Blog description

A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Play it Again, Sam!

Hello Dear Friends!

Some of you may have noticed the link on my sidebar for "Where Bloggers Create". If you clicked on it, you would have read that today, several hundred bloggers are sharing their creative spaces. I know many of you have already seen mine, but I wanted to participate in this fun event so I'm showing it again. Like any living thing (and I do think my craft studio is living), it changes constantly. For those of you that have visited before, perhaps you'll see something new. For those of you that haven't been here before ~ Welcome!

Come in, won't you?

Hmmmm.... maybe I should have left a light on for you!

Yes! That's better. The room, although in a basement, is bright and fun! The walls on three sides are a watermelon pink, the floor is a cranberry checkerboard and most of the accessories are an antique white. I love this space. It's the place I get to be surrounded by the colors and things I love. I hope you'll enjoy your visit.

This is my stitching chair and I love it! The old garden chair was in pretty bad shape until I painted it an antique white and had some pretty cushions made for it. It's comfortable and provides a great place to stitch or read. I have a matching one that I can bring into the room if a friend comes to visit. The space is filled with things I've made, received as gifts or found at flea markets or garage sales. Nothing is expensive but everything is priceless to me! The old pink bucket is my new waste basket and the table beside my chair was an ugly old piece that I painted and distressed.

I found carpeting to be just too big of a mess and decided to paint the floor. I used several coats of white and cranberry to create the checkerboard pattern and love how it turned out. Way easier to keep clean!

Did I mention that this is a small space? It's about 9 or 10 feet wide and deep. I've managed to pack a lot in this small space however.

This is the desk I use the most (There are two desk areas in the "L" shaped configuration of the room). It has a wonderful little cabinet on top that stores some of my collections and many of my treasures are displayed on top of it. My reference books are all close at hand on either side of the cabinet.

My little t.v. corner:

This is a little cabinet I got in the bath department of a major discount retailer. It fits in my small space and holds my collection of wooden cigar boxes which hold all kinds of crafty items, my tins and a big part of my button collection.

This is a Pottery Barn wrap station that originally held rolls of wrapping paper. I have since found an antique paper dispenser and have started using white paper to wrap all presents. So, this got a little makeover and is now a quilt rack for a favorite quilt made by a dear friend, and is now home to my tomato pin cushion collection and other goodies.

These heart pin cushions hang just above a favorite picture of my husband taken on a cruise we took a couple of years ago. Sweet!

This little niche has changed a couple of times but I think I finally have it right. It's a narrow space, too small for books but perfect for storing ribbon, buttons and other things.

spools of ribbon

A stitchers favorite accessory; a flower frog reinvented as a scissor frog - the perfect place to store all those essential embroidery scissors!

Jars of vintage buttons and a few more pin cushions!

This ribbon station was a gift from my mom and I just love it to store curling ribbon and rafia ribbon. Just under the ribbon is a set of wrough iron, swinging arm hooks that hold embroidery floss. I have a collection of DMC floss that is kept on the desk in the tall bins you may have noticed. The rolling cart, though not pretty, houses a lot of my stitching tools and pattern kits. Sitting on top are two vintage cases that hold fabric.

This is one of my favorite things:

I found this paper holder/cutter at an antique mall and just loved the color and had to have it. It has now been filled with white paper and is what I will use until it runs out! No more buying wrapping paper for me! I love to tie packages with twine and raffia so I took a couple of small funnells, attached them to the top with twine and have paper and twine readily at hand.

Thank you for stopping by! If you've been here before, I hope you weren't too bored. If you've never been here before, I'm so glad you came. Be sure to check out all the blogger participating in this fun event. You're sure to be inspired and will undoubtedly find an idea or two to borrow for your own space.



Marjo said...

Terri, I just love your creativity to make your space all your own. So fun. I think your stitching room is just awesome. Thanks for sharing.

kluless said...

I LOVE your space and that floor is wonderful. I would like to tear out my carpet and do something similar since I have a concrete floor but ohmygosh the work to empty the room!! I'm going to try your funnel idea for the string. Thank you so much for sharing.

Julie M said...

Beautiful space Terri! I hadn't seen it before. DH asked how you did the floor, I told him you painted it, he thought it was most excellent!

You have done a marvelous job creating a room that is fun and comfortable.

Thanks for sharing!

stefanie said...

I love it!!! I did my floor pink checker board, what did you put on top, I haven't put anything on mine..and yours looks so shining!!! thanks for sharing!

Cole said...

