~ Edited to say what's going on with my paragraph and sentence placement?
I'm here! I'm alive! I've just been BUSY! Thanks so much for all the emails
asking about me. Life has been crazy busy with lots of stuff going on.
But, the garden is blooming, the tomatoes are coming in (and tasting
fabulous), the graduations, weddings and birthday celebrations are in
full swing, estate sales, garage sales, dinners on the patio and the
summertime livin', while not necessarily easy, has been BUSY! I'm going to
bore you with a few shots of my garden interspersed throughout this LONG post.
Remember, all pics are clickable to see in their full glory (especially the doll
house with all it's great furniture)!
I have absolutely zero stitching to show you - so, if that's what you're
here for, I'm sorry to disappoint. I, like a lot of stitchers out
there, am just too busy to find time to stitch right now. Truth be
told, when I do have a few minutes to sit down and could be stitching or
blogging, I prefer to sit on the patio, admiring or working in the
garden (really it's a yard with a few plants but I like to call it a
garden) and watching the birds flit in and out of the birdhouses and
back and forth between feeders. Add to that a glass of iced tea or a
glass of wine and stitching and/or blogging quickly become a distant
I do have some cool estate sale finds to show you.
An estate sale is really a glorified garage sale but it just sounds a
little more upscale, doesn't it?
Do you think Martha (do I really have to spell out her last name?) goes
to garage sales? I've heard her talk about "tag" sales, AKA estate
sales but can't recall hearing her talk about garage sales per se'. I
doubt they do that in the Hamptons and I doubt I could afford anything
in a Hamptons garage or estate sale anyway. Wouldn't you just keel over
if she got out of her car (would she drive a Bentley, a Jag, a Mercedes, or
would she have a driver?) and walked up your driveway and said, "OMG,
I've just got to have that bowl. Would you take a quarter for it?"
You know, rich people are rich because they like a bargain even more than us regular folks do!
I would probably say, "I' don't know, Martha. Fifty cents seems fair to me."
Do you think she'd buy it? I'd love to meet her some day. Do you think she reads blogs?
Good golly, I barely have time to read them, I'm sure she doesn't. She probably
has someone read them for her and report in.
Okay, sorry, I digress.... back to garage, I mean estate sale finds.
Do you like doll houses? How about doll rooms? I found this at an
estate sale recently and it was marked $100 to include all the
furniture. No way I would spend $100 for it but as it happens, Rob and
I were there the last day, near the end of the day, and they announced
that everything was 75% off so for $25 I took it.
I thought I could stitch a sampler, punch-needle a rug and just have fun with it.
I brought it home and it didn't really work for me but Sheila has a
doll house she's been trying to furnish so I let her have it. Well, not
really have it, I sold it to her for what I paid for it but I kept the
spinning wheel for my craft room as my finder's fee. All the furniture
was wood and was in perfect condition. The big organ is a music box and
all the doors open on all the furniture pieces and the insides of the game table
are lined with felt. Very pretty!!
They also had this cool door that had once belonged to a built in cabinet in the house.
It was marked $40 so I got it for $10 and just love it. I've just set it in my foyer
window for now but Rob will hang it for me sometime so it will hang in the middle of that
window. The light thru the yellow glass looks really pretty.
At the same estate sale they had a deal where you could stuff a plastic
bag with anything marked $20 or less and pay a whopping $5 for all that
fit in the bag. There wasn't a lot of small stuff left but I did pick
up these little dolls and a few other small things. I got the Scarlet
O'Hara doll because Rob is always quoting a line from that movie to me.
When I don't like the way something is going, or something he's
suggested he'll say "Don't turn your nose up at me Katie Scarlett." The
boy doll, while not Rhett, was cute, don't you think? The other doll was just too
cute not to stuff in the bag.
I did hit a garage sale a week or so ago and while there was not a thing
there I wanted, the lady that lived there was charming and I sat and
talked with her a while. She asked what I was looking for and I told
her that basically I look for vintage linens, glassware etc. She asked
me to wait and came out with this beautiful tablecloth and these
wonderful hankies.
