Blog description

A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Ann Sandles Sampler

Introducing Ann Sandles:

Ann Sandles 
Reproduction design by "With Thy Needle & Thread"
Stitched on Lakeside Linen, 32 ct Vintage Butter Cream
2 over 2 with called for fibers

I loved working on this sampler and am so happy with how it turned out.  
It has everything I love in a sampler all rolled into one;
 a darling Adam & Eve, a fabulous, albeit funky, looking house,
an awesome floral border and pinks and reds throughout.  
What's not to love?

 I'm really diggin' the checkerboard house.
Check out the windows.  
The threads are almost a mirror image of each other.
Amazing how that worked out, I think.

The cute, pumpkin girl pincushion I found recently at an antique sale.  
Isn't she sweet and unusual?  I love her.

The backstitching around some of the letters adds such great interest and visual appeal.

This is a pic of my what will be hidden when framed, signature block and the sweet scissors I got at an estate sale on Friday.
Got 'em for a quarter.  
Yep, 25 pennies.  
Cute, eh?

And finally, Ann Sandles all by herself.  
No jewelry.
No accessories.
No makeup.
Just Ann.
(I wish I looked this good without jewelry, makeup and accessories!)

Isn't she lovely?

I hope I can find that perfect, final accessory (a frame) for her.

Here's someone else I truly love with all my heart:
Tyler is graduating from High School tomorrow.  
Sorry, these pics aren't better.  
Pictures of pictures never come out too well, but you get the idea.
Ty has had fun (too much fun some ((me)) might say) in HS.
He has done a lot; 
he played baseball, he wrestled and he played golf, 
he was in a few different clubs.
He partied and sometimes....
sometimes he studied.

Ty hasn't completely decided what he wants to do yet.  
Well, I shouldn't say that.  He knows he wants to go into the military.
He just hasn't decided if he wants to go the ROTC route or enlist.
He is anxious to serve but we are anxious for him to serve only after college and ROTC.
Keep him, and us, in your prayers.  

Okay....  next week I will post my "thank you for following my blog" giveaway.  
 I can tell you it will include the pattern for Ann Sandles.  
If you already have that, perhaps I can give it to someone else, should you win.
The thank you giveaway will be open to all followers regardless of where you live. 
I have lots of goodies gathered to include and hope you'll like it.
I just have to get thru this next week and then we'll get to it.  
I promise.

Thanks so much for visiting and for leaving me a note.  I appreciate them so very much.
Speaking of that - are any of you still having trouble leaving comments?
On some blogs I can, on others I can't.  
I get in a continual loop of inputting my info on some blogs (even this morning).




I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  
We will be busy with graduation and parties to celebrate.  
This is always a busy and fun time of year.

Congratulations to all the 2011 graduates!



Cathy Lloyd said...

Dear Terri,

Congrats to that handsome son of yours! is the way to go. Tell him I said so! (Although I wasn't a very good example of that myself, I just drilled it into my kids)

Happy Celebrating to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Ann is a natural beauty!

Congrats to your son!

Bhooma said...

Terri, I have been a=watching your blog for updates on Ann Snadles. It looks awesome.

Congrats to your son.

Mouse said...

ohhhh she is lovely :) wonderful finish .. and congrats to your son and hope that he takes the best route for what he wants to do in life :) love mouse xxx

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Oh my god, this embroidery is wonderful! you were very fast! this sampler is a marvel! I love the colors used, congratulations to your son! and oh my god he is beautiful !!!!!! you must have a lot of girls around him lol!
pity I'm not 20 years younger, watch it for laughs I'm kidding! it is beautiful and looks like you!
I embrace you my friend and strong you think you know!

♥marylin♥ said...

Oh my god, this embroidery is wonderful! you were very fast! this sampler is a marvel! I love the colors used, congratulations to your son! and oh my god he is beautiful !!!!!! you must have a lot of girls around him lol!
pity I'm not 20 years younger, watch it for laughs I'm kidding! it is beautiful and looks like you!
I embrace you my friend and strong you think you know!

Sylvia said...

Congrats on finishing Ann - she is a wonderful sampler! I love all the pictures you posted of her.

