Do you remember how much I’ve been jonesing over the Franciscan, Desert Rose dishes? Oooh, I just love ‘em! When my folks were in town for Julie’s birthday party, they went out and about for a little bit and my mom happened to spot an Estate Sale sign. Being much like me (actually, I guess I’m just like her), she directed my dad to “Turn in there!” My dad, being used to quick maneuvering for just this sort of thing, put the car on two wheels and did as he was ordered asked.
You know what she found, right?
You Know it!
She got a fairly complete set of Desert Rose dishes, which became my birthday gift!
They also had a matching table cloth and napkins so my table can be set beautifully. What a surprise! Only thing is, after she saw them, she decided that I do indeed have exquisite taste (LOL) and so she’s decided to collect them, too. Won’t we have fun giving each other dishes for our various gifting occasions!? I still need want more pieces so am still on the lookout but I have a really nice start. Thanks, Mom (and Dad, too)!!!
The dishes were just what I dreamed about using to set the perfect, pretty table for Sally and Julie’s pink birthday party but didn’t dream I’d actually have them! Here’s a picture of the table, set in all its pink glory. At each place setting I included a heart shaped tart tin filled with pastel colored chocolate (what else?) kisses. The plate without a heart is mine – I forgot to put one out for me….

Behind the table, on the cart I found in someone’s rubbish (previous post), I placed all things pink. Included were pink candles, more serving dishes, pink marshmallows stocked in mason jars, chocolate bars wrapped in white paper, stamped pink and tied with pink ribbon for s’mores, and other goodies. I served pink wine and our DF Linda brought the best strawberry frozen, vodka punch to coordinate with the pink theme. The weather finally broke and we had a beautiful evening - not too hot, not too cold, it was just right. I know, I can’t really take credit for the weather.
BTW, Sheila has now decided to collect these, too! They are just so pretty and she's a girl that loves pink, also!!!
For milestone birthdays, which seem to come all too quickly, we all chip in and get the birthday girl something special.
For Sally, we got a Troll Beads ™ Cross. I have a couple of Troll Beads bracelets and this cross, too. Sally had admired it a time or two, so we thought that would be a perfect gift for her. The bead in the center (although you can't really see it here) reflects her August birthstone.
For Julie, we got a clock made by a folk artist couple that she loves. Mo and Kelly Dallas create the most fabulous Noah’s arks. Mo does the carving and Kelly does the painting. We saw them last year at the Country Living Fair in Ohio in September. You can see pics of their stuff (and our fun adventure) on this post: http://chocolates4breakfast.
We fell in love with their hand carved, hand painted pieces. They do have a line thru a company that produces a few of their designs for a lot less money. But, the originals are fairly expensive. I contacted them soon after the fair to see if they would do one of their clocks for Julie. They did, they even signed the back, and Julie loved it. I asked them to carve giraffes for her animals as they are her daughter Meghan’s favorite! Isn’t it pretty!?
For this pink party, I requested that all the girls wear white and pink as their primary colors. Here's a pic of all of us together in all our pinkness!
So, another year has come and gone and in addition to Julie and Sally, I am also a year older. UGH. But, with the birthday came some extraordinary gifts. Take a gander at the beautiful gift I got from Loraine!
I saw this on the SB site when it first came out and she’s already stitched, finished and mailed it to me. Can you believe it? It is so pretty and I just love it and will treasure it. Loraine and I have become great friends over the course of the last year or so and I can’t wait to spend lots of time together in SLC, Utah in September (SB retreat, here we come!) She also sent me these great scroll rod covers, too. Thank you so much, Sweet, Loraine!
From Jan, I won a giveaway (talk about perfect timing) – well, I came in 2 second or third place but I felt like I won. She sent the most wonderful 32 count fabric, a needle minder with a crown because, even if she didn’t know it, I AM the princess (at least in my mind), and this gorgeous silk floss. Oooh, what awesome treats! Thank you so much, Jan!
So, here is Loraine’s gift (scroll rod covers) and Jan’s gifts (fabric and needle minder) being used for my current project. Not much to show right now but this is a sweet A&E sampler called The Garden of Eden by The Goode Huswife. I converted the theads from DMC to AVS so we’ll see how it turns out. I thought I’d stitch the border till I couldn’t stand it anymore and I’m just about to that point.
