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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Gifts and Goodies

Dear friends!

    It has been a while, hasn't it?  I had wanted to stick to an every other Sunday post schedule but that didn't last long.  Like everyone else has said, this has been a very busy summer.  Nothing major, just stuff.  The biggest thing right now is getting Matt ready to head off to Western Michigan University.  He will be moving into an apartment with 5 of his childhood friends that are all attending WMU.  I'm going to miss him because he's a friendly, nice kid.  He always comes in with a big "Yo!" and always asks us how our day was.  He's never fussy about dinner and always enjoys whatever I fix.  He's kind of the peacemaker in the family and I will miss him.  But... he is ready to go and I believe that I am ready for him to fly, as well.  I'll let you know more how that went when we drop him off in Kalamazoo on Sunday.

This has been a busy month - I turned another year older - 53!  Yikes!  Fortunately, I have the dearest friends in the world and they took the sting out of getting older.  May I show you some of the goodies I received?  I'll show my minimal stitching at the end.

From my dear friend Marilyn, all the way across the pond in France, I received a Lavender Lover's Delight!  Look:

A wonderful clock that I just LOVE!  Awesome bags of lavender and other herbs in sweet little bags and do you see those cute, lavender decorated salt and pepper shakers?  Could all this be any sweeter?  And oh my gosh, the smell is heavenly.  She also sent me a wonderful potpourri burner with lavender oil that I immediately put in my craft room and failed to take a picture of it.  Thank you so much, Marilyn!
You have spoiled me rotten!

From my dear friend Julie:

The first year of my blog in print in a hard bound book!  What a surprise this was and what a labor of love it was for Julie to do.  I guess, because she is not the blog owner, copying and pasting every article and picture was a bit tedious.  I am just so pleased with this though and have thought about doing it before but just never did.  What I learned from looking thru this fabulous book (ROFLOL) is that I tend to be a bit verbose, so I'll try to work on that.  On paper, as in real life, I tend to be a bit chatty!

Thank you so much, Julie!

And, from my dear friend Sheila:
this amazing quilt that blends applique, embroidery and some intense quilting.
She and I had been shopping one day and I found this.  Needless to say I loved it but being on a bit of a tight budget that day, I didn't buy it as it was way more than I normally spend.  I decided a week later that I couldn't live without it so I went back and it was gone!  Unbeknownst to me, Sheila had purchased it for me.  She is the most generous person!
Here are some shots of the sections of the quilt. 

Oh my gosh, I love this lily pad and flower!

Today I went to a great estate sale and found a few fun things:

More ornaments for my already huge collection: 

An old quilt that is soft and beautiful but needs a new binding:

Some awesome, old bottle brush trees:

A fun pack of Santa's Crayons:

I found a few other goodies that I'll save for another time.

Finally, one last gift and my stitching.  Sheila's daughter Meghan and I have become fast friends and she gave me these sweet doll house accessories to keep in my craft room.  How adorable are they?  A sewing box with tape measure, thread and pincushion in it, a box of threads and a sewing chest with doors that open. So cute!
They are sitting on top of the small part of Susan Rambo I've completed.  As you can see, not much stitching has been accomplished since last we met.  The fabric is not showing true to color and neither are the threads but it's close enough for today.  Stitched on 36 count with 2 strands of DMC.  I've changed several colors already and there may be more to come.  We'll see.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and for leaving me a note so that I know you've been here, if you have time.  I really appreciate you and your comments!

Have a delightful weekend and I'll see you in September!

Be well,


Anonymous said...


Happy birthday!
You recieved some beautiful presents!
I love the hardback copy of your ist blog year is a fantastic idea!
Hope your son settles well into uni.

Your stitching looks lovely.
Happy weekend.
Holly x

marly said...

Happy belated birthday to you and what wonderful gifts you received! I think you've made good progress on Susan. Her flowers are big ones!

Barb said...

A Very Happy Belated Birthday!!What wonderful gifts. You can see by the gifts that your friends are very thoughtful people. Best of luck to your son!!

