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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Adam and Eve

Dear friends,

     I am so pleased to tell you that Eve has joined Adam in the garden of Paradise and I think she is as happy to see Adam, as he is to see her.  Although, like most women, she is more beguiling and significantly more subtle about her desires than Adam appears to be!  I think the sunlight is washing this out a little bit - the colors are pastelish but they're prettier than they look here.   That's okay, it's only a progress update, right?

Pics are clickable for a better look.

Here's a little close-up of the over one verse.  The white band between the two rows of letters gave me fits and I had to frog it twice (the first time was a complete row) before I got it to an acceptable level of stitching.  The first time I dropped down a thread in TWO different places, so the whole thing was wonky.  The next time, I jumped up a thread.  Aaargh!  The third time was just right, almost.  There are too many threads between the bottom of the band and the 2nd row of letters but I'm done with it. 
It is good enough.  
It's staying.

My next project is going to be with my friend Marilyn, in France.  You likely know her from her blog and if you don't, go visit her and tell her I sent you!

click here to visit Marilyns beautiful blog:

Anyway, we are going to be working on an Adam and Eve Reproduction Sampler from an old issue of Cross Stitch and Needlework Magazine.  
I did not care for the threads as charted so of course, I converted them to WDW and GAST.  
Marilyn liked my suggested conversion so we'll be using the same colors unless something just doesn't work with our fabric, then we'll make changes as we go.  I'm already not sure if the blueish color is blue enough so that may get changed.....

Once we are done,  we will post our floss conversion for you, if you're interested.

I am normally a one project at a time gal so I will be racing to finish the SB A&E while also working on this one.  I have wanted to do this A&E Repro for a while and am anxious to get started!  Tonight.
My fabric is 36 count, Lakeside Linen, Magnolia.  36 count may make the over one verses in the upper corners difficult but I'll give it a go.  
We will each be posting our progress every two weeks on Sundays but will work at our own pace.
Thank you for doing this along with me, Marilyn!

Fun Finds:

I want to show you a scale I found at a little resale shop last weekend.
Carrie is the owner of the store and it's called "Our Little Shop, Consignment and Resale Store" on Auburn Road.
She was really cute and fun to chat with and I found a few little things:

The Scale:
I will use it to display a portion of my tomato pincushion collection.  It's a great, light turquoise color and I love it.  I think it's porcelain over cast iron - it's heavy.
It was missing the counter weights but I'll improvise or will find some one of these days.

Isn't it cute?  LOVE the color!
I also love my tomato pincushions!  
I especially love it when I find them loaded with old pins or, like the one with the tape measure coming out of it, on the left of the scale bowl  
I got that at Carrie's shop, too.  Isn't it cute?

The tiny tin was a find at Carrie's shop, too.  It used to hold tape of some sort.

I will use it to hold a bobbin of thread, like the one pictured, to go in my sewing basket.
For those of you in this area, the shop is moving this summer.  It will be in a bright yellow house, on Auburn Road, just down from the Joe Dumar's Field House.
Go in for a visit.

The little doll with the tin is teeny-tiny (not quite 2" tall from head to toe)!  I found her a while back at an estate sale and she lives in my sewing basket.  Her face, hands and feet are not plastic but I'm not sure what material they are - porcelain, maybe?  
I love the lace detail on her little apron and dress.

This little crochet doll I found at an estate sale.  She hangs off the knob of my sewing basket lid and I've never seen another like her.    Her face is drawn or painted on and is wearing away a little bit.  
I wish my wrinkles and lines would fade like that, don't you!?
  Not sure what those pompoms for hands are supposed to be.  

Entertainment News:
Blog updated to say, oops!  I called Elvis' band the Pretenders, they are The Imposters!

 Rob and I went to Canada last night to see Elvis Costello and his band The Imposters in concert.  My son used to call him , Elvis Costellio when he was really little and we still do call him that.  Elvis put on a great show! He had a big wheel set up on stage and would bring people up from the audience to spin the wheel to determine the next song, or set of songs that the band would play.  Some were big hits - the others, more obscure (he's written TONS of songs). The folks that spun the wheel got to sit on stage at a little bar and would eventually dance in the go-go cage on the left side of the picture.
So fun!

