Blog description

A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Promises Kept (Giveaway)

Dear friends,

     What can I say - I'm not the most timely person on the planet.  
Oh, don't get me wrong; I hate being late for set appointments.  
I am, for the most part, an on time girl.  
Folks that show up late for things drive me absolutely crazy.  
Don't they care enough about the other person's time to be punctual?
The drive to be punctual only seems to apply to events in which my physical presence is required; parties, doctor's appointments, parties, meetings, and parties.  
This drive (which I blame on growing up as an Army brat) to be on time Terri has never translated to other areas of my life.  

Deadlines I don't do.  

I can't for the life of me get a card mailed on time - even though I set my calender to remind me well in advance.  
I can't seem to make something for someone early enough for the gift to be timely.  Believe me, I THINK about it months ahead of time.  
I just don't DO it.
I'm pitiful.
The physical act of doing something early enough for it to make sense is just one of my many freak of nature nuances.  
It's sad, really.
If I had actually mailed all the people whom I thought about sending a card to I could have single handedly kept the U.S. Post Office in the black.
Deadlines are not my friend.
So, what's all this blubbering about?
Well, I said in my last post that I'd post about my thank you giveaway last week.  
I'm late.
What can I say?
I set a deadline and I missed it.
I'm pitiful.
But, if you've hung on this long, here it is:

This is part of it anyway.

The Ann Sandles Sampler pattern
A Longaberger basket with liner, protector and lid
3 skeins of NPI floss
Sajou Paris expandable, miniature book No. 2
2 vintage tape measures
Small tomato pin cushion
vintage buttons
vintage salt shaker with buttons
4 vintage clothes pins wrapped with scrap booking ribbon
4 vintage skeleton keys
A vintage screwdriver and oil can (great for punch-needle bases)
and of course, chocolate (not pictured)!!!  YUM!!!
And, who knows what else I might add by the time I get around to drawing a winner.
So, are you interested?
If so, please leave a comment on this post only.

This is a thank you giveaway to those of you that have chosen to follow this
little blog of mine.
Truly, thank you so very much!  
I'm humbled and honored that you're here.
I'm even more humbled, and I do truly feel honored and blessed, when you leave a comment for me.
It takes time, I know and I really do get tickled when I see your notes.
I think doing so is such a nice gesture.  Again, thank you!
Anyway, here are the details:
This is open to all followers.
Doesn't matter where in the world you live.
Doesn't matter how long you've followed.
I MUST have a way to contact you.
I will not hunt you down
(as much fun as that might be).
One entry per person, please.
I will do my best to draw a winner on Wednesday, June 29th at a time of my choosing.
I will use a random number generator to pick a winner.
I will mail your package as soon as I can.
I will not be able to replace the package should it never arrive to it's new home,
so lets hope that doesn't happen.
If I don't hear from the winner with a mailing address in a week's time, I will re-draw.
That's it.
Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezey!
Thank you all so much for the lovely comments on my own Ann Sandles finish.
I really loved working on her and I hope if you win the chart, that you will love it, too!
Until next time,
Good luck


Mouse said...

oooo would love the chance to win your blog giveaway as it sounds scrummy .... i can't see the picture but you mentioned chocolate hehehe
take care and happy stitching love mousexxxxx (who is a follower and can be contacted on )

Hazel said...

Oh my golly gosh! I can't see the picture either but ater your list of stash - oooohhhheeeee please enter me. Drool drool drool. And don't worry about missing those deadlines. I am the same as you. Never late for anything except sending cards on time - so much so that my sister doesn't speak to me any more because of it! x

Shari said...

wow Terri, what a giveaway...I would love to enter...please?!?!!?
Oh well about the picture not showing up...makes it easier for us to dream about what the goodies look sorry blogger is acting up for you!

Sun City Stitcher said...

Terri what a great giveaway (even if I can't see the picture) it sounds wonderful and not sure I ever told you, but I love your blog title. I have mentioned it to non stitchers and they just don't seem to get it. Oh well.

Cath said...

Pic not there , but the giveaway sounds lovely . Please put my name in for the draw .
thanks X

Denise said...

Heck, you had me at chocolate! But, my oh my, could you please enter me?

I can't see the picture but your descriptions made me want to do a happy dance just thinking about it!

I am a follower and can be reached at the email address on my profile.

Kim said...

