Happy Sunday! Just a quick post to show you what I worked on this weekend. This is from a With thy Needle and Thread pattern called Simply Angelic. I loved this when I first saw it and thought the primitive looking checked fabric I had on hand would be perfect for it. Initially I started this over two - ( who reads pattern instructions?) when I realized it was going to be rather large. A quick look at the directions and the ripping began. Because I never make just a little boo-boo this was no exception. I stitched the center diamond, several of the letters, the bunny and a flower before it dawned on me that it didn't look quite right. I know what you're thinking.... not the sharpest knife in the drawer, right? Well, you may be right but I was smart enough to stop the ripping and just get a new piece of fabric; I'll save the ripping for another night. After I finished stitching it, i had to pull out the dreaded sewing machine to finish it. ARGH!
My mom is a sewer but I did not inherit her talent. It took me almost as long to sew this little gal together than it did to stitch her body. The pattern said to glue the wings on (once I started reading the pattern I decided to go all the way), but that's not what I did. I'll get to that... I stuffed her with rice, cloves and cinnamon and she smells very sweet but when I got ready to attach her wings, I noticed her head kept falling over. Who wants a fallen angel? So, I sewed the wings to her head to help her hold her head up high.

I think she turned out pretty well. Oh, instead of french knots for her hair, I just used a little floss to make her have stand-up hair. I think she's rather cute. I don't know why the date on the picture says January.... I guess I never updated the date stamp in the camera. Just one more techno thing for which I am not very adept!
The no chocolate eating continues..... it is painful and tomorrow morning will not be fun because it is going to be really cold here and hot chocolate would taste sooooo good.
Have a great rest of the day (or evening) and have a great week!
Wow, she looks fabulous! I think you did a great job! I don't always read directions either, so you're not alone ;)
Too cute!! What a great job you made of the finishing. Congratulations Terri !!
Terri, that is adorable!! YGG! I love it. And your finishing looks great, too. Sorry to hear about the need to start over! :P
She's so pretty, Terri! Sorry you had to go through a startover. But she was worth it!
She's adorable Terri and the checked fabric is perfect for this pattern!
Awww,what a sweet little angel. You did a fantastic job of stitching and finishing this little sweetie.
Sorry you had to start over... I'm guilty of not reading the instructions too.
Very sweet! What a fun finish :-).
That is a cute angel. Love how it turned out!!
I love your sweet angel, and I'll bet she smells wonderful! I'm so impressed with your chocolate denial ... you go, girl.
I am so giving up looking at your blog because everything you stitch I want to do right now. Ok so I lied I will really look at your blog because I love it so and am so happy you started one but PLEASE stop posting your finishes so I will stop wanting! Lots of Love and huge admiration Patti xxx
She's too lovely for words, Terri! You've done a great job on her, congratulations.
Love the angel. I have a snowman that looks a lot like the angel. Just haven't stitched it yet.
Oh my, she is just the cutest lil thing!! I love it and I am envious of your stitching AND finishing this over the weekend! And I am glad you sewed her wings on, instead of gluing...wouldn't want her to lose those most prized possessions!
I love those patterns and your's is so cute!
Hi, Terri! (It's LauraNorthernCA, a newbie at the Legacy board). I just discovered your blog; it's wonderful! As is that little angel -- adorable! Regarding the chocolate abstinence, our priest says you get a reprieve on Sundays during Lent since Sundays don't count in the 40 days of Lent. So he says you only have to give up something on Mon-Sat but you can indulge on Sunday. Seriously!
Terri, your angel is very cute. sorry you had to start over but it sure was worth it for what you got, eh? Where in MI are you located? Most of my family lives in Holland! Thanks for the nice comments you leave on my blog and I'll be letting House of Stitches know that they'll owe me if they get a run on the Buddy Cases.
I love the designs from With thy Needle and Thread. I also have a couple in my stash cabin.
Great job with the finishing Terri. Very, very lovely Angel!
Oh my, she is too cute. Love your blog!
Now this is such a nice little angel. I love the stitching and the finishing and everything, it's fantastic! Congratulations!
Oh I love that little angel! She has the sweetest look about her. I'm also loving the music this morning. Takes me back . . .
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