Congrats to your graduate as well! It is such an exciting time. My oldest daughter also graduated last week and is joining the Air Force - its a great branch to serve in. She is slated to do combat reporting for them - I know it sounds dangerous, but it really isn't - at least that is what I am being told. She is very excited. I totally understand your worries though. I hope it all works out for the best for all of you.

Bertie said...

Oh Terri, Ann is just gorgeous and you finished her so quickly too!! I have been eying this little sampler for a bit now, but no no no lol.
Love your little scissors, good bargain:))
Congratulations to Tyler, growing up fast now:)

marjo said...

Love it. The colors are beautiful. As always you did a beautiful job stitching.
Congrats to your son for graduation. Blessings as he tries to figure out the right way to start on the rest of the path.

Chris said...

Hi Terri,
First, Congratulations on Tyler's graduation! I hope that the future holds wonderful things for him.
Ann is beautiful. I have been debating about getting this chart. Maybe I will wait until after your giveaway :) I love the way that alphabet pops. The colors are great.
WOW, on the scissors! I love green.
I have been having the same issue with Blogger! Hopefully this post will go!

Have a great weekend of celebration with your graduate!

Nancy said...

Ann is just beautiful!! Tell your son that college is the way to go! I have a friend whose son went that route and it worked out perfectly! He completed his college and service obligations and is married now and settling definitely was a good way for him.

merumo said...

Congratulations! I love every little detail of your Ann!! She will be on my top list, after finishing with Ann Grant :) Another stunning work on your wall!!

Angela Weimer said...

congrats on your sons graduation. Your Embroidery is beautiful. I had the same problem with comments and blog stuff and wound up having to switch from IE to Google Chrome now all seems good. I know a few others who also did the same. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. Angela

Melody said...

congrats on the beautiful finish!

Theresa said...

Wow~~ This is such a beautiful finish!!!!! Love your little finds, too~~~

Congratulations to your son!!! This is such an accomplishment!!!

Jane said...

Beautiful finish, beautiful colours, beautiful design ~ just beautiful.
Lovely pics of your son, I can understand why you are so proud of him ~ good luck in whatever he chooses in life xxx

Beth said...

An Sandles is lovely lovely lovely>
You should be oh so proud!

Maggie said...

What a beautiful finish Terri, i love the colours :-)

Congratulations to your handsome son! I can understand how worried you must be about your son serving in any of the armed forces, but how can we stop them from following their dreams? It's what we have bought them up to do after all, and if they realise their dreams we have done our job as parents well - and i'm sure you have been one of the best :-)
My eldest dd's boyfriend is in the RAF and has been in the Falklands now for nearly 4 months,(another month to go) not the same as fighting i know but still away from home and it is a worry.

Well i guess i have been able to comment, lol but where have all the followers gone on everyone's blogs? strange!

Take care xx

Joanie said...

I LOVE ANN. Now, I'm all giddy to start her after seeing your beauty.
Thanks for the email. I'm better. Getting out there.
Congratulations on your son's graduation. Encourage the college/ROTC route. That's what Mike did and we were relieved...LOL! ROTC opened up enormous opportunities for him.
Blogger is being a pain...I'm having the same trouble as you.

Margaret said...

Huge congratulations! Both on Ann Sandles (absolutely gorgeous!) and on your son's graduation. I will definitely send prayers for him -- and for you too.

Kajsa said...

So pretty! Congrats on your sons graduation, what a milestone!

Cari said...

I have to "ditto" my sweet sister !! Your Ann is FABULOUS...and so are YOU !! I love the piece ... your work is amazing...and lightening quick needles I might add. Have fun with all the 'grad' parties. It's so much fun isn't it? Hugs dear friend... Cari

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Oh, my, she is gorgeous! And love your scissor find. Hope he decides on college - mine enlisted, went to defensive language school in CA, but it didn't work out. He's fine now, but just takes time.

marly said...

Ann is super. Every element of this sampler is unique. Ty's not bad either!! What a find on those sweet scissors. Have a fun weekend!

Kim said...