Hi Terri!!! I am the same way, I plan way ahead of time to send a card (even buy the card!)finish a stitched gift and I am always late. I have spent the night before a gift exchange, doing the finishing late into the night, it's awful and I'm not proud of it!!!I thought I was the only one! lol Anyway~ I would love to be in your give-away!! I will keep my fingers crossed!! p.s. thanks for the kind words on my blog about my Mom's tribute!!!

SharoninStLouis said...

Your Ann Sandles is gorgeous, and I would be honored to win your pattern (to say nothing of the rest of the goodies.) Please enter me in your drawing.

Many thanks and happy stitching,


P.S. You have enabled me to buy many other patterns. Love yoru stitching taste.

stormybrew57 said...

I didnt need the picture to say wow I want to win ! Thanks for the great giveaway chance. And Im always on time for appointments and never get things in the mail on time too! Whats with that ! Thanks again, Beth N. (

Kim Reid said...

Your Ann Sandles finish is beautiful and I would love to enter your wonderful giveaway!!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Cherie said...

Hi Fellow Chocolate lover! Wow! What a giveaway.... I am a virgin entry giveaway person and I sure hope your machine picks my name! Haha. Is there a runner-up prize? My email address is Come to mama!

Cathy Lloyd said...

Oh wow! I was just excited when I saw that you updated your blog...then when I read it...a giveaway! Fabulous Ms. Terri. Love Ann Sandles...was just salivating over that this morning.

woolwoman said...

Terri - I would love to enter for a chance to win your lovely giveaway - it looks yummy! thanks for offering this to a lucky winner. Melody

Teresa S. said...

I can see the pic and please include me in your drawing! I am a follower.

Frances said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I can see the picture and I LOVE what I see! You are one generous gal! AND chocolate, too! The Ann Sandles is so pretty and I would love to stitch it--just like yours! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! I am a follower.

Valerie said...

I would love a chance to win all of those wonderful goodies! Count me in!

I giggled and laughed throughout your entire blog post. I too am an on-time girl for appointments and parties! However, that is where it ends! I have bought cards and do they end up in the mail on time...NO! I keep up with dates but never seem to get things in the mail or gifts given on time. I used to beat myself up (still do sometimes) but I am trying to accept who I am and reading your blog post now makes me feel like I am not alone!

Here is to all the VA girls who have the best intentions...hehehehe...if thoughts count, then our family and friends are the richest in the world!

Hugs from VA...

teresa said...

Terri ~ I want to do Ann Sandles and I really want to win your goodies.

Cari said...

Oh my gosh are just the best!! Just remember...don't be late for cocktails!! LOL

Love you tons and would love to be in your giveaway!!


JillMN said...

What a very generous giveaway. Who wouldn't love a chance at those goodies! I have been reading your blog for a long time but wasn't a follower. Only because I don't understand the whole "following" thing. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.

Pumpkin said...

Omigosh Terri!!!! What an awesome collection of goodies :o) PLEASE enter my name and fingers crossed that I win. LOL! Thank you so much. It's always been a pleasure reading your Blog :o)

Kathy A. said...

Oh my goodness girl - that is some giveaway. I'm posting my email address here so you can contact me!!!!
Please enter my name.

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance at your very generous giveaway. All stitching things look wonderful and the chocolate sounds yummie.. Happy Stitching. Pat

BrendaS said...

Terri --
What a wonderful and generous giveaway:)) Definitely count me in! Always enjoy reading your blog and look forward to your updates:))

Elena said...

I would love to be entered into your drawing! All the wonderful prizes!

Sylvia said...

I am so drooling over your giveaway - wow, you have put together some treasures. I would love to be entered, and I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I will win.

I totally hear you on the mailing of items - its like a curse - cannot get it done to save my life. I was proud of myself for getting a packaged mailed to one of my girlfriends ON her birthday. LOL

Marjorie said...

Lovely giveaway. I'm a sucker for anything labeled "vintage". Please enter me. I have enjoyed following your blog for some time now.

Deborah said...

I saw the picture and what a wonderful giveaway!Thanks for letting me have a chance to win.

Marion said...

Here's hoping I can actually post a comment...Blogger has not been my friend recently...anyway Terri...WOW! Thank you so much for offering the giveaway...I'd LOVE to enter...and I can see the photos..LOL
Take care

Kellie said...