I have more to show and tell but I’ve been told my posts are a bit long winded. I tend to write the way I talk – which is WAY too much, some have said, so I think I’ll stop here.
Okay, just one more thing! Check out these pretty handled screw drivers I've picked up lately. Won't they make a pretty base for a pincushion or punch needle design? I can just imagine the strong man hands that worked with these over the years to give them such a beautiful patina. You want some too, don't cha?
None of you look 50 at all!!!! I'm serious. All beautiful young ladies! What a wonderful idea . love the stitched piece from Lorraine. Glad you are having a great summer . The dishes are beautiful too.
Great post, Terri! And I don't think your posts are too long! What a fabulous pink party (where on earth did you find pink marshmallows?) you threw! Congrats on your birthday dishes, your gifts, and your win over at Jan's!
What a great birthday surprise from your mom. Your table looks so lovely.
AND I think those screwdrivers are a great idea for bases.
So beautiful--all of it--but especially you ladies! I'm familiar with the pattern, but I never knew the name of it, so I'll be on the lookout. Happy birthday!
How fabulous that your mom found these dishes, napkins and tablecloth for you!! So wonderful! And I love that you've inspired your mom and friend to collect too! Love all the presents, both given and received. Looks like you have a good start on that GH A&E too! You're right about those screwdrivers too -- great!
I'm glad you all had fun at the "pink" party :)
OH MY GOSH!! I didn't know it was your birthday, how can this keep happening to me??! Could've sworn that I'd written it down last year...wth? Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Late! Sorry about that! You received some wonderful treasures and the pink birthday bash you had was fabulous, you're all so pretty in your pinks!
Girl, your posts are always the best, don't ever think they're too long or that you talk too much. I always have a great time reading your posts, and usually read them several times over to make sure I don't miss anything!
So happy you got the whole set of that dinnerware. I have a set of the apple ones from that same line...but only ever got six and now we don't use them anymore cause I got tired of apple stuff. But we did keep them, they're just stored away. ANyway, how nice of your parents to find and buy them for you. They are wonderful! Just like you!
I LOVE those old screwdrivers!! Can't wait to see what you make with them. Very clever!
You're stitching one of my all time favorites :) But I used DMC, so I'll be looking forward to seeing yours done in the silks!
Love ya!
The "pink party" looks like it was a wonderful time. Your table was lovely. Happy Birthday to all.
Happy Birthday, from one Leo to another, Terri!!! AWESOMENESS that your mom found the Desert Rose dishes!!! I'm still hoping to just stumble across the Franciscan Apple dishes one day....I'm trying to NOT go on ebay and just make myself an instant collection! ;o)
LOVE those screwdrivers! Looks like you had such a great time with your friends and everything looked so pretty!!
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Ahh 50 - I remember it well - no actually I don't, far too far back. Your table looks fabulous with your new crockery and wow, even the matching table linen - you must have been over the moon with that present. You can chat on for as long as you like - I enjoy your posts.
Happy birthday to you and the birthday girls. What a fabulous party! Love the gifts...the pincushion from Loraine is lovely!
Oh your pink party sounds like so darn much fun! I love the picture of all of you. So fun to have great friends to share your life with! I can't wait to see you in about 6 weeks! Wahoo!
Wow, you set a really beautiful table for the party :) Looks like everyonehad a great time and you got some great gifts too :)
Happy Birthday to all the pink birthday girls. You all look fabulous! Your parties are so great, that I want to join you all too! Well, at least here in virtual land, that is.
BTW, I never think of you as long-winded.
What a fabulous time you all had at the party - - love all the "pinkness" :)
And great gifts too.
Belated Happy Birthday :)
Belated birthday wishes! The 'pink' party looks wonderful, what a great picture of all you 'pink' ladies. I love the dishes your mom found, little w onder that she now plans to collect them, they are so pretty.
Some lovely gifts from friends and I love reading your posts no matter what length they are. They are always fun to read!
