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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Whatcha think?

Good evening, friends!

I want to show you what I found in the thrift stores recently. Now here's the thing - I never used to be a thrift store shopper. I liked "antique" shops. That is until I started all this blog reading that I've become so addicted to. Yes, all you other thrifters out there are pretty much responsible for this new treasure hunt quest I like to go on. The first find I'm going to show you was something I found last weekend. I was out and about in the early morning and decided to check the local thrift store. This little piece was still kind of oily from where it had been wiped down so I assume it had just been put out on the floor. It didn't stay there long! I looked at the tag and it was all of $19! Whoo Hooo! Isn't it a really pretty, little piece? I just love it. I went in the same store today on the way home from work and there was nothing worthwhile but.... there was a sign that said seniors (and uh, I guess I now qualify - UGH!!!) got 50% off. I wonder if I could have gotten that last week? I'll have to try to remember that I'm old and that I now qualify for these kinds of discounts. I think I can now get a "senior" coffee at McDonalds!

On Saturday night we were at a party for Julie's DH's mother's 90th birthday party. Jane is an amazing woman and looks fabulous and is as sharp as can be - you'd never guess she was 90 years young. Anyway, we left around 7:30 and we drove past what looked like a giant Salvation Army store. Rob said that as I seemed to be on a roll with the good finds and that maybe we should go in! You think? Look at what I found:

She is in perfect condition other than a small stain on her outer petticoat. The lace is perfect, not a thread missing or ripped or anything. Now - she was pricey. The SA was asking $60 for her and I said to the gal, in my sweetest, yet somewhat incredulous voice "$60 for a pincushion? Seriously?" And she said that it was 33% off to which I replied that that was still a lot for a "pincushion". So, after a little haggling, she let me "have" it for half off ~ $30. Not exactly cheap but did I say that she's perfect? She is now happily living in my curio cabinet. I just love her - I wonder whom she might have belonged to and I think they must have loved her too because she is in such great shape. Have you ever seen a prettier one?

The last thing I have to share with you today are these little floss tag holders I've made. I love all the stitchy floss holders everyone's making but they really don't do "it" for me. I made a couple but if my rings of floss get seperated from my project, I am not always sure which project said threads belong to and a stitched tag doesn't help me. This eliminates that problem. I made a small copy of the pattern I was working on, made a back piece that has the name of the pattern, the kind of fabric used, the kind of floss used and the start date. Everything right there together at my finger tips and easy to see which project the threads belong to. Laminated, they should last as long as I need them to.

You see Paulette's pattern tag sitting there in the middle? Well.... that was going to be my next project - I love it. I got the fabric on rods, started stitching and realized something just didn't look right. My fabric was about 1/2 as wide as I needed it to be! DUH!!!! I have no Idea what I was thinking when I put it on rods. Now I have to order some new fabric so it'll have to wait to start that beauty.

I needed something to stitch so I pulled out this sampler that I picked up the last time Rob and I were in Virginia visiting Williamsburg. It's being stitched on a 35 count linen with DMC. I started it with two threads but I think I'm going to frog it and start over with one thread over two. It just looks a little heavy to me and I think antique samplers always look a little more thin. What do you think?

Have a great evening everyone! Thanks for stopping by!



Deb said...

Great thrift store finds Terri - that stand looks brand new, and that pincushion, I think, is worth every cent. She's adorable. And what a bite (sound like my kids, don't I?) about that fabric. But I've done that - thought it was right and it wasn't! UGH. Great new A&E start too. I was looking at that one the other day when going through stash. Would be a lot quicker to work on that the ole deadbeat Ann! I don't think I've seen this one finished, so it will be fun to watch your progress.

Stef said...

What a fantastic idea for the floss tags Terri!!!! And I am drooling over the pincushion - she is just beautiful!!!! She is Really a lucky find! Love your new start and can't wait to watch your progress on it.

Anonymous said...

Great finds, Terri, especially the pincushion gal!