What a fabulous giveaway from such a fabulous blogger. :)

I'm with you on the deadlines. Not my forte either. :)

Have a great rest of the week!

Edgar said...

How Fabulous!!! I would love to be entered - and will make sure that if I am not a follower I will certainly be one in a minute...

Take care,

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Wow Terri !!! I want a chance to win !!! All that is wonderful and Chocolate too !!! lol

pj said...

Wow, you are making up for your lax by such a great giveaway. I am sure your followers will be more than patient with you. Thanks for such a great giveaway that reflects all that you love! I would love to

pj from iowa

Margaret said...

What a lovely giveaway! Who cares if it's late? lol! Thanks, Terri! You're so sweet!

Mama Joan said...

Would love a chance to win. I check in with you whenever you post and I love your samplers.

JOLENE said...

Who can resist chocolate, cross stitch supplies and vintage finds! I know I can't! I would love to throw my name into your drawing for this fun giveaway.

Take this to heart.....

Nobody Remembers a Deadline,
Everybody Remembers a Good Idea.

In other words, better late than never!!! lol

Don't worry...

Julie M said...

I have the same problem Terri! I can be somewhere on time but give me a set time to mail something and I will miss it every time! Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway!!

natalysneedle said...

Terri, what a fabulous giveaway. I would love to enter. I am a follower and will continue to follow to see who wins.

Bhooma said...

Terri, Your blog is such a joy to read. Your work is so bautiul AND you finish ! I wish I coudl say the sma about myself. I start a project and then hop onto another and another. Please enter me in your giveaway.

mdgtjulie said...

Terri, please don't enter me in your giveaway (it's very generous, but not my style, lol). I had to leave a comment and say that you're not pitiful. At least you care that you set a deadline and missed it. Many people seem to only care about themselves and what affects them. I've missed deadlines before (I have a horrible memory), and I feel bad about it too. So try to feel better knowing that it IS important to you!!!

Annie Beez said...

Wowie!! What a load of loot Terri!! Ann Sandles is gorgeous!

Evette said...

oh my! I see I am number 40 in the comments. That sounds really lucky. I am a new follower but already have you in my favorites! Lovely stitchin' Got my fingers crossed. Warm regards,

Rita said...

I love following your blog. In fact seeing your Marianne Wenn influenced me to buy it almost as soon as I saw it. I hope to start it soon.

Please enter me in your drawing.

I'll be away from the computer for a while but can be reached at my email address (I have a new droid) here:

ldepalatis at earthlink dot net

Thank you1

Joanie said...

Wow...lovely giveaway. I'd love to win it!

And I think we share the same genes..punctual for appointments but not much else...Sigh.

Just Me and My Shadow said...

What a very generous give away Terri. I remember when you first started your blog and have enjoyed it ever since. You have a very nice way of writing and have shared lots of experiences with your readers.


lynda said...

Oh Terri...I can so relate to your post! You could have been talking about me...I hate to keep people waiting (in person) but why doesn't that translate to other areas of my life? If yo ever find an answer, please share!
I have loved following your blog and would love a chance at your giveaway.
And if I should be chosen by chance, please don't feel like you have to rush right out to the post office. I understand!

Nancy said...

A fantastic giveaway Terri! I would love a chance to win. Thanks!

Shannon said...

Wow! What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to enter for a chance. :)

Giovanna said...

Thank you foe offering such a generous giveaway, what lovely items! Does subscribing to your blog with Google Reader make me a follower? Whatever, I always enjoy reading you anyway :-)

samplerlover said...

Hi Terri, love this post. You sound like me sometimes. I hate being late for appointments but have trouble getting things done.
Oh can I enter your give away. It sounds wonderful and I am sure that you would love to come and hunt me down lol. - Sandra.

Tammy said...

What an amazing and generous giveaway! I would love
to have a chance to win.

Ellen said...

Great giveaway! Sure would love to own those goodies, please add my name to your draw.


Gabi said...

What a lovely post. First I was only giggling away reading ....then my chin hit the floor when I saw the pics of your generous give away. WOW.
Pretty please (with a cherry on top) enter my name in that give away. Love everything in it.

Jan said...

Wow! What a giveaway. Very nice. Please include me too.
It's funny, at work I can always meet deadlines, but at home, I'm a mess. LOL!

Deb said...

We sound like kindred spirits. I would love to win. Great way to start summer.

Lisa V said...

