Last Saturday and Sunday, DEB, Julie (no blog) and I all took a Catherine Jordon map class with our Guild (the Kindred Spirits Sampler Guild). Deb posted some great pics on her blog so I won't show you more but I have to show you this. It has nothing to do with the map class except that Roz had it at the map class. I oohed and aaahed over it so loudly, I got shushed by Catherine. Yikes!
These are pics of the antique porcelain doll family that lives inside my KSS friend Roz's stitching basket! WoW! How cute are they? She found them in an antique shop and just had to have them - can you blame her? I am so on the lookout for a little family of my own to live in my sewing basket. Well.... I'll have to make a sewing basket - I have a little something but nothing fit for a family this grand. The outfits on these dolls are so exquisite - I just had to show you. Isn't the inside of Roz's basket gorgeous?! She does the most beautiful work! Oh, and if your curious about the walnut in the basket with the ribbon wrapped round it..... well of course, a baby lives in there too! Look:
Anyway, after class on Saturday, I was going to spend the night at Julie's house 'cause it's quite a drive for me to get to the guild meetings and Julie lives about 10-15 minutes away. On the way to her house after the Saturday portion of the class, she says "Josh is at a pool party/sleepover, do you mind if I swing by there before we go home?" Well of course I don't mind. Julie just wanted to make sure everything was alright before heading home. I followed her to the hotel and all the while I was thinking "She is such a good mom! I don't know that I'd have gone and checked on my kid." We get to the hotel and go up to the room and I could hear Sponge Bob (an American Cartoon) playing in the background. Julie knocks and then finally lets herself in and "SURPRISE!" all my dearest gal pals were in the room to surprise me for my 50th b-day! To say I was shocked is an understatement. I couldn't believe it! I think I'm pretty savvy and think I'm pretty hard to get anything over on but this time they got me (partly because my b-day is a couple of weeks away yet)! The room was decorated with balloons and cake and champagne!!!
After the shock wore off and we'd drank the champagne (well Linda and I drank most of it, I think), I got to open presents! Have you ever gotten a gift that was made with such love, time and caring that looking at it you just knew, it would be one of your best presents ever? I got just that kind of gift. Julie asked all the girls (there are 8 of us altogether) to come up with some of their baby pictures and to write me a letter about our friendship. Julie made this book for me with all of their input. She even contacted my mom for my pictures! She gave each of the gal pals the exact paper they were to write on with it pre-torn to fit the page she had envisioned. Then, she began creating this lovely book for me. she made it all from cover to cover (including the cover!) and I just love it and have to share it with you. Check this out!
Sheila: doesn't the line up of first communion girls look like a Life magazine picture?
Gretchen: Look at the stranglehold she has on that cat!
This page is a composite of some of our many outings:
This page is when we all went to see "Menopause, the Musical". Yep, that's me, right in the middle of the Red Hat Ladies - I wasn't old enough to join them but I will be come August! I thought they all looked so cute, I just had to have a picture with them!
The posters Linda had made for me:
But, as if this wonderful book wasn't enough - they also gave me this:
After the champagne was drank, the gifts were opened and the tears were shed, we went to dinner. Here's a pic of all of us.
This was a wonderful surprise and I am so thankful to have such dear, sweet friends! Isn't it wonderful!? Aren't friends grand!!? Thank you (in picture order) Lisa, Christina, Gretchen, Julie, Linda, Sheila and Sally (not pictured)! I love you all! The only thing that would have made this evening better was if Sally had been able to be there, but she was on vacation.
Are you still with me? Whew! Long post, huh? I've got a couple more things I'd like to share with you. A while back I posted about this wonderful clam shell needlebook our Guild president put together. PATTI loved it and asked if she could get one and the answer was yes! So, I've got yours PATTI and will try to get it wrapped and mailed this weekend. (BTW, can you BELIEVE I won Patti's Giveaway!? Me either? Guess I can't say I never win anything anymore, can I? I can't wait to see what comes from across the pond!) Anyway, I got a few extras in case any of you would want one. They're gorgeous!!! They are $25 for the kit + shipping and it includes everything needed to finish except glue and that sort of thing. Let me know if you want one. Here are some pics I took of Sharon's finish:
Remember back in April when I showed you Paula's Dutch Beauty? Well now it's finished and framed - have a look. Is this not amazing? I love it.
Congratulations Paula (no blog) on such a spectacular finish - I love the frame and everything about it!!!

Okay, I'm almost done! If you are still on the fence (MARGARET)
about joining in our SAL, please hop down and join us. There aren't a lot of doo-dads to this piece (some, but not a ton) and it'll be fun! If you don't have a blog and would still like to join, shoot me an email (in my profile)/ Please look and see if your name is on the list in my last post - if not, and it should be, or you want it to be, please contact me. This is gonna be one sweet sail!
