I have not done a ton of stitching since my last post but I did manage to finish my Prairie Schooler Year. It is stitched on 32 count Dark Cappuccino with DMC over one thread. I changed a few minor things - nothing significant but I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I can't say I LOVE working over one but I sure do love the results! And yes, all pics are clickable to see them in super size!
The other thing I've finished is the Jenny Bean Sampler by Shakespeare's Peddler. This is stitched on 36 count Navy Bean with the called for threads. This just reminds me of one of those old holiday sweaters and I really enjoyed stitching it.
Let's see..... besides this small amount of stitching I've done, since I last posted I've also traveled to East Tennessee to see relatives for Thanksgiving, many of whom I haven't seen in 20+ years. That was a lot of fun and it was great catching up with everyone. It was also wonderful to see the hills of Tennessee after living in the mostly flat state of Michigan for so long. I got to tour around Johnson City, see my parent's homes and East Tennessee State University, where I spent my first year of college. It has changed a great deal since I went there so many moons ago! While we were in ET, my uncle Charlie gave me this old fire log basket. I haven't decided exactly where it'll go, or how I'll refinish it but I'll figure that out after I get all my Christmas decorations down. He knows I love "trash to treasure" kinds of projects and the hunt for a fun find so he brought this for me. Wasn't that sweet?!
While we were in Johnson City I found a wonderful Cross Stitch Shop. Unfortunately, they don't have a web site but it was chock full of fabulous things! I came home with a few items:
We went to Virginia at Christmas to visit my parents and had a great time, as we usually do! They spoil us to the point of ridiculousness but it's such a joy! My dad fixes bacon every morning so the boys wake up to that wonderful aroma and my mom spoils us with home baked goodies and delicious meals. My dad spoils Gracie and Sophie absolutely rotten by walking them several times a day - not quite the same treatment they get at home!
I began a quest to lose a few pounds at the end of September to get ready for the radioactive iodine treatment I had for my hyperactive thyroid in early December. I began running a great deal and really watched the calorie intake and was able to take off about 20 pounds. I was afraid that after the treatment, I might gain some additional weight so I was trying to head that off at the pass. Now the trick will be to try and keep it off - always a challenge (see blog title!). I have not yet started on the new thyroid meds but I see my doctor in a couple of weeks so I'm guessing I'll start them then. Because of the radioactive material they give you, you have to stay away from everyone for a few days. My gal pals, the greatest group of women ever - sent me this edible bouquet to lift my spirits. If you've ever wondered about sending one of these, worry no more! It was beautifully done and tasted great. It was LOADED with fruit. Thank you so much Sally, Gretchen, Lisa, Linda, Christina, Sheila and Julie! Turn your head sideways to see it:
One of the other big happenings recently is that Tyler wrecked Matt's car. Luckily, no one was hurt but Matt was none too pleased at the damage to his car. Ty was making a left turn and got whacked by a car he didn't see coming. The car is drivable but not at night since, as you can see, it doesn't have a right headlight. This little car has served us well. It had over 120 thousand miles on it and looked sharp when it was not wrecked and it was washed and shiny. Unfortunately, we had just taken collision insurance off of it a couple of months ago - isn't that always the way?
Here are a couple of pics:
With all I had going on (and luckily, you've only had to hear a small part of it), I didn't get Christmas cards mailed this year. I had high hopes - just couldn't get to it. I will, no doubt, be off a few lists next year. I'm so sorry I didn't get them mailed but I hope you all know how much I wished you a Merry Christmas and I hope you know that I wish you only the best in the New Year. I can't believe it's 2010 already. Doesn't it seem like just yesterday that we were so worried about Y2K? Time flies!
Finally, we hosted a small New Years Eve Party last night. My brother in law and his wife Rene' and Rob's cousin Carol and her husband Roger came over and we rang in the New Year in grand style.
from left, Tom,Rob, Rene', Roger and Carol. This was taken in front of our bar in the basement.
Everyone finally called it a night at 3:45 this morning! WHEW! I hope your New Years celebration was fabulous and that it sets up the year for only good things.
Hello, Terri! This is so bizarre as I'd just sent you an email! So glad to hear you're here! Sounds like a rough time but something must've been in the air this fall. Glad to hear things are looking up.