Tracey said...
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Tracey said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! What wonderful treasures you received from such treasured friends :-)
I'm a sucker for clocks...just love it... and the Santa crayons are priceless too!

Catherine said...

A very Happy Birthday to you!! Amazing goodies you received!

Annie said...

You must be a wonderful friend yourself to have friends who treat you so good. Those are all such fabulous gifts. I love those miniatures!

Wishing you a happy belated birthday and hope you dont miss your son too terribly much!

Faye said...

Oh wow Terri~~~ Happy Birthday my friend....Marylin sure did spoil you wonderfully....I can smell the lavender all the way here~~~ All of the goodies look just wonderful and Susan is coming right along... Again, Happy Birthday to you~~~ Faye

Linda said...

Well, Happy Birthday! I have found getting older to be the best thing in the world. Not only because I'm still here, but because it's better than I ever thought it could be.
You are quite blessed with some terrific friends, thanks for sharing your gifts, they are lovely.
Since we share the stitching bug,I'll tell you that Marianne Wenn is the first piece I've ever started in the corner, and never will again. It just ain't right!! Feels wierd,

Carolyn said...

Such wonderful gifts you received from your friends. I love the smell of lavender. I bet your craft room smells wonderful. I love your estate sale finds, too.

Deb said...

Great gifts from everyone Terri. That quilt tops it though with all the work that went into that. The binding on the quilt will be easy to fix!

I just got Nick up to school this week - I don't know if I'm happy or sad that he's gone again!!

Great progress on Susan. I think you've gotten a good amount done since I saw it.

Maggee said...

Well, happy belated birthday! I don't think you are too chatty! And obviously your large following does not, either! Keep on doing your blog however you want to! Your gifts were/are awesome! Hugs!

samplerlover said...

Happy belated birthday Terri. My goodness you received some wonderful presents. Everything that you received is really lovely. Great progress on Susan. I keep getting mine out and tell my self that I should do a bit more on her. - Sandra

Margaret said...

Happy belated birthday! Such wonderful goodies you received! Wow! Love your stitching as well! Good luck with your DS going to college. We're in the same boat I guess. I wish my DS were in an apartment with friends -- I would feel so much better. He's going to be in an apartment all by himself. That's the way he wanted it!

Anonymous said...

Lovely gifts for a special lady! Happy belated birthday, my friend!


Prims By The Water said...

Love those quilts Terri and Happy Birthday! Bob was just telling me that he saw you at an estate sale this morning, and I said wonder what Terri has been up to cause you have not been blogging lately. Well now I know! Take care, Janice

Bevstitches said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!!!! Hope your coming year will be filled with nothing but happiness!!! Great gifts to someone who deserves them!!! Hugs!!! Beverly

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Happy Birthday Terri! What wonderful and dear friends you have!! Beautiful gifts! I love them all! Have a great weekend!!

Joy said...

Happy Belated Birthday Terri!! Such amazing gifts! I am glad you had a wonderful day.

Gabriele said...

Hello, you are kucky finding these wonderful things.
Greetings from Germany

Gabriele said...

Sorr<, I meant "lucky! :))

Mary said...

dededioTerri! Glad to see your birthday was such a great one! I always love seeing all the cool vintage stuff you come across. The applique quilt is amazing!

Keep up the good work on Susan Rambo.

Vickie said...

Happy Birthday Terri! My, such wonderful, beautiful gifts. I keep going back to admire those little doll house sewing accessories! squee!

Gabi said...

Happy belated Birthday Terri. Hope you had a wonderful day.
The gifts you received are surely fantastic.
Love your Susan Rambo. :)

Jonette said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

Cari said...

Great post Miss Terri !! I love the book Julie put together for you. She's a super duper friend for sure. All of your fun birthday gifts are so much fun to look at. You're such a sweetheart and I'm so happy to call you my friend. Hugs

Sally said...

Happy Belated Birthday Terri :) You received some beautiful gifts.

