Blog description

A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lo, a Lone, Red, Rose!

Dear friends,

I love to putter in the garden. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination; I just kind of stick things in the ground and they grow or they don't. I've planted a couple of rose bushes but I've never had one do this.... it's a yellow rose bush with one red rose coming from the main trunk. Have you ever seen this? This is on the side of my house and it is the only rose bush in sight. I do have a red rose bush in the front of the house but they are quite a distance from each other. This is the third year I've had this and it's the first time it has ever given me a red rose. Nope, the neighbors don't have ANY rose bushes! Anyway, here's a pic:

I got a wonderful package from FAYE!!! last week. I was lucky enough to win one of the pincushions she made! Isn't it wonderful? It is so pretty and has such a good weight to it and the colors are fabulous. Look:

How pretty is that? And look, the back is just as pretty!

The little pins she sent with it, were all tucked neatly in the hand made card and all wrapped up so pretty. I couldn't wait though and put them right in their new home. Aren't they just the prettiest, little things?! Thank you so much, Faye! I am absolutely thrilled to have this to add to my craft studio! If by chance, you haven't visited Faye's blog, please go have a look - she does the most beautiful work and has a post of her patriotic tree up right now that is so awesome - I'm green with envy!

I had my son draw a name from all those who commented on my last post and, once I confirmed that they had also commented on ANDREA's BLOG! I could announce the winner. The name Tyler picked is VINNIEY! Hey Vinniey, if you're reading this, please shoot me an email with your mailing address so I can mail you the chart. Thanks to all of you for playing along and a special thanks to Andrea for making it all possible. If you you've never visited Vinniey's blog - please go have a look. It's another wonderfully inspiring blog!

Do you recall when MELISSA & JANE stitched Be Kind & Be True as a stitchalong? Well, I fell in love with the sampler and just knew I had to do it one day! Well, that day has come because sweet Melissa sent me her chart. I started it this weekend and so far so good. Well, except for the part where I stitched the 0 too high and had to frog it. I'll fix that tonight and then move on. Thank you so much Melissa for sending me the chart - I am really going to enjoy this one. I, unlike my normal self, am stitching this exactly as charted with the called for DMC floss. It is on a piece of 32 count linen from SB but I have no idea the color name. I gotta tell you though - it looks huge to me after working on my Texie sampler on 35 count linen. Who would have thought that 3 threads per inch would make that much difference? Of course, the good part is, it's a lot easier on my old and tired eyes! I started this on Friday night and this is where I ended up earlier today:

Well, that's all the news that is news. Thank you for all the comments on my last post - I really appreciate them! The truth is, I look forward to checking to see if I got a new one (comment, that is). Do you do that, too? That thrill of blogging has not gotten old.

Have a great week dear friends - and go make some fun where you can!!



Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Terri!

What a terrific package you received from Faye! Maybe you should put it under lock and key! Congratulations to your chart winner!

Your new start looks fabulous! Love the colors!


BeckySC said...

Hey Terri :)
You have a great start on BK&BT :) I look forward to seeing it progress :)
LOVE the pincushion you won from Faye :)

We have had issue with Deer eating all the buds from our roses. We are trying the Liquid Fence to see if it will stop them. I sure hope so :)

Have a lovely week!

Cari said...

I wonder if the red rose comes from the original root stock of the rose bush? That's the only thing I can think of. Love your new start and it looks fab. Thanks for sharing!! Hugs and Happy Stitching....

Margaret said...

Pretty rose! And lucky you for winning Faye's giveaway! Nice start too -- I really want to stitch that piece someday too!

Julie M said...

Hi Terri! Love your new start and how funny is that about the rose! Not a clue as to why though.

Very cute pincushion too!

I too look for those comments and get a little thrill when I see a new one has been posted.

Have a great week!

Maggie said...

Lovely mail day from Faye and i love your new start!
No idea why your yellow rose bush is sprouting a red rose, i never had much luck with roses, i prefer things i can just plant and forget about, lol it does look pretty though :-)

And yes i get a kick out of reading coments on my blog too! it's great when someone takes the time to leave a coment after a visit!

Have a great week :-)

Littlebit said... funny is that? We have 2 rosebushes. One used to be the most beautiful peach you have ever seen with a slightly yellowish color to the center..but then another rosebush got too close, and now it's just ordinary looking--but that isn't your problem, huh? I'm clueless..maybe it is just a good omen for something wonderful. :)
Your new start looks wonderful, and congrats on winning Faye's giveaway!

Nancy said...

A red rose on a yellow rose bush - how fun is that! Maybe you should stitch Lo How A Rose! We planted a baby yellow Knockout Rose, and it has it's first flower.

A beautiful pincushion from Faye, and a nice start on your sampler.

Loraine said...