I bet you are so glad to finish the PS Year. It looks great! And so is Jenny B Christmas!
Good for you on the weight loss. while you had lost, I had gained so time for me to get working on losing a few lbs!
Happy New Year!
Oh Terri I am so very glad you're back!! I've been missing you and hoping everything was all right. Your stitching pieces are lovely as I've come to expect. Thanks for sharing. Take care and I'm wishing you a wonderful and stitch filled New Year!! Hugs....
Love your finished PS piece and your JB piece! Congratulations! Sorry the car got wrecked, but glad no one was hurt!
Wishing you a peaceful 2010!
THERE YOU ARE! I've missed reading about your adventures - so glad you're back. Sounds like you've been one busy girl. Hope to see you sometime soon. Happy New Year, Dawn
Happy New Year, Terri! I hope 2010 is kind to you and will be filled with all the stitching you want to get done.
Congratulations on the weight loss. I think the older we all get, the harder it is to take it off, so well done!
You may not have been blogging much lately but you've still managed to do some lovely finishes. I admire your over 1 work. I'm yet to be a fan of this stitching, but like you, I love the end result it achieves. Jenny B looks lovely too!
Best wishes for your health and happy stitching in 2010.
Sorry you've hit a rough patch in life here lately, Terri! Hope the road ahead is straight and smooth. :)
What a great catch up Terri. Congrats on the weight loss...I know what that's like! Love your PS finish too and good luck with the thyroid treatment.
Hi, Terri!!!!!! I was actually wondering about you just today. So glad that all is okay with you - well, aside from the mis-adventures of the winter. I really hope everything starts to calm down for you very very soon!! Good luck with the thyroid treatments (YGG re: the weightloss!!) - isn't it amazing how much havoc a teeny tiny little piece of our body can wreak on our overall health? Awesome finishes, too! Sooo glad to see this post!! Happy New Year to you as well, my dear!
Happy new year, Terri! I'm so glad you're back! I've missed reading your post and always enjoyed reading your blog. Your Prairie Schooler Year and Jenny Bean looks great! Luckily no one was hurt during the accident. Congratulations on the weight loss! :) Wish you all the best!
Welcome back and happy new year, Terri! I will aspire to be like you and drop 20 pounds...somehow!
Hi, Terri--Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Even with being so busy, you've got some lovely finishes, some great new stash and have accomplished so much--wow--20 pounds! Impressive! I'm sorry about the car--and you're right, it IS always the way. Yikes--at least everyone is ok.
I've missed seeing your posts, and I'm so glad you're back!
Glad to see you back and posting Terri! And hope that you're now on the road to improved health! The 20 pounds is fabulous!!!
Your PS piece is soooooo pretty. Definitely worth stitching is one over one! And I love Jenny Bean Christmas too - you're right - it does remind one of the holiday sweaters.
Glad that Ty wasn't hurt in the accident. It's so scary when you start sending them off by themselves! A car is replaceable, but a child is not!! Nick just started on his own last week - makes me sit on pins and needles everytime he goes off on his own.
Happy New Year Terri. May it be a healthy and stitcy one. See you at Guild next week?
Hi Terri! So glad to see you post...I missed you!
Glad you had a good Holiday!!
Take care
Glad to see you're back Terri! I also just recently sent you an e-mail. Love the Jenny Bean and the Prairie Schooler.
Congrats on the 20 pound loss!!!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Your PS Year is so pretty, and Jenny Bean is gorgeous! Congratulations on two finishes. Nice new stash too!
Terri, it's so good to hear from you! Let me tell you, I've been there with the radioactive iodine treatment. I went through the same thing, and yes, you will probably gain some weight back. Good for you for losing some ahead of time! I find it much easier to lose weight whenever I'm on the hyper side with my meds. Pretty sad -- it always comes back when I get my meds balanced again. Anyway, I hope all goes well for you with the aftermath of the treatments.
Love your PS Year finish!!! I've finally started doing over one on 30ct and I love it! Well, I'm actually like you -- I love the results! lol! And Jenny Bean is gorgeous too!
