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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Come Sail Away, with Me

Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away with me! LORRAINE and I decided a while back to do a little SAL with SB's Sail Away - I hope you'll join us. This is a beautiful sampler and one which I loved (for the most part), the minute I saw it. What I didn't care for on it was the quaker styled motifs at the top of the sampler. I thought I would try to re-do that portion but who am I kidding - I am not a designer and really don't want to do that. So, I let it just grow on me over time and now, I can't wait to start it. I hope you'll join us! There is still plenty of time and Lorraine and I will try to make this as fun and stress-free as possible. We will start this pretty sampler on August 5th - my 50th (AAAGH) Birthday. So far, we have the following participants:

1. Lorraine
2. me
3. Kristin
4. Teresa
5. Kelly
6. Cindy
7. Mel
8. Lenna
9. Glenna
10. Katrina
11. Cari
12. Lizzy
13. Marjo
14. Edgar
15 Marjo
16. Annie
17. Jolene
18. ANDREA ~ How could I have forgotten YOU!?
19. Margaret (I'm glad you climbed down off that fence!)

Melissa decided not to join us at this time - maybe next time!

In other news: We are slowly getting ready for the big party for Matthew which will celebrate both his HS graduation and his making Eagle Scout. To prepare, Rob is painting the house (the interior). This is now the 4th time we've (by we, I mean Rob) painted in the 15 years we've lived here. It has been colonial blue and cranberry, then I wanted to get rid of the blue and add some gold to the cranberry which then looked, as one dear friend's husband put it, like mustard and catsup ~ I never liked those two colors after that! Then I thought sage! That's it! I'll have Rob paint it sage, get rid of the hot dog colors and I'm sure I'll love it Nope - didn't like that either. The sage turned out to be this funky green which was supposed to be sage but looked more minty when it was all done and at night, the place looked like a swimming pool, all lit up. Now it is going to be a kahki color and yep, more red. So far, so good. I not only have craft ADD, I have decorating ADD as well. I do get bored easily. Rob has said this is the last paint job he'll do for a very long time - he's DONE! All I can say is that sexual promises are a very good persuasion technique! Pictures later. Pictures of the paint job, not the persuasion, you naughty reader!

Anyway, to get ready for the big party I wanted to have lots of candles in the yard. I thought the neighbors privacy fence would be the perfect place to hang them. I didn't ask their permission. I hope they don't get too mad. It's easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, don't you think?! I looked in several stores for what I wanted but just had no luck so.... I decided to make them. I wanted something tall enough so that a candle wouldn't blow out with the slightest bit of wind. I found these cute, cheap, jars at a discount store and loved the look and shape of them. I got some 16 gauge wire and went to town. Each jar has two pieces of wire, the first that goes around the jar i knotted in a heart shape and then strung the handle. I put in some sand, dropped in a candle and done! I love how they turned out and they cost less than $3 a piece to do, I'd guess. I had them all lit tonight and they looked so pretty. Unfortunately the night picture didn't turn out very well so you'll just have to trust me. What do you think?

I had enough of them to hang a few lanterns elsewhere in the garden to include our big maple tree but drats, I forgot to take a picture. They all looked so pretty when it got dark and lit up the yard.

I also wanted to tell you that JOLENE is having a great giveaway on her blog - go check it out.

It's late, I'm tired and so I'm going to call it a night. I hope you all have a good Friday and a terrific weekend and please, come sail away, with us!

Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving a comment when you can. I love reading whatever you have to say and I really do appreciate that it takes up your time to do so. Thank you!



Cari said...

I'm really looking forward to our Sail Away SAL. I've never joined a SAL so this will be a new experience for me.

Love your candle ideas. The yard will be magical. Looking forward to more pics of your house. You too have a great weekend!!

Hugs and Happy Stitching

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design, I'll be looking forward to pics of your SAL. And what a great idea for the candles, they're so pretty!

Kathy A. said...

That looks like a lovely pattern for an SAL.
Wow, girl you do like to change your paint colors. I thought I was bad for that!
Love the candles around the yard. I bet it looked cool all lit at night.

Pam said...

Hey, Teri! Those candles look great. Good luck with the SAL and I'm looking forward to pictures.

Kim said...

I just saw this SB design over on Loraine's blog. I love it! And I'm not usually a big SB fan...but this one is lovely! and I love what you did with the jars!

You gave me a good laugh this morning...but I know exactly what you mean about the sexual are so simple it seems! ;o)

Have a great day!

Cathy Lloyd said...

Terri you are just so FABULOUS! Those candles are just all that! Enjoy your weekend and can't wait to see pics of the house!