Well you guys are certainly young looking for 50! The good friendship must have an effect! A pink party was such a great idea. A lot of great gifties.
The rose dinnerware is beautiful. I can see why you fell for it.
Sweet belated birthday wishes to you, dear Terri! You and the girls all look fabulous. What a wonderful 'pink' party and that dinner set is just gorgeous. Such a thoughtful Mum you have. I love Loraine's gift too, you'll have so much fun when you meet at the retreat next month. Can't wait to hear all about it. Hugs!
Hi Terri, I don't think your posts are too long and I love the fact that you write as you speak, it makes it so much more personal. It looks like a great party, congrats on your birthday.
Happy belated birthday to you, Terri. And all the birthday girls. :) You and your friends are so pretty and looks so gorgeous in pink! Perfect table setting, Terri. Glad to hear that your mom found the Desert Rose dishes!!! I am sure you're very happy with your birthday gift from your mom. What a lovely gift from Loraine! Love the pink ribbon finished. The crown needle minder is lovely and I love it too.
Have a wonderful weekend, Terri. :)
My grandma has those dishes....hope nothing ever happens to her or there will be fight over them. :0)
Looks like you had a great party with your friends, must be lovely weather out there!!
Great presents too :-))
50??? Naaaaa!!! You all look like you had a great day. Loving the pink vibe. x
Terri - what a lovely, lovely party you threw for your friends. Your table is just lovely. The more I see those dishes, the more I love them!
Happy Birthday - what wonderful gifts from your family and friends.
And those old screwdrivers - what a great new use for them, I love it.
Enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday (belated) to you ALL! I LOVE that pattern on the dishes. Too, too pretty. And what lovely gifts everyone received. Just beautiful.
Hello Terri, which beautiful moment crossed(spent) there in family, the table is magnificent, the friendship which reigns over these photos tempts and is worth being lived!
Which day, which becomes moldy
Best regards marylin
Oh Terri! I love your Pretty in Pink party. Looks perfectly perfect! I can tell you give awesome parties! I wish I lived closer I would have invited myself! LOL.
I almost stole a set of those dishes out of my MIL's cupboard, as I noticed when we were there last time, that she has a whole set. Well, she wasn't about to give them up (darn it.) I'm so glad your mom found you a set. How wonderful. The setting looks amazing on your table! How darling all of the wonderful "pink" surprises for everyone. And best of all, I love your dress! I don't think it could go better with your theme.
Glad you like your little pincushion. It was so fun to make, that I may make another for myself (someday!)
Love the stuff from Robyn too. Hello Kitty is the best!
Happy Happy birthday month to you! Looking forward to next month. It's coming quick! :D XOXO
Gorgeous party!!!! Love all the pink and what a great gift from your mom.
Cute birthday gifts for you too!!!
What fun! Your new dishes are beautiful.
What a fabulous way to spend your birthdays. Everything is so beautiful. Have a great weekend.
What an awesome post! The party looks like it was a blast! And I would never have thought to use screwdrivers that way!
Looks like it was wonderful pink party! Love the theme and you all looked great together. Love the clock that you got Julie too! That's wonderful that your mom found those dishes. If you need more pieces, I saw quite a lot of that set in my travels over the past couple weeks.
Wow! I think I am as excited about them finding those dishes as you are. How cool is that?! Looks like you had a fabulous time and oh the lovely gifts.
Wow what a wonderful find are those dishes, Terri!! So neat that your mom was able to get them, just in time for your fabulous pink party...everyone looked great, and I love your dress!!
You said I didn't know, but actually I did know that about you...the princess part, and that is why you got that crown needleminder! LOL LOL Glad you enjoyed and your gifts from Loraine and Robin are fabulous!
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Doesn't seem possible it has been a year, wow!
Happy belated Birthday! What a wonderful gift from your Mom. You will have lots of fun collecting them for each other. The hunt for something is most of the fun.
You and your friends look wonderful and the gifts you gave are great.
Love the SB fob. I have that in my stash too but haven't gotten around to stitching it yet.
Thanks for sharing. I love reading your blog and don't think your long winded at all. I feel as if you are talking to each of us individually!