Finally, here's a picture looking across the river from inside the casino in Windsor to Detroit - the grime on the pic is from the window....

Here's a quick drive by shot of the Canadian and British flags all standing at attention.
So pretty! 

We had a great time, eh!  
Oh, here's an interesting little bit of something:
The two couples sitting in our row, to our immediate left, were from our town.  
Not just the Detroit metro area but OUR little town.
I thought that was pretty unusual, given the size of the crowd and the fact that most of the crowd was Canadian.  
Small world.

Thank you to all of your for your lovely notes on my last post. 
I hope my little joke about Adam didn't offend anyone.  This really is a PG blog but truthfully, how many PG'ers do you think read stitching blogs?
I'm betting exactly zero!

Anyway, thanks so much for you comments and I'm so excited to see some new followers.  If you have a blog and I haven't visited you, please send me a note - I'd love to visit you.  Sometimes, between work and life, I get so busy that I don't even realize there may be an added follower for whom I've not visited.  I'd love to remedy that.  Let me know so I can thank you for following if you don't have a blog, or thank you and follow you back, if you do have a blog!

Either way, please, let me know!  
Blogging just wouldn't be fun without you and I want you to know how much I appreciate you stopping by!

Have a great week ahead.  I'll be chatting with you in two weeks, if not before.
I'm hoping Mary Gibson will be back from the framer in the next week and I can show you how she looks.  I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about the frame.  I think I may have picked wrong.  Time will tell.  This is the first time I've ever been nervous about my frame selection.
Keeping fingers crossed.

Be well,


Bertie said...

Fabulous post Terri, A&E are wonderful, I do love your Tomatoes, so many to admire:))

Deb said...

Great progress on A&E Terri. Glad that Even finally got to show up - I know that Adam was anxious! LOL

Great finds too - as usual. I haven't been to that shop in a while. I passed by it one day when I got diverted taking Catie to the orthodontist and we had to stop in. I don't think I even posted what I found. Anyway, I forgot about it so thanks for the update. Catie lost her retainer once again, so maybe we'll stop by!

Anyway, can't wait to see your start on the next
A&E!! What I see from your threads, I think it's going to look great.

Laurie in Iowa said...

Your SB A&E looks wonderful. I'm looking forward to watching your progress on the SAL A&E.
Nice finds!

Cari said...

Your SB A&E is super duper !! I too get 'off' sometimes on their samplers and fudge as well. Whatever...who will know anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing your newest sampler too.

I love the scale along with all of your tomato pin cushions!! ADORABLE

And it sounds like so much fun to attend an Elvis Costello concert! Love his music.

Hugs dear friend...I'll be watching you !!!

Kalu V said...

lovely finish!

and great finds! everything is co cute!

Carolyn said...

LOVE how Adam and Eve is coming along. I DO think they are so happy to see each other. ;0) As always, you've enabled me once again. You is bad, woman! Love all of your wonderful finds, too. You do come across some cool things in your poking around, don't you? Love them all!

Can't wait to see your new start. I love that one, as well. Love me some samplers. Oh yes I do. Oh, and about your frame...I bet it will be lovely. You always pick out the BEST frames to compliment your stitching. Don't worry, girlfriend. It will be beautiful. :0) Sending you some Texas hugs.

Sweet Sue said...

Concert sounds rockin, greeeeat lineup! Did you happen to know Elvis is married to Diana Krall? She usually performs at our local jazz festival, and often brings her DH. Wonder what breakfast is like at their house:)

Christine said...

Lovely stitching and your vintage finds are wonderful. I saw Elvis Costello perform back in the eighties, sounds like he still puts on a great show

Margaret said...

Your SB A&E is wonderful!!!! Love your new project with Marylin as well. So pretty! Your little scale with your tomatoes is great, as are your little dolls. All sorts of goodies to look at, as always!

Ranae said...