Sorry about your new start, but at least you had something else to work on!

What a clever idea for the floss tags!


Missy Ann said...

Really I think we all need to take a moment and bask in the glow of your smartness. That floss tag idea is full of the awesome. When I steal the idea, I'll be sure to credit you. :D

Great thrifty finds.

Nancy said...

Fantastic finds! I love it when I come home with something wonderful from a thrift shop.

Your floss tags are really pretty. As for your sampler, if it were mine, I would probably use one strand of floss. I think it gives a softer look.

Anna van Schurman said...

I love one over two--not just the look, but the fact that once you strip the floss you thread and are on your way. Can I really be so lazy that I can't stand putting two pieces of floss together? Um, yes.

Love to Stitch said...

Thrift store shopping can be great fun! You never know what you are going to find, and since they get new stuff donated all the time, it keeps you going back for sure. The pincushion is fabulous!! I love your idea of the floss tags, especially the info on the back of the tag. Do you also include the date you started it? Might be a nice keepsake for you as well, and great way to keep track!!! Nice start on the Repro-- it is gonna be great!

Cathy B said...

Hi Terri - after reading your post I may have to venture off to my nearest thrift store too!

Great idea for the floss tag holders!

Melissa said...

Well you're such a clever gal, senior or no! The floss tags are such a great idea. The purchases are great, and I like your new start!

What a lot of wonderful things!

Loraine said...

You are the best thrifter ever! Love that incredible pincushion and the shelf. Amazing finds! You would do well in those bartering countries! I think 30.00 is a great deal!
You are one smart lady. I love the cards you made for your floss. What a great idea!!!! You could include the floss colors you used and frame it with the piece when your done. I think I will have to suggest this at our next meeting!
Take Care. Love the Williamsburg sampler.

Margaret said...

Great thrift finds! I love them both! Your idea for the floss tags is just perfectly brilliant! I need to do something like that, but I know me -- I never will. lol! (Did you notice someone's glasses are in among the floss in that picture? :D) And your Ann Pasteur. Very pretty! It's hard to tell from the picture if 2 over 2 is too much. But I personally tend to prefer 1 over 2 on that count fabric. That's just me though. Good luck deciding!

Vinniey said...

Hi Terri, the pincushion is sooo pretty and adorable and I love your laminated floss tags idea. Would love to see the progress of your new sampler soon. Happy stitching! :)

Annie said...

Your floss tags are so cool. Very creative idea.

And what a great haul from the shopping. I just love that doll-pin cushion. I think I'll take you along the next time I want to buy a car. You have great bargaining skills.

Senior discounts? Is your profile picture recent? You look like a baby!

Nice start on the sampler.

Kathy A. said...

Well, I am totally impressed. Your thrift store finds are amazing. What a lovely stand. And that pincushion!!!! Wow, she is amazing.
I love your floss tag idea. How very clever of you!

Giovanna said...

That stand is so pretty, great find! And your new WIP is lovely, look forward to progress pics.

Marion said...

I absolutely LOVE going to Thrift Stores and finding "goodies"! I always hope that they price them cheap, although sometimes they don't. I also wonder who they origionaly belonged to, etc....
I am on the hunt for a pin cushion rocking chair...My grandmother had one, and I wish I knew what happened to it.....oh well.
Yes, I probably qualify for "senior" too...I think I am one year older than you...LOL
Anyway, take care

Melissa said...

Great thrifting Terri. I love that pincushion. She's gorgeous.

What a great idea for the floss tags! I hate running across a grouping of floss and just know it was for a project but then I have no clue what it was for. LOL.

Julie M said...

What beautiful treasures you found Terri! I haven't had much luck lately. I've been on the hunt for Christmas village pieces but so far haven't found any. I scored 6 right after Christmas last year. Dan says I don't need any more but what does he know??

Love the floss tag idea! Great problem solving!

Rachel V said...

Great finds, Terri! I love your idea for keeping your project threads together -- so practical!