Wow, your craft room is fantastic! I would love to get lost in there for awhile... :)

Anonymous said...

I think that when I first found your blog, it was this room that brought me here...loved it then and I love it now. What a wonderful place to create!!

lenna said...

Terri I love your room and I pray someday I will be able to have one like that too.
I enjoyed visiting your space. I can see why you love to be down there.
Am thinking of painting my bedroom floor so it will be easier to keep. Yours looks great!
God Bless ~

Sandra said...

Put the kettle on - I'm coming over!!

Chris said...

Love that checkered floor! And all the ribbons and vintage items are lovely!
Best wishes,

Andrea said...

Oh Terri, your sweeet room is just such wonderful eye candy!! I enlarged every single picture and savored every detail!! There are so many wonderful things about your space to love...I'm bookmarking this post so I can return again and again to look at it for inspiration. It can never be tiresome to look at, in fact, completely the opposite! So much to love.

This is going to sound really dumb, but I have to ask anyway...what are those hand form things called? Ring holders? I love how you have various stitching bits hanging from them and would love to copy this idea because I have so many hanging stitched things and have trouble figuring out how to display them....

Ok, I should be sleeping, but I'm going back to look some more!! Thank you so much for sharing!

Love ya!

Maggie said...

Terri i never tire of looking at your craft room, its like an aladins cave full of wonderful things, and i love it!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos again :-)

Mylene said...

WOW! I LOVE your craft room, very neat and tidy!! Thanks for sharing.

Bertie said...

Ab Fab, and could imagine just sitting there and taking it all in!!
The floor is awesome :-)) and so are all your other treasures.

karin said...

Hi Terri,
I just love your space!!! I work out of my dining room and am always putting things away so it looks fairly neat!
How lucky...and you designed it so pretty. Love the shakers for buttons. Great idea!! And the white cabinet is darling!!!
Karin :)
in NY

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

Terri, your studio is wonderful and looks like such a fun place to create. Love your floor and all the cool button jars. Thanks for the tour.

Alice said...

Terri,I loved visiting your craft room as I have never seen it before. Lots of attention to detail and eye candy all around. I can see why its your favourite room, a place to express yourself in feminine colours and to do what you love. Those build in cupboards are really practical. I hop between the dogs room and the attic (craft room) room in our house. Too cold and lonely in the craft room and really cosy and surrounded by my bulldogs in the basement room. I spend my winter's down there as its the warmest room in the house. I don't have everything at hand but its there that I stitch. Thanks for sharing your lovely room. : )

Pat / Silver Thimble Quilt Co. said...

Awesome, wonderful, creative, cozy, feminine. I love it. Thanks for sharing.


Kathy A. said...

Oh Terri, what a beautiful room. I absolutely adore it. We have just bought a new house and I am going to have my own craft room!!!! Wanna come and help decorate?

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the tour of your special place! It is so warm and welcoming, I want to come and visit! I really enjoy seeing your ideas come to life!


Myra said...

Thanks for the tour of your room. I really enjoyed seeing all your finds and repurposed objects. Very inspiring creative space.

Pellie / Penny said...

Your stitching room is awesome. I love the colors you used on both the walls and the floor. I especially loved peeking at your little treasures and such.
Have a great weekend.

Faye said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your cherished workroom!!! Every single nook and crannie is laid out just right!!! I even notice a pencil sharpener in there! You collection of buttons is wonderful and I especially love your twine and raffeta!!! you are a genious!!! hmmmm.. Is there any way you could squeeze 1 more pair of scissors down there or another pincushion???? hahaha!!

From your well done floors to the top roll of ribbon, I LOVE this entire space!!

Thanks for sharing of part of you this morning!!


Margaret said...

I always love to see your studio, Terri! Each time I see something new to drool over. lol! Not only are you a stitcher and crafter extraordinaire, you are an interior decorator! Must be wonderful to have such a lovely space to yourself!

Cari said...

Oh Terri - I will never, never, ever get tired of seeing your beautiful creating space! I got all warm and fuzzy this morning looking through your room! It's simply divine!! HUGS

Lauralee @ The Eclectic Stitcher said...

I loved seeing your crafting room ~ it's absolutely adorable! I got so many good ideas that I hope to recreate in my "little slice of paradise"!!!

craftyles said...

I love the name of your blog. Your colors and checkerboard floor are wonderful. I love your pin cushion collection, too. This looks like a wonderful space to create in. Thanks for the tour!

Our Hopeful Home said...

