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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

On Time for a Change!

We are having a major blustery, day here in SE Michigan. The neighbors leaves are falling in our yard - drats - which means more raking for the boys. Last weekend was beautiful and Matt raked leaves and Ty gave the lawn one last mowing. These pics were taken pretty close together time wise - check out the different apparel. You'd think it was a warm day by Matt's clothes and Ty looks like it's winter!

Two kids, same family, so different!

With the blustery weather, I hope it doesn't get too cool for the trick or treaters tonight. I'm ready for them with all kinds of candy I don't like! Yep, that helps eliminate the temptation. I can eat, no kidding, probably 20 of those little almond joy bars thru the course of the night. Mmmmmmmmmmm chocolate AND coconut! Delicious!

I have been stitching a little bit. I took everyone's advice and frogged what I had stitched so far on Ann and started over. She is now being stitched with one thread over two on 35 count fabric and I like it a lot better. I also decided to switch the DMC to silks because I had so much in my stash and am not sure what I'm saving them for. I did an eyeball conversion but the threads are very close to the DMC that came in the kit. I have to say - I'm not crazy about the colors; they're kind of funky but, I think when I'm done I'll dunk the whole thing in a vat of tea and see what happens.

Now, I'm all for specialty stitches in a piece; they give lots of character, but really! Look at all those algerian eyelets! I quit counting at around 350 and there are more (lots more) to go! UGH! I'M SICK OF THEM! And, as if stitching all of those weren't
enough, I've spent a lot of time frogging this piece in addition to the initial frogging I had to do to start over. As many of my friends will tell you, I am not a mathematician. Not even close. So, it may come as no surprise to all of you that as I was suffering, er, I mean stitching, all those numbered eyelets, I went from 8 to 10, skipped 9 altogether. I thought long and hard about leaving it and blaming it on Ann but in the end, I decided to take the high road and not blame a girl that stitched this at age 10 and is now dead (and hopefully stitching away happily in the ever after!). Of course, Ann apparently wasn't a math genius either since she stitched two 11's in a row. I wonder if she did the same thing I did and just thought, "Oh golly, I've made an error." I doubt seriously that a young girl in the 1700's used the same explicative's I did when I discovered my error! More likely, it was intended to be that way but I like my story better. There have been other errors too - I stitched a section of that wavy band in the wrong color and had to frog that and those first two letters -- they're in the wrong color too. Haven't decided if I'll change those or not.

I have been trying to keep up with my PS piece after I got so far behind and I finished October last night. I love how this is turning out and can't wait to finish! I'll start November tomorrow. I am ON TIME for a change! Yeah!!!

This is being stitched over one on 32 count fabric with DMC floss.

Thanks to EDGAR'S BLOG, I found an East Tennessee sampler that I really like! It's called the Swan Pond Sampler and was stitched in Knoxville, Tennessee which is not far from where I was born. I am so excited to get going on this pretty sampler. We are going to be seeing some family from East Tennessee that I haven't seen in more years than I can count at Thanksgiving and in honor of that, I'll start this sampler during that visit. The picture on the chart is not very well done. It was taken in a landscape fashion rather than a portrait setting so you can't even see the entire sampler in the photograph but I think it'll be gorgeous!

I got this chart from the Dixie Darlin' Cross Stitch Shop in Pigeon Forge, TN and spent about 45 minutes on the phone with the owner. She was as sweet as could be and was very happy that so many people were now interested in this beautiful sampler.

Remember, today is the last day of Missy's 13 Days of Halloween giveaway. She has given some awesome prizes and I've enjoyed playing along even though I haven't won. Maybe this spooktacular night will be my lucky night! Click here if you think you have a chance. I'm thinking you probably don't, so I wouldn't even bother, if I were you!

Have a great Halloween and a happy rest of the weekend. Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks even more for taking the time to leave me a note when you have the time.



Missy Ann said...

That's right no one but Terri has a chance. ;)

Now watch, you'll win and I'll catch hell for posting that. lol

Nancy said...

That is a lot of Algerian Eyelets, but they look so pretty! Your PS piece is wonderful! Happy Halloween.

Pam said...

Terri, you are very smart to buy candy that you know you don't like. DH bought three HUGE bages of candy from BJ's, all of which I like. So far I've resisted the temptation and only had one piece, but I know that once Halloween is past and the threat of trick or treaters coming is over, I am sure that my self control will be alot less!

Deb said...

I think your sampler looks great. I love the look of Algerian eye stitches, but don't like doing them too much either. And I love that PS piece. Your picture doesn't even do it justice at all - it looks so much better in real life. And yeah, what's up with this weather - 74 yesterday - all of, what 45 today? Oh well, only in Michigan. And did you get many goblins out your way. Barely any here - dang - I like seeing all their costumes!!

