Forty-nine years and nine month's ago, I became a daughter and this beautiful woman became a mother for the first time. How lucky I was to be the first born to this special lady!!! She was beautiful then and she is still today. And, as beautiful as she is on the outside, she's more beautiful on the inside. She would, and has, done anything for me and I know that I can always count on her support, guidance and love. My mom lives in Virginia and I live in Michigan so I don't get to see her nearly as often as I'd like. We always have a great time together because we like the same things - antiques, shopping, crafting (she's an amazing sewer but I did not inherit that talent), we think the same, find the same things funny and now, many of my friends say we look a lot alike ~ I'll let you decide that for yourself. This picture was taken this past Christmas when she and my dad were visiting us for the holidays. I love spending time with this beautiful woman and I so wish we could spend the day together today. I miss you, Mom and wish you a very, very Happy Mother's Day! I love you with all my heart!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Terri, you DO look very much alike.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day. I have three out of five kids with me today at the beach. Not too bad!
Isn't it great to have our moms? Hope your day is great.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day, Terri.
Hope you Mother's Day is filled with love and happiness! (You and your mom do look alike.) Dick and I are spending the day in the yard getting ready to put in a new flower bed - can't wait! He got me 9 lavender plants and they are in the ground. Later we are all gathering at my folk's house, can't wait to spend some time with my parents, children and granddaughter. Talk to you soon, Dawn
You and your mother definitely do look alike - but more like sisters than mother and daughter :)
Oh yes, my vote is that you look very like your mother. So that makes you beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. That is really a very good picture!!
Enjoy the rest of your day, here is hoping you get to see your dear momma soon!
Terri, what a beautiful photo of you and your Mum. Your post made me cry. Also, happy birthday for yesterday to your son Matt. Hope you had a great day.
Chrissie :)
Indeed you do look alike and she does not look old enough to have a daughter your age!
I wish you both a wonderful Mother's Day!
Terri, thank you so much for your kind words. I remember every detail of the day you were born. You have always been a joy and have given me many memories to hold deep in my heart. I loved having you for a daughter, and am thankful God picked me to be your mom. Had he given me a choice, I would have picked you. I hope you are enjoying being a mom as much as I have and still do. Happy Mother's Day to you!!
Oh my gosh Terri -- what a wonderful picture!! The two of you are darling. Happy Mother's Day!!! Hugs
Awww, lovely photo of you and your mom. Both of you are very young looking and look beautiful! It's lovely you have such a good relationship.
You are both very lovely. What a special relationship you share. Thanks for sharing the picture.
Terry, you do look ever so much like your Mum, you are both gorgeous, but she must have had you when she was very young, she looks so youthful.
What a wonderful picture Terri. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
You definitely look alike, and both gorgeous ladies! Hugs to you both.
It's clear from the photo that the two of you share a wonderful relationship! Being away from our mothers on Mother's Day is bittersweet, but I hope you had a good day!
I hope you had a great Mother's Day, Terri.
Terri - you and your mother look so much alike. You are so fortunate to have a mother like her! Hope you had a great Mother's Day.
You both are just beautiful!
That's a beautiful photo of the two of you, Terri. Your mother looks so young! But then, so do you!! You obviously have great genes LOL.
Ohhh--that's such a lovely post. And you two look so much alike!
Gosh Terri, you could be twins! She's as pretty as you are.
Beautiful mother and daughter. You both look so alike.
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