Isn't the edge of the tablecloth pretty:
The pretty hankies:
The table cloth was one her family had used every year for Christmas but
she no longer hosted the Christmas dinner so she'd love for me to have
it (for a price, of course!). The hankies, her great aunt had tatted
years ago. I snatched those up, too. There's something so much more
elegant about a hankie than a tissue. Don't you think? Well, as long as it's
not full of... you know....
Anyway, I went to a funeral a few years ago and an older, very elegant woman
had a gorgeous hanky she was using to blot her tears (not blow her nose - yuck!).
I knew at that moment that I wanted to do that as well and I've collected them
ever since, but these are my favorites. I ended up carrying one
of these to the wedding I went to last weekend and it came in quite handy.
Not for any tears I shed but for the heat induced glistening showing up on
my face!
I also picked up a TON of Tupperware at an estate sale in my subdivision. All this on the
table was less than $10. After I got home, washed it well and was putting it away,
I was kind of sorry I didn't buy the cake cover thingy they had for 50 cents.
I don't bake much but when I do need one, I'd have it. So, I ran back to the sale
and they had put out even more Tupperware. I ended up with a great amount for
well under $20. I gathered up all my junky stuff and sent it to Goodwill. Yeah!
Here's another tablecloth I picked up recently. Sorry for the wrinkled picture,
but isn't it pretty!? I think this was all of $3. I just love it for a summertime
table setting.
Here is my little family all dressed and ready to go to the wedding I mentioned
above. Matt has been cut out. The heat was sweltering and standing outside in
the heat to take "dumb pictures" was not making him happy and his face showed it!

The bigger event for ME over the past few weeks was planning and throwing
a surprise birthday party for Julie at my house. Julie's DH, John
wanted to give her a surprise party so I volunteered my services and
house. I am nothing if not a deal maker so I told him, if he foot the
bill, I'd host the party. He graciously accepted and off we went.
Trust me, it's really fun to host a party when you don't have to foot
the bill for the food and booze!
I love throwing parties; big or small doesn't matter. This was a moderate
sized party, I guess; about 50+ guests. Julie's parents
came in from Wisconsin, her sister came in from Minnesota, another
sister and her family live in the area and her sister's MIL and DH came,
a brother and his wife came from Pennsylvania, my parents came from
Virginia and Julie's closest college friends and her closest high school
friends made it in for the party, too. The party was a big success, Julie was
surprised and it was a lot of fun. I didn't get a lot of pictures as I was too busy
but here's a shot of folks sweltering in the heat:
This is Julie's son Josh (center) and her nephews Benjamin and Matthew sitting down to eat.
I went to my friend Sheila's son's graduation party on Sunday in Grosse
Pointe. If you've seen the movie Grosse Pointe Blank, you may recall
the gorgeous homes in this area. Very wealthy, old money. After the
party, Julie and I decided to take a little tour of the area. Guess
what? Sunday night must have been trash night and look what the rich
folks threw out and I picked up!
Free. Off the street. Gotta love it!
I am hosting another party this Saturday for my friends Sally and Julie who
are both turning 50. We have a group of 8 gals that get together as
often as we can for a girls night and we celebrate each other's life
events as well. I told them all this was going to be a pink party so
everyone has to wear some combination of primarily pink and white. I'm
hoping for a lovely picture of all of us together. I'll post more on
that next week.
I hope you're all having a great summer - ours has been busy with not
much stitching for me - but it has been good. I have started something new
but not much progress yet. Pictures and details to follow.
Last but not least - I took a walk the other day through a cemetery near our
house. This little angel was just beautiful and sweet and sad, too.
So - in a big nutshell, that's what I've been up to.
Thanks for stopping by, thank you for becoming a follower (if I haven't
visited your site, I will soon, I promise) and thank you for your sweet
What a great post Terri!! You are soooo adorable, I love that dress!!
You've scored some great finds, and you had me laughing about Martha showing up at a garage sale, lol! I think you're right, if she "did" garage sales, she'd do some bargaining about the prices. I think I have one of her books and it's about "estate" or flea market shopping, full of her tips, etc. Too funny.
Your garden is lovely! I'm green with envy, as I can't keep anything alive!
Great to see you post, even when there's so stitching :) I miss you when you're too busy to post!