Bertie said...

Love your Ann sampler colours, and when you are finished you will be glad you did all those eyelets, I did a Frisian sampler and yes you get sick of it, but the result will be stunning, so persevere whilst having a few choc bars in between LOL.

Cathy B said...

It's cold here in Minnesota too; we've only had 5 trick or treaters so far.

Your stitching looks great - nice start (or should I say "re-start") on Ann, the PS piece is awesome, and I can't wait for you to start stitching your Tennessee sampler. What a cool piece!

Margaret said...

I love your Ann piece -- the colors are cool IMO! Eyelets are a pain I agree. But they're really pretty when they're done. :D I really have to get that Swan Pond Sampler too. I guess I'll have to give them a call. Too tempting! lol!

Karen said...

Your Ann is starting off very nicely. I'm right there with you on the Algerian eyelets; they look beautiful but boy are they a pill to stitch!

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Hi Terri! Boy, do you do some beautiful work. Slowly we're getting settled in our new home and will take pictures soon - still lots to do at the old house. Closing tomorrow and Monday to switch over to Christmas, what a job! Don't forget our next Ladies Nite Out is Nov. 13 from 5-9 - we're having live music in the shop. Hope to see you soon, Dawn

MyLifesAStitch said...

Ann looks great!! Sorry about all the eyelets... You clearly have more determination than I, lol! The PS piece is coming along beautifully!

Annie said...

I never worry about a few mis-counts. Gives the pieces character! Looks really pretty.

I love the Prairie schooler piece and your new sampler. You have lots of fun things to keep you busy!

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at that PS piece of yours! I love it all, but something about that October block just screams at me!

Ann is looking good! Sorry you have had to frog!

Looking forward to seeing you work on that Tennessee sampler! Go Terri!


Glenna said...

Bah for algerian eyelets. They drive me nuts!

I'll start the Knoxville sampler with you at Thanksgiving. I was tickled to see that they'd lopped off both the bottom AND the top part of the sampler in the photo. I thought--oh, well, you get what you pay for. $6! The lady in TN was so nice, and so pleased that people were calling her from different places. Did you notice that thank goodness the quality of the chart inside is really good? Who needs a whole stinking photo anyway!

As always, love your posts! And your stitching! And your photos!

We have Almond Joys, and my very favorite: Heath Bars. Tactical error on my part.

Vinniey said...

Terri, I love chocolate and coconut too! Algerian eyelets are a pain to stitch on evenweave, but your Ann is so neatly stitched! The Swan Pond is so gorgeous, can't wait to see you start stitching it. :)

Marion said...

Great stitching! I love your PS piece!
Your weather seems to be much like ours! I thought the kids were going to blow away last night!
Anyway take care....deep breath....and stitch away all those Eyelets...better you than me! haha!

Tammy said...

Oh I love your PS piece!!! I thought I had that, but don't think I do. Your WIP is very pretty---and one wouldn't think there would be so many expletives flying around in the world of cross stitch, but turns out there is, lol! I'm having some problems with that now, and it's kept me from stitching the past couple weeks--stich, frog---stitch, frog....AAAAAGH! Your effort will be worth it though, because that piece is just so pretty! And what good sons you have--mine needs some more lessons in yardwork!

Sherry said...

I love all your present and future WIPs. I am with you on chocolate and coconut but my weakness is Mounds! Same company, same temptation!

Cari said...

Oh Terri your work is beautiful! And all the 1 over 1 on the PS piece...just lovely. I have a friend to stitches EVERYTHING over one and I love looking at it. I'm with you on the Almond Joys... Have a great week!! Hugs and stay warm.

Cathy Lloyd said...

LOVE your PS Terri! You are going to sooo enjoy that when it's done! Keep trucking with the Algerian's...I'm sure you dream about them, right?

Cathy Lloyd said...

Oh one last thing...Almond Joys are my absolute most favorite candy bar....mmmmm just thinking about them!

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Your Ann piece looks great so far although I understand your frustrations. The PS calendar is wonderful and congrats on the timely finish this month. CJ ok;-)

Melissa said...

Hi Terri! Ann looks lovely but I can see how the Algerian eyelet can drive you crazy. And skipping a number or letter? I've done that! As much as I am ok with stitching letters/numbers, after a whole bunch of them they become monotonous!

The PS sampler is coming along nicely. And the Swan Pond, yeah I've seen it now on 3 blogs. It looks wonderful but I've been good. (see the halo?)

Hope you had a fun Halloween.

JOLENE said...