Glenna said...

The only problem with sexual persuasion is that it means less stitching time!! LOL! (I guess it's not very enticing to say to one's partner, "hurry up, a new chart arrived in the mail.") You're a hoot!

Love the lantern ideas, and I'm quite sure the neighbor won't mind as long as you don't burn it down.

Margaret said...

Those candles are just wonderful! You should have a Martha Stewart type show -- that's what they remind me of. Just whip something up -- no problem! I hope you're happy with your house color -- I think I've seen that sage color. lol! As for the Sail Away SAL. I'm still thinking about it! :D Does the piece have lots of buttons and charms? I need to dig the piece out and see.

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Hi Terri, I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new lights!!! I've seen them done before, but I really like how you hung them down your fence, what a great idea! I'll bet the yard looks just beautiful at night. I've got to keep moving, getting ready for the sidewalk sale tomorrow - whew!!! Talk to you soon, Dawn

Marjorie said...

Good grief, you got your DH to paint 4 times in 15 years?! I've lived in my house 17 years and NO PAINT, ever! The walls still sport scribbles and drawings from when my soon-to-be 10 and 12-year-olds were toddlers!

Unknown said...

I love your luminaries - what a great idea! I'm sure your yard looks beautiful all lit up.

Cari in VA

Anonymous said...

those candles look amazing especially on the side of your fence...luv it!!

Julie M said...

Terri, I will look forward to watching the progress of your stitch a long.

Love the lanterns you made. So clever! I get bored easily with my decorating also. Not very nice of the guy to say the red and yellow looked like ketchup and mustard. I happen to like that combo! Will you post some pics of the new paint color for us when you are done and have fulfilled your promise to your hubby of course. I always promise but never quite seem to follow through....

Stef said...

Love the candles, cute idea! Painting - I don't let hubby near the paintbrush, I'd have paint everywhere! So he does all the major home stuff and I do the detail things - it works out well! I had a problem with finding the Sage color also - I gave up and used a neutral instead - saved my sanity! Can't wait to see all the pictures of the SAL, I'll be watching from the sidelines - too many projects going on right now for me.

Debs said...

Terri, I'll bet your yard looks like a fairy garden, with all those pretty candle lights. Try and remember to take a pic some night so we can see the full effect. And what a super idea that was, YGG!

Missy Ann said...

Arghhh Sage!! My kitchen was supposed to be Sage. I also ended up with Mint.

Dh is so anti- paint the promise of hot sheets doesn't even come close to doing the trick. I just want until he leaves town and whip out the paint roller.

I'll be watching your SAL. I don't have this chart, and it has a lighthouse. I'm anti-lighthouse. lol

I love your candles, they are lovely.

Margie said...

What a beautiful idea - I bet it looks wonderful when your yard is all lit up.

JOLENE said...

I want to go water included? Wouldn't it be fun if all the stichers for this SB pattern got together and sailed out to the ocean to stitch and enjoy the breeze off the water?! AHhhhhhh!!! I need a girls vacation...soon! Maybe I will have to join the "club" since I have that kit also. Love your lighted fence...I (just last night) had to do some decorating for a neighborhood block party. I had a lot of fun in such a short time (2 days) to put it together but it turned out lovely. I will have to post some photos on my blog. Thanks for entering my giveaway....GOOD LUCK!!

Andrea said...

Hi Terri!
OK, I have this kit and have had it for a while now. So you got me! Can I join the SAL?? Should I comment on Lorraine's blog as well, or will you put me on the list? I cant wait for more details :-)

Oh.My.Word. Those lanterns are TOO CUTE!!! I love them! You are so creative! They look wonderful along the fence line and I know if you were my neighbor, I would be more than willing to share my fence with you!

LOL about the sexual persuasion! It's so simple and works so well! I can't wait to see the new shade of paint when he's done! I want to paint some things in this house too, we just moved here in December of last year...but I just can't decide what colors, etc.

Looking forward to the SAL!

Michele said...

well damm I wanted pictures of both the new paint scheme and the naughty .. you are just no fun! lol

I love your candles .. I bet they look amazing in the dark :)

Have fun with your Sail Away SAl :)

doris said...

Fabulous lanterns! You're so smart. Hope you have a wonderful party.

Now, about those sexual motivators ... woo, Terri, I had no idea! You go, girl! Whatever works.

Deb said...

Is Rob smiling with all those sexual persuasions? LOL You know, you just have to do whatever works. And like someone else said - men are so simple!!! I'm sure those colors are going to look wonderful when you're finished.