Ooo Terri, all that vintage goodiness, how can I pass it up. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I have been a long time follower and regular reader who enjoys your blog very much, my contact details are in my blog profile.
Many thanks

Cathy B said...

Oh gosh Terri, what a generous giveaway. Please enter me in your drawing. I love reading what you are up to and I especially enjoy seeing the samplers that you have stitched!

Myra said...

It happens Terri. :o) I would squeal with glee if you chose me for this giveaway. There are a couple of things there I have been looking for and can't seem to find around here. I wouldn't even care if it took you a while to send it to me. ;o) Thanks for the chance - I do enjoy reading your posts.

Debbie said...

I can SO relate to good intentions with cards, but never getting it done! Please enter me in your drawing!

Deb in Kansas

Karin said...

Wow Terri that is such a generous giveaway!!! Please count me in your draw. Thanks!

Carolyn said...

You know that old saying...."the road is paved with good intentions". That SO SO describes me! I truly MEAN to do things and truly WANT to do things, but before I know it, the time has past. :(
So I can totally relate. But to physically be somewhere, I'm always early and hate waiting for others. I can so relate to that, too.

What a WONDERFUL giveaway! All of those cool vintage sewing things that I collect. LOVE the old measuring tapes! Of course I'm a stalker, er follower and would love to be entered. Hugs!

Denise said...

Wow, what an awesome giveaway. You are more than generous. please enter me in the drawing. Thank you.

Chelsea said...

OOh, a giveaway! Aren't you a sweetie! Please consider me as one of your random numbers to pull from. :) I love following your work, although I never comment. My stitching could never compare to yours, you amaze me! Keep up the great work! :)

--Chelsea, a follower (shelseaann @ aol . com) (no spaces, obv.)

stranger2u said...

Thank you so much Terri for a chance to win, you are so generous!

Catherine said...

Oh, I hear you about the whole deadline issue - don't like them either! What a delicious giveaway!! I am drooling all over my keyboard right now looking at all the goodies!!
Thanks for the chance - I'll be waiting with fingers & toes crossed!

Mary said...

Wow - what a fun collection of cool, interesting and beautiful things! I love the buttons, and the trims, and the basket, and,and...

Anyway, I'm a follower and read regularly.

Please enter me into your generous giveaway.

Thank you,

Mary i MN

Stephanie M. said...

I always love seeing your work, and admire your antique finds. Your giveaway is unbelievable....thank you for giving me the chance! Stephanie

Laurie in Iowa said...

Wow... what a generous giveaway. I'd love to have a chance to win.

marly said...

Wow. That's a really generous giveaway! I never win anything, but don't want to feel left out, so please include me! Thanks!

Lauralee @ The Eclectic Stitcher said...

LOL ~ it's so nice to know somebody else suffers from my affliction! Of course, I was never late until I had children...and never forgot things until they left the nest. Now I'm late and forgetful.

What a generous giveaway, and chocolate to boot!

doris said...

OMG, I was away last week and missed seeing Ann. She's incredible and you're such a speedy stitcher! I'd be utterly foolish to not enter your drawing. Your generosity is amazing.

Congrats on Tyler's graduation.

♥marylin♥ said...

Hello, and many beautiful gifts which I'm sure that who receives these treasures will be the expensive, as your friendship ....
I embrace you from FRANCE

Sharon said...

Such a fantastic giveaway! Please enter me. Thanks!

Christine said...

What a fantastic and generous giveaway, please count me in

Theresa said...

Wow!!! What an awesome giveaway~~~ You are so generous!!! I would love to enter for a chance to win. Thank you~~

Cristina said...

I follow your blog for a long time, but I can't see my pic as I'm in a previous page. Please, count me in. Your give away is wonderful. Thank you for it.

Lois said...

Oohhh, what a lovely giveaway Terri! I would love to be entered! I hear you on the being on time thing!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Such an inspiring blog!

Midge said...

I follow your blog and would love to be part of it. Please enter me. Thank you so much.

rosek1870 said...

What a generous give-a-way! I am a follower - recently joined but you have been on my bookmarked list for ages and I always love your posts and your stitching! Please enter me in your give-a-way and happy stitching!!

Sally said...

I would love to be entered into your wonderful giveaway please Terri. I love the look of the vintage buttons etc. They looks gorgeous!

Sheila said...

