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A little blog about my big loves; family, friends, stitching and yep, chocolate!

Chocolate Loving Followers!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Elevators, Buckets, Completions and Fine Feathered Friends

Hello friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, wherever you are. I knew I shouldn't have bragged about our beautiful Michigan summers - it is so hot here right now, it's just nasty. We've gone from beautiful mid 70 degree temps to the high 90's. I'll learn one day to keep my big mouth SHUT! How hot is it? Well, let's just say this is not a day you'd want to get stuck in an elevator, is it? Yeah, me neither but that's what happened a little while ago.

I was at our local hospital today (nothing serious) and left right after my appointment. I was parked in the parking garage and because it was so hot, I took the lazy way up and rode the elevator. As I reached my floor, the elevator stopped, the doors made a grinding noise and then... nothing.

The door wouldn't open!

The elevator had a glass side to it so it wasn't terribly claustrophobic but the sun was beating in, so it was hot. Did I mention that there were 9 halogen lights in the ceiling shining brightly and adding to the sauna like atmosphere? Oh, and there was also a lot of heat being generated into the very small air ducts from the elevator that was running next to me. The running elevator was in fact doing double duty since of course, mine was stuck. I waited a couple of minutes, then rang the alarm which, other than making a lot of noise, does nothing. So, I picked up the phone to tell the voice on the other end that I was stuck in an elevator. "We'll get someone over there right away, ma'am." About 10 minutes later the voice called me back to tell me that someone was on the way. What if I had been in a serious health crisis? Anyway, the very nice man asked how I was doing and I said fine but that it was very hot in this very basic, no frills whatsoever, stair well elevator with no air. I told him that if they didn't get there soon the sight they see when they do get the door opened might not be pretty (unless the guys opening the doors are 60+, then they might think I looked pretty good (maybe)!

If I have to strip down, to keep from passing out, I will.

A naked, not in the best shape of her life, hot, angry female might just send the door openers into shock and right over to the hospital themselves. Anyway, about 40 minutes later, they got the elevator going and thankfully, I had not yet stripped. Not the best way I've ever spent 40 minutes.....

On to lovelier things...

I did manage to finish Be Kind and Be True. I really like the way it turned out and even though the eyes are googly, I'm leaving them. I'm calling it folky. One day, in a few years (I hope it's a few more than that but you know what I mean), when I 'm dead and the boys have gotten rid of all my stitching, someone will buy this at the Goodwill and they'll say "She really did lovely stitching. If only she had mastered those french knots." Oh, the heck with that, we'll dump the stitching and keep the frame! Thank you Melissa for giving me your pattern - I am going to pass it on to another stitching friend. This is stitched on 32 count something with the called for threads (DMC). Here are my artsy photos in the dappled sunlight:

Do you have a bucket list? One of the things on my bucket list (which changes often) was to see Eric Clapton in concert. I can now check that off my list. Rob and I saw Eric and Roger Daltrey at the final show of their concert tour this past weekend. They both put on a great show and it was a beautiful evening for an outdoor concert. We were in the pavilion so we weren't in the sun and with a cool breeze blowing, it was perfect! Poor Eric did look old and tired, though. His hair was shoulder length which is not his most attractive look, I don't think, and he had a lot of gray stubble that wasn't helping to make him look very youthful. But, holy cow, he was in great voice and his guitar sounded as sweet as ever! Awesome show. One more thing checked off.

Finally, we have this little Robin that has been hopping around our yard for two days now. We've turned the sprinklers on so he can find worms, we've put the birdhouse down low hoping he'd hop in there and be safe thru the night. We've set out pans of water, which he hopped right over, and and have tried our best to keep him out of harms way. Isn't he sweet? Be safe my fine feathered friend! You'll have to click the pic to enlarge to see him sitting on the tire.

That's all the news for today. I hope you're staying cool wherever you are (or warm if you're in the Land Down Under) and having a great week. Thank you for all the comments on my last post. I'm jealous of all of you that have the Desert Rose dishes and I hope to have my own set one of these days! And, a big hearty hello and Welcome! to my new followers. I really appreciate you being here and all of your kind and thoughtful comments.



BrendaS said...

Wonderful finish!

I had a good chuckle over your elevator story. At least it was only 40 minutes and not hours!

Have a great day

Es said...

Urgh how awful! I'd love hotter weather over here, but I think that those sort of temperatures are taking the mickey! I doubt I could cope in that sort of heat, so how you did it in an elevator for nearly an hour is beyond me! I'd have been naked within twenty minutes, which would not have been pretty!!!! The weather here at the moment is hitting a high of 26C which is like 78F or something and that's more than hot enough for me :o)

The Be Kind Be True sampler is absolutely gorgeous :o) Congratulations on the finish!

Myra said...

