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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

They're Baaaa-ack!

I got two things back from the gals (Cathy and Cindy) at Joann's, this week.  
First up is the Farm Sampler.  
I've posted all the details on this one before so won't bore you with that again (if you have questions, feel free to email me).  When I was picking out the frame, Cindy was helping me, and I loved the red color of the frame but it just didn't have enough oomph, to suite me.  We began looking at fillets and we found a couple of them that were okay but again, nothing really wowing me.  So, Cindy says, "I think we may have some other fillets put away - let me see if I can find something."  So, she and another associate go digging around in the rafters of the back room and come out with a couple of options.   I thought the one we picked was perfect and there was just enough to work as long as Cindy, in her words, didn't screw it up!  
She didn't, and I love it.
Thanks for going that extra mile, Cindy!

 Once again, Cathy did a great job pinning - 
it couldn't be straighter or more perfectly centered.
Thanks, ladies!

See the pretty carved detail of the fillet?  You should be able to click on the pictures to enlarge them, if you'd like.  
I think it really adds to the piece while still maintaining the gentle simplicity of the sampler.

The next one I got back is Isabella Johnstone.

I loved this frame in the store, not quite as much when I picked it up.
The shop sample had a bit more green in it than this one does, but I still like it.

That'll be it for framing for a little while.  
I just love bringing home new framing.

I am currently working on Ann Sandles and have made only minimal progress.  I stitched the border at the top and down the right side and 4 flowers at the top when I realized I had a counting error (off by two, somehow or other).  
Had to frog a ton and start over.  
I hate when that happens.  

Ann Sandles
With Thy Needle and Thread
32 count LL Vintage Butter Cream
Called for fibers

That's all today, friends.  It's a rainy, cold day here in SE Michigan.  
We had a couple of sunny days and I thought we were over the yucky weather but nope.....

Thank you all so much for stopping by!  
I'm in the process of putting my "thank you for following my blog" gift together and should have that ready to go in the next week or so.  
It will include some of my fun finds,  stitching related stuff (d'uh),
chocolate and not sure what else.
Stay tuned....



Pumpkin said...

I guess I didn't have to wait long! LOL! They both look great Terri! You should be happy with both :o)

Don't feel bad, I had the frog at my house too >:o(

Robin in Virginia said...

I love the frame moldings you selected for both your pieces! Both look absolutely fabulous!

Sorry you had to frog Ann, but she looks lovely in your picture!

Shari said...

wow, they both look great!!!!!!
your new piece is very inviting to watch too....
and the weather....what gives??? We had 88 on Thurs. & 48 today....burr!

KarenV said...

Love your framed pieces Terri! The detail on the first one is lovely and I like the colour and style of the second.

Nice progress on Ann Sandles too, I love the colours in this piece.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Terri:
Love your completed (and framed) samplers. They're beautiful! Thanks for sharing them all finished and ready to hang up. (I don't know anyone who likes to frog...especially on linene! Condolences, my friend.)
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

the WOW factor has hit again. Great pics for the framing. I really believe that the final choice of framing can either make or break a piece and personally I would rather make it than break it with some of the choices out there.
I think everyone is having frogs pop by what with all the rain of late.
Have a great week Terri
Be always in stitches

Anonymous said...

The frame choices are perfect! The second one is so unusual..I love it.
I had a visit from those pesky frogs too, thankfully they have found another, hoefully permanent, home!

Littlebit said...

Oh, Terri..your pieces are stunning, and I especially LOVE that Isabella one! I think you just pushed me over the edge with that one..while I don't need another thing, I might have to cave and get it. The frames are perfect!

Deb said...

Both your framed pieces came out fantastic Terri. The filet added just the right touch. And I really like the frame for Isabella too!!

You've gotten a long way on your stitched piece even with frogging! It looks great and you'll probably get a lot done on it today with this "wonderful" weather we're having! It feels like Fall!!

BronnyB said...

What lovely work - and the framing is delightful - how lucky you are to find such interesting frames. Both samplers would look delightful on my sampler wall....

Giovanna said...

Beautiful framed pieces! And your sampler WIP is stunning too.

Margaret said...

Oh how lovely!!! Love your framed pieces! (the detail on the farm sampler frame is just wonderful!) My Isabella is at the framer's now -- I think he's slower than a lot of framers around the country. lol! Love your Ann Sandles start too. I so want to stitch that!

