I'm sorry I'm late in posting the winner - it's been all kinds of crazy 'round here. I haven't had time to really read or comment too much but I hope to remedy that soon. This was an easy draw - only 34 comments and not everyone was interested so I just asked Rob to pick a number between 1 and 34. My random number generator, Rob picked lucky number 13! Guess what, lucky number 13, SIOBHAN passed so I had to ask him to pick again..... Lucky number 20! That's you, MICHELE!! If you will please email me your address, I'll get this out as soon as I can. I guess Miss Kitty is not overly popular but I hope you'll like her, Michelle. I enjoyed making her!
Here's my progress on Be Kind & Be True. I was going great guns and then kind of hit a wall - did a bit of beading and a few other things but will get back to it soon (maybe tonight)! I've got to re-do their eyes - they're kind of lopsided (like mine) one is bigger than the other (like mine) and they're just plain wonky (like mine). Heck, maybe I'll just leave 'em be.
Here are a few of the goodies I've found at estate sales and antique markets of late. Love the little suitcases and the red one with the label inside is my favorite.
This one is black, faux croc with a great lucite handle.
This is the red one - the red in the 2nd picture is a more true reflection of the color.
Love these glass shakers full of bells, beads and pearls:
I found this pretty sewing basket at an estate sale with my friend, Sheila. Isn't it pretty? I always feel kind of bad going into an estate sale and plowing thru peoples things. The things at the sale are those items nobody wanted. I always feel good when I find something like this that is obvious the owner loved and took care of. I will give it a good home!
This is what I'm totally jonesing for right now - the Desert Rose dishes by Franciscan. These were at the same estate sale as the basket - I love that woman's taste but these were a bit cost prohibitive. These were the really pretty, older ones that were made in the USA. Anyone have these that they don't want? I'd love to give them a good home!
I found this sewing box at the Salvation Army for next to nothing. I couldn't pass it up and it makes a perfect side table and keeps all my sewing needs close at hand. I am going to have to do some room rearranging but I couldn't let this go.
Still has the made in Norway label.
These goodies were all bargains (wish the dishes had been) but oh well.... I just love finding a bargain!!! One persons junk is most definitely someone else's treasure. I am not a hoarder. I am not a hoarder. Do you hear me, Julie? I am not a hoarder.
Finally, I'd like to leave you with a picture of Sophie and Gracie enjoying our fabulous Michigan weather:
Here's Gracie sprawled out on the patio. No hip problems here!
And here's Miss Sophie surveying her kingdom (such as it is):
I hope you're all having a lovely summer - we're enjoying PERFECT Michigan weather right now - high 70's, breezy and fabulous. Speaking of which, it's getting time for our evening walk so I'm going to have to wrap this up. Sophie is very demanding!
Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet notes, too! I hope you have a great rest of the week and a wonderful 4th of July weekend if you're in the US!
OMG! It's so funny that you want those Desert Rose pieces! No, I don't have any, but I still remember wanting that set for the longest time way back when! lol! I think this was in the 80s, so probably not vintage? I don't know what vintage is. Good luck -- I hope you manage to find a good set!
I love all your finds so much -- that sewing basket with the blue interior really caught my eye! And your Be Kind and True is looking wonderful! I wouldn't worry about the eyes too much. Like you said, not everyone has symmetrical eyes. :D
Hope you have a good 4th!
I love, love, love your sewing baskets! Especially the little wicker one!
Your Be Kind and True is looking great! I understand about the "eyes", I'd obsess about them until I was satified :P
Have a Happy 4th!
I need to come antiquing in Michigan! Holey Moley I love it all! The wicker sewing basket looks like it is in mint condition...
WOW..Be Kind and True is fabulous..and is high 70's as hot as it gets? We are stinkin hot here in Atlanta. I envy you!
Congrats to Michele on the win!
Fabulous finds, Terri! Good luck on your quest for those dishes!
Terrific progress on your Be Kind and Be True piece!
Enjoy your 4th!
I love Sophie on her throne! And don't you just wish when it's as hot as it's been here that you could sprawl out the same as Gracie?
Love your finds...especially the basket. I think your people are cool on your sampler. Can't wait to see it.
Have a good holiday weekend!
Terri I LOVE all your finds!!! And while you're on the lookout for your Franciscan Desert Rose pieces, keep an eye out for the Franciscan Apple pieces! LOL I want to start collecting that pattern! Like I need more dishes. And good grief...hubs was watching Buried Alive the other day, insinuating that I could be on the show. One lady was a 'collector' (ahem..hardly..she was a hoarder that didn't clean her house!)...and the other lady was a knitter/crafter/hoarder. Again..absolutely NO resemblance! Our house is clean, my yarn is not buried under piles of cat doo-doo and newspapers...everything is in it's place! Hoarder...pshaw! We are collectors! ;o)
Loved your Miss Kitty, but would have felt bad if I won 2 in a row.