So loveley, warm and inviting! And your flower frog idea is great! I have a whole collection of them and the thought never even occurred to me!

Thanks for sharing.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

For crafting in a basement, you have an amazing space. You did an excellent job on the floor, and the wall colors are so bright and cheery. I love how you have surrounded yourself with some any vintage pieces.

Your cabinets look built in, and they are so great for holding everything out of sight, something I would love to be able to do. Thanks for sharing your lovely and well appointed studio.

Glenna said...

Terri, I loved looking at your creative space! I love the idea of the floor too--carpet is a total pain. Everything has been so lovingly and creatively gathered and repurposed--you are a clever woman (you really need to work for one of those dec. magazines as a stylist/buyer!) You could really show "Country Living" a thing or two!

Littlebit said...

Oh, Terri..I love your floor! LoL! What a wonderfully cozy, bright space to do what you love. Thanks for sharing.

Loraine said...

Love you work space Terri! I could sit and look every picture for hours. So fun!
Hugs to you dear friend.

Blu said...

Your craft room is gorgeous! So well organized, cozy and just filled with stuff.
I think this is my dream craft room!

Daffycat said...

Perfectly wonderful, Terri! I love it. That floor is especially awesome!

MaytĂ© BermĂºdez-GarcĂ­a said...

Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing :)

Melissa said...

Oh wow! Thanks for sharing. It was a nice little escape to a beautiful space. You did a wonderful job! I love it all!

mainely stitching said...

UTTERLY STUNNING. If I had such a space, I'd never leave it!

My Grama's Soul said...

What a great and cheery space you have. THAT FLOOR IS AWESOME!!!!

Thanks so much for sharing with us today. I just love seeing all the creative ways ladies have put their spaces together.


marylin & poussy said...

Oh terri which beautiful place of arrangement and embroidery! You are lucky to have a room(part,play) that for you to tidy up your business(affairs)! And all these strawberries!!!! Oh they are magnificent!!!!! I am happy of this small ballad made at home! At home it is charming!
Best regards of the end of the world! Mary

Claudia said...

Oh my gosh, I love your studio space! Love the way you painted the floor and all of the wonderful storage you have. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Kajsa said...

That's a wonderful space! I love all the colors you picked for it.

Decor To Adore said...

What an amazing space you have created! You have inspired me to add to my own crafting area.

I adore all of your storage solutions.

BrendaS said...

I just love your space. So cozy and inviting. I can see why you like spending time in there.

I've enjoyed looking back at your previous posts. Your stitching is gorgeous!

Caleen said...

I love your sweet small space. You really have an beautiful organized space and have utilized every bit of space. I love your tomato collection and the buttons and ribbons and sweet chair. Love the paint color too.. What a great, bright space.. Thanks for sharing.

Scrap for Joy said...

Hi Teri~
What a beautiful space you have created for yourself! I love the shade of watermelon pink and it sets off the creamy colored painted furniture beautifully. When we converted a guest bedroom into my workspace, we made the mistake of putting carpeting down...I won't do that again.. Love your floor!
I'm so glad I stopped by~

Candi said...

WOW! I just love your room! I have a craft room but at the moment the house is being remodeled so unfortunately my room is being used for storage. :( Maybe I can come borrow yours. :) lol jk but it is absolutely gorgeous!

Stitcher S said...

What a gorgeous space you have created! I so wish I had that sort of talent.

Carol said...

Really enjoyed peaking into all of the nooks and crannies of your creative space, Terri! What a wonderful room to call your own :)

Angela said...

What a beautiful stitching room :) Thank you so much for sharing it! Now I just need to win the lottery and you've given me tons of inspirtation for my own dream room! LOL.

Giovanna said...

What a lovely den you have! Wish I could make my own, but I'd have to sell the kids first, lol.

DreamChallenge said...

Terri, the space just says Welcome, come on in. Taking the used and making it useful is a treasure I too love. The most fun part was all the containers you so nicely found a use for in your space. Thank you for sharing and come see me. Jan

Paisley said...

I love your space, Terri! Thank you for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for a while and you never cease to amaze me. You have such a creative mind and how you work with and display your creative projects, amazes me each week. Your craft room is fabulous! I too have wanted a checked floor for years and because I've seen how well it looks in your room, I think I'm up to the challenge. Your blog is inspiring, creative, funny, informative, and a visual joy. I look forward to the beginning of the week as I'm hopeful you were out finding something that I would think is useless but that you would see as a treasure and make something delightful out of it. I have craft room envy everytime I read your blog. Thanks for sharing your amazing and creative talents.