Whew!!! I finally got back to your blog after visiting Marilyn's. She does some gorgeous stitching.
I will love following your progress post, this is a lovely design and love the linen you choose.
How come I never can find neat finds, like that??!!
Take care!!!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

awe, there's something to be said about us Canadians EH? not only polite but very friendly and we know good music when we hear it too.
Love the A&E and can't wait to see progress on your new piece.
Have a wonderful week Terri and
Be always in stitches.

Pat said...

Love your Adam and Eve Sampler it is coming along very nicely. I am curious what is your town? I was born and raised in Ferndale.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Very clever idea to use your tomato pincushion collection in your scale! Very cute too! I don't seem to be able to think of things like that.

I saw your SAL with Marylin on her blog. I wasn't sure what was in the corners. It looks like a great project and the threads and linen you've selected are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Terri! Love your pincushion/scale photo! Your A&E is looking mighty good! Glad you had a good time at the concert!


Faye said...

I love the sal with Marilyn!! I will be looking anxiously for both of your progress.... And, your finds are just too cute! LOVE the little scales....precious.

Take care and great progress on the happy couple also!


Anonymous said...

Your sampler is looking fantastic.

marly said...

Great stitching. You really snagged a treasure with that scale. Great collection of tomato cushions. All fabulous!

Melissa said...

Gosh, your SB A+E is looking lovely - those colours are very pretty!

I think you're the one who gave me the thrifting bug! Although the scope of my hunt is way smaller than yours, I try to put on my "Terri-glasses" when I'm out there! You've got some great finds there. I'm amazed at the amount of tomato pincushions you have!

Enjoy your weekend!

Deborah said...

A&E are looking great. Great finds.

Barb said...

Your Adam and Eve looks like it will fun to stitch. I love all your shopping treasures!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

hello my friend, thank you for this great adventure! I am so happy to embroider near you
marylin de France

Giovanna said...

Great going on A&E, and I look forward to seeing your project with Marylin grow - have fun!

Lois said...

Lovely progress on A&E, I know the two of them are happy to be together!!! Love the piece you and Marilyn have picked to stitch together and I'm looking forward to watching your progress. I'm very much a one project at a time person when it comes to larger pieces. I keep thinking that some day rotation will click into place for me but so far it hasn't!

Krista said...

Love your progress on your A&E, love the colors on that one. I will be looking forward to seeing your progress with Marilyn on your new stitch together. I visit her blog too, such beautiful things too!
Sounds like you had a fun time at the concert, I saw Elvis Costello a few years back when he opened for the Police. I don't think I have ever seen the Pretenders, but I am sure you heard many classics!
I am behind on my weekend post since I was away having a rockin' time too.. hopefully later :)
Have a wonderful week, Terri!

Chris said...

Congratulations on the finish Terri!
I really like this funky A&E piece. I am looking forward to your new start. It looks like it will be lovely.
Wonderful new finds.
Sounds like you had a fun night out.
Have a great week.

Jennifer said...

Love your SB ! You always show some wonderful things Terri! Glad your enjoyed your trip to Windsor. We flew out of Detroit to Florida in March and on the way back went to Hockeytown for dinner . Can't wait to go back and see a Tiger's game sometime this summer. The stadium looks awesome. Can't wait to see your new start with Marilyn.

Katrina said...

Love your new A&E start, it's a gorgeous sampler and the SB Adam and Eve is so wonderful too!!!!!

I like Elvis Costello, looks like a fun time and sweet shopping finds too.

Penny said...

Lovely progress on Adam and Eve! The colors are always so pretty on Shepherd's Bush pieces. Can't wait to see your progress on the other A&E stitch. I always enjoy seeing your finds. :) The concert sounds like lots of fun!

Lynn said...

Great progress on your A&E! It seems Adam's lust hasn't waned any since Eve's arrival, lol!

I love seeing what new treasures you've found on your shop jaunts. The scale is an amazing find! Love it and your many pincushions too!