Wow, what a very generous giveaway. I would love a chance to win it.Don't worry about deadlines.I am a follower.

pam said...

Would love a chance to win all of the goodies. I have enjoyed following for a while. Thanks

Jonette said...

I am a new follower and love your pics of your beautiful samplers. Would love to do the Ann Sandles sampler.

Joanne said...

WOW...please enter me for a chance t win your amazingly generous giveaway...I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your wonderful stitching. I just joined to follow your blog. Thank you. Joanne

Happy Stitching and Good Luck Everyone!

Carmen Sutton said...

Oh someone after my own heart! I believe all of the thinking about and planing the gift, card etc should also count, because you know it took a lot of effort to come up with all those good ideas.
Please enter me in your drawing I love to read your posts!

Jennifer said...

I would love to add Ann Sandles to my stitching basket. Your kindred spirit, Jennifer aka

Wendy said...

Hi Terri~
I would love the chance to be included in your draw! Thanks so much!!

Diana said...

I love reading your blog and seeing your sampler finishes!
I would really like to win the Ann Sandles chart and the "goodies" that are included.

Mishasmom said...

What a generous giveaway! I would love to win!! Although, if I win you will probably have to leave out the chocolate as we're going to be around 110 degrees for the foreseeable future here in AZ!!

Alice said...

Ah, we are cut from very similar cloth. I am punctual to a fault... early is on time, on time is late.... late is unforgiveable. Deadlines... I still usually make them, but I squeak right in at the last second quite frequently.

I'd love to be entered in your draw... I do believe my email addy is in my profile. Thanks!

Angie in Tahoe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie in Tahoe said...

Any drawing that includes chocolate is worth entering!!! Love antique sewing items and would give them a loving home if I win. Love reading your blog.

Sherry said...

Terri, I always love seeing you post! Yes! Yes! Yes! Please put my name in the hat for this wonderful giveaway! I don't see anything I wouldn't just love to have and who can ever have too much chocolate!

As for deadlines -- well, that's another matter and too long to go into! LOL.

Kim said...

WOW! What a great giveaway! Thank you so much! Love your blog -

Bridget said...

I would love to win. So many great treasures! Thanks, Bridget

stitchinpeanut said...

oh... oh... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Me!!! please add my name... I just love your blog and following the great finds you locate and the lovely pieces that you have. Thank you for allowing your love for what you do shine thru in this blog. It is a great motivation to me... I am a follower... and would love to be included in on this! Peanutsplacetostitch is my blog.
Thank you again

dq said...


would love to win the giveaway!!!


Rossella said...

wow..what a beautiful giveaway!I want to take part! I'm from Italy and I follow your blog because i love the things you do!

Maggie said...

What a wonderful give away Teri!

I would love to be entered into the draw please :-) (i can see the picture :-))

Glad there is another like me out there, don't like to be late for anything but spend too much time thinking about what i should be doing / arranging and not enough time on the act!

Britta said...

WOW Terri, what a very generous give away. I really like the Ann Sandles sampler, so please can I be entered for it?
Thanks for always being so inspiring....

Joy said...

So, I was exploring some blogs on Edgar's list of blogs he follows and I was admiring your lovely needlework and your garden when I saw your giveaway. Please enter me. I never win anyway but it never hurts to enter.

barbara said...

Are you crazy, Patti? That's way too generous! I'm drooling all over my keyboard! I will sit here with my fingers and toes firmly crossed in hopes that I'm the winner of this insanely generous giveaway!

Aussie Stitcher said...

The giveaway looks amazing. Deadlines? What are they? Please enter me into the draw. My email is wright at aussiebb dot com dot au

Vinniey said...

What a wonderful and generous giveaway, Terri! I love all those vintage beauties; And Ann Sandles is such a beautiful chart. I would love to be enter. Thanks for your time to write posts too.. because all your posts are so great and I really enjoyed reading your blog every times.

Nadine said...

What a lovely collection of goodies. Love to enter your giveaway.

PretzelGirl75 said...

Terri, I would love a chance to win this lovely giveaway. It brings back lots of memories. My grandmother used to have a tape measure like the one in the picture. I'd forgotten about it until I saw the one in the giveaway. Thanks for the chance!


DebbieSFL said...

Would love to win your giveaway---just love vintage buttons and sewing notions.

Janine said...