Terri!!!! Ann is wonderful in every way!! I know you cant wait to her framed!!
Hope Ty goes to college first~ my son (only child!) talks of the military as well and it makes me cringe with fear. I will keep you and yours in my prayers~

Deborah said...

Annis really beautiful! I agree...I love the reds and pinks. Those new scissors are great. What a wonderful buy. Congrats to your son.

Annie said...

A wonderful finish and really does look like it was fun to stitch. A color pallet I really like.

Congrats to the graduate!

Carol said...

What a pretty sampler Ann turned out to be Terri! And best wishes to your son as he tries to figure out the next step. It's not always easy, but it sounds like he has the love and support of a great family :)

Lynn said...

Your Ann Sandles finish is really stunning! I love the colours used in it. Congratulations!

Congrats to your son too! As a parent I always like to see them do college first but they don't always have the same ideas as we do. I'll keep you in my prayers and hope all turns out well.

LiahonaGirl said...

What a great finish. The colors and stitching are fabulous. I have two nephews in the US Army. One went the ROTC route and one enlisted. Both were the right decisions. I think it depends on what the ultimate military career goal is -- and what he wants to do while in the service. Good wishes in making the decision.

Mary said...

Ann is beautiful - another lovely finish for you.
With regard to the problem of adding comments - if you un-tick the box that keeps you logged in it will fix the problem !! Hope it is only a temporary one.

Anonymous said...

Congratutulations to you on finishing Ann! She turned out lovely!

Congratulations to your son on his HS graduation! Wishing him the best on whichever path he chooses to go!

Yes, Blogger is being very irritating these days!


Sue said...

Congratulations on such a beautiful finish. And congrats on Tyler graduating from high school ;)

Just Me and My Shadow said...

Another lovely finish from you Terri. I am sure you will pick the loveliest 'accessories' for her and she will look even more splendid. All the best to your son.

Laurie in Iowa said...

Congrats on your Ann S. finish and your son graduating from HS.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

oh Terri, Ann is simply marvelous! What a treasure, say if you need a place to hang it,,,, oh well you know....
Congrats to you and Rob for pulling through with Ty, I am sure he knows that having his wonderful parents ON HIS SIDE, has been an important factor as he grows and matures into adulthood. You have fun with that eh!
Be always in stitches

Myra said...

Congratulations Tyler! They grow up soooo fast. Ann looks exceptional - I love that checkerboard house too. Hope you are having a great weekend!

Pam said...

Ann came out beautiful!! You should be very excited.

Congratulations on Ty graduation high school. I can't even begin to know how you feel about his wanting to serve his country. Proud, definately, but nervous at the same time. ROTC would be a good way for him to go. This way he can get an education and come out an officer. My prayers are with him (and you!).

Glenna said...

Oh, yay--Ann is beautiful and you made me decide to re-start her (I started her on fabric too dark, got discouraged and put her away). Your pumpkin girl is fascinating, but looks from here more like onion girl. Cute scissors. And happy graduation to your son.

Lisa V said...

Ann turned out to be a beautiful sampler. Congrats to you on your finish.
I know you call it a funky house but it looks a little like a church to me, churches have those large arch shape windows and the smaller ones look like doors. I could be wrong though!!

samplerlover said...

Wow, Ann looks wonderful. I know the feeling about looking so wonderful without the makeup lol.

Lovely photos of your Son. - Sandra.

Márti said...

Congratulations! Beautiful work, this sampler is really very nice!

Gabi said...

Congrats on finishing Ann. She is absolutely gorgeous.
Congrats to your son. He looks great in the pics. Don't they grow up way too fast???

Cristina said...

I'm sure your son will choose wisely, but will keep him/you in my thoughts and congratulations on the graduation.

Your Ann Sandles is simply divine.

Carolyn said...

OH MY! Ann is just gorgeous! Each sampler you share with us inspires me more and more (enables me, too! LOL). She is truly beautiful and with your eye, I have no doubt she will be dressed with the perfect frame. :)

Congratulations to Ty on graduating High School. I will truly keep your family in my prayers. Sounds like there are some BIG decisions to be made. Hard decisions. So I will pray that the right ones are made. :)

I've missed you, GF! I know you've been busy as a bee. We need to catch up soon.