Finally, my Tyler gets back on Saturday after two weeks in Virginia and I CAN'T wait to see that boy! Here's a pic of my father and Tyler getting ready to hit the links! I can't wait to see you, Tyler ~ we missed you TONS!!!

Thanks to all who have joined our SAL and thank you for the comments on my blog. I'm telling you, it is some kind of fun to take a peek and see that there's a new post! Thank you so much!
Have a great weekend, my friends!
You make the BEST posts Terri!!
What a wonderful surprise from your girlfriends, you sweet thing, you deserve it! Loved the pictures of your treasures :-)
(When exactly IS your bday?)
PS. I don't see my name on the list for the SAL but I know that you know that I want to join ;-) lol
You have the sweetest girl friends! What a pleasant surprise. Happy early 50th birthday~ :D
The angel is just gorgeous!
What a great surprise from your friends...Love the angel!!
Happy 50th Birthday!!
Happy birthday early! What a great surprise you had and what good friends. Everything you got looks wonderful. Hope you can make it to our p.j. party next Friday (31st - 5-9P.M.) and fall preview. Wear your p.j.'s and get a discount! Dawn
Wow - what a great post! That doll in the nut - too cute!!!!
Happy Birthday Terri! What great friends you have. Love the angel!!
First of all, happy 50th Terri :))
What a marvellous surprise your friends had organised for you. You have great friends and what a special birthday gift they made you too. A real treasure.
I can´t get my fingers typing quick enough to ask if there is still a clam shell kit left ... I oohed and aaahed over it in your first post and was hoping it was available to others.... Please please pretty please, with a cherry on top if you like cherries, could I buy one.
My email is
Ok, now I have calmed down after having to get that begging for the clam kit comment sent immediately, I can concentrate on the rest of your post :)
What a fabulous group of friends you have - that album made me teary looking at it - such a "From The Heart" gift, and that angel is magnificent.
I will probably run out of adjectives to describe everything in your posting: those little dolls are the cutest, and the baby too. And... and... and.... etc.
Thanks for a really fun read this morning :)
Belated Birthday wishes to you! I just came here via Debbie's blog, and lo and behold I also turned 50 a week ago. :)
I've enjoyed reading your blog,and I'll be back.
Oh Wow! What incredible friends, and a wonderful day! You are very blessed to know such amazing people. Maybe "50" will just continue to bring you more luck! The angel is so neat. Very different.
I guess we ought to finalize our sail away project soon. I have all these grandiose plans to make these needle books for everyone, but have I started? Summer is fleeting fast! There are a few people on your list, that I don't have. Did you ever hear back from the no name stitcher?
Let me know.
Have a great weekend.
Fabulous party! Almost makes me want to turn 50!
What lovely friends you have - you're a bunch of beautiful ladies, and what amazing presents they gave you! Happy 50th birthday, when it comes along.
What a lovely birthday fun you've got from your friends. You're so lucky to have friends like them ~ treausre them!! ~ Dawn
Such a lovely post! And yes! I need dolls for my sewing basket. Wait--what sewing basket?! That's it--I need dolls AND a sewing basket. Happy birthday soon! And what great friends--I'm moving up there with my new sewing basket full of dolls and floss. (LOL about getting shushed.) I'm looking forward to the SAL.
FAB post Terri. Dolls in the sewing much fun, especially the baby in the walnut! And what would we do without our friends? Your party sounded and looked like it was so much fun. I loved the book they put together for you...what a treasure!! Have a great weekend!
Terri~What fun!!! I loved reading your post and I thought what a wonderful and special friend you must be for all of your friends to want to surprise you like that!
I love the pin pretty! That sewing basket is beautiful! And..yes of course, I want a walnut with a tiny baby inside!(: Blessings new friend~Happy Birthday! Kathy
Happy belated birthday Terri! It seems you have some great friends--you are very fortunate!
Wonderfully touching post, read every word. Happy Stitchy Birthday on your special 50th birthday, welcome to the club:)
Sweet Stitchin...
Terri - I read every word of your post - what a wonderful surprise (I love surprises!). Friends truly are the treasures in our life and you definitely have a chest full of them.
Your scrapbook is such a cherished gift and a testimony to what a great friend you must be.
I agree with you, I want my own little family of dolls and the baby is a must - I will also be on the hunt!
Enjoy your weekend!