Great post Terri (I stuck with it right to the end) and lovely to see all your wonderful bargains.
Terri thanks for sharing your summer with us all! It looks like you have had a great time and can be excused from not doing too much in the way of stitching! Great photos, beautiful garden and I love the dress you wore to the wedding! Beautiful colour!
Hello that of beautiful photos at home you inhale the enjoyment, the happiness you are very lucky! I like very much the small shop window and the photo of the small dog
Best regards marylin
Wow, Terri, you have been busier than busy these days. No wonder that you have no time to stitch, lol. But it was a pleasure to read about all your activities and see your great flowers in the garden.
Great post Terri and all the wonderful finds you have collected.
You have beautiful flowers all around and thanks for sharing your family picture, you all look gorgeous!!
You are having a fun and eventful summer. Your garden flowers look lovely. Can't wait to see what you're stitching next.
Hi Terri! Sounds like you have been really busy! This weather has been so hot, hasn't it? I am not a big fan of heat so this summer has been miserable for me I love the table cloth and the hankies..so delicate and beautiful! It's always a joy to read your blog and see all your pictures!
OK, you need to come here and give garage/estate sale lessons. I NEVER find anything that good!!!
You have really been having a great summer it seems. Love your 'finds'. You'll need a bigger house soon with all those treasures you keep collecting!
I adore doll houses. That one is so cool. We used to have a doll house museum in this area and I could just spend hours there.
Wow, have you been busy!! Those tablecloths are beautiful. Good luck with your party!
Morning Terri,
I loved your picture intense post! lol
I think most of us love pictures.
Your flowers are devine - and the party your threw was wonderful - I like the idea of someone else footing the bill, not a bad deal at all.
What a cute doll house and the price to beat - guess you got the best of the deal on it...got your money back plus you kept the spinning wheel...again, what a way to deal!!!! lol
Hugs, Karen
You didn't bored me with your long post, Terri. I enjoyed following your adventure. I love all those miniature furnitures inside the doll house especially the spinning wheel. That yellow glass door looks really cool as you said. I can imagine it will looks so nice to hang in the middle of your window. I love that little doll with red hat, she is so pretty. What a great bargain price on all those Tupperware. Beautiful picture of you and your family. You looks beautiful, Terri. Enjoy your pink party and looking forward to see some party pictures.
So sweet of you to resend something else for me. I appreciate it. But I do hope the mail is just extremely slow and fingers crossed the package will reach here safely.
Happy partying, Terri. :)
Wow! You certainly have had a full summer! Love all your goodies - especially the piece that someone threw out! Amazing!
Great photo of you at the wedding - you make that dress look fantastic!
Well I can see that you've been very busy this summer! Isn't it awful how there's just no time for stitching sometimes? I love how you kept the spinning wheel for your finder's fee for that doll house set. Love all your other finds as well. And I guess it pays to go through rich neighborhoods when it's trash day! lol! I bet Martha (you know who) goes to estate sales, and maybe even tag sales. Maybe she'll do a piece on them someday. Was Matt sad to be cut out of the family picture? lol! You all look so spiffy!
Terrific post, Terri! I really enjoyed all your pictures. What wonderful summer adventures you have had!
Hey busy girl, looks like you've been having lots of fun this summer. What great goodies you've been picking up! Tell Julie "Happy Birthday" and I hope to see you gals this fall, Dawn
Terri sounds like you've been keeping yourself very busy and you're right - sometimes it's just hard to fit in the stitching time. Love seeing photos of your beautiful garden blooms - the hydrangea was exquisite - that is my fave flower. Loved seeing all your "treasures" - enjoy and we'll chat again soon! Mel
You said you were busy and you weren't fooling...such happy things going on in your world!! And such a lovely dress for the wedding...it looks great on you. Sorry Matt's pout wasn't appropriate to be included.
Great finds, especially love that FREE table, wowzers!!! You also did a wonderful job hosting the party for your dear friend. Bet she was thrilled!!
Can't wait to see some stitching, when you get back to doing some! Enjoy these hot summer days that are left, your flower garden is flourishing!!