Bummer on the car. Are you going for a new one? We desperately need a new car. Maybe someday.
Glad you had fun with your family down south too. Hope 2010 brings a happy, healthy, wonderful New Year for you!
Happy New Year, Teri!!
WOW, your stitcheries are just beautiful!
I WILL learn to stitch (someday) *wink*
Congrats on your WL...wtg, girl!
Hope you are showered with many happy blessings in 2010!
Ah, you ARE an enabler! Now I am on the hunt for Ann Sims! I have a weakness for samplers with houses ever since my obsession, opps, I mean love affair with my beloved John Foster.
Love your stitching finishes! And your PS over one!, it looks terrific! I started it a few years ago and stalled at the May motif. It's moved up the list. I have J. Bean too, she was to be my Christmas start but I talked myself out of it cause I have too many started.
Glad no one was hurt in the car accident. I sympathize with you though, my DS wrecked 2 trucks in 2 weeks!
Good for you on your weight loss, I gained a few pounds this holiday, ahem. Back to WW with a vengance.
Wishing you and yours a very abundant 2010 filled with all good things! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Terri! Hope it's a good one for you and your family :)
Love your PS finish - it looks great.
Welcome back Terri!
Your PS finish is FABULOUS. :D Sorry to hear about the car.
Finger crossed the treatment goes well and the pounds stay off - good for you for thinking ahead!
I was so happy to see your post pop up, I have been thinking about you and hoping things were ok. I have missed your posts, but you have made some great finishes lately. Jenny Bean is such a pretty Christmas sampler and the PS year is perfect! You do such beautiful work. I am happy to hear about your success at weight loss and hope you are doing well now with your thyroid. Sounds like your Thanksgiving and Christmas were wonderful seeing your old stomping grounds and all. It's always fun to go back and reminisce about days gone by. Looks like you had a nice get together for New Year's Eve and I wish you the best in the year 2010. Happy Stitching Terri.
Yay you are back - so glad to 'see' you, I wondered what you had been up too. Sorry to hear that you have been non too good, hope that thats improving every day. My thyroid is totally the opposite way and is incredibly underactive to almost stopping by itself LOL!
Glad no-one was hurt in the accident even if the car was.
How wonderful 20 pounds lost now the challenge eh! to keep it off, good luck with that, the edible bouquet - I've never heard of before and I thought was a great idea, was a lovely gift from your friends.
Love your PS finish, its a stunner 1/1 and oooo Jenny B looks fantastic I can see what you mean about ait being like an old Christmas sweater, but its so lovely.
Well Happy New Year to you and yours, hope that its filled with stitchy lovliness
Hi Terri. Good to see you back here and congrats on your weight loss - - and your beautiful stitching finishes :)
Hope 2010 sorts out your thyroid problems and you have a great year.
Best wishes...
Nice to see a post from you Terri. I love your two latest finishes, especially the PS over one. I'm not a big fan of stitching over one either, but love the delicate look.
I hope 2010 is a good year for you!
Happy New Year Terri!
sounds as though you have had a rough time of it latley what with your health and the car, i hope 2010 is much better for you. Congratulations on the weight loss, you must be very pleased with that!
Your stitched peices look great, and i'm sure you'll manage to fit more finishes in this coming year.
Take care x
Terri, I've sent you an email too. So glad to see you posting again and that's everyhing ok.
I wish you a very happy, healty and great New Year for you and all your beloved ones.
Love and hugs!
So nice to read a long post with news and lots of pictures!! Happy New Year, Terri!!
Interesting to read about your treatment...I am the opposite, I have an underactive thyroid and the weight gain, I know something about it... sigh...
The edible bouquet is just a fantastic idea! Will try to remember it for when the occasion comes to pamper someone with vitamins :)
Happy New Year Terri! You have been busy. I love Tenn. and Virginia both. Sounds like wonderful trips. I had the radioactive thyroid treatment several years ago. My thyroid level has remained normal so far and no meds needed yet but I did put on some pounds and am determined to lose most or all of it this year!
Terri, it's so nice to see you post :-). Sounds like life has been crazy busy for you. Love both your finishes.
Happy new year!