Be Kind & Be True is coming along beautifully - always love seeing your stitching.
Terrific finds, love the wooden sewing box, I remember wanting one like that when I was little.
You might try watching shopgoodwill.com it is like ebay for Goodwill, GWs around the country put up some of their donation items for auction. I found it today and found some really neat items with low bids.
Jealous for your weather, wanna trade for our 90s?? ;)
Gracie and Sophie look like perfect sweeties. Lola sends them a big sloppy wet kiss. :o) Great finds at your estate sales - I will keep an eye out for your dishes during my treasure hunts.
Your Be Kind and True is beautiful. I love this sampler. And all your finds...you go girl. My personal favorite...the wooden sewing caddy/table from Norway. Perfect for stitching room. And as far as the hoarders go...I have to agree with you...I think the show should be called...stupid people who don't or won't clean their house or take out the garbage!! LOL!! Terri my dear, have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!! Hugs
I have enjoyed reading your blog for a while now. I just had to comment on the Desert Rose dishes. My sister-in-law's mother had the vintage dishes (bought new) and no one wanted them when she passed away. My sister-in-law knew I liked them so she GAVE ME the whole set, service for 10 plus serving pieces! I have decorated my entire dining room around those dishes!
I use Mill Hill Petite seed beads for eyes instead of French Knots...they drive me around the bend trying to get them even!
I love the treasures you found at the estate sales. Don't feel bad about it. If you didn't buy it those same treasures might go in the garbage!
Your sampler is really pretty, and the eyes look fine in the picture!
What great finds! Enjoy them all, and I hope you find your dishes. Such a pretty pattern.
I have had very good luck at estate sales too, but I've been too lazy to post any pictures! I found two vintage tomato pincushions (one cotton and one velvet) and a basket made in Occupied Japan and a bunch of vintage linens, among other things. Aren't they just so much fun!
I am enjoying your Be Kind and true, this is such a sweet piece, I need to start it already! My husband and I have been antiquing the last few days and I have seen those dishes-- they are gorgeous. The price always varies and always not for the set, but for pieces individual. Not to inexpensive I know!! It is always so fun to go to shops and wonder who used these great stitching pieces that you find, what kind of work they did and where there work may be now. I hate to think... :) Have a great weekend!
All you find is lovely! I love the sewing basket and the sewing box.... mmmhhhmmm I'm thinking I need it so tomorrow I'll go to the market to look for it...I hope to have lucky ...
Hug and kisses from Italy
What fantastic bargians, and antiques, you get in your area - you have a great eye. Love the baskets and cases and that big Norwegian sewing box. Good luck with your search for the crockery set :)
Be kind & true is lovely Terri.
Love all your antique's, the Sewing box is fantastic.
G&S look incredibly chilled out :o)
What a great set of finds! And BKaT is just lovely.
You have such a good eye for picking out older things to give a new life to, Terri! I always enjoy seeing what you do with your "finds!"
Be Kind and True is one of my favorites--I'm sure you will get the eyes the way you want them soon. It always takes me a few attempts...
Happy 4th of July weekend--enjoy this amazing weather :)
Oh wow, love all the finds!! I am a sucker for dishes/pottery.
Be Kind & True looks fantastic! You're moving along nicely on it.
Congratulations to Michele!
Your Sampler is beautiful. I do not have the patience for cross stitch. I love all your finds...especially the sewing table. thanks for sharing and have a great day. Angela
Love your progress on BK&T, it's looking pretty so far :) Your little pooches are so cute, enjoying the sunshine!
Good Morning Terri, just wanted to tell you that quite a few years ago I started collecting the Hall Tavern Scene dishes - one piece at a time. Now I have a pie safe that is bulging with those dishes. Just keep your eyes open and they will come. Have a great day, Dawn
BK&BT looks terrific, Terri. You're getting through it and you'll have it finished soon enough.
Loved looking at those new treasures you've picked up lately too.
Happy 4th when it comes around.
Your sampler is coming along beautifully. It's gorgeous and I just love it.
And your pups are so cute.
Contrats on your latest finds.
Happy 4th.
I really love your BK&T...the colors are so pretty!
And you've found some really awesome treasures...I'm so envious, LOL ;)
One of these days I'm going to be a great finder of great finds :) Just like you and Deb! LOL!
Love them all!
Love your WIP too :) (and I don't think your eyes are wonky)
And I just recently inherited Royal Mail china and I've been on a bit of a spending spree myself, so.....Hmmm...I understand :)
Hi Terri,
Be Kind and Be True is looking wonderful. I couldn't get their eyes to look right either so I didn't stitch them. LOL!
Love those dishes! Hope you find a set. They are beautiful.
You find some of the neatest things in estate sales and antique stores. The sewing basket and box are both really pretty.
Great post Terri! Love the dishes, and I didn't know that Jackie used them in AF1. How cool is that. I'll keep my eye out for you.