Great post and pics Terri...I am never disappointed reading your blog! Thanks for sharing....Looking forward to September!! Hugs
Terri, i love the way you find all these treasures! I must live in the wrong place, there is only jung to be found around here,lol.
Your summer sounds fun and busy, there will be plenty of time in the winter to catch up on stitching :-)
I'm afraid my garden hasn't faired as well as yours, the rain and the wind came and now theres not a lot left to show, your colourful flowers are fantastic!
BTW, i love the dress you wore for the wedding
You are so funny, Terri! I laughed so hard at Martha at a garage sale. She probably would pay a quarter! I love your finds. I collect a lot of linens and if they are cheap I dye them. It's an obsession!
Good to see you post! I love all your bargains but especially the hankies! What a wonderful find.
Hi Terri:
I loved your post...defiantly not boring...Great treasures...I really love your old cabinet window... and the table clothes and napkins are beautiful..
I had a great time visiting your blog, Nancy
Great picture of you and the boys and I love the pics from your garden. You do find some fabulous stuff while you are out and about.
Whew! I was starting to worry something had gone awry. Hope to see you at the K.S. meeting Sunday. Love your dress for the wedding and how funny you cut your son out - gotta love those 'tudes...batteling 'tude with my loving son at this very minute. I like your shopping finds. And your flower pictures look greeting card worthy!
A fun post, Terri! Thanks for sharing all the great pictures. :D
Beautiful linens! What luck, scoring the tablecloth and the hankies; the lady must have know you are someone who will appreciate them and give them a good home.
Wow Terri! So many great things to comment about!
Love all the estate sale finds. The dolls...too cute, and that doll house is darling. Sorry it didn't work out it your home, but sometimes that's the way it is. I'm glad Rob isn't quoting another famous line out of the "Gone with the Wind" movie to you. You know the one...Frankly my dear...yea. LOL
Love your family photo. You all look so fabulous for the wedding. Great dress you have on!
Cool tupperware finds too.
So happy to see you post. Guess I better get one done soon too.
Hugs to you my dear friend.
Always wonderful to read about what's happening in your life. Bargains, gardening, entertaining, and even Martha Stewart thrown in as well. Great fun!
Loved catching up with your busy summer life, Terri--very, very handsome family you have there!
Don't you love it when you "find" a special piece that someone has set out for trash pickup? I've gotten a lovely stained glass window, a small roll-top desk and other assorted goodies that way. My husband just groans when I appear with another "saved" item...
Love it all! Definately not boring - great finds and fun times. I can just see Martha saying, "It's a good thing" while perusing at a garage sale! Take care :)
Love seeing all your wonderful finds and those linens are gorgeous. Your flowers are so beautiful and boy have you been busy. Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting me. I appreciate it so much.
Happy birthday my freind
best regard mary
I am just doing a quick stop but just to tell you that you look gorgeous in that photo, in that beautiful green dress! Picture perfect!
My, you have been busy!
Nice finds!
I have to say - I think if I saw Martha Stewart walking up my driveway, I might run & hide, lol!! I used to work with a lady whose brother did landscape work for her... and oh my, she told me some tales! Apparently Martha is one nasty customer. She actually chased him off her property in her Jeep one day because his crew showed up a few minutes late!
Anyway, have a great week!
Woo, Terri, I'm just now catching up with all of your summer adventures! You've been a busy girl. I think you may have to take up shopping as a profession ... can't believe all of the things you find.
Keep having loads of fun.
je suis admirative de ces belles nappes.....tu as fait de beaux achats...je te souhaite une très belle journée
It sounds like you are having a fantastic summer! Keep enjoying it!
This is a bit late, but I am intensely envious of your craft room. I live in hope that someday I will find a way to be organized AND pretty at the same time! It was grand meeting you at KSSG last weekend, and I look forward to reading your blog often!
That's okay Terri! I imagine a lot of us are busy being outside lately :o) Your flower pictures are fabulous!
Great finds, as usual. LOL! I laugh as I picture you taking off with that table ;o)
That is a lovely picture of you and your family. You look fantastic in that dress! LOVE IT!
Btw, Martha has a place (or used to) in Maine and they said that she's not very nice :O(
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