I see you were spending some time in my old stomping grounds. I grew up in Windsor so that view of Detroit is very familiar. On a recent trip home my DH played a recital in the Anglican church that is across the street from the casino. My best friend was also at the casino for the Elvis Costello show and said it was great fun.
Since my sister lives in Livonia maybe we'll get a chance to meet on one of my trips home!

valerie said...

Love the A&'re almost finished! Sounds like a fab time in Canada, eh?! :) I was supposed to go see Elvis Costello here until that friend / "weird guy" broke up with me. Oh well...never a dull moment in crazyland. lol

Jonette said...

Beautiful stitching. The next project looks like it is going to be a beauty too. Enjoyed reading about your finds and your trip. Happy Stitching!

Jenny said...

The SB sampler is sooo pretty! I think that your ponderings about Adam's excitement are hilarious. It also makes me think about a friend who refuses to stitch anythink A&E since she doesn't want "nekki people" on her samplers... LOL

Your finds are really cool too - many congrats on finding the neatest scale in the world!

Anne said...

I'm so glad Eve joined Adam! He was waiting awhile for her wasn't he?

Lovely post Terri!! I love all of your finds and I've been keeping an eye out for tomato pincushions too! I've been thrifting for years but have never found many useful sewing/stitchy items!!

The concert sounds like it was a blast! I've never seen Elvis Costello in concert but would like to sometime! Great photos of Canada!! Glad you enjoyed visiting us!!!


Anne...I think you've visited me..if not you can click on my blog's linked!

Melody said...

Love your Adam and eve progress!
I'd love to have you visit my blog;

Sounds like the concert was great fun. I also love your collection of tomato pin cushions.

Sally said...

Lovely progress on A&E. The colours are so beautiful.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great blog post! But you lose your bet, the Large Boy often reads over my shoulder while I'm blog-reading. He likes cute cat pictures, photos of random things people have seen and Daffycat's Dancing Cow! He is also an avid follower of the Dark Alphabet and their blog. Age 9 he is definitely a PG'er LOL.

I really like your Adam & Eve. I must add an A&E sampler to my list of projects...

Off to visit Marilyn's blog now.

Siobhán said...

I love that A&E! Great progress, Terri!

Your tomato collection--LOVE! They look great with the scale. I always thought that if I ever get my self in order and make some tomato pincushions, I could put them in a cloche--but I love the scale much better. Great idea!

Anonymous said...


Just become a new follower of your beautiful blog. i found you through Melody.

Your stitching is lovely.
Your tomato collection!
I would love to have as many followers as you eventually!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Such a pretty A&E - great progress. The materials for the new SAL look nice, too! Great find on the scale in that color. I think your dollies poms are cheering pom-poms! Don't you guess Gramma made it for the little cheerleader? I can see your vision for the wind chime - and agree that Adam IS ready for Eve! Have a great weekend!

Patricia Lessell said...

What a wonderful post Terri. Loved the A & E as your stitching is wonderful.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx

Catherine said...

So glad Adam joined his Eve! Can't wait to see the new project. You always find the neatest things! That scale is great and I love how you added your tomato pincushions!!

Sharon said...

What a fun post! You are making wonderful progress on A & E and it sound like you're having a fun trip through life! Lovin' it! :)

Sherry :o) said...

Excited to see your next A&E start...I can't believe your are a one project at a time always amazes me as I have a huge case of stitching A.D.D.! I love your SB A&E and maybe Adam will relax a bit now that Eve has appeared.

Your stitching basket dollies are so cute - I love the crocheted looking gal.

We have had some very windy days, I would be surprised if those flags have not be straight out for many days now! But the sun is shining bright this morning - even tho at 7:30, it's only 33*. Maybe I can get some good stitching pics and do a post.

See you soon - I WILL make it to KSSG, I must!

Karoline said...

Adam & Eve are looking lovely, great progress

Patty C. said...

Came back to look at Adam & Eve - it is so gorgeous - love it !!!

Anonymous said...

Love your A&E sampler, and the new one you're starting. Can you tell me, please, what issue of Cross Stitch and Needlework has the chart? I'd like to try and locate that issue. Many thanks! Terry