Happy New Year, Terri! Your two finishes are awesome, congratulations! Glad you found some lovely stash, but so sorry about the car...
Glad to see your posting again. Your finishes are wonderful. Over one!!!!?? You are brave.
Hope all is well,
Happy New Year,
Glad to see you back and that you had a nice time in ET and with your parents. Also that Ty is ok. Now on to you...I wish you all the best with your treatments and everything else with your health. Hopefully 2010 will move at a slower pace than 2009 but I don't see that happening yet...Best wishes to all and be always in stitches.
As Melissa said it really is bizarre as I too had only just sent you an email. Sounds like you have has as rough a time as I have but luckily enough for me because of the MS I am on antidepressents so have coped.
I love what you have stitched and I said I was going to start either ATS or HOHRH yesterday but didn't do either.
You have done soooo good on the weight loss. I am starting again on Monday.
Lots and Lots of Love
Patti xxx
Terri, you have been missed! Glad to see a post from you with lots of pics and updates about happenings. Glad you got to go home and enjoy some spoiling over the holidays. What memories those times make for you and the boys.
Sorry about the car, just seems to be one of those things, doesn't it? With teenagers driving, glad he is okay, even though the car is damaged so.
Love your finishes, glad you are stitching! Here is to wishing you a great, lighthearted and fun 2010, I am thinking you really deserve that!
I love your two finishes, they both are really lovely! And congrats on your weight loss, that is awesome! My Mom had the thyroid radioactive treatment about 11 years ago for Thyroid Cancer so I know how that goes, but the sweet treat you got from friends I'm sure helped pass the time away from everyone :o) Mom has done well with her treatments, she had 3 over the course of 5 years, so I'm sure you'll find you do great too!
A wreck is always a bad thing, I had a close call today and scared me half silly...at least no one was hurt. Things can be fixed or replaced, but lives can't. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Happy New Year Terri, I was wondering what had become of you! Your finishes are really gorgeous. I picked up the Jenny Bean Halloween sampler but now I guess I have to add the Christmas one to my list!
So happy to see your post Terri, glad everything is alright. Sounds like things have been crazy! Sorry about your sons car accident, but I'm glad he's OK!
Your PS finish is just gorgeous, as is the Jenny Bean sampler, gosh, I love that one!
Congrats on your weight loss! My hubby had the radioactive iodine back in the late 80's, he had lost a LOT of weight before then and was in the hospital for 7 days before they even figured out what was wrong with him (the thyroid problem) anyway, ever since the treatment, he's been healthy in that regard. They never told him he couldn't be around anyone after the radioactive stuff, so if I ever grow an arm out of my head or something crazy like that, we'll know who's to blame!
Anyway, just wanted you to know I missed you and am happy to see your post. Always such a pleasure.
I know the feeling, I am basically in a zone for now, until I feel human again. Just too much crafting and holiday preps, so now I need a rest.
I wasn't able to get all my cards out either and i notice, if i don't send one, I don't get one. For me, I send them to people because I want to, so I guess if others think it is a requirement for them, I rather not get one;)
Happy New Year! You have been busy-- and so wide spread on all your news! Your finishes look fabulous, cant wait to see Jenny Framed!!! We have missed you in blogland :)
Welcome Back Terri!! I've missed you! Sounds like likfe has been as busy there as it has been here and I don't know about you but I am glad the holidays are over!
Your Jenny B is beautiful and I love all the goodies you bought on your trip!
I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Terri, it's so good to hear from you and get a small glimpse of what you have been up to. Congrats on losing 20 lbs - what a wonderful feeling!
Your PS is just amazing - 1 over 1 is always worth the sacrifice.
It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Maybe the next time you are in VA we can meet for coffee. Did you love all our snow - I've been gone for a few days only to return and the white stuff is still here. I sure wish it would go away.
So sorry about Matt's car but so glad no one was hurt!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year.
Lovely, chatty post. I felt like I was having tea and we were chatting and you were filling me in on your latest activities lol
Love your two finishes.
Glad to see you back in the blogging world. And glad to read that times have started to be better for you.
Your two finishes are gorgeous. I love them both, they are just wonderful. Stitching over one isn't my joy either but as you say the results are wonderful. The Prairie Schooler Year must look so so beautiful in real life.
