trade one DH for a day who likes to plant trees. lol!
the hornbook start is already good looking !
Your ABC Hornbook is lovely. The BoaF virtues are really lovely. Your new tree sounds lovely. - Sandra.
You're off to a great start on the ABC Hornbook! It is such a fun stitch. I love love love your BOAF virtues. I have two of them & plan to stitch them all eventually. It sounds like you had a great Mother's Day!
Terri - Great start and great finishes!! Hope the tree planting went well!! Have a great stitching weekend!!
The Virtues look so great, as does Hornbook. Sounds like your urge to stitch has returned big time.
Terri, please don't trade your children for the BOAF design!!! We will find you one! It is a cute design and every time I see it I think "I want that!"
Your Virtues are so pretty - I can't wait to see what you do with them
And I wanted to tell that is the sweetest picture of you and your mom. YOu two look so much alike and it's so cool that you have the same interests!
Hi Terri! Thanks for the compliment on my new header. It's just an old piece in my bathroom, but I've always liked it. Sure hoping to go on a trip next week, trying to decide what to get! Talk to you soon and have a great weekend, Dawn
As always...love your stitching! Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Terri,
Your stitcheries are beautiful.
I'd love to get back into that again someday but it's way down on my list! Hope you find the sampler you are looking for.
Thanks for the great comments. I hope to have lots of new goodies by the time you come up again! Have a great weekend with your family, Dawn
Hi Terri,
You've made a great start on the ABC Hornbook!
The virtues are beautiful!
No, I haven't seen the BOaF sampler though it's very pretty! Good luck with finding a copy. :-)
Windy Meadow
Great progress on the hornbook---and the littles are great! I've not stitched that sampler and think all the BOAF are OOP now. Good luck finding it!
I love those BOAF virtues. What a shame their pieces are OOP. Your hornbook is beautiful. I'm going to have to add that one to my list!
Hi Terri,
In reference to my calling Elizabeth Cox a "piece of cake". How about a "piece of wedding cake" then lol.
All the bottom piece is mostly stem stitch. Once you get into the nitty gritty of it its not as hard as it looks. It is mostly time consuming that's all. Have a lovely Spring - Sandra.
Love your pieces. I have done cross stitch in the past, but lately, only small items. My eyes just can't see the holes like they used to.
Hi Terri, Just wanted to pop in and say thank you so much for your support with my dad. We are taking very tiny baby steps right now, but he is making some progress. Seeing Lucianna was such a very bright spot this week, it was truly unbelievable! Before it was over, they pushed a button and said she weighed 6 lb. 14 oz right now!
I wasn't able to go to the trade show, but I did do some orders that should be here next week. Hope you come back to check out all the new goodies. I think you'll like what you see!
Again, thank you so much, Dawn
You made a great start on the Hornbook, it's a very nice piece.
Congratulations on finishing the Virtues. They look so wonderful and I'm looking forward to seeing how you finish them.
I wish you luck with finding the friendship sampler.
Hi Terri!
No, it wasn't the band's influence :) I can speak Korean- thanks to my mom. She sent me to Korean school here in California from first through 10th grade. I hated it then, but now I'm so grateful.
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed living in Korea- I've been there once in the 4th grade. I just remember it being unbearably hot, with lots of rain, and ruthless mosquito bites. :) I would love to go visit Korea again- I hear/see that so much has changed since then.
I love your BoaF finishes, and new start! They are soo cute!
I'm sorry I've never seen that sampler before, but good luck finding it. It's really fun.
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