I love the sewing basket too. I collected sewing baskets some time back, and have a pink one just like it. It's so nice to have old sewing baskets, that someone loved.
Your sampler is looking wonderful!
How are the trip plans coming? My quilt guild decided to book a retreat the week prior. I opted out, as I don't think I can do both, and I'm much more excited about our stitching rendezvous. Many hugs to you! Have a great holiday.
Love your progress on Be Kind and True!
You certainly found some great things at the Estate Sales and Salvation Army! Lucky you!
You'll find those dishes one day even if you have to collect them one at a time.
I have the vintage Apple dishes by Franciscan. My grandmother and Mom collected them and I got them last summer after my Mom died. I treasure them!
Have a great 4th of July! I'm originally from Michigan and I can appreciate that "perfect" weather!
Woohoo!!! I can't believe I won. How fun. I'll send you an email with my address. Love all your finds - that red case is fabulous and so is that sewing table. WOW!
Beautiful dishes! I hope you are able to find more at an affordable price! I love the suitcases, sewing basket and box. Be Kind is coming right along! I think everyone hits a block during the summer months. I know, I have.
Wow, you really found some good stuff at bargain prices! You'll have fun and treasure those dishes as your collection grows. I like the eyes on your sampler. Mine always come out looking like Marty Feldman eyes!
Kind and True is just lovely!! Some super estate finds.
Congratulations to Michele!
Be kind and true looks awesome even if you think the eyes are wonky.
Love all your treasures, especially the sewing table. You scored big time for sure!
I'll keep my eyes open for he dishes. Is there some way to tell the old from the new?
Congrats to the winner :o)
Lovely! I wouldn't change anything.
WOW! You DID find some great finds :o) That sewing box is gorgeous and I love the shakers! I wish I could find something like that around here.
Have a great holiday weekend Terri!
I'll keep my eye our for you on those dishes - I do have you on speed dial! I have seen them here and there and maybe while my sister is here and we do our crazy antiquing again this year I'll come across some.
Love the finds that you did come across - the red and black suitcases are so cool, and the sewing baskets as well. My grandmothers had ones like both of those, but I didn't take them, which I'm still kicking myself over.
Great pictures of the girls!!! Have a great 4th!!
My Mother gave me her full of the Desert Rose dishes. She got them many years ago when she was first married.
What a wonderful post! YOur creative handwork is totally amazing! How do you do those finite stitches so beautifully! I loved seeing your vintage finds - love the sewing baskets and the beads! Those vintage plates are to die for!
Thanks for sharing beautiful photos.
Terri, thanks for stopping by my site. It's always good to make new friends. I love your stitchery station you have created. I love orginizing stuff! I also spied your paper holder/cutter! Wow! I love that. It looks so cool. Well I will be back for many more visits. Your blog looks neat, please stop by again soon!!
Pretty dishes!!!! My mom has some that are similar, I think they are called English Rose? Love all your finds, the sewing box is gorgeous.
Cute stitching, I'd leave the eyes but that's me ;-).
Sweet puppies, mine love to lay out on the deck and sit in the windows, LOL.
Terri, I love your finds! The sewing basket is probably my favorite. I love things like that.
Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am feeling much better and the arm is going to take some time to heal. The doctor told me that other day that it could be months before the crush injury rights itself.
Be Kind and True looks wonderful!!! My sister collects the Franciscan Desert Rose, too. My grandmother collected the apple pattern. Check out www.replacements.com. If you register that pattern, they will send you periodic updates on what they have in stock.
I have the same sewing box you do, complete with sticker from Norway! I love it ;o) And I love your idea with the shaker bottles...can I steal it? LOL!
Be KInd and True is looking beautiful!
Such great finds, Terri! Enjoy!!
Love your finds and I'm totally with you on the Desert Rose! Here is my sad little Desert Rose story. When we got married 35 years ago my father-in-law worked for the company that mined and produced the clay that was used to make Franciscan ware dishes and he got the employee discount so he offered to buy us any set we wanted as a wedding gift. My first choice was the Desert Rose but we were young and it was 1975 and we finally decided to go with something trendy. Ugly brown dishes that are long out of fashion and long out of our house. Every time I see the Desert Rose I just sigh.
Love that sewing box and basket. Love, love, love, them! Great finds.
I love ALL your finds, Terri! Especially your new side table. This box looks very practical and useful and nice wooden color. It's hard to find this kind of box in Malaysia and it's expensive. Great progress on Be Kind & Be True. Hope you can have your Franciscan Desert Rose collections very soon. :) Have a nice day! Cheers!
Great Progress on Be Kind and Be True! Love all your great finds!!
Fabulous thrifting and I love the Desert Rose dishes, I wanted them when I got married and the DH said no way those are granny dishes! I love the big sewing box at the end of your couch. I had one of those at one time and I think it must have gotten tossed in a move back when we were moving a lot. I love your Be Kind and True finish! Sweet piece!
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