Oooh Yes Yes Yes please. I would love to win this giveaway. The goodies would look awesome in my new old home that I am moving to in 2 weeks time.

Poppypatchwork said...

Please enter me into your fantastic give away, I love reading your blog

Kate said...

Fabulous giveaway - I'd love to be entered into your draw.

pipkate6663 at

Niina said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me :)

Ruth said...

Terri I enjoy reading your blog. Your stitching is lovely. Pleasd add me to the drawing.

Angela said...

How did I miss this? LOL. You had me at the chance to win that gorgeous Sampler but throw in a little Chocolate and I won't say no :) Thanks for the chance!

Kat said...

What a wonderfully generous giveaway! I'd love to enter.


Isa said...

WOW, How can I miss the chance to win these amazing giveaway full of vintage goodies(which I love)? Please Terri, enter me in your drawing. Thank you for the chance.

Have a nice weekend!♥

Kathy Ellen said...

What more can I say, but that I love reading all of your posts, and don't give a thought about missing deadlines..... it actually makes the rest of us draw a sigh of relief, that we are not alone in this dilemma of life:)

I would love to be entered for your fabulous giveaway! Everything looks and sounds just wonderful!

Blessings to You! (

Berit said...

What a fun giveaway! If it's okay I'd like to sit out though as I just won one (but still haven't used the gift cert I won!)

I know whoever wins will be so blessed. :D

I'm re-adding you to my google reader; for some reason you're not there and I've missed a ton of great content from you! :D

Jean said...

I like every thing you are giving away.I believe in every thing you like.My kind of person.Hope I win.

Beth said...

Hey Terri, we love you on time or not! That's some give away you've got there and I'd love to win it. Thanks! Beth (

bere said...

Blog lindo!
Bordados maravilhosos.
Já sou seguidora.

Colleen of SC said...

Such a generous giveaway! I have been " stalking" your lovely blog for months. I would love to be included in your drawing. Thank you so much for sharing! Colleen in SC ( )

Colleen of SC said...

Such a generous giveaway! I have been " stalking" your lovely blog for months. I would love to be included in your drawing. Thank you so much for sharing! Colleen in SC ( )

wranglerkate said...

Terri - I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!! And I would love to be put into the mix for your drawing - what a great stitchy package. Kate

Faye said...

Oh my!! I am glad my hubbie brought me my laptop today( been a week without it!)....Please count me in on this fun...What an awesome display to give away!! The sampler is definitely on my wishlist and all the other goodies are icing on the cake.... Thanks again at this awesome opportunity!

Faye caroliastitcher

Tara said...

Thank you for the chance at your giveaway. I do enjoy your blog, I have it added to my RSS reader to let me know when something new is posted.

Patti said...

Wow! What an incredibly wonderful & generous giveaway! Please enter me :) Who cares about timeliness for something as lovely as this!
Blessings, Patti

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm exactly the same way with birthday cards, etc. I buy them early, think about it every day, and then mail them late! I'm a little better with gifts but it's always a last minute mad dash when it shouldn't be.

I'd love to be entered into your fabulous giveaway!

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness you have a lot of entries already! I thought I'd never get to the end of the list, lol!
This is a really wonderful giveaway and I'd very much like for my name to be included.
As for deadlines, I'm getting worse the older I get. I've given up on mailing cards on time. Now I just call them!

Paula said...

Wowwie, wow, wow. What a giveaway! I would love to be entered. I always enjoy checking in with your blog and seeing the name of your blog always makes me smile. :)
Have a great day!
(i'm a follower)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic and extremely generous giveaway. I'm sure whoever wins will be thrilled (and if it's me, I know I will be)! Thank you.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Terri:
You just knew that I'd have to enter this giveaway! Longaberger basket, sampler, all those wonderful goodies. I am a follower and love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is incredible. I love to be entered

Brenda said...

Oh my goodness, what a wonderful giveaway!! You are so kind and generous. Please enter my name in your draw, I would love a chance to win.

Your Ann Sandles is just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri;

Oh my Gosh what a wonderfull giveaway.

You already often inspired me by choosing a new pattern :-)))

So please enter my name , maybe for ones i have some luck .
Hope you wil continue for a long time showing us your progress on stitching

Thanks and wish you a nice weekend,

Sherry :o) said...

Hey Terri - what a givewaway and I would LOVE to win it!! And I know why the chocolate isn't in the picture because if you are like me, buying it for something a week away is too much of a temptation!