Kathy A. said...

Beautiful framing Terri. They look so lovely.
It's raining here too! I wish it would stop.

Theresa said...

Oooooo.... Love the framed pieces!! They are gorgeous!!!!

Annie said...

Great framing jobs! Those will look marvelous on your walls.

Too bad about the frogs. They seem to be everywhere this time of year!

valerie said...

Great the detail! Great start too. Sorry to hear about the frog though. I had a brief visit from one but I kicked him out! lol

Andrea said...

Great framing Terri! I love both of them! Gosh, I'm so envious of your Joanne's framing gals. Wish we had that here.
Ann is looking wonderful! Can't wait to watch your progress on her!


Amy said...

I love the framing and love your choice in frames!! Very beautiful and will look great where ever you choose to put them....great stitching.

Deborah said...

Both of them look wonderful. I love, love the second frame. Just beautiful. I have had issues the frog , as well lately.

Mouse said...

oooo love them both :)they look fab finally finished and framed :)and sorry to hear the frog came a calling hope he has hopped off somewhere else for awhile :) love mouse xxx

Angela said...

They both look wonderful, I really like both frames you picked for them.

Your wip looks great too!

It's cold and wet here too with no end in sight, where is Summer?

Carolyn said...

Terri! You never cease to amaze me with your lovely stitching (so fast! and the PERFECT frames that you pick out for each one. It's always so obvious that you spend some time making sure they are just right, and they always are. Beautiful stitching and beautiful framing!

I love your new piece! I will enjoy watching this one come to life, too, and NO MORE FROGGING. Gosh I hate that.
Sorry you are still having yucky weather. Send the rain our way. We could totally use it! HUGS, my friend!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Great choice in frames and I love the fillet... it just added that little something extra to make it all the more special.
Ann S. looks great and I'm looking forward to following your progress.

Myra said...

Both of those frames are just perfect for those pieces Terri. I love the red frame. I hope the frogs leave you alone for a long time.

Julie M said...

They look great Terri! Too bad the second frame didn't come in the same as the sample. I hate when it happens and try to remember the mouldings that it happens regularly so I point that out to the customer. Don't always remember though. Brain not as sharp as it once was!

Sorry about the frogging!

Loraine said...

So fabulous Terri! Perfect frames for both samplers. Your framer is really quick! Hope I can get mine done that fast. :)
Sorry you had to unpick. Every time I have to do that I think of you, and wonder if it's "really" necessary! I know how you like to redesign things if you can work it out. LOL!
Hope all is going well. Hugs to you dear friend!

Chris said...

Hi Terri!
I think you picked great frames for both pieces. They look marvelous. I hope that you have the perfect place to hang them so that you can enjoy them every day.

Nancy said...

Both are beautiful! That frog has been at my house too!

Linda said...

Hi Terrie
Oh, I love your work.
I didn't know what you were talking about when you mentioned fillets. I only know that as fish :) After clicking on the picture, I see what you mean, and love the carved detail. I've never had anything professionally framed, I'll probably do that for Marianne, who is coming along, now that the Hawaiin quilt is a wrap.
You've chosed beautiful frames.
BTW, do you have everything hanging up all the time, or do you switch them up?

Prims By The Water said...

Hi Terri, Isabella will look perfect in my bedroom redo, frame and all! LOL I'm surprised you were able to take pics outside as it rained all weekend by us...with fog both mornings...but it was nice listening to the freighters. Your new piece looks good too along with your framed sampler! Take care, Janice

JOLENE said...

From now on I am going to call you Princess Terri! You have been talkin' frogs off and on again for a while now and I just think that frog must be your handsome Prince Charming, or no....maybe not so charming, either way I think you are having a love affair with him! LOL

I'm lovin' your Ann piece, and I am looking forward to Tuesday so I can pick up the first pattern in the Mystery Sampler series.

Your framed art looks fabulous and I love the Strawberries & Cream cow......

Congrats girlfriend, take care!


ABC said...

I like the frame for Isabella, both look fantastic.

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I love them both Terri !!

Sylvia said...

Your two framed pieces look fabulous, as does your Ann. Yea, its the pits to be off and have to frog all that work. So sorry. She is looking really good though.