Hi Terri! Love the lone red rose. A mystery, but a great story!
Love your start. I do like this chart too. Hope you have a fabulous day. I love checking comments too! I think all blogers love that!
Hugs sweet friend.

Hazel said...

I do remember M and J doing the SAL and it looks just as here as well! Lovely pincushion from Faye! x

Hazel said...

doh my comp is at it again!!! Meant to say "it looks just as good here". lol x

Kajsa said...

Don't they put roses on root stocks? The red rose might come from the original rootstock.

Great new start!

Tricia said...

What a fun post! I love your red rose, and your gift from Faye is wonderful! I know what you mean about the thread count, too. I'm working on one WIP that is on 40 count and it makes the one on 32 count look huge!

Myra said...

That is strange about the red rose but it seems I remember reading somewhere, sometime, :o) that most roses are grafted. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

I was lucky enough to win one of Faye's pincushions too - aren't they wonderful?! I love mine and know you treasure yours too.

The new start looks great. Doncha hate it when you have to frog?

mainely stitching said...

What a pretty rose! We have a lot of rosa rugosa plants on the property and when you go out in the backyard, the scent is simply heavenly. :D

Ranae said...

Pretty rose, no matter the color.
Awesome pin pillow from Faye,
Ah! I missed the giveaway, Congrays! to the winner
Love the BOAF and how you displayed it.

Melissa said...

Hi Terri,

Like Cari said I think the red rose may be from the root stock of the rose. Trace it back to see if the stem comes from way below the root - if it is, chances are it's from the root stock, and you'll want to prune that out. I think, otherwise, your whole rose bush will become red and you'll lose the yellow. But best to ask at your nursery.

Lovely pincushion from Faye! Lucky you!

You're very welcome about the chart. Isn't it a wonderful stitch. I so enjoyed it!

Have a great week!

Andrea said...

What lovely roses Terri!! You DO have a green thumb, trust me!! I KILLED the rosemary!! You have to have TALENT to just "stick something in the groud and watch it grow", because if it didn't take talent, my rosemary (you just can't kill rosemary), would have LIVED! LOL! Oh, how I'm green with envy at you gals that just watch stuff grow!!

Such a nice pincushion from Faye!! You lucky gal you! Love it!

Oh, love your start on BKBT, how wonderful of Melissa to send it to you! She's a doll! I have that chart too and think I picked 32 ct. to do it on...need to get busy!

Yes, comments are so much fun! Thank you for your contest, which made me receive tons of comments! That was fun! I'm happy for the winner :-)

You're the best. Always!

DonnaTN said...

Your pincushion and your stitched piece are cute. The red rose may be coming from below the yellow rose graft. I have a rose bush that died back beyond the graft and now is just a wild looking red rose. It has been so long I have no idea what the original color was!

Catherine said...

What a lovely win from Faye!! It's beautiful.

How sweet of Melissa to pass the chart on to you. You're off to a great start! I remember following her and Jane and the pattern quickly went on my wish list. It will be fun to follow your progress.

Congrats to the winner of your draw!

As far as the rose, I agree with others that it probably has to do with the graft and if not cut out, you'll end up with all red roses. I had that happen with a white rose of mine years ago.

Isabelle said...

Hi Terri, the roses are always pretty flowers in the gardens ...I am glad you received a nice pincushion as giveaway.
Have a nice week,
Happy stitching,

Jane said...

Oh Terri, I'm glad you're doing BK&BT. It's a wonderful pattern but just watch out for those leaves. They drove me mad!

My gardening skills are similar to yours - stick it in the ground and pray that it grows! :) Not sure about the rose but it looks funky. Maybe it's having an identity crisis and can't choose between the colour of flower it wishes to grow. (ha,ha)

Faye's pincushion is gorgeous. What a sweetie she is.

Katrina said...

Hmmm, interesting rose bush, sadly I have no clue, LOL. I am also a stick in the ground and hope it grows ;-).

Love the new start and gorgeous gift!

Bertie said...

Love your roses, we have deer who love to prune these beautiful flowers, so will have to look at yours LOL.

Faye makes lovely cushions, just had a look at them, you lucky thing!!

Sherry said...

How cool about the red rose! I love yellow roses. I love your new start. I have been eyeing this sampler for some time. The pin cushion from Faye is adorable.

marylin & poussy said...

Hello and very very attractive your yellow pink(roses), I see that you receive presents of all part you are known as a star!!!!! Faye is a girl to whom I have write yesterday to say to him(her) how much I found his(her,its) magnificent blog! I see that you know her(it) you can say to him(her) a small word on me then lol I go kiss(embrace) you and sends you all my sympathy!! Kisses mary

Alice said...