It only takes one chance...hope you pick me! Your sampler is beautiful, as is all your stitching.

Marjo said...

I would love to win that lot. I was just drooling over your finish of the lovely sampler. Plus I have been looking for a vintage tape measure. Oh, pick me.

Nicole said...

What an awesome giveaway!! Please count me in! :)

Linda said...

Hi Terrie
OH, I hear you girl. I make my lists, set my reminders, then don't look at them. I feel truly pathetic sometimes!! If you find a cure, please let me know!
In this vein, I haven't been in the blog world in a long time, that's on my list too!!... and tonight I sign on, and I see you've been hard at work finishing your projects. Way to go!
BTW, one day, you'll see Marianne finished on my blog, I promise!! LOL

Karen said...

You make me laugh. I am on time with everything but my hand mades. I gave up making timelines for them.
I would like to be apart of the drawing.

Carol said...

Oooh! I'm so glad I didn't miss the chance to enter your very generous giveaway, Terri! Thanks so much--the lucky winner will be ecstatic, I'm sure :)

needlenurse said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I love the buttons in the vintage salt shaker.....I'm going to steal that idea. Thanks for the chance.

Paula W

Helen said...

I just discovered your amazing blog. What can I say except WOW! to your very generous and mind blowing giveaway. Congratulations to the lucky winner.

Jeanne said...

Love it all Terri - please throw my name in teh drawing! (Be sure to come by my blog this week and enter my own giveaways)

Jeanne :)

Bonnie said...

Your generousity is overwhelming. What a wonderful giveaway that I would love a chance at. You give so much already by sharing your talent. Thank you for that!!

Anonymous said...

You sound so like me that I think you may be my long lost twin!!! lol

I would love the chance to be in your blog giveaway - you are so generous, thank you!

Jan said...

Oh goodness, I think I might be just in the nick of time, speaking of deadlines, before you close the entries for this sensational giveaway!! Wow, so many super neat and glorious treasures!!! And to think I would be thrilled just to receive a portion of it, you are most generous! I adore that vintage salt shaker with the buttons and also those vintage keys, wow!!! Thanks for the opportunity to receive, dear Terri! What a special giveaway from a really special blogger and friend!


Janice said...

I would love to win the wonderful giveaway. I am a follower and really enjoy your postings.

Michelle said...

What a generous giveaway, Terri! Your blog brings me a lot of joy and I always love checking in to see what you're stitching on. So thank YOU!

Littlebit said...

Aww, Terri..I'm sure with all of those comments, that random generator will pass right over me, but what a wonderful giveaway you are having..VERY generous. And your blog is always worth visiting even without a giveaway.

Anne said...

Lol Im very punctual,but my family is not so much....many arguments have wonderful stitchery...gorgeous. Ifyou get a chance head over to my blog to sign up for my giveaway!!!

Loraine said...

Oh my goodness Terri! I almost missed your giveaway. That's what I get for not being timely about looking at my blog friends. Well, if you haven't drawn a winner yet, please put me in! I love everything you put in your generous giveaway.
I hate being late too. It's my big pet peeve. My kids make me late drives me nuts!
Hope all is well. Things are crazy here. No time for what I want to do at the moment. (big sigh). Hopefully that will get better soon.
Hugs to you!

Susan said...

Your Ann is beautiful. Please enter my name is your giveaway.
thank you!

Happy Stitching!
Susan from SC

Anonymous said...


EvalinaMaria said...

I can't believe it! Am I on time? It's Wednesday 29th and just after 3PM (Pacific time). I love your giveaway and I want to be part of it. I am your new follower and I found you on Jayne's blog. You were laughing at my comment (about Voodoo pillow) so I just had to check you out. I love your blog and I'm happy I found you!

Patricia Lessell said...

Oh how I wish we had estate sales here in the UK but we dont. How do you find out about them? Maybe we do have them and I just don't know how to find them. But I love all your finds. Especially the sewing machine and the baking tins and the frogs oh heck just everything. And your stitching, as usual, is just perfect and almost makes me want to stitch again but I am loving quilting because it is such a challenge and I'm so not good at it YET.
Lots of Love

Patty C. said...

Awesome Giveaway !!!! I can't believe I missed it ;(

Your Sampler turned out beautifully - Congrats on another wonderful finish ;)