I totally get the leaves!!! I am so tired of raking, mowing, and bagging leaves! Will it ever stop? At our house it usually doesn't until the snow falls. I am not complaining though, those trees give me wonderful shade in the summertime. I am sorry about all the frogging you have had to do on your Ann. But, it is looking fab-u-lous Terri. Best of luck to you as you continue your piece, I bet you are lovin' those silks!

mainely stitching said...

Aw, what's a little frogging for such a great project? LOL. I have an eyelet alphabet on the go, too.

Your boys crack me up. Our kids also seem to come from totally different families sometimes!

Rachel S-H said...

Almond Joys are the best. I think I ate 3 or 4 last night, LOL. Along with other candy. They were so good!

Mylene said...

Sorry to hear of all the frogging with the Algerian Eyelets, the piece is looking lovely though.

Love your PS project and just two more blocks to go.

Katrina said...

Love both your pieces! Congrats on your find, doesn't it make you so happy when you find something you've been looking for?

Unknown said...

Oh, Ann does look beautiful over 1 and those Algerian Eyelets look amazing (though I can imagine the frustration of having to stitch so many!)

I love your new Swan sampler - I have never seen this piece, it is beautiful.

Your boys are just too cute! It's funny how very different siblings can be.

woolwoman said...

Hey Terri - My folks popped into Dixie Darlin a couple of weeks ago and bought that Swan Pond for me - I only regret I did not get them to pick up the R&R linen too - it's hard to find around here. I also laughed when I saw they had cut off the top and bottom of the sampler - guess they really don't need to worry about it. Cindy the owner told my dad she had sold a dozen charts in a few days and had to send for more. I have been buying from that shop for many years - it's a darling shop - actually that is where I got my Sail Away kit. Most of the SB kits I own came from her shop. I hope you will get to visit there one day since you were born in that area - wish I lived there - it's my favorite vacation spot on earth. Love your Ann - glad you switched to silks - might as well use them up - Enjoy! Mel

Karoline said...

Ann is looking gorgeous, the eyelets might be a pain but they do look good. Your PS piece is looking lovely too

Siobhán said...

The algerian eyelets look great--good for you! Between that and over one, I'd be done in. I love the look of both but don't care to do too much of either. LOL I'll just come here for a fix and admire them! ;)

I love the idea of starting your TN sampler during your visit with relatives from TN! What a cool memory to associate the sampler with. I can't wait to watch your progress!

Loraine said...

Hey girl! So sorry I missed this post. It looks like you have been busy. I love the new sampler! It's really beautiful. I love the Algerian eye's, but I can imagine that after that many, you are getting sick of them! It will look smashing when you're done.
I also love the sampler that Edgar lead you to. So pretty. Speaking of leading to samplers. Do you think you could share what the name of your sampler above your fireplace is. I've been thinking about it!!!
Take Care.

Giovanna said...

Eyelets do get tiresome... have courage, you'll be rewarded by the wonderful look at the end. It looks good already. Well done on the PS, so pretty!

Faye said...

Thanks for your nice words on my blog Terri~~ I love Algerian eyes and all the extra work will certainly pay off!~ The piece is beautiful!~ FAye

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Thank you for the compliment on my quilt. WOW your sampler is awesome. My eyes would go buggy trying to do that. Lol


Brigitte said...

Oh my, so many Algerian Eyelets would make me sigh, too. But imagine you would have to stitch that many Queen stitches. That would be even worse, wouldn't it? LOL.
Your PS piece is so beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.

Michelle said...

You are working on some great things.. I'm loving your PS! I can't imagine doing that many Algerian eyelets..

We spend Halloween at my sister's because we get no trick or treaters but guess what? I bought candy I like, cuz I have to have chocolate daily :)

Have a great weekend .. I'm off to buy some red pins for my pinkeep :)

Dona said...

Terri, you are not far from being done with your PS. It looks fantastic! Cute pumpkin!

I really like the Knox County sampler. It will be pretty when stitched. Knox is a family name on my mom's side. This would be a nice companion piece for Scarlet Letter's The Knox Family Sampler.

I can't stand doing Algerian stitches and always cheat and use crosses instead, even if it is a reproduction!

Deb said...

I didn't know you were from East Tenn.! I was born in Lenoir, NC, which is just down the mountain from Boone and Blowing Rock...miles from East Tn. Near to each other???
Also, just love your Algerian Eyelets. They can be addictive...

Michelle said...

Beautiful WIPS! And great sampler that you found too!!

doris said...

Mmmmm, Almond Joys, mmmmmm.

Even if you're a little frustrated, all those eyelets look wonderful. I'm looking forward to your new start and the upcoming finish of your year. You've been busy.