Catherine said...

What a lovely space!!!

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Awesome roon and I love it. You have done a wonderful job creating it. Have a great week.


Lisa Clarke said...

Absolutely love,love,love your space!! Thanks for showing us and I now have some great ideas for my space!
My Best,
Lisa C.

KarenV said...

Your craft room is one of the nicest spaces I've seen Terri! It might be small, but I think you've done wonderful things with the space. I love all your little knick-knacks and doo-dads - they really add interest! And I'm flattered that you have a pic of my neighbourhood on your inspiration board :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely marvelous! You have provided me a lot of ideas for my own craft room. Thanks for sharing!

Andrea said...

OK, dummie me figured out about the "hand thing" lol! Such a great idea, that I'm going to copy :-)

Also, I'm getting that CHS little sampler before it's OOP, because seeing yours makes it a MUST do.

I've come back over and over to admire....

Live a Colorful Life said...

I LOVE your floor! I so want to pull out the carpet in my sewing room. And all the interesting little touches: the scissors in the wooden shoe. Thanks so much for letting us see your creative space!

Rachel S-H said...

Your craft room looks so lovely and organized. Very nice. It makes me hang my head in shame at the state of my own room.

I have that Maryland Sampling book you show in one of your pictures. It's a lovely book. I even managed to figure out that someone in my town had a sewing school, and figured out where it actually was. The building is still there.

Michelle said...

Terri, I adore your room! What a wonderful space you've created for yourself. Thanks for taking us on this little tour - wish I'd been there in person!

woolwoman said...

Terrie - when I grow up - I want to be just like you !!!!!!!!!!

K-G Knitter said...

I love your room. All the little details make it into such a special place. I hope you don't mind, but I fully intend to borrow LOTS of your ideas as I turn my corner into a real stitching space.

Terri said...

What to comment on first...the floor the furnishing the storage...I loved it all!

Jillayne said...

Your room is beautiful! I simply adore that floor - what a terrific idea. The colours make it look so bright and cheery and all your treasures stored in such nifty containers add a lot of charm. Just lovely!

Renee said...

Great room. I like your idea for the paper for wrapping, too.

Great floor.

Vinniey said...

Thanks for the "air ticket" to visit your beautiful craft room, Terri! I wish I could see more pictures of your craft room after visit your article from DMC blog and I'm so glad to see more now. :) This room is definitely my dream stitching room. I can find lots of great storage idea here. Thanks for sharing, Terri you are so creative and you did a wonderful job. This room reflect your personality and show your good taste. Awesome!

mary Kelly said...

What a fabulous room Terri filled with so many wonderful treasures. Your floor is just amazing - I love it. Thanks for sharing.

Es said...

Oh, Wow!!!! What a wonderful stitching room! I absolutely love absolutely everything in it and I love that you're so creative with it. The floor is fantastic, and how marvellous must it be to have all that space - and all that stash!!!! I have a measley little corner in my front room ;o)

Absolutely fantastic. Thanks for sharing your space with us.

Debby said...

Hi Terri, I love your gorgeous creative space, really beautiful. Your colors are amazing and your treasures awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Lovey said...

Hi Terri! Such a beautiful and creative space you have here! I can see the warmth that you have put into this beautiful studio! I'll be back for sure.
Thanks for your comment too on my Studio! Many smiles...Lovey

Anonymous said...

Terri, I just found your studio tour after you visited mine. I have to say that your studio is one of my favorites on this tour! Pretty, organized, inviting, love the colors, the floor, your furniture, the way you have everything arranged!
This is truly a place I'd love to visit in person.

Jeanne said...

Terri, your space is wonderful. It's so bright and cheery. Love the checkerboard floor and the garden chairs for seating. I DO see your green metal drawers like mine! Isn't it great? You collection of pin cushions is great displayed in that long metal basket. You have lots of great ideas - I'm going back to study your photos some more!!! Thanks for sharing:)

Donna Reyne' said...

Hi Terri!
I am still trying to make my way thru all of the studio's and yours...stopped me right in my tracks and I had to back things up and look again!
What an amazing room you have created for yourself! It is full of the most incredible ideas. You are truly inspirational! Thank you so much for letting come over and spending time with you in this haven
Have a Wonderful week!

Blessings and hugs,

Cathy B said...

Teri - it's always a treat to visit your special room. Of course, the only thing better - would be to stitch and create in it. You are a lucky gal!

Love to Stitch said...