Cari in VA
Your post made me cry Terri. You have a wonderful group of friends and I'm glad they were able to pull one over on you and surprise you! The angel is cute and what a coincidence that you would see them leaving the store with it!
Oh wow! Terri, happy 50th birthday! You're the same age as my hubby! :D His b'day is in September though. Looks like a wonderful surprise and wonderful gifts and everything! I love that doll family in your friend's sewing basket. And everything else too! Enjoy your birthday -- and your boy Tyler coming home too! Yay!
Oh, and ok, I throw in the towel. :D I'll join your Sail Away SAL. I finally found Loraine's blog too -- takes me a while! lol!
What a wonderful group of friends you have! And what a treasure that memory book are one very lucky lady.
Terri, what a wonderful post that was. As always I enjoy everything you write about, the pictures are incredible. I need a baby in the walnut too. LOL A few years back I found a walnut ornie like that but it had a baby squirrel in it. I love that little doll family, so pretty.
Your memory book is so nice, you have such great friends, happy birthday to you and many many many more.
Oh my goodness! So much to talk about. Well I'll keep it short & sweet. Fabulous post as always and Happy Birthday!!!!!!
WOW!! What a fabulous post! You lucky thing you, that birthday surprise was incredible. The surprise party, the angel, everything. It sounds like a wonderful group of gals, too. I love the pics of your friend's sewing basket family... the baby in the walnut shell is just adorable. Tell your friend that her DB is incredible and thanks for sharing the pic with us. Amazing!!
Oh my gosh Terri I forgot to pay you for that wonderful clam shell. I shall do so right now.
You had a wonderful birthday and I just loved that book and made every single page bigger so I could see everything reall well and read what your friends had to say to you. I loved everything you got and especialy the surprise.
I am sorry I have still not mail your win but I have really be quite unwell for over 2 weeks now. But it shall be mailed to you by early next week at the latest.
Lots and lots of Love
Patti xxx
Wow! Your friends made sure you had the most fabulous 50th ever. Amazing gifts (I may sneak out to get hold of that angel) and party. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, whenever it is.
Whew! I wore myself out reading that post! LOL Only kidding, my friend. That book was absolutely wonderful (as I did get to see it in person). So much love and friendship went into that wonderful keepsake! (Tell Julie again what a wonderful job she did putting it together)! And it looks like you had a wonderful time that evening (made it a little hard getting to class the next day, didn't it!!!)
That sewing basket was wonderful too. I guess we're just going to have to make one for ourselves, aren't we (yikes! another project). Those dolls were so adorable nestled in the basket!
It's a few weeks early, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! How great was it that you were so suprised like that? You have wonderful friends and you got great presents. That book is a treasure!
What great friends you have! Loved your post.
What a cool birthday surprise from your friends! The book with the photos and inscriptions was a really creative idea; something you will treasure forever.
Happy early birthday!
What a wonderful surprise, Terri! It's great to start your 50th Birthday celebrations 2 weeks early. Indeed, I sense a month of fun coming at'cha!
Terri, I'm so happy that you had a wonderful pre-birthday. No one deserves it as much as you do. And I adore reading your blog, you are so funny! Hope mine (Sunday) is half as nice as yours was. That angel is stunning. Where do you plan to sit her? And that book--breath-taking. You are truly loved.
Interested in the clam shell needlebook, could you hold one aside for a few days?
btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You don't look a day over 39!
You are sooo lucky and blessed to have such great friends within somewhat close distance! Great surprise! Great gifts! So much fun!!!
What a great surprise from your friends, the angel is lovely
I love the scrapbook...what a wonderful gift. You truly have great friends.
How lovely all these surprises and it is not even your b'day yet lol, looks like you too have wonderful friends, the angel is just gorgeous and the scrapbook is great.
I love your Blog!!!!!! I just found it and have been looking at your stitching as well...incredible!!!
Hopefully you will take the time to stop by my Blog as well....
take care!!
What a wonderful book for your birthday! I just love the theme of little girl pictures! The angel is a gem! I don't know if I am early or not but Happy Happy Birthday! You deserve a wonderful day!
Terri -- what a great entry! I almost felt like I was at your party! The sewing basket and family is precious. Have a happy birthday when the day arrives -- your angel appears to be heralding the news!
Hi Terri! Thank you so much for your kind words. This is going to be quite the adventure, but will be worth it in the end. (It seems like I'm never home anymore anyways!)
We are going full steam ahead for the p.j. party! I have BOXES of fall stuff to put out after the shop closes on Thursday and more antiques too.