Krista said...

First off, Happy Birthday!! What lovely gifts you received. I love the album that your friend made. Your stitching is looking beautiful, I love the pretty flower border on that one. Enjoy your weekend :)

Roberta said...

Are you now an empty nester???

What great gifts you received, love the quilt, that is a very special surprise gift. Love lavendar - I am thinking all stitcher just love that scent.

Happy Birthday a bit late.

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday Terri!!
You received some wonderful presents, the quilt is amazing, and the book, wow, i never even knew you could do that!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Happy Birthday - you're still a spring chickie! Great gifts that your friends have shared. Also great finds at the estate sales. Remember, the greatest gifts we give our children are roots and wings. The roots are set, it's time for the wings to spread. You will miss him, but you'll be fine.

Ellen said...

Happy Belated Birthday! You have some wonderful gifts, I love lavender and that gorgeous quilt!

Love your progress on Susan Rambo, mine is in cold storage ha ha!


cucki said...

hello deary, its me cucki.thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes.i had a very lovely day.
happy birthday to you too.
you received some lovely gifts.
your stitching is so cute.
lots of love for you from south africa xxx

Christine said...

Happy Birthday, you certaimly got some fabulous presents.
Great finds at the sale too.
My elder daughter is starting University this autumn too. It's a strange feeling isn't it?

Julie M said...

Happy Belated Birthday Terri!! What lovely gifts your friends gave you! The book and quilt are wonderful!

Unknown said...

This info is too much informative for me, kindly in the future keep updating us like this..
christmas gifts

Sherry :o) said...

Your book was absolutely awesome. I love your chattiness-here and in person! Your other gifts are really cool.

I will be thinking of you today, as you drop off to the guy pad this weekend...oh, the memories of college days! Bittersweet for mom's though.

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Hello my dear, I am very happy for your love your goodies, bisous de FRANCE

Chris said...

Happy Belated Birthday Terri!
What special gifts from your friends.
Susan looks wonderful!

Keeper of the Crowes said...

rughwq 57
Happy Birthday! I can tell how much you are loved by all the fabulous gifts you received!!! What a fantastic idea preserving your first year of blogging in bookform!!! Absolutely love that! Congratulations and best wishes to your son.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!What beautiful gifts you received, especially the blog book, what a fantastic idea!

Penny said...

Sending late birthday wishes! :) You sure did receive some wonderful gifts! Love the quilt you found at the estate sale. Susan Rambo has some pretty colors!

Carol said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Terri!! 53 sounds young to me :) I am only 2 years and a few months away from 60--just unbelievable! And what wonderful gifts--the book of your blog is especially wonderful. I've always wondered how they turn out. My sons have thought about doing that for me some day...

Susan is looking so pretty--can't wait to watch her blossom :)

Enjoy your week, Terri, and I wish Matt much success at Western Michigan...

merumo said...

French lavender sachet are such a treat, aren't they? Lucky you with all kinds of goodies :) I enjoy following your progress on Susan. She looks coming along very well. I will have to say hello to my Susan now!

BrendaS said...

Happy Belated Birthday! What wonderful gifts you received. Lucky you:))

Some stitching is better than none at all!

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

What a stunning quilt you receieved from your friend, and lots of other goodies, too! It sounds like you had a lovely birthday celebration!

I hope your son's trip to college was uneventful!

Anonymous said...


Your blog is lovely.

Happy birthday!
You have recieved some lovely presents!
I love the clock, it's so pretty.
Your sampler looks beautiful.


Anna van Schurman said...

Fabulous presents. Good luck to your son! (And you!)

Rachel S-H said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

oh my what a post!!
so much going on! take care and enjoy the loot..
you have some really good friends out there :D

buon compleanno!!

Karoline said...

Happy Birthday Terri, you got some gorgeous gifts.

Susan is looking lovely

Anne said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! What fabulous gifts, especially the blog book! I've seen that done before and I think it's an amazing you never know what might happen with computer stuff!! Love those Christmas ornies!