Incredible!!! It is absolutely perfect. You have made use of every space in there-- just fabulous!!!! It looks like a spread out of a magazine!!!! All those ribbons, scissors, love the paper cutter :). I remember when you guys were fixing it up last year, watching the progress of the checkered floor. It is definately a spot I would enjoy working in too!!!!

Pam @ Frippery said...

What a happy creative space. That floor just blew me away! Great storage pieces too.

Decor To Adore said...

I am so glad that you visited me so I could come see your space. How charming! You have such wonderful storage ideas and that painted floor~sigh.

I think I may incorporate a few of your ideas into my even smaller space of a closet. :)

Kathy said...

Wow. I am sooooooooo jealous. :) I wish I were that organized. LOL

What an awesome beautiful space you have created.

Connie said...

It's darling, sugar!! I love love love the red and white checkered floor, which I'm a sucker for checks. You're very creative with the funnels for twine and the paper holder/cutter is simply a dream of most women. I just love everything and it doesn't have to be a big space either; mine isn't. Stunning, chick!

Kateyed said...

Wowzers! I just love it! I love your colors and can't believe that you painted that floor with utter perfection. I love that you have a paper holder and an enough paper on hand to last a long well as cool things to tie with. You frog is a great idea and I chuckled at the scissors in your wooden shoe form.

If you wish, come and visit our blog. My thirty-year-old daughter and I have been making jewelry together for fifteen years. She just gave the blog to me three months ago as a gift. I was thrilled! We are loving it! We are not organized enough right now to participate...sadly enough.

Thanks for letting me take a's very charming!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful creative space - everything has a place to be - lovely. I love the painted floor. And the flower frog for your scissors is a great idea - now I'm going to be hunting for one of those LOL Thanks for the tour.

Halle said...

Fantastic space! Love the floor!!!

Lyn said...

I love your basement studio/dream den! I've looked at a lot of creative spaces, but your's seems to me to be the best use of space, and most creative ideas for productivity. Lucky you! Now I just need to get my act together and re-organize my space with some of your fantastic ideas!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.

Dorthe said...

Hi Terri,
what a very beautifull room, you have,-
I so love the colors, on your walls,and the floor is gorgeus.
Such a fantastic work you did ,to turn this room into you own. A lovely place to visit.

Deb said...

The room looks great, especially your revamped shelving area. I need me some shelves too - they add so much for decorating, etc. Even though you think that your space is small, it looks big with charm.

Jan @ Dream Challenge said...

Terri, anytime you want to do a trade for those knitting needles you found this weekend, just let me know. Happy to knit you a scarf or neck warmer and give those needles a loving home. Just tell me the colors you like. Seriously, do not let them get away from you. You found a treasure. Jan @ Dream Challenge

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness, this room must be like a heavenly slice of summer year round with its watermelon pallet! I love your studio from its velvet hearts, sweet beaded strawberries, and tomato pin cushion collection. What a light, bright, airy place to create in. Thank you for sharing your creative haven.

Sherry :o) said...

as always, enjoyed my visit to your studio! see you soon :0)

Romeo said...

What a cute space!!! My favorite though has to be the niche where you have ribbons! Beautiful!!!! And I so agree that the floor is so much easier than carpet - we ordered hardwood flooring last week, yep, going to change out the carpet for something much more sturdy and functional for a studio! Love the use of the painted squares, but I think I'd better leave mine alone ;)

Thanks for sharing your creative space!

"Her" and Romeo

Bergamote de Nancy said...

Wow! Just one word with my bad english! A wonderful place!!!

Bergamote de Nancy said...

Wow! Just one word with my bad english! A wonderful place!!!

cuori e perline said...

Terri, it's a wonderful craft room !!
Hi from Italy

Annemiek said...

OMG Terri, thank you sooooooo much for sharing all these pics with us. I love your stitching space, and it certainly has inspired me to work on my own.

Jane said...

Hi Terri,
What a fabulous space! I have gone back and looked at the pictures a couple of times to make sure I caught everything. Love the floors, love all your storage ideas and love all of your collections. The tomato pin cushions look so cool grouped all together.

Wendy Aspinall said...

HI Terri, thank you for sharing your room it is so cute. and fun I love the floor and the glove forms, if you get time pop over to see me the kettle is on . Tea or coffee? Hugs~Wendy @ blissangels

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

I love your studio, what a great place to create in!!! I also loved what you did with the floor it looks fabulous... I wanted to thank you for visiting our little studio, and for your sweet comments, hope you will visit again soon, we love meeting new friends. Blessings~~~Daphne

Lori said...