Oh my Terri! I would hate to be stuck in an elevator. Thank goodness it was only for 40 minutes.

Be kind and true is gorgeous. I love the blue in it.

Poor little Robin baby. We also try to protect the baby wildlife here but with and outside cat...not easy sometimes. It sounds like you are doing everything you can. I sure hope he makes it.

Julie M said...

Good Lord! I would have freaked at being stuck in the elevator for that long. I must say you handled it quite well. Must have been the longest 40 minutes of your life though!

Love the finish and the artsy photography! Beautiful!

congrats on checking an item off your bucket list. I don't think I have one of those.

Poor little birdie. I hope he makes it.

Holly Hills Primitives said...

What a cute little Robin, glad you're taking care of him. I can't imagine 40 minutes in the hot elevator - my husband would have had a heart attack! Glad you're home safe and sound, Dawn

Margaret said...

OMG! How awful that the elevator got stuck with you in it! UGH!!! I'm glad they got you out eventually. That little robin is adorable! And your Be Kind and True is gorgeous! Another one I want to stitch. Eric in concert -- pretty cool! I saw Paul McCartney, so I'm pretty satisfied with life. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Elton John in concert.

Lisa Clarke said...

Oh, Terri - it's my fault. We went to TN and brought all this hot back with us. I'm sorry. REALLY thankful that I have central air, as many of my neighbors do not. We're right by the lake and there's thankfully a breeze, but still - it can go away at any time! Ane, when it does, let's not crow to our southern friends. I think that might be why it's here, too. I'm shamed.
WOnderful finish by the way!!

Pat / Silver Thimble Quilt Co. said...

The elevator story is scary to say the least..I'm so sorry you are enduring hot weather. We in Atlanta salute you!


Stitcher said...

Sorry about your unplanned sauna! But glad they got you out before you made the local news.

Patty C. said...

I'm sooo glad you didn't have to strip - You probably would have been content had you carried your stitching with you - lol

Sherry :o) said...

I think you naked in an elevator would be better than me in the same boat - and I'm not sure in this heat I wouldn't have been really pissed off! Even if it's no one's fault, really. Glad you made it out without wilting!

Boy, between Deb's deer and your bird, wildlife is abound!

See you Sunday? I will try to remember to bring my "The Red Flower Sampler"...I am so in love with it!

I'm so jealous of the concert. My sister-in-law was in town and wanted to go but I didn't know they were coming and missed the boat...glad you had a good time!

Joanie said...

Oh, you are so brave in a stuck elevator!!! I would have had a meltdown completely in 30 seconds and I probably would have died if I had to wait 40 minutes!! I love your Be Kind and True sampler. It's on my short list.
I can relate to googly eyes, I can't make a french knot if my life depended on it. And I laughed at your comment about garage sale finds...that's what's going to happen to my stitching, no museums for my stuff.

I saw Eric in concert when I was 17 and he did Layla...omg, I still can hear it. He was scruffy back then too. LOL!!!

Missy said...

Little Robin is so sweet.

A few years ago Eric Clapton showed up as a surprise guest at a Bob Dylan concert in Columbus Ohio. The crowd wad so loud when Eric stepped out on stage. I later found out the he has a home in the Columbus area....who knew!LOL


Anonymous said...

My goodness! I don't think I would get in that elevator again! Your Be Kind and Be True finish is gorgeous! Love the colors used!

What a cutie your bird friend is! We have been providing extra water to our feathered friends, too!


WoolenSails said...

I would not like being stuck in an elevator, not a fun way to spend the day;) Love your new piece, beautiful design and colors. I do not have a list, if I make it through the day without any disasters, I am happy.


Loraine said...

Oh my goodness, being stuck in an elevator is one of my biggest nightmares! What a pain! Too bad you couldn't just sit in a chair and stitch!
Your Be Kind and True is just darling. I love this pattern! So fun to see it finished.
Thanks for booking Escala today. I'm beside myself in excitement! Melanie said she thinks she can come, so I think we have 4 for sure! Yipee!
Your little bird is really darling. I'll have to tell you my bird adventures real soon.
Have a great night dear friend!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Oh Terri, I can't imagine being stuck in that elevator for 40 minutes. I am hot natured and would have been naked.. lol. I stitched that design for Brenda the designer. It should have my name April Taylor as stitcher. That was a fun stitch, before that one I had stitched some over 1 designs for her. I love her designs. I have a lot of her charts. What is next for your stitching pleasure ?

Sandra said...
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Sandra said...

Shame you didn't have your stitching with you in the lift. What a dreadful experience, heat or not, I think I would have been a wreck after 40 minutes.

Vinniey said...

Oh Terri, I can't imagine being stuck in that elevator for 40 minutes in this hot weather; especially when you're thirsty but without water supply inside there! Be Kind & True is lovely and your new feathered friend is so cute. :)

Mylene said...

Congrats on finishing the sampler. It's beautiful!!

Sorry to hear about your experience with the elevator. My son was stucked a couple of weeks ago for 20 minutes, he was with his friends so i didn't know until he was out.

Lois said...

Okay, I would have been totally freaked at being stuck like that! It might only have been 40 minutes but that's more than enough for anyone!

Love your Be Kind and True finish.

Siobhán said...

Congratulations on the finish!! Hang in there with all that heat. :P

KarenV said...

Ack! I'm pretty claustrophobic and I couldn't cope with being stuck for 4 minutes, never mind 40! This is why I always take the stairs ;)

Congratulations on finishing BK&BT, such a pretty piece!

Annie said...

Your stitched finish is just beautiful (French knots are too small for most people to see that closely anyway. ;-)

Remember the Gray's Anatomy episode where George does heart surgery on someone in a stuck elevator? Glad your experience was a bit less harrowing, although plenty annoying on its own.

Looks like a light of the country is having heat waves now. We are in triple digits here.

Angela Weimer said...

I would have lost my mind stuck in an elevator it is a huge fear of mine. Glad you got our safely. Your stitching is wonderful! good luck to the little birdie. We have had a nest of swallows in our doorway that finally started to leave the nest now. So adorable but messy. Have a good one and stay cool. Angela

Carol said...

What a darling finish, Terri--that has to be one of my favorite sayings! I am facing two flower centers filled with french knots and dreading them more and more with each stitch. I'm saving them until the very end of the piece and I may just have to convert them to simple cross stitches. Why do we all have such trouble with those darn things?!

Stay cool--this heat is unbelievable...

Jane said...

Yuk! The thought of being stuck in an elevator really makes me hot and flustered, so much I might even strip now! So pleased you coped with it ok, guess you were in the right place if not!
You did make me chuckle about the stitching at the Thrift Shop in years to come and just buying the piece for the frame, I literally have just had a session of frame hunting and did think to myself I know how long that piece would have taken to stitch and now there's nobody to love it - my kiddies tell me they will look after my masterpieces when I'm gone (fingers crossed behind their backs I bet?) xxx

Jane said...

If only I could send you some of our cool weather, then we'd both be living in lovely mid temp climates.

I'm glad you eventually got out of that elevator, though 40 minutes was long enough in that heat. Good thing you didn't take your clothes off, they may have left you trapped in there again once they opened those doors! (only joking)

BK&BT is wonderful, Terri! I was the same with the eyes, not the best with those French Knots. It doesn't matter if they're not perfect because they give it that hand-made look and individuality. Congrats on the finish!

Giovanna said...

Yeah, not nice - it's happened to me a few times. Once in mid-late stages of pregnancy, but fortunately they got my colleagues and me out in about 10 minutes. I wasn't far enough that any of them risked having to act as midwife, lol.

Congrats on BKaT, it's so pretty!

Catherine said...

What a lovely finish! I love this piece and have it on my wishlist along with a million other things!

OMG! The elevator story. I would have panicked for sure!

Stay cool and next time, take the stairs!

Nancy said...

Your sampler is very pretty! Congratulations on the finish.

It was not a funny situation being stuck in that elevator, but I had to laugh at the way you wrote about it! You have a great sense of humor!

Stay cool!

Deb said...

I can not even imagine being stuck in an elevator for five minutes let alone 40! How awful and how scary!

Be Kind and True is really a pretty piece and the pictures are great too. Congrats on a great finish!! What's next???

And can you say UTAH!!! :o)

Katrina said...

Oh wow the elevator thing doesn't sound like even a bit of fun. I am sure you were beyond relieved when they got you out :-).

Cute, cute, cute finish!!! Love it.

Hope the birdie does okay.

FIONA said...

A beautifully finished piece Terri! I have just found your blog and have enjoyed reading! I will definitely be following from now on! Thanks for sharing your love of needlework and chocolate! We must have the same thoughts! I also love your stitching room - it's just gorgeous! x

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Scary elevator story, I think I would have freaked out... sweet little bird, bless you for taking care of him!!!
Daphne Nicole

Melissa said...

You're so welcome Terri! BK&BT looks wonderful, even with the googly eyes. I had the same problems too with the french knots so I cheated and actually put regular cross stitch in! Sometimes I wonder too what will happen to my stitching when I'm gone!

That elevator story - yikes! Annoying but I bet it was kind of scary to wonder how long you'll cook in that heat! Glad everything turned out ok!

Kathy A. said...

Oh my = stuck in a hot elevator. That must have been very trying. Glad that you made it out before having to strip!!
Love your Sampler. Congrats on the finish.

Dani - tkdchick said...

That is one of my fears I think being stuck in an elevator! Of course what comes to my mind is what if I REALLY have to pee? LOL!

I'm glad they got you out of there in under an hour!

Your finish is just lovely!

Rachel S-H said...

Your finish looks fantastic!

I totally can understand the elevator issue. I got stuck in one in March, and it is the most obnoxious feeling.

Dovilė said...

wonderful Sampler:)

Cari said...

It's horrible getting stuck in an elevator...especially in the heat!! YIKES...I wouldn't have had to use the phone as someone would have heard me screaming!!! Love your sampler's beautiful!! Hugs girlfriend...

Pam said...

Your finish is beautiful, googley eyes and all!!

As for being stuck in the elevator, that goodness they got you out after only 40 minutes. At least you have a sense of humor about it. I'm not so sure that I would be so good about it.

mainely stitching said...

Oh my gosh, being stuck in an elevator is one of my biggest irrational fears. And now I hear it's not so irrational. Yikes!!

Lauralee @ The Eclectic Stitcher said...

OMG, I would have absolutely been a basket case in the elevator ~ horribly claustrophobic!!! Glad you didn't have to strip down LOL! Be Kind and True turned out wonderfully, googly eyes and all.

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear about your elevator experience - not an experience I'd like to have!!! Your finish is beautiful - lovely colors!

Littlebit said...

Omg..I was taking deep breaths just reading about your elevator experience!
Beautiful, beautiful finish!!

Angela said...

I've never been stuck in an elevator and in this heat too I can imagine i"d strip down naked pretty fast too :) LOL. Speaking of HOT, we get one day of relief here and it's back into the high 30's with the humidity again. Hurry along Fall, please!

Love your finish and I had a great laugh over your needle work ending up at Goodwill. I've found some stitching before and had similar thoughts :) That'll teach me, ha!

Try to stay cool.

MyLifesAStitch said...
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Karoline said...

Gorgeous finish, congratulations.

How awful to be stuck in the elevator especially when it's that hot.

Bertie said...

Gorgeous your Artsy pics, love that sampler.
Hope you have recovered after the scare in the elevator!!

Pumpkin said...

Oh my! That wasn't a good situation you found yourself in. I could see myself having a panic attack. I'm glad you got out before anything had to be removed ;o)

Gorgeous finish Terri! I think it's beautiful no matter what you say about the eyes.

How sweet! I hope he'll be okay. Poor thing :o(

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Your sampler is gorgeous and what a cute little birdy. Shame you didn't have your stitching with you, might have made the time pass quicker. Have a great weekend.


Sherry said...

I had to giggle about the elevator but glad all was well! That could have been serious. Be Kind and True looks wonderful! I hope your little Robin is still alright.

Von said...

With temps here at the 100 mark the last couple of days, I could really imagine just how hot it was in that elevator! So glad the ordeal wasn't longer! :)

Isabelle said...

Hi Terry, many conhratulations on finishing the sampler. It is really beautiful!!
what a bad experience with the elevator. I think I would have been very scary to be there .
I don't understand how I missed your post .
I wish you a great week,

Tammy said...

Your finish is so so pretty! And yes, I do have a bucket list. I saw Ground Zero and Adam Lambert this year. Two things checked off. I'm seeing Adam again next month too, lol. Double check!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...
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Valerie said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish! Lovely as always, Terri!

I am so glad to hear that you escaped unharmed from your horrible elevator incident! 40!! Here's to you for keeping a positive attitude!

Stay is still blistering here in Virginia...I guess we are all in the same boat! Take care!

Hazel said...

What a superb finish! Love it. Sounds like you had a lot of fun at the concert. You have lost me on the bucket list. What's a bucket list?? x

Jeanne said...

I would have been totally panicked in the elevator that long - I have claustrophobia. In fact, when we go to baseball games here I will not take the elevators in the parking garages - they are not air conditioned and I am afraid they will stop on me and I'll die in there. I'm glad it was only 40 mins but it probably seemed like a lot longer Terri!

Kateyed said...

We just hit a 100 followers on our blog and you were our first one! We are going to have a drawing on Monday to thank all of our followers and give away a special gift box of things that the winner would like . We will be drawing on Monday and, of course, you will be included!

Just wanted you to know...Thank you!

Kat and Suz

Kateyed said...

Thanks so much for being a follower of Katsui blog. We are having a giveaway (drawing this Monday) to thank our first hundred followers..

Kat and Suz

marylin & poussy said...

Magnificent, I am a fan of this beautiful embroidery
All my friendship

Alice said...

Wow Terri, you certainly kept your cool in such a hot lift. Still, it was a long time to wait. Beautiful finish on "Be kind and true". What fun to see Eric Clapton live. I agree that a fella his age would look much more handsome with shorter hair and no stubs even if he is a rocker. Can you picture Mick Jagger with stubs and long hair? Yikes!!!!