Kim said...

Gorgeous Pincushion!!!! Awesome! Those are some wonderful finds, Terri! :o))

Jennifer said...

Love all your thrift store finds Terri and your ideas for the floss tags. You are very clever! look forward to seeing more of your stitching

Michele said...

The Adam and Eve Pattern, is that Paulette from Plum Street Samplers? What is the name of that pattern? I don't see it in Paulette's Gallery. I need this pattern! Thanks.

Gayle said...

What lucky finds you got at the thrift store! Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time - I'd say you were for sure!

Debs said...

Terri, I definitely need to steal your idea for floss tags. That's absolutely wonderful. And keeping them after the project is finished, or even framing it with the piece (in the back perhaps) is also a great idea. Loved your thrift store pieces, that cabinet is gorgeous!

Jan said...

WEll, I think you got some fantastic buys, Terri!! Wow, love the table/stand thingie, always great to find something that holds other treasures! And the doll pincushion is definitely one of a kind fabulous!!

I particularly love those project floss tags you created! What a wonderful idea...might have to try that sometime. They are so neat!!

Love your new start too...psst, you aren't THAT old! Just a young chickie! (^-^)

Deb said...

Terri! You found a nugget of gold in that pincushion doll! It's just wonderful! Your idea about the laminated floss tags is genius. My way has always been to write on those white covers that come with the floss bags, but I love your idea best!! Not as bulky and shows right away what the project is. Fantastic, Terri! :] Hugs, Deb

SiobhĂ¡n said...

Great thrifty finds, Terri! That stand is SO nice. The pincushion is adorable, too. Love the new start--an A&E--be still my heart. I don't think I've seen it stitched before, so I'll enjoy watching your progress.

dbr said...

It is a pretty little piece - great find! I love the floss tag idea!

mainely stitching said...

Terri, your posts always leave me a little out of breath. You have so much energy packed into them - so many great projects, ideas, outings, etc!! How do you do it all?!

Your floss tags are brilliant, and I loved the story about your pincushion find. :)

Tammy said...

Beautiful finds Terri! Yes, that pincushion is lovely and perfect and I'm envious, lol. Enjoy her!

Brigitte said...

Your floss tag idea is fantastic. Very simple but so effective. And these tags look so beautiful.
Very nice finds at the thrift stores.

Bertie said...

Another fabulous find Terry, must get out more LOL. Will you paint this one too?

The A&E looks wonderful to stitch and would be lovely with just 1 thread on 35ct, have done a BBD 35ct on 1 thread and looks much nicer.
Love your tags too.

Mylene said...

The floss tag you've made sure a wonderful idea especially for big projects. Those are really great designs you have kitted, looking forward to see some updates soo.

Great finds from the thrift store.

Michelle said...

Love your idea for the floss tags! My thread always seems to get separated from my project, then I have to guess!

woolwoman said...

Love the floss tags Terri - you are so clever - but I'm with Margaret - I would never get them done LOL - you are the queen of great bargains - love the pincushion - so sweet - as far as the senior thing - I shred every one of those AARP things that come to my house - Cheers! Mel

MyLifesAStitch said...

I love your pincushion!!! I've missed reading posts, and am so glad to see how you're doing and catch up. :)

Anonymous said...

Next time I go shopping I'm taking you with me...what wonderful finds!

Love the floss tag idea...I'm going to have to try it out...I keep my in individual plastic pacs, but I really like your idea!

The new WIP is very pretty, hope you enjoy stitching it.


Unknown said...

I'm playing catchup and just had to comment on your lovely thrift finds! Love the stand and what a precious pincushion - she is just darling!

Your floss tags are ingenious - I think you could start your own little business with these.

I love your new A&E - it's a great piece! I really like enjoy using just one strand of floss - it has definitely been an acquired taste for me.

Enjoy your week.

doris said...

Oh, so clever floss tags! You're such a smart girl.

Looks like you had loads of fun thrift shopping.