Love the lights for your backyard. Too bad the night shots didn't turn out, but I'm sure they look spectacular!!! And you're right - don't ask permission, ask for forgiveness. I'm sure your neighbors aren't going to know they are there!

See ya tomorrow!

From the Attic said...

The candle idea will look great. Good luck with both your SAL and your decorating.


Melissa said...

The candles are a great idea. I can imagine they must've looked wonderful. I like that fence too.

Speaking of fence, I will get off mine and say thank you but I won't be doing the SAL with you. However, I will be watching your progress (all of you) with great pleasure!

Have a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love the candles in the jars!!! They look great hanging from your pretty!!!
Have a great weekend.

Cyn said...


I'm sitting here laughing out loud at your methods of persuasion but they do work! LOL!

I won't be stitching with you but I'll enjoy watching your progress.

Love the candle idea!

Windy Meadow

Marjo said...

I am Stitcher 2, Marjo in Alaska. Sorry about that, I didn't even think about how the comments were signed. I am looking forward to it and will get the kit out and the threads sorted.
I love the creative, simple but beautiful. Marjo

Holly Hills Primitives said...

I wish you could come too, there are going to be some really good deals all through the town. You should try to come to our p.j. party/fall preview on the 31st, it should be so much fun and we will be having SOOO much new stuff in by then! Must wear p.j.'s to get the discount though! Have a fun weekend, Dawn

Jan said...

Terri, those candles for the fence and backyard are really awesome! What a great idea, course I know you are a great entertainer, so everything will be fabuloso!!!

Enjoy your SAL! It is beautiful, I am just way too busy right now, to take part in it. Will love seeing what everyone does on their's though!

Have a great week, Terri!

Nicole said...

Those lanterns are beautiful Terri! I really want to stitch Sail Away, but I just started Finch Song. Maybe after I finish FS?? :)

Michelle said...

Have fun on your SAL.. I just found your blog and wanted to say hi.

Your candles hanging in your backyard are so magical..

Have a wonderful day and stop by if you would like to participate in my giveaway.


MyLifesAStitch said...

Painting, endless painting! LOL! I have wallpaper up in my kitchen that I've been dying to rip down since about a week after I put it up, LOL! That was almost 6 years ago! Funny because I loved the pattern SO much when I bought it. Green is suck a tricky color, too, isn't it? My living room is green and it's an ok green, but.. meh. Of course, I'm the painter in the house so all my other "duties" necessarily slows down the painting progress. :)

Those candles look just beautiful!!! Really - what a gorgeous idea!!

I am sure you guys are going to have a wonderful celebration - visually and in the memory making department!

Siobhán said...

I can't take on another new thing to stitch but will enjoy watching all of you Sail Away and will cheer you on from, uh, the Shores of Hawk Run Hollow. ROFLOL ;) I saw Sail Away framed at Salty Yarns (Ocean City, Maryland) this weekend and OMG it is GORGEOUS.

Love the candle ideas! YGG! LOL about the minty green--been there, done that, got the pictures. I have Philadelphia Cream on most of my walls now. Take pics to share the new look when you can!

Von said...

What a great way to use up those canning jars I haven't used in years! :D

Annie Beez said...

OK, I'm ordering the kit today!! I truly love this one and since I ACTUALLY finished This is the Day I am allowing myself another start! Yay!

Dona said...

Your SAL will be fun - it's a pretty design.

What a great idea for your candles. They look great and I bet they were especially so at night!

Michelle said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway.. we have something else in common.. my hubby's name is Rob too!


Katrina said...

Oh the candles and your yard are so pretty! Hope the celebration is wonderful.

Can't wait to start Sail Away!

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri~I've noticed that you and I follow some of the same blogs, so I thought I would stop in and visit your it! I laughed out loud! (: Your candles holders turned out beautifully! And I love your pink hydrangea!! I will definitely check out your sail away project...looks very pretty...we share a love for stitching! I too have a husband who has declared "no more painting"! (: Warm regards~Kathy

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Love those candle lanterns. They look fabulous on the fence.


grace said...

Thank you! :D I can't wait to see pictures of your freshly painted home! Lucky you, supervision is the best, at least for the supervisor themself. hahah ;)

The candles are just darling, they must look marvelous when lit up.

Tammy said...

I adore those little lanterns. What a great addition to your garden at night-so summery and sweet.

valerie said...

What a wonderful surprise! Sounds like a terrific day and how lovely to have such great friends to throw you a birthday get together.

Good luck with the SAL. Tempted to join but so many obligations at the moment.