I still have not had much time, or inclination, to stitch too much of late, with my craft room still not complete, but I did manage to find some time to put a few stitches in Elizabeth Savilles. I absolutely love the colors in this and, although they don't coordinate with anything in my house (especially in the lower level), I had to do her (I mean it, I had to do IT)!!! ;-) Elizabeth will likely end up in our bedroom when all is said and done. I wonder how Rob's going to feel about her joining us in the bedroom? No - don't answer that - we all know the answer to that! Okay, before this post gets too out of hand, here are some pics I took of Elizabeth a short while ago on a beautiful, sunny Friday morning!
Also, thank you all so much for the wonderful comments on my post about my craft room but especially about Matt. We are so pleased and proud that he has been able to stick this out and finally make (well not yet, but almost) Eagle. I have found a pattern that I think I'd like to stitch to honor his achievement - it will have to be altered slightly but I think it'll work. I am going to have to get going on that soon though if I want to have it done and framed in time. I know Matt could care less about a stitching piece to commemorate getting Eagle Scout but I hope one day he'll appreciate it. Here's hoping, anyway. I am also hoping that we can have his court of honor the same week he graduates so that my parents can be here for both events. Won't that be a fun week!?
Thanks for stopping by and for taking a minute to leave a comment - I get such a kick out of them and so appreciate you taking the time. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!
Beautiful sampler! I love the colors as well. It will be lovely when you get it done, and you might be surprised that it fits in your decor better than you think.
You never know what your son will think of a cross-stitched piece for his Eagle project, but I think he will appreciate it later in life, and so will his kids and grand kids as they can learn about this great accomplishment in his life.
Have a great weekend. Thanks for posting, and I hope your sewing room gets done soon!
OK, let's see. You, Elizabeth and Rob in your bedroom. (!) I am soooo not gonna touch that even though Elizabeth is quite gorgeous!! ;) Seems like your mojo is making a comeback... yay! Have a great week-end Terri. (I feel like I know you already, too!) :)
OH Terri, this is going to be so lovely!! Elizabeth is definitely a beauty, and will grace your bedroom with beauty and peace!
I think that you wanting to stitch something for Matt's super accomplishment, will be appreciated. Boys just don't get too emotional on the outside about things, but it is what goes on on the inside, that no one sees, that is important!
This is going to be one drop dead sampler when it's done, Terri. I've seen the pattern, but it looks so much better with your stitching. You have to get your room done soon so your total mojo comes back! Can't wait to see what you do to the pattern for Matt. I'm sure that he will cherish it for years to come!! And you, Rob and Elizabeth......hmmmmmm! LOL
Argh! You had to go and remind me of Elizabeth Savilles!!!!! I love that piece!!!! Gorgeous! Oh brother -- another to add to the ever growing list of must-start-this now projects!
I absolutely love the colours on Elizabeth Saviles, just gorgeous! You're making great progress and I hope you get your craft room soon.
Gorgeous sampler - I have her in my to-do pile. Maybe one day but I can sort of get more pleasure from seeing your one done. I am about to start Houses of Hawk Run Hollow and am just waiting for the silks to arrive. I am going to stitch one house a month and that should work nicely. I hope your craft room is finished soon. Lots of Love Patti xxx
You crack me up!
Love the sampler--and I'm with Margaret--I need to add it to my list!
Such pretty flowers on Elizabeth. She'll fit in just fine with your and your husband. :) The great part is that if he gets to liking her too much, you can just move her to another room!
I shouldn't have looked. You are an evil temptress. I have everything ready to go for Elizabeth but just haven't started. Yet. I loooooooove your start.
Beautiful stitching! and i'm sure you will find the colours will fit in, looks a though they would go with most things.
My children are not interested in my stitching either, and they are all girls! i live in hope lol
Hi Terri,
Lovely sampler. I know it because I started it last year then it moved to my UFO pile or WIP, however you look at it. Did you change up the colours? Yours look a lot brighter & darker than mine. (Yours look lovely!)
Hi Melissa,
I did change the colors up a bit... you're the first to notice - or at least to say anything! I went to buy the floss and the LNS didn't have all of them in stock so I just picked some that I liked that looked close to the pic on the pattern. I am stitching it with one thread so I hope it will still look vintage when I'm done. We'll see. I hope you see this response - I'm not sure how to respond within your individual post!
Terri - your Elizabeth sampler is lovely. The colors are simply beautiful. Have a great stitching weekend...and week.
Huge congrats to your son on Eagle Scouts, it's an awesome accomplishment.
Love you ES, are you using the colors charted for or did you choose your own?
I love the look of Elizabeth. It is such a beautiful sampler I hope to stitch one day.
What pretty stitching! It's going to look great wherever you decide to put it.
This is definitely a wonderful sampler. I do the same thing with threads. When I don't have a particular thread in my stash I sometimes look at the picture of the piece and then look for something similar that I already have.
Elizabeth looks really lovely!! Good job making progress even in the midst of your missing mojo. I hope you get your room completed to your satisfaction shortly! :)
Terri, I love your E. Saville! I'm working on it, too, and have finished about the same area of the design as you. Your color changes are very pretty.
Your start on Elizabeth Savilles looks so good. I just love the colours. I will google for a picture of the whole piece right awasy. It looks so yummie.
I am pretty sure Matt will appreciate your stitched project for achieving his Eagle Scout later. This will always remind him of his youth and his family. I think personal projects like this will keep stitching alive in the (long) future. I wish english was my mother tongue and I could express my feelings and thoughts better :)
I'm a new reader to yur blog, but I had to tell you that I am a fellow chocoholic and stitcher myself. You sampler is beautiful.
I hate stitching borders, but that one is sure beautiful. It's going to be a wonderful sampler.
OOOOH, Elizabeth! I love this sampler, even if the colors aren't mine either. Yours is certainly off to a great start, Terri.
This sampler is beautiful!! I want to to see more :)
Elizabeth is stunning! I may have to get that one!
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