Love ya!

Sherry said...

Ann is just beautiful! And I love the pincushion gal. Congratulations to your son! I hope he makes a decision that will make you all happy!

Yes, I am still having trouble with leaving comments. Not on all blogs or all the time but it often prompts me to sign in (when I already have) over and over. Luckily, I had no trouble posting this comment.

Love to Stitch said...

What a great finish!!! I love Ann :) The colors are fabulous and so many great details. Super find at the estate sale-- arent they always the best!!!! Handsome son you have, it is wonderful time in his life!

Christine said...

Great finish on Ann, she is fabulous.
Congratulations to your son too.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but if you uncheck the "keep me signed in" box on blogger it breaks you out of that infinite sign in loop

Katrina said...

Congrats to your son!!! Best wishes for all the decisions he needs to make. My DS wasn't sure what he wanted to do when he graduated so he joined the Air Force reserves.

Love, love, love Ann, she's gorgeous and the scissor and pumpkin pin cushion are too, too cute.

Sally said...

Oh wow Ann is absolutely stunning Terri! So beautiful.

Congratulations to your son.

I wish Blogger would fix these issues. I know some people haven't been able to comment on my other blog but can on my stitching blog. Weird! My followers disappeared again yesterday but aer now back.

Deb said...

Ann looks fantastic Terri. I definitely need to bring this one back up to the front of the stitching pile.

Cool pincushion and scissors! Love those little pincushions.

And congrats to Tyler. I hope his day is wonderful and the weather holds out - no rain, a little cool though!! Give him a big congrats from us.

Daffycat said...

You are having trouble commenting on embedded comment everyone else! Those that use a pop-up or a separate page form don't have that error. I posted a fix on my blog:

Giovanna said...

Congratulations on finishing the beautiful and charming Ann! And I hope your son has a wonderful day.

Oh, and I just love those scissors, lol.

Sharon said...

First, congratulations to your son on his graduation! Such a significant milestone in ones life.

Your Ann Sandles is magnificent. I love it. Congrats!

barbara said...

Wow, Terri! Wow, wow, wow! It's gorgeous! :D

Sweet Sue said...

Tryin again here, Blogger ~ grrrrrrrrr. Congrats on a couple wonderful finishes. Nice post Terri, simply beautiful ~ everything and everyone:)

Angela said...

Wow, Terri, I absolutely LOVE Ann :) What a truly wonderful sampler! I am sure you will find an equally perfect frame for her. Congrats to you Son too!

valerie said...

Ann looks wonderful! Congrats on a fab finish...and to Tyler on his graduation. Hope you're having a great weekend.

Nicole said...

Beautiful finish Terri! Ann turned out wonderful! Congrats to your son! I know you must be so proud! :)

mdgtjulie said...

Congrats on your finish of AS Terrri, and grats also to your son. I took some ROTC classes in college, and found them to be fun and informative. (They wouldn't take me into the program because of my asthma, but allowed me to take some of the classes. I took two quarters of Rappelling, which was great fun.)

BrendaS said...

Beautiful finish! I just love the colors and your stitching is just so nice:)))

Congratulations to your son. Big decisions ahead for him and your family. I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers.

Enjoy your weekend.

Catherine said...

Ann is so pretty!! Love the colors in this piece!!

Congrats to your son!

Loraine said...

Oh wow! Love Ann!!! What a fabulous stitch. You finished her quickly too, so I'm sure you must have enjoyed every minute.
You have a handsome son too. Lot's of choices to make about the future for sure! I pray all works out.
I hope your summer is going well so far. Miss you! Hugs to you dear Terri.

Karin said...

Wow...congrats on the beautiful finish!!! Love, love the colors!!

Also congrats to your son!!! You are right to have him do college first.

Alice said...

Beautiful! Congrats on your purchases (love the pumpkin girl) and Congrats to your son for making it through High School. It is a tough time for young people, having to make big life decisions!

Pumpkin said...

Fabulous Terri!!!!! Congrats on such an amazing finish :o)

A big congrats to your DS as well! What a handsome boy but then look where he comes from ;o)

Mylene said...