Hope to see you soon, Dawn
Terri - I'm so happy for you to have fond memories of turning 50 - it was very traumatic for me - I actually did not want a party or any mention of it - however I regretted that decision so my mom gave me a lovely tea for 51 and all my friends came - it was so nice. You know they say 50 is the new 40! Looking forward to SAL-ing Away with your group - Thankfully I found my kit over the weekend - that was one thing ticked off my to-do list. The angel your friends gave you is awesome! Love the album and stitching basket photos. Enjoy the entire process of turning 50! Melody
What a lovely surprise by your friends - I'm so glad tht you were able to share it all with us. I love the antique family in the workbasket too. What a delightful book of memories - made with such love for you to.
Happy (early) birthday!!!
Oh dear, I'm such an idiot! I just realized your birthday is on Aug. 5th, same day that the Sail Away SAL begins! DUH! Sorry about that
Gosh Terri this has to be the mother of all posts LOL.
I really enjoyed everything you blogged about and yes, I was there right to the end.
Trouble is now I can't remember everything I was going to comment on.
What I will say is I wish you a very happy birthday. You have some wonderful, caring friends and I love that they bought the angel for you.
The clam shell is divine (I want to join the guild) and I love the Dutch Beauty Finish.
I have Dutch Beauty barely started and can't ever imagine reaching the finish line.
Great post. I enjoyed it very much.
Happy Belated Birthday! What a great post .. loved all the pictures!!!
and omgosh that is a very special book your dear friends put together for you :)
Love the angel too!
Very impressive...what a loving group of friends you have!!! Your Book is amazing, you will cherish it always and all the memories that flood back as you look at it time and time again. I can only hope that when I turn 40 in a few months that I will be as spoiled as you are for your 50th. What a great time you must have had with your group!!!! The journey through pictures on your post was very heartwarming to me thinking what wonderful friendships you all hold to one another. I love the angel and I am excited you got your "treasure". Thanks for sharing your book with us all and here's wishing your 50th Birthday brings you 50 more!!!! I'll keep my eye out for a "family" for you too!!
What a wonderful birthday, Terri! And I hope your 50th year is glorious. I know you will always treasure the book your friends mad for you!
What a great birthday surprise!!! Aren't good friends the best! Love the scrapbook - what a wonderful, personal gift! Congrats on the big 50!! Life just gets better from there on out, my dear!
After seeing your pic, I need a sewing basket... and a teeny tiny family to live in it. Oh, I just love that. Then I can imagine them having mini tea, and cleaning up in there, and going to sleep at night... okay, so yeah... I've never quite given up my childhood, okay? Just let me have my little fantasies. :)
Love the stitchy pics, too!
Hi Teri,
What an absolutely wonderful birthday and what wonderful friends!
Happy early 50th Birthday!
Now you will be able to wear that red hat! :-)
I love the book that they made for you and the angel is wonderful.
The little dolls are so cute in the basket especially the baby in the little nut.
The shell pin needlebook is just wonderful.
And it looks like Tyler is having a wonderful time. :-)
Windy Meadow
What an amazing celebration with your friends! That book is the most amazing thing!!
Happy Birthday Terri! I hope your day is full of wonderful times spent with family and friends.
Good morning Miss Terri! Yup, the Halloween and fall goodies just keep coming! This is my favorite time of year for decorating - at least fall is. We will also be getting in lots more antiques soon too. (By the way, we should have a princess silouette of YOU!) Hope to see you soon, Dawn
Happy 50th Birthday Terri!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy sweet Terri!! Hope you have a fAbUlOuS DAY!!
Hi Terri,
What an amazing lot of friends that you have. I love the angel as well.
What a great idea for a stitching basket. I have a little (3) collection of little dolls. I should put them in mine
Happy Birthday - Sandra.
Oh my gosh! What a great post---too much to comment on, but the friend's sewing basket is simply awesome. So is the scrapbook and Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know this is late Terri, but Happy 50th! I hope you had a fantastic day :) The book from your friends is just fabulous, and how lovely of them to throw you such a wonderful surprise party!
Happy 50th birthday to you, Terri. Now the Red Hat Society is also for you, isn't it? Lol. What a terrific surprise party your girlfriends arranged for you.
Hey girl! Not sure if my emails are getting through to you or not, so thought I'd try here :-)
YES, let's do a trade for the SP "I Love the Birds" chart!
Holler at me!
Hi Terri! I'm just dropping by to say hi! I hope everything is well with you! :)
So many beautiful things! I'm so jealous of the sewing basket. I wish it were mine!
What wonderful friends!
Salted peanuts and m&ms sound like a yummy combination! I must try that out sometime soon! I am actually munching away on some salted almonds, hehehe :)
What a fabulous 50th you had! Your friends obviously love you! Have a GREAT 50th year!
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