Sorry about the wrecked car. But such a luck that noone was injured.
Great new stash that you found in that shop.
Wishing you and your family all the best in 2010, good health for everyone and lots of stitching time for you.
I'm glad to see you posting again, Terri! I'm sorry for all of the things you've gone through, but very glad that your son is okay--even if the car is not! My SIL had her thyroid zapped bc she was hyperthyroid, she had an extreme case (eyes bugged out, etc.) but is doing great now. I hope 2010 is a much better year for you!
Congratulations on the finishes!
Happy New Year Terri, and may 2010 be much better for you(having read the comments on your health). I did wonder if everything was ok with you.
Glad to see your son is ok,the car can be replaced!!
Your finishes are wonderful, and the stash you got, good to see you spoil yourself. Are those stretchers an American invention?
Happy New Year, Terri. Glad to see you back in blogdom. I missed your blogs.
Congrats on your finishes and weight loss! What awesome accomplishments! Yes, it sounds like you have been very busy over the last month and a half. Hopefully, you are able to get back to a normal pace now that the holidays are over.
I love reading your blog and glad to see you back. Your stitching looks great! Congrats on your finishes. Hope things are going well for you.
Glad to see you back, Terri. Happy New Year and best wishes in 2010!
Good to see you back Terri, your finishes are lovely.
Happy New Year to you and your family
Hi Terri - Glad to hear you've had a wonderful christmas visit with your family back in ET - that is gods country for sure - we vacation in that area every year for many many years - have you ever visited Double Cross in Knoxville - top notch shop - Also Dixie Darlin in Pigeon Forge is a cute shop. Love your JB christmas - so homey and can't wait to see how you use it. the PS piece is neat too. Here's hoping you have time to get back to blog land regularly - I sure missed you and so have lots of others it seems - many happy stitches in the new year - Mel
Hi Terri!
Happy New Year! Wow lots of things have happened during the holidays! I'm glad no one got hurt, except the car!
Your finishes are beautiful as always! I don't think I'll ever love stitching over one, hahaha :)
Cheers to a great new year!!!
Happy New Year!! You've had quite a busy few months, no wonder blogging took a back seat. I hope you are feeling better and congrats on the weight loss.
Your finished projects are gorgeous! Over 1 is pretty, but not always fun :)
Happy new year to you and your family.
I love your finished stitching, most of all Prairie Schooler Year over one !!!
I like you stash too : What is the name of Carriage house one ?
Again : Bonne Année !!
Terri! So happy to see are doing okay. I've thought of you often during the holidays, and wondered how your treatment was going. Such a busy time of year, I didn't even attempt to do Christmas cards, which I regret, but a person can only handle so much!
Your stitching is wonderful! I really love Jenny Bean Christmas! What a beautiful piece. The one/over/one is amazing as well!
I'm thrilled that you've lost 20 pounds over the holidays! How fabulous is that? What a great accomplishment, and very inspiring!
So sorry to read about the car accident. I'm glad your son was okay, but that is not something a parent wants to deal with.
Have a wonderful week. So great to hear from you again!
Many hugs.
Oh no RE: the car!! But your stitching is FABU as usual, lol. I am in love with the Jenny Bean Christmas piece. And your PS over one is amazing!!
Happy New Year Terri! So glad you posted as was wondering how you and your family were doing. Sorry to hear about the car. Love your stitched pieces as usual. I just love P. Schooler. I hope in the spring to start an OOP leaflet that I have had in my stash for ages.From your pics I wouldn't have thought you had any weight to lose. You always look beautiful! Wishing you a great year!
Happy New Year! It sounds like you had a nice holiday season. This year's holidays just went so fast! Love the firelog basket.
I was happy to see your post. I was thinking about you the other day. Congratulations on finishing PS and Jenny and your weight loss. I would love to lose 20 pounds. Great stash too!!
Happy New Year! Your Prairie Year and JB Christmas are both gorgeous! Congrats on some lovely finishes. I just bought JB Christmas, and I can't wait to get to it. Good for you on the weight loss too, that is awesome and I am sure it will help you out with what you've got going on. Big hugs - glad to see you back!
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