The sampler looks gorgeous and looks like you had stitched it so quickly! Congrats!!

Congratulations to your son!

Ellen said...

Ann is gorgeous! Congrats on the finish.

Congrats and all the best to your son!


Melissa said...

Congrats on your Ann Sandles! I adore all the pinks! I love your pumpkin pincushion girl and those scissors - you are lucky to find such nice things!

And Congrats to your handsome boy on his graduation!

Bonnie said...

You amaze me.....your stitching & your luck in finding such cool "stuff".

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Your sampler is gorgeous and congrats to Tyler. Happy celebrating. Have a great week.


Lois said...

Terri, what a gorgeous finish and what a handsome son! Ann is just wonderful!! I can only leave comments on blogs which have the pop-up box. Anything ele is a no-go. Hopefully all these glitches will be sorted out soon!

Siobhán said...

Beautiful finish!! I love it!

Congratulations to your son! I pray that he makes the right decision--fingers and toes crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous job on Ms Ann!!She is a beauty for sure.

Congratulations to Ty, and mom & dad!!

Your little antique goodies are adorable as well.

Yeaaa, I can finally comment on blogs...I haven't been able to for over three weeks now...STUPID BLOGGER!!

Sherry :o) said...

congrats on your sweet ty graduating. I agree that college is important, enlisting right from h.s. would make me nervous...

Ann is beautiful - hope to see her in person someday at a meeting or something!

Wendy said...

Congrats on an awesome finish! I have Ann on order and can't wait for it to arrive so I can start!

And congrats on your son's graduation. Mine graduated last year - these kiddies grow up too quickly.

Karoline said...

Ann is gorgeous, congratulations

And congratulations to your son on his graduation

Valerie said...

What a gorgeous sampler! Boy, you have some smokin' needles! I love the colors...she is amazing!

Congrats to your son on his achievement...Yes, college is the way to go! He will regret it if he does not. Unfortunately, on time will teach him that. I went back to college as a working adult and it was twice as hard than had I just finished when I was younger. Tell him to listen to someone who had it to do all over again...I would go to college and stay in college till I was finished! Then, pursue a career!

jennifer768 said...

Congrats to your son !The sampler is gorgeous !Hugs,Jen

Ginny said...

Would LOVE to win your Ann Sandles Sampler!
You are such a beautiful stitcher....if I win I hope I can do it justice as you have!!!!
Big time in your life, youngest graduating.......just think now more time for stitching. I have two sons myself and I do miss those HS fill the nights with stitching ;-)

Michelle said...

Beautiful finish! Ann Sandles is fantastic. I just love the colors. And congrats to your son too!

Brigitte said...

Oh my, this sampler is fantastic. I love every detail on it. And it's so beautifully stitched.
Congratulations to your son!

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Oh, I didn't see you had finished your sampler ; what a lovely piece!
Congrats to your son...

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Terri:
First, congratulations to Tyler! A milestone to celebrate for you and yours.

I love the Sandles Sampler. It's gorgeous and you did a lovely job. Samplers have always been my first love and this one is stunning.

Hope you have a happy weekend, my friend.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Me again...
I just enlarged the Sandles sampler to see it up close. You did put your initials on there, too, didn't you? When I did reproductions, I always stitched my initials into the fabric (outside the border)in a color that nearly matched the color of the fabric. That way, someone in the future would know that I had done the needlework. Just a suggestion in case you didn't. I guaranteed your descendants will want to know who wrought such a beautiful piece! xoxo D

Yuko said...

Hi Terri, it's been so long since we have chatted.
Sorry that I couldn't manage our SAL, I have still been stitching Isabella, but now my headache make me not to stitch over 32ct...
So I would stitch her later someday.
Anyway, congratulations to Ty!
I was thinking that you are loving some young idol! lol
But as reading your articles, it was your son!!
How gorgeous he is!!!

And your stitching is always so beautiful as I always say!

I didn't have headahce yesterday, so I updated my blog! :D

Take care! xxoo

ann d du québec said...

félicitation a ton fils pour sa graduation.