I am in love with your space. Never, ever would I have imagined this to be in the basement if you hadn't mentioned it in your post. I adore the colors! I'm in awe. It's so cozy and comfy and looks like you could create for hours in here. I love how you've displayed your treasures and have put them to good use as well. Fantastic!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love the colors in your space! What a happy, cheerful place to create in. It seems to be just the right size, too, and you have a place for everything. What a great room!


Pretty space. Love what you did with the floors. I can't believe you painted them. Is it concrete? Did you have to use a special sealer on top of the paint? Love what you did with the funnels. You have packed alot in a small space!
Thanks for visiting my site.
~ Julie


Pretty space. Love what you did with the floors. I can't believe you painted them. Is it concrete? Did you have to use a special sealer on top of the paint? Love what you did with the funnels. You have packed alot in a small space!
Thanks for visiting my site.
~ Julie

Carol R said...

A beautiful stitching haven - thanks for sharing!

Susan said...

Wow, what a great space! You do have a lot packed in there, but it all looks so efficient. Love the hearts above your husband's picture!

Angela Weimer said...

Thank you for the great tour and what a wonderfully amazing space tucked full of all kinds of goodies. I love your idea with the funnel and twine. thanks for sharing. Angel

Unknown said...

What a great idea for a wrapping station and all your other nooks and crannies. You have come up with some great ideas here, love it all. Love the use of the flower frog. Must keep my eyes open for a deal on one of those. Thanks for sharing. XOXO

Leah C said...

Your creative place is such a lovely place! You've used it well:) Love the colors...and the checkerboard floor...yum!

Pumpkin said...

I've seen your space before but seeing it again just amazes me! What a lovely spot you have made for yourself :o)

I haven't taken pictures of my new spot because it's not done yet :o( It doesn't house all the adorable antiques that you have either ;o)

Melly said...

Oh Terri, your space is lovely, I really like the floor that must have taken a while to do. You have done such a great job of utilizing the space and making it so gorgeous. Thank you so much for your visit and for leaving such a sweet comment. I hope you have a super weekend!

June said...

Your creative space is so charming. Great things come out of here.

Raven/Missy said...

What a gorgeous space! I love it!

MyLifesAStitch said...

Don't know how I missed this one... could be because I haven't exactly been keeping up lately.


Thanks for the new tour! I really really love your room - it inspires me to keep on trucking along to get mine as cozy and personal. I just love it. It's funny b/c it sounds like yours & mine are about the same size, but yours seems waaay bigger! :) Thanks for the close up of the books! I love seeing what folks have on their shelves!

Lisa said...

What a darling little room! You have maximized every inch and it is just incredible! LOVE IT!!!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Terri:
I love your creative space. It's perfect in every way. I collect pincushions and needlework tools and other fun sewing tools, so you and I would get along like bffs! ;-)
Thanks for sharing.

Creative Grammie said...

You have a fabulous space! It's bright cheery and so organized. I enjoyed the tour, than you.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

What a wonderful space... Mine is VERY small too and CERTAINLY not ready for anybody to see.. ;-)

Love your painted floor. I did that in our old house, but it didn't hold up like yours has.

Warm blessings,

Rochelle said...

Ok Terri...I am just so in love with this room! It is in all the colors I love and everything has a place to be - so organized! Your floor is to die for gorgeous....thanks for sharing your space!

Unknown said...

Terri, Love your creative space - the colors, the contents - it is organized and "full" without being cluttered. It looks like a wonderful place to spend time.

Tins and Treasures said...

Your studio is so charming...and the color scheme is so cheerful. I also love the jars with your collections.

Thank you for sharing your creative space with us. Have a terrific Tuesday. ~Natalie

Gail said...

Hi Terri, I like your space, the colors are wonderful and that floor, way cool. Great idea to go with only white paper for gifts, sure makes that whole process easier. I like how you have recreated items for use in your room, I can see why your love it so much
Come over for a visit @ Big Horn Mountain Creations

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Your space is so much fun to tour! Your floor is wonderful and I especially enjoyed seeing your pincushion collection - fell in love with the one that looks like a star on top. Thanks so much for inviting us to visit!

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

Love your space, its really nice and inspirational for me (as Im still working on my studio space, that is also down in the basement).

Love the floor idea (and you did a great job on it), the wrapping paper holder and the twine holders. You really have a great space, thanks for sharing it again this year... this way I got to see it too : )