This is what, the third day of Lent? I have not broken my Lenten promise to give up chocolate but I'm already starting to dream about it. You know the dream.... being covered in chocolate and having someone, Edward maybe (don't tell Rob) lick it off? Yeah, this is going to be a tough Lenten season. Last year I gave up starchy foods; pasta, potatoes and bread. I lost 10 pounds, I think but it wasn't really all that hard. Chocolate on the other hand, is for me, a real sacrifice but I thought I could do it. After 2 1/2 days, I'm not so sure. The worst part is giving up my favorite winter treat. I LOVE hot chocolate in the morning and I drink a LOT of it in the winter (trust me, it's still winter here in Michigan so I am suffering!). I'll drive out of my way, be late to work and not really care if I am, to find a Tim Horton's or Dunkin' Donuts to get that delicious hot liquid. The title of this blog wasn't a joke, it's true..... I really do love chocolate for breakfast.
As you may have guessed, this post isn't so much about No chocolate as it is about No-ah.
I finished TGH Noah's Garden this morning. I love the colors in this little piece and I really just like how folksy it looks. I've already picked the frame - it's on order and I hope it will be ready next week. Suddenly, I've got a little collection of Noah Samplers going. I think my next one is going to be "A Weeping and a Blessing" by Kathy Barrick-Dieter (CHS). It's an older chart but it is beautiful and buried in my craft room somewhere so no pic today. The first Noah I stitched was Kathy's Noah's Stocking although, I changed it up a bit and made it a sampler rather than a stocking. I loved how that one turned out. Here's a pic of that one:

As you can see, I now have three Noah's and will be well on my way to four soon. What is it about religiously themed samplers? Adam and Eve - can't get enough of them. And what's not to love about Noah?
This weekend, while still waiting on my fabric for the ABC Hornbook (aaargh!), and NOT eating chocolate, I think I'm going to stitch some more on Elizabeth Savilles.
I haven't worked on her in a long time.... got tired of that border so I put it down. I'm stitching it on some ivory linen that I dyed a pale pink in raspberry tea. I'm also using one thread over two to give it a soft, delicate look. I really love this sampler and would love to finish it by the summer.
I thought I'd show you a pic of my Prairie Schooler year after February was finished. Actually, I finished the February block last week, I think but never took a pic.
I love how this is looking and think it'll be really cute when done. I'll start the March block on Sunday. Julie finished both of her blocks also so as of month 2, we are right on track.
I hope you all have a glorious weekend. I intend to sit on my derrière and stitch (and not eat chocolate) - Oh, what was I thinking? and watch Meet Joe Black (and not eat chocolate) and stitch some more (but not eat chocolate). Traditionally in our house, Fridays are the night to go out to dinner. But, I met my handsome husband, Rob for lunch today 'cause I had the day off (I'm off work every other Friday) so going out to dinner doesn't appeal to me. I think it'll have to be an EMFH night. That's Every Man For Himself - you are on your own tonight boys!
Thanks for stopping by and for your comments - I really appreciate them all.
Terri, every piece you are showing I want to stitch! lol! I love them all! And your Prairie Schooler Year is wonderful. I so admire you for being able to do so much over one work!
MMMMmmmmm chocolate......
Noah is adorable and those Prairie Schooler months look great. I give you a lot of credit for being able to stitch those like that. I'd definitely go blind. I need to take a lesson from you and stitch some of these smaller projects, because I covet every one you do. I'm anxious to see your progress on E. Savilles. That's such a pretty sampler!
What a great finish! I love your Elizabeth Savilles sampler too, such pretty shades of pink in those flowers!
Wow, you have finished some great Noah samplers. Your latest is so beautiful. And the Prairie Year over one, just gorgeous.
I also dream of chocolate sometimes, of a chocolate fountain to be more precise, lol. I must admit that I love this dream ...
Terri I love Noah's Garden!!!! I hadn't seen that one!! Wow! Glad to have found your blog...I still use your ATS as inspiration for me to get my butt in gear and get it done!! :o)
WOW, what a great finishes and projects you're working on. Keep the needle going, so you don't think about chocolate! It's hard, I know, but you can do it!
Have a great stitching weekend! Lots of hugs and love sending your way!
Oh my gosh! I love that Noah's Garden. I don't think I've seen it stitched up before. Beautiful! I love your Noah samplers--I want to do the same. I get too caught up in all the A&Es but I want to do Noahs and Kathy's Elijah's Angel and Ten Virgins and all that fun stuff based on Biblical things.
Your Prairie Year looks so dainty! And your Elizabeth Savilles--drool! I want to stitch that so badly, just need to slot it in.
Terri, I just love EVERYTHING you stitch and want to do it all. I'm so glad I'm Jewish and don't have to give up chocolate and we only fast for one day every year, well if you are a woman you do, and the rest of our holidays are all eating ones. No wonder I'm so darn fat! I'll blame it on being Jewish - well it works for me. Lots of Love Patti xxx
I completely agree with you about Noah, Terri ~ what's not to love?? And ditto on the Biblical-themed samplers. The Noah's Garden is just luverly, and I think the framed stocking Noah is just so darned clever. Dang! One more for the list! I love the PS over one ~ some designs just look like they are to be stitched that way!
Terry, thanks for your visits and kind comments on my blog. The floor : my dad is doing it (he is a retired carpenter). He made most of the house with my uncles.
Your Prairie schooler is so tiny !
Congratulations for your victory on chocolate and your new Noah's Garden.
I love your first one !
You've given up chocolate? You're a stronger woman than I am, so I'll be rootin' for ya. I'm a Noah freak also, so I love your Noahs, especially what you did with the CHS stocking. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in Eden right now, so Noah will have to wait.:)
Congratulions on your last finish. I love all of your Noahs and all of your other stitching as well! And you did a stunning job on changing the stocking. Can't wait for more posts.
Your blog is looking really pretty Terri and you have obviously found your way around things very quickly. Great Noah stitching too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love all the pieces you have been working on. RE: my March piece, I don't remember if I used the called for color thread or not. I may have just chose something out of my stash. I'll be visiting you often.
Terri, I am also a Noah fan and I really like your Noah's Garden but I can't seem to locate it anywhere. I see you have said that it is a TGH pattern but can not seem to find it in any The Goode Huswife sites? Or is it another company? Thank you for your time in advance. Abitofcrossstitch
Oh, I LOVE all of your Noah stitching, especially the CHS Noah Stocking! I originally planned on stitching it just as you have, as a long(ish) sampler, but ended up going with the stocking. Seeing yours just makes me happy!
I love your blog!
Reading your comment about my La Vie en Bleu I have to tell you that I come back all the time to look at Noahs Garden because I love the colours so much :)
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