Yep, the rootstock is that of a wild rose. You can just cut it away or leave the little odd one with the rest. It obviously wants to be different from the yellow roses. : )) Nice pinkeep from Faye. I often take a peek at her blog and also saw her tree. She has set the bar very high for all the other ladies doing a tree. Congrats to Vinniey. This is also my week for frogging so I sympathise. Nice progress all the same.

woolwoman said...

Gosh isn't that the truth about the 32ct Terrie ! I just started the BBD AotH pieces on the 30ct WDW - WHEEEE - LOVE IT! then I go back to my 36ct and AACCCKKKK - I'm going blind - LOL - it's heck getting old. Love your new start tho' and yep I love getting comments on my blog posts - it's like getting notes from good friends who share your passion and "get it" Cheers! Mel

Deb said...

Well, it took me long enough to get to your post! Blogger was a mess all day - at least for me.

Wow, that's pretty strange about the red rose on the yellow bush. I'm wondering if there was a root of a red bush hidden way underground somewhere that just decided to show itself. Sure is a conversation piece though!

Great start on your new piece. That's a great pattern!

And aren't those pincushions from Faye wonderful. The stitching is great and the weight of it too. Guess I'm going to have to invest in some of that crushed walnut stuff.

See you on Sunday!

SiobhĂ¡n said...

I love your BK&BT start! Love the packages that you received, too. Congrats on the rose! I'd love to try my hand at growing roses but I admit that I'd be running inside at the first sign of a slug or a beetle, LOL.

Giovanna said...

That's a really pretty pincushion! And nice start on the sampler.

MyLifesAStitch said...

Wonderful package from Faye! That pinkeep is so pretty!!

Nice start on BKBT, too. It's going to be lovely!

Good luck with the rose... I've heard of that happening (like the others said - from the original rootstock), but it hasn't happened to me (yet). Good luck getting rid of the little sucker branch!

Vinniey said...

Thanks Terri and a big hug to Tyler for picking my name! :) Congrats on winning the cute pincushion from Faye, I love the finishing. What a surprise to see a red rose on the yellow bush. Great start on your new project and I love the quotes. :)

Jane said...

Hi Terri,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the belated birthday wish.
I've enjoyed reading through some of your posts and am in awe of your stitching and samplers. I know I would need reading glasses on now to do any of that kind of work!
Happy Wednesday!

Karoline said...

Be Kind and True is looking gorgeous,great start. You got a lovely parcel from Faye.

Pumpkin said...

LOL! All by himself :o) When the rosebush was planted, it either had a red one in the pot or it was grafted onto the yellow one. Enjoy the uniqueness of it!

Love your new start, especially the little dog up in the corner :o)

Lovely package you received! No wonder you were excited!

Sherry :o) said...

So I sat and read blogs today and wanted to leave a comment here and my battery on my laptop started to get tired...this blogging is addicting, I tell you. You and Deb didn't tell me that when I embarked in blogging...but what fun! I love seeing things people finish, are doing, etc. Love your pin cushion from Faye, pretty. See you this weekend! Looking forward to checking out what all those talented gals are up to.

Mylene said...

What a love rose bush and a wonderful packaged from Faye.
That's a great design you are working on and made a very start too.

Stitcher in the Rye said...

Hey Terri,

You always do beautiful work! Now from what I know about rose bushes, the original (hybrid) rose died off from that portion of the bush and the stock bush that the hybrid was grafted on to came through...explaining why you have one beautiful red rose on a yellow bush :)


Unknown said...

the pincushions is very very nice !
ciao Pat

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri,
Always love visiting your blog. You have such a sparkling personality and your stitching is beautiful. You definitely inspire me.

Congrats on winning the darling pin cushion from Faye. Love the colors she used.

Your rose bush might be going back to a wild rose bush. We had that happen to two of ours. When you dead-head your bush, cut the stem back to the first place you see 5 leaves together on the stem. Works for us. Hope it helps your yellow rose stay true.

I love your new start. I haven't seen this pattern and look forward to your progress.

Thanks for sharing and blogging. You always put a smile on my face and encourage and inspire me to stitch.

Bobbie :)

samplerlover said...

Hi Terri,
Your new start looks lovely and looking forward to seeing it's progress.
What a wonderful package to received from Faye and BTW I love your new sheep. Very cute.
I think with your rose, one of them is coming from the original root stock. It is quite possible that this will eventually kill off the one above the graft as it gets stronger. - Sandra.

Jane said...

Hi Terri
Popped over to take a look from Faye's blog!
Your blog title is just perfect and the perfect recipe for every day life!
Enjoyed reading your news and looking at your pics, how unique to have a single red rose on a yellow bush!
Look forward to seeing further progress on your sampler xxx
(Buttons & Stitches x x x)

lee said...

beautiful space, and well used, an artists dream studio