Christine said...

Your two framed pieces look fabulous and your new WIP is very pretty

Catherine said...

Love, love, love your framed pieces!! Sorry about the frogs - but Ann still looks great!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

oh very beautiful ! I love the neews stitching ...

happy day for you

Rita said...

Both your framed pieces are gorgeous! The frames are beautiful but complement rather than "overtake" the designs. Gorgeous!

Your wip is looking good. The frog was at my house over the weekend too.

Alice said...

Great frames! I love that they compliment but don't overshadow the stitching! (Which is gorgeous btw)

Carol said...

Such pretty, pretty frames, Terri! And your stitching is pretty amazing, too :)

BrendaS said...

Wonderful choices on the frames! Everything just looks great. I love bringing home new framing too and deciding where it will hang:)))

I just picked up Ann Sandles over the weekend. LOVE IT and can't wait to see your progress on it.

Katrina said...

They are both gorgeous!!!! The frames are so pretty too. Love, love, love Ann Sandles. Mine is on the way :-).

Cari said...

Girlfriend, you have an eye for the frames!! I love the fillet you/Cindy found for your piece. It's lovely!!

And I love Ann...your work i beautiful. It's a nice sampler isn't it. Brenda is becoming one of my favorite cross stitch designers...think SOAR!

Hugs and hoping the warm weather comes your way. Today we have 'cool' in meaning 72 degrees and only 63% humidity. Tolerable for stitching outside today! HUGS

staci said...

Stunning framed finishes! Do you ever just sit and stare at your walls??? I know I would if I had as many gorgeous samplers completed as you!

Melissa said...

Beautiful framed pieces and I love your new start on Ann Sandles - so pink! I am waiting for mine to arrive!

Michelle said...

Both pieces are beautifully framed! The frame for Isabella is so different - I love it! And your Ann is looking so pretty - sorry about the frogging though!

mdgtjulie said...

Wow to both your frames, but I especially like Isabella's frame. It has a wrought iron look that's just beautiful! Grats on having them both home. They look great! Sorry you had to frog. I've had that problem lately too, so I can sympathize!!

merumo said...

Stunning framed pieces! Very nicely done! I haven't taken mine to JoAnn's, but will consider that some time after seeing your beautiful ones! Ann Sandles is looking really pretty, too! Can't wait to see more of the progress.

Siobhán said...

I always LOVE seeing what you have had framed because I love your taste in frames. These are no exceptions--beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! I really love your Ann Sandles start, too. I had to click on the picture so that I could drool in better detail, and loved your thread ring. Neat idea to have the chart pic on it, with linen listed. Lovely work! Sorry about the frogging. :P

Nancy said...

And, they are gorgeous! It is thrilling to get framed needlework back, isn't it? Your samplers look beautiful, and I love your frame choices. The filet on Farm Sampler is so elegant looking, and I LOVE the frame for Isabella! It looks like something I would choose. Have fun with Ann Sandles!

Cathy Lloyd said...

Love your framing and finishes...they look great! We're having crappy weather here too...once in a while God will throw in a good day and then just when we're thinking all is great in the world, he makes it rain and sleet...

Michele B. said...

The frames set your beautiful work off so nicely - the pieces are a pleasure to look at. You do have an eye for what works. That border looks tricky - I'm glad you noticed the error before you went further around.

Sally said...

Those frames are perfect for your finishes. So beautiful.

Ann looks gorgeous even though you had to frog:)

Mylene said...

Great frames you have chosen for the samplers, fits perfectly!

Sorry about the frogging, had that a lot with the spring SAL i had just finished, it was very frustrating especially with very limited stitching time these days.

Bonnie said...

Thanks for talking about framing. I have never used the fillets but good idea. And your Isabella Johnstone frame........I love it!! Still waiting to receive my pattern!!

Edgar said...

They are just beautiful framed pieces and a lovely WIP!! Congrats!!

Lynn said...

Your framed pieces are gorgeous! I love your frame choices. Both suit the stitches perfectly.
I was just eyeing the Ann Sandles design on Brenda's website. I'm really going to love this one. Unfortunately the frogs seem to be making the rounds lately.

Susan said...

Terri, both of these are beautiful pieces! I LOVE the frame on Isabella Johnson. Great choice!