Happy late Birthday, Terri! Great post..omg..I LOVE PINK, and I especially love the dishes and glassware!! I meant to comment earlier about the SB piece at the top of your blog. Absolutely beautiful!! LOVE it.
Happy Birthday! What a FUN get-together and it looks like a good time was had by all :) Enjoy all your wonderful new bday goodies!!!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time celebrating together! What fabulous luck on those Dessert Rose dishes too! Happy Birthday!
I love the pic of you and your friends - beautiful! All of your pink preparations and pretty pink table are just a huge reflection of your personality! Love your gifts - received and given! I know you guys had a blast! Good seeing you on Sunday...
What a wonderful day! All the pink is wonderful and your dishes look fabulous! I have a set of those that were my grandmother's.
Great goodies all around!
Loved reading your blog again. Beautiful pictures and lovely ladies!
My kids really like your Hello Kitty kit. In Holland are a lot of Hello Kitty stuff.
Lots of love!
Oh! I want to move to Michagan and join the pink ladies--you and your friends look like you have such fun together, Terri! What an amazing find on those dishes--your table is beautiful; in fact the whole celebration looks perfect :)
Wishing you an amazing year ahead with many pink moments in your future!
What a wonderful birthday surprise from your Mom! I love the all pink brigade picture! You all look wonderful. You got so many goodies and I know you were thrilled with them!
Happy belated birthday Terri - welcome to the fabulous 50's! Your pink celebration looked awesome - you put so much time and effort into the party - I know your friends and family enjoyed it immensely. Your mom sounds like a jewel - finding that Franciscan Rose pattern for you - awesome ! Love the gift from Loraine - she is a sweetie. We are lucky to have these dear friends thru blogging - I know you are counting the days until the SB retreat - you will have the time of your life. Cheers! Melody
Good Morning Terri: Thx for sharing your pink party!!! What fun : ) Stunning dishes, awesome gifts & lovely needlework.
My GFs & I are heading to a quilt festival at the Essenhaus Inn - Middlebury. We tend to tour the local events & enjoy browsing.
What festivals are in your neck of the woods?? I do a blog for our EGA Chapter and usually put local events & exhibits there.
Wow oh double WOW !! I love the Fabulous Pink Party...looks like you all had such a great time. Everything looked perfect...from your lovely dishes to the gifts to the friends...FUN FUN FUN.
Have a great week and we'll see you soon!! Hugs
Your pink party looks like fabulous fun! :) Those dishes are just absolutely gorgeous! I don't think I have ever seen those before. Very pretty. ALL of the stitching is beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing more of the Garden of Eden. I am not familiar with that design, but I love anything A&E.
Have a great weekend!
congratulation for your pink party!!!
And with your posts, I can learn english! Thank you!
Hi from Italy
You must have had a real fun time at the pink party. What an awesome idea. And everyone was spoilt with gifts for their birthdays.
I love the dishes you mom found for you.
Your posts are always entertaining Terri and always interesting. Great pink party and you all look so fabulous.
Love all you girls in pink. Really pretty table setting Terri. I do love your crockery. By the look of it you had a fabulous day but Happy belated birthday. I wish for your health and happiness for the next 50 years. You go girl!
Just beautiful Terri!! Happy Belated Birthday!! And Terri, your posts are NOT too long, they are awesome, and from the heart, something that is not common these days it seems. Love, Jenny
Love, love, love, love your pink party! Everything about it :o) I had a pink party to celebrate my eighth year of being breast cancer free and it was so much fun. The pink marshmallows were a neat idea! I'm glad all the gals had fun. Their gifts were lovely and so are yours. I didn't realize it was your birthday so I'm late in wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERRI!
How wonderful was that, that you mother found those dishes and the linens to go with them? Your place settings are just beautiful and elegant. No wonder you are so happy :o)
Happy belated birthday!! It looks like you all had a fabulous time. LOVE the gift from Loraine!
Happy birthday! I collect the Desert Rose dishes and am planning a brunch for my neighbor's 50th birthday. I think I'll steal your idea and go pink. Sounds like you threw